10-10-72 PC Minutes ���
Oct�er i0, 1972
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planninq Corrnnission was held at 8:00 P.M.
on Tues day, October 1 Q, 1972 at the Ci vi c Center, 7800 Gol den Val l ey Road,
Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Chairman Lundsgaard presided and the following merr�ers were present: Cornrnissioners
Anderson, Becker, Christiansen, Sampson, and Van Morn. Also present was
Larry Giesler from P�lidwest Planning and Research , Inc. and Recording Secretary
Jon Westlake.
Members absent: Vice Chairman Franzen and Co►�rrissioners Edstrom and Swanson.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Andersqn, seconded by Van Horn , carried
unanimously , to approve the minutes of the September 25 , 1972 meeting as mailed.
Russel l 's Wi rth Park Additi on
Robert L. Russell , owner
Four (4) resi c�nti al lots approximately �0�' east of Meadow Lane,
36t�' north of Glenwood Avenue, and west of Theodore Wi rth Park
7he pro�osed alat, Russell `s Wirth Park Addition, consists of four (4) residential
lots with each lot meeting more than the minimum requi rements of 12,500 square feet
and 1�� feet of frontage. Mr. Russell 's home is located on Lot 2 Block 2 of the
plat. The plat contains access for street Right of Way to its North boundary, but
presently there wi 11 be a cul de sac unti 1 the property further to the Narth is
Messrs . Sam Courey, attorney, and Art Ostl und of Egan Fiel d & rdowak were present
to represent the avner, Mr. Russell .
Mrs. R. B. Thorness, 3940 Glenwood Avenue, was aresent to ask questions regarding
the plat.
In di s cussi n q the pl at Cor�mi ss i oner Ch ri sti ans en q uesti oned i f the Enqi neeri na
Department had reviewed the plat. Cornmissioner Anderson further discussed the
drainage. Commissioner Sampson directed the Plannino Corr�mssion's attention to
the Julv 24 , 1972 Planning Commission minutes regarding this plat. He further
questioned the placement of the street and curb and autter because of the 39 feet
Ri ght of Way.
It was moved by Christiansen, seconded b,y Sampson, carried unanimously, to approve
the plat.
. 1Q3
Pianning Commission
October �0, 1972 paqe 2
A1 Schw ank 1 e (2 Res i denti al 1 ots)
17�0 and 1740 Kel ly Dri ve North
The request is for two (2) resi denti al lots-each havi ng a frontage of 78 feet
and 9,36Q square feet of area. A memorandum from the Village Engineer, distributed
to the Planning Cammission, stated that if the lot division is approved, the
Engineering D�partment would request a drainage easement of 6 � feet alonq the East
line of Lot 7. There is presently a drainaae easement alon� the south property
Mr. A1 Schwankle, o�aner of the property, was present to make the request. He stated
there is presently a house located on the North si de of Lot 7. He also owns Lot 6 �
which contains a triple garage. Ne further stated he met with the Villa� Engineer
regarding drainag�e.
Robert Fredri ckson, 7250 Green Valley Road, stated that this area drains down into
Hampshire Park. He wanted to knaw what the elevations would be if the lots were
fiiled. He does not want the drainac�e flowin� inta the lots to the south .
Robert P. Schafer, 72�tJ Green Valley Road, stated that the drainage now runs south
into Fredrickson 's l�t and the.y have a large amount of water. If a home is built
on the proposed lot , the home wi 11 have to be bui lt closer to the lot lines and
the lot will have to be filied.
The Planning Commission in discussing the proposal noted all lots in this area
are large in size with the exceotion of two lots aparoximately one block south
on Kelly Dri ve. These two lots have smaller frontage than the requi red �(� feet,
but they have a iarger frontage and square footage than the proposed lot di visi on
before the Planning Commissian. The Commission also noted this is a corner lot
whi ch the propanent is proposi ng to di vide; therefore, the setbacks wi 11 be more
strict than on an interior lot.
It was moved by Sampson, seconded b,y Christiansen, carried unanimously, to deny
the request, based on lot size.
Mr. Larry Giesler distributed a schedule for completi on of the Comprehensi ve Pl an.
After discussing the schedule with the Planning Commission the follawing meeting
dates were set:
Tuesday, October 24, 1972 - meeting at 7:�0 P.M.
- Finalize the Comprehensive Development Plan
- Dis cuss natural areas for offi ci al map
- Revi ew the broch ure
Planning Commission
Qctober 10 , 1972 page 3
Tuesday, Noverrber 14, 21 , and 28, 1972 - meeting at 7:�(l P.M[.
- Review Zoninq Qrdinance and corrections on zoning map
Tuesday , December 12, 1972
- Informal meeti n� wi th Vi 11 age Counci 1 far revi ew of Corr�rehensi ve Plan
Mr. Giesler further discussed specifics as listed in the time table. The
Planning Commission also discussed the Comprehensive Plan Map finalizing some
specific areas that have been discussed at length in the past. The Corrnrrission
also discussed portions of the thorouc�fare plan. With respect to this ,
Comrrrissioner Anderson stated she and Commissioner Franzen have rr�t with the
people in Precinct #6 and they wi 11 meet again wi th the resi dents on October �0,
1972 prior to reporting to the Planninq Corranission on the General Mills parcel
and Dul uth Street.
Laurel Avenue - Propos al by Res i dents
Thr�ee residents were present to distribute to the Ptanninq Commission a list of
names of residents on the Laurel Avenue Committee. This list also contains the
thoughts of the residents for the future of Laurel Avenue. They further pointed
out they neglected to give this list to the Planning Commission when they discussed
thei r proposed sketch pl an on Laurel Avenue at the September 25, 1972 Pl anni ng
Commission meeting.
There bei nc� no further busi ness to come before the meeting, it was on motion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 11 :4�1 P.M.
Chairman Warren Lundsgaard Secretary Lowell Swanson