12-11-72 PC Minutes 11� MINUTES OF THE GOLDEfd VALLEY PLANNING (X?NlMISSION December 11, 1972 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, �ecember 11, 1972 at the Ci.vic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Warren Lundsgaard presided and the following members were present: Vice Chairman Franzen, Commissioners Anderson, Christiansen, Edstrom, Sampson, and Swanson. Also present was Village Consultant Carl 29a1e, Larry Giesler from Midwest Planning and i�esearch, Inc., and Recording Secretary Jon Westlake. Members absent; Commissioner Becker 1. APP�OVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Christiansen, seconded by Anderson, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the November 27, 1q72 meeting as mailed. 2. COMPREHENSTVE PLAN Mr. Larry Giesler from Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. was present to discuss certain changes in the Comprehensive Plan so that the ideas and changes in the Plan would represent the current thoughts of the Planning Commission in preparation for the joint meeting between the Village Council and the Planning Commission on �ecember 12, 19?2. 3. REVIE4d PF�OPOSE�D ZONING QDDL Mr. Carl Dale of Design Planning Associates, Inc. continued reviewing the pro- posed new Zoning Code with the Planning Commission and members of the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Planning Commission had �reviously met on Thursday, Atovember 30, 1972 for their first meeting in reviewing the proposed Zoning Cade. Members present at that meeting were Chairman Lundsgaard, Vice Chairman Franzen, and Commissioners Anderson, Becker, Christiansen, Edstrom, and Swanson. I�. GENEftAL (a) Scheduled Planning Commission Meeting The regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on 'Tlecember 25, 1972 is cancelled, and will not be re-scheduled. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Januar;� 8, 1973. (b) Scheduled Meeting - Interstate 391� The Village Council of the Village of Golden Yalley has scheduled a meeting at the Civic Center on January 9, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. with the Planning Commission and the Citizen�s Advisory Committee representatives regarding Interstate 39�t. There being no further business to come be�ore the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 11:20 P.M. Chairman Warren Lundsgaard Secretary Lowell Swanson