01-08-73 PC Minutes 119 MINUTES OF THE GOLDII3 VALLEY PLANNING OOP+Il�L[SSION January $, 1973 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, January 8, 1973 at the Civic Center, 7$00 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Warren Lundsgaard presided and the following members were present: Vice Chairman Franzen, Commissioners Anderson, Becker, Christiansen, Edstrom, and Sampson. Also present was Village Consultant Carl Dale, Larry Giesler from Midwest Planning And Research, Inc., and Recording Secretary Jon Westlake. Members absent: Commissioner Swanson. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MQVED by Christiansen, seconded by Anderson, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the 39ecember 11, 1972 meeting as amended. 2. REVIEW PROPOSAL FUR CAROUSII, PORSCHE-AUT,ff AUTON�SILE AGII�tCY South of Highway 12 and East of Flag Avenue South The site is approximately two acres located south of the south service drive of T.H, #12, east of Flag Avenue South, and north of Miller Street. The Chairman asked Mr. Garl Dale to review the planning considerations, which are as follow: 1. The current zoning is Industrial and this use would be permitted under existing regulations, but ��the use would not be in conformity to the proposed Comprehensive Village Plan which calls for the site and general area that is still vacant to be some form of higher density housing. It should also be noted that even if retained as "industrialt�zoning, the proposed new ordinance does not permit car sales as this is considered a general or more intense type of commercial aetivity. 2. While there axe existing commercial uses to �he east, they are of a mixed variety - all of which could be accommodated under a "Retail Business� category either as a permitted or special (conditional) use. A car sales operation here would be out of place and certainly curtail any incentive towards residential use of nearby vacant property. Residential use was recommended for much of the remaining vacant land due to access problems, the proposed nature interpretive center, nature of nearby land uses in St. Louis Park, and other reasons. 3. It is suggested that an '�automobile row" extending through Golden Valley is not desirable planning; in any event, such uses should be grouped in areas specifically designed to accommodate such intensive commercial activities. !t. There are questions of circulation involving customer access, demonstration drives, repair test drives, and the like; the site is not well situated for such activities. 5. The site plan, as submitted, would not seem to indicate a high-quality or imaginative design; certainly, many, many questions that could be raised are left unanswered by the site plan submitted. 6. It is suggested that the proposed use would not be beneficial to � land use potential for the general area since under no circumstances could we recommend the evantual zoning to be General Business. St would be only under a General Busines type 2oning that the use would be permitted under terms of. the Pr�oposed Comprehensive Village Plan and Zoning Regulations:' �.�� Planning Commission January 8, 1973 page 2 The Planning Commission discussed the planning considerations-keeping in mind the Comprehensive Plan. The uses that are presently in this area were also discussed. There was concern about access, landscaping� screening, parking, lighting on the site, customer demonstration, proposed I-39�t, etc. Messrs. Edward Sheehy of EDS Construction and Robert Lamse, President of Carousel Porsche- Audi Automobile Agency, were present to review the proposal. Mr. Sheehy exp7.ained that the building will have face brick on the e�cterior of the building, and it wall be completely sprinkled. He also reviewed the plot plan, showing how they meet the present Ordinance. The Planning Commission asked Mr. Sheehy if he had looked into the possibility of Highway 12 being upgraded and what their plans were for access. The Commission also asked what was planned for the open area on the south end of the site. Nir. Sheehy stated this area would be land- scaped. Mr. Lamse was asked about the figures showing 23 used cars and 12 new cars which is governed by the present zoning ordinanee in relation to the size of the building. Mr. Lamse pointed out that because of the type of automobile they se11 they have a small amoufit of used cars. They presently sell approximately 30 new cars a month, and if they were in the proposed building, they plan to sell 40 to Lt5 cars per month. They presently have 28 employees-of which four are salesmen. They will not have promotional items such as trailers, snowmobiles, etc. Pir. Lamse also explained they do only minimum repair so the site is never unsightly with damaged cars. The Planning Commission reviewed with Mr. �ale the type of recommendation they could make in view of the fact the proposal meets the present Zoning Ordinance, but the propased Comprehensive Plan and proposed Zoning Code would not allow this use on this parcel. , After considerable discussion it was moved by Anderson, seconded by Edstrom, carried unanimously: The Planning Commission recognizes the proposal is within the scope of the present Zoning Ordinance, but the Commission points out that the proposed use is no longer suitable in accardance with the proposed Comprehensive Plan for this area which, since March of 1972, has been re-planned as high density Residential. Two reasons why high density Residential is indicated for this area are: 1. Ingress and egress to Highway 12 is very difficult and presently is the only access to the area. 2. The Nature Interpretive Center planned by St. I,ouis Park, which includes a portion of Golden Valley, would be more conducive to a residential atmosphere. 5hould plans for the auto agency proceed, the Village Council should be cognizant of the staff report whieh is a part of these minutes, including Section 7.06 Automobile Sa1es and Shaw Rooms of Appendix I of the Zoning Code for detail plans concerning setbacks, access, landscaping, screening, parking, lighting, accessory buildings, and outside storage. The Planning Commission further recognizes that no waivers wi11 be requested by the petitioner. 3. REVIEW PRUP05AL FOR W T C N BUILDIPtG South of Highway 55 and west of Boone Avenue ��� Planning Commission January 8, 1973 page 3 Mr. Westlake i.nformed the Planning Commission he had received a telephone call from Mr. Leo �omeier of W.T.C.N. informing him the plans were not ready. The Commission felt that when the presentation is ready they would meet with the � Building Board of Review with respect to this request. Commissioner Edstrom also suggested that the proponent receive an opinion from the Federal Communi- cations Commission stati.ng whether there wauld be any interference with telenision reception or radio in this area, including the Police radio system, etc. !�. G�MPREHE�T5IVE PLANNING PROGRAM (a) Completion of Contract Mr. Larry Giesler informed the Planning Commission he had left his employee of Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. as of January 5, 1973, but he intends to complete all contract obligations for Midwest Planning on the Golden Valley Comprehensive PIan. Mr. Giesler feels he will have it completed and delivered to Golden Valley by the third week of January 1973 with the execution of the following tasksz - Complete preparation and printing of Brochure. - Edit and printing of the Comprehensive Plan fteport. - Prepare recommended Zoning Map. - Zoning Ordinance meetings by Carl DaZe (2 meetings left to complete). - Preparation of the Comprehensive Plan Display Map. - Prepaxation of the Transportation Plan 99isplay Map. Mr. Giesler then referred to a memorandum of which a portion reads: "RTote that I have not included the plan adoption hearing as a contract commitment. Although we have assumed through the course of the program that the hearing would be part of the contract as one of the 20 meetings, we have fax exceeded that number of ineetings, and the hearings are not specifically mentioned in the contract. Further, the cost of preparing for the hearings was more than taken up by the cost of preparing for the neighborhood meetings. By excluding the hearings from the contract obligation it is therefore possible to complete the contract during my remaining days at Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. If you wish my services for the hearing or any other function connected with preparing the plan for adoption, I will be available to provide that service on a time and materials basis under a separate agreement." Jim Hawks of Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. will discuss the above mentioned contract commitment with the Village Manager and Council. The Planni.ng Commission then discussed the finalization of the report changes and the Comprehensive Plan Map with Mr. Giesler. (b) Plan Hearing Date - Brochure - Media to Inform Public -of Plan The Planning Commission set February 26, 1973 as a target date to hold a hearing at the Planning Commission level on the Comprehensive PIan. With respect to the Brochure and the h�aring-it was felt at this time to have the contract amount ��� Planning Commission January 8, 1973 page 4 printed and distributed to clubs and organizations of Golden Va11ey. The Commission then, after hearing at the Planning Commission level, may request a finalized addition of the Brochure to be printed for distribution. The Com- mission also discussed various ways such as the Golden Valley Bulletin, hand delivery of a circular (as was distributed prior to the neighborhood meetings), Sun Newspaper, radio, or television. The Commission will further discuss these ideas at the next Planning Commission meeting. The Commission also suggested that Commissioner Becker work with Jon Westlake with respect to ideas and ways of informing the citizens about the Planning Commission hearing. 5. OONTINUE REViEWAL QF PROPOSED ZONIATG aDpE - THIRD SESSION Car1 Da1e of Design Planning Associates A�r. I9ale continued the discussion on the proposed Zoning Code. Also present was Mahlon Swedberg, representing the Board of Zoning Appeals. 6. GII�TERAL Village Land South of Highway 55 and West of Winnetka Avenue The Planning Commission discussed the Village using the area south of Highway 55 and west of Winnetka Avenue to deposit street sweeping, leaves, blacktop, and the like, noting the activity on the site is noticeable and pointing out it is adjacent to a busy intersection. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 12:10 A.M. Chairman Warren Lundsgaard Secretary Lowell Swanson