02-12-73 PC Minutes ��� A'IINUTES OF THE C30LDEN VALLEY PLANNTNG tbMMISSI�N February 12, 1973 A regular mesting of the Golden Valley Planni.ng Commission was held at ?:30 P.M. on Monday, February 12, 1973 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Ghairman Warren Lundsgaard presided and the following members we�re present: Vice Chairman Franzen, Commissioners Anderson, Becker, and Sampson. Also present was Consultant Carl Dale and �ecording Secretary Jon Westlake. . Members absent: Cotnmissioners Christian�en� Edstrom, and Swanson. . 1. APPROVAL OF MSNUTES: N�VED by Anderson, second�.i by Sampson, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes af the January 22, 1973 meeting as mailed. 2. WAIVER OF THE PLATTII3G O�I3INANCE (a) Richard C. Johnson (Residential-2 lots) 21l�-22T. Sunnyridge Lane The request is to divide a large lot, known as Lot 3 Sunnyridge Addition, into two Iots. The difficulty with the division is that the home is located in the center of the lot� Ieaving approximately 9�800 square feet on the North where the proponent is requesting a division in the property. The Planning Commission in discussing the request noted the lots South of Poplar Drive are considerably larger than the required 12,50� square foot minimum lot si�e. The Commission askec the proponent, Mr. Johnson, if it wauld be possible to purehase a portion of Lat 6 Sunnyridge Addition to meet the required square footage, The proponen� stated he feels he has approximately 11,000 square feet in the proposed lot. Tt was moved by Franzen, seconded bp Anderson, carried unanimously, to defer action on the request pending �urther investigation by the proponent to determine if a portion of adjacent land can be added to the lot making it conform to the Ordinance. If the present requsst is re-submitted to the Planning Commission, it should show the exact amount of square footage. The Commission also requests that notices be sent to adjoining property owners notifying them af the proposed division. (b) Richard 2�u�ner (Residential-2 lots} 1lt15 Ke11y 2�ive North-11�16 Oregon Avenue North The proposal is to divide off the Wes� portion of the property. The F�ginsering 13epartment is requesting a 5-foot easement off Kelly `�ive and a Drai.nage and Utility Easement on the proposed (division) lot line. The Planning Commission not�d the propon�nt�s request is to divide the lot 135 �eet East of the East Right of Way line of Oregon Avenue. The property to the North has a rear depth of 1te2 fe�t and the property to the South has a rear depth of 167 feet East of Oregon Ave. 127 Planning Commission February 12, 1973 page 2 The Flanning Commission asked the proponent if they wauld consider establishi.ng the lot line at llt2'� which would be in iine with the lot to the North, with an eas�nent or if they remained with the original proposal of 135', to provide an easement on the parcel to the East connecting the points of the rear yards (lot lines� of the North-South lots. Mrs. Turner ask�i if the request coul.d be withdrawn for further study. It was �ved by Franzen, seconded by Sampson, carried unanimously� to defer action on the request for a waiver of the Platting Ordinanee. 3. REQUE5T FC1R SPEG"IAL USE PF�T Antler Corparation - Burger King Corporation 6660 Wayzata Boulevard Mr. Westlake reviewed with the Planning Commission the proposed plan and Sec.7.03 Append3x I of the Zoning Code regarding Specia3. Uses. Nir. Dal.e reviewed the following Planning Considerations: 1. The site as well a5 the surrounding general area is currently zoned Industrial, The current ordinance, ho�rever, permi.ts uses other than those narmally considered as "i.ndustrial" and which. will not be included in the proposed new zoning regulations; such uses refer��ed to are ��general business� and a separa�e zone wil.l be established for such uses rather than permitting them to locate in the izidustrial districts. 2. �.ie in part to past zoning practices, much of the surrounding area has� in fact, developed into '�general. business�� usage rather than indust,rial. Such commercial uses of a rather intense nature actually dominate the frontage road from F2.orida Avenue South westward to Rhode Zsland Avenue. As such, existing uses are reeognized and both the proposed zoning distriet map and the Village Land Use P1an have designated the site and general area in question for "General Business'�� use. As such, the currently proposed Burger Ki.ng Restaurant �u1d be a permitted use but onl.y under terms of a conditional permit due to the }'drive-in" nature and potential assaciated problems. 3. A rather detailed site plan has been submitted and it is understood that it will be revised somewhat to more fully comply with land- scaping requirements (larger yard areas and plants better suited tv local cl3mate conditions). Also the trash enclosure will be moved nearer the building for more convenience, The site seems ample for the intended use and no problems are foreseen in meeting the various site plan requirements. !t. It is suggested that the site plan include a specifia deseription �f the proposed exterior lighting and that such lighting comply withthe recomrr►ended glare standards contained in the performance standards of the proposecl new Zoning 8egulations. All utilities including power and telephone lines should be insta3led underground i.n line with curr�nt trends towards such visual and long-term maintenance improvements. ��� Planning Commission February 12, I973 page 3 5. Any and all signs should be erected onl,y as speeifically i.ndicated on the approved plans which should be a condition of the 5pecial Use Permit. b. A1.1 utilities, drainage, curbing, parking lot surfacing, and the like should be as recommended by the Village Engineer and other appropriate �epartments. 7. Parkin� provisiong on the fina]. site plans should he checked for adequacy against appropriate standards for the combi.ned needs of both on-site food service and carry-out orders. 8. Assuming the architecture meets with approval from the Buil.ding Board of Rsview� a detailed SpeciaZ Use Permit should be drafted stating permit conditions in a manner similar to that now done for Planned Unit Developments. 9. StIMMaRY a) Plans as submitted �eem to indicate that there is a desire to con- tinue the general trend today for "drive-in" establishments to present a far better appearance and "image" than in the past. b} It sesms quite feasible to develop an ace�ptable site plan for the property and use in question. c) The proposed use would be i.n conformity to the prapos�i Comprehensive Municipal Plan. The Planning Cammission discussed the planning considerations as listed and reviewed the general area as to land use and existing conditions. It was moved by Anderson, seconded b,y Sampson, ca,rried unanirrausly, to recommend approval of the Spec�al Use Permit with the following conditions: 1. Approva2 from the Building Board of Review. 2. Landscape plan to be designed by a landscape architect which also should include the place�n�nt of the lighting standards, and when the project is completeii, the landscape architec t would natify the Village that the landscaping is complet�d in aceordance with the plans as approded. 3. Include Ite�ms !t� 5, 6� and 8 as listed in the Planning Cansiderations. !t. Q�MPREHENSTVE 1'LAN HFARING DATE Because the information for the Comprehensive Plan has not yet been received from Midwest P3anning anc2 Research, Inc.� the Planning Commi.ssion set March I2, 1973 as the target date to hold the Plan hearing rather than February 2b, 1973. ��� Planna.ng Commissian �'ebruary 12, 1973 page tt S. CONTIAIUE REVIEW OF PROPOSED ZON.[IdG CODE - �'IFTF€ SESSION The Planning Commission further discussed the proposed Zoning Code with Carl �ale of �esign Planning Assaciates and Jon Westlake of the Village Staff. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly second�d� adjournerl at 11:10 P.M. Chairman Warren Lundsgaard Secretary Lowell Swanson