02-26-73 PC Minutes ���
February 2b, 1973
A regular meeting of the Gol.den Valley Planning Cammission was held at ?:3� P.�.
on Monday, February 2b, 1973 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road,
Golden Valley� Minnesota.
Chairman Warren Lundsgaard presided and the following members were present:
Vice Chairman Franzen, Commissioners Anderson, Becker� Christiansen, Edstrom,
Sampson� and 5wanson. New Planning Commission members present weres
Arthur leonard, Kathryn Her�e, and �?onald Hughes. Al�o present was ftecording
Secretary Jon Westlake.
Members absent: None.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUT�: MOVED by Anderson, seconded by Sampson, carried
unanimously, to approve the minutes of the February 12, 1973 meeting as amended.
{a) r�ichard C. Johnson (Residential-2 lots)
215-221 Sunnyridge Lane
The Chairman reviewed the February 12, 1973 Planning Commission minutes with
respect to this request. Notices were mailed out to adjoining property owners.
The proponent, Aqr. Johnson, stated he has discussed p�rchasing a portion of the
adjacent lot as suggested by the Planning Commission but at present the property
owner is not interested in 5elling. Mr. Johnsan further stated he now has found
that his plot plan is incorrect and he has a larger lat than proposed for division
on Lot 3 Sunnyridge �cidition. He has found now that the square foatage of the
proposed lot i� in the area of 1I,�300 square feet - which the Planning Commission
stated they look more favorably upon because of the increased square footage.
It was moved by Swanson, seeonded by Edstrom, carried unanimously, to defer
action on this request pending a survey showi.ng the location of present structures
and the square footage of the proposed lot, including the width o£ the lot at the
35-foot setback line.
(b) Premier ftaalty (add 6s� ta Industrial lot}
820 Boone Avenue North
Mr. Robert Brenny of Premier Realty informed the Planning Commission of the reason
for the proposed lot dieision. The Planning Commission in discussing the division
referred to the Apri3 10, 1972 Planning Commission minutes when the lot was
approved to the narth of this lot, leaving a 2� foot �og which is in the Northeast
corner of the lot now under consideration. The P3anning Commission also noted
that in adding the 65 feet to the south of this lot, it woul.d still leave a parcel
with approximately 5it0 feet of frontage on Boone Avenue.
It was moved by Sampson, seconded by Christiansen, carried unanimously, to
recommend approval of adding an additional 65 fee�t to the south of the lot iander
Planning Commission
February 26, 1973 page 2
(c) Richard Turner (Residential-2 lots)
lttl� Kelly �ive North-1ltI6 Oregon Avenue North
The present pareel is a lot with street frontage on each end. The request is
to divide off the west 135 feet of the lot for � separate parcel. Mr. Dean
Turner was present and stated he had met with Mr. Lowell Odl.and and Jon �Iestlake
af the Village staff regarding this parcel and the concerns listed in the
previous Flanning Commission minutes. The Commission noted that the lots that
have been divided in t22is block are not uniform as to the depth af the lot.
In view of this, the Planning Commission, as a guide for the remaining two lots
known as II�35 and 1lt45 Kelly Y9rive, suggested a 1ot depth of 1lt2 feet off
Oregan Avenue N. which is the same as presently platted 11t30 Oregon Avenue N.
It was �ved by Swanson, seeond� by Franzen, carried unanimousZy, to recommend
appraval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance for a depth of 135 fee� east
of the East Right of Way of Oregon Avenue North, subject to a 5 faot easement
in favor of the Village of (3olden Valley off the Kelly 39rive end o£ the 1ot.
Chairman Warran Lundsgaard introduc�i the following new Pl.anning Cc�mmission
members to the Commi.ssian: Arthur Leonard, Kathryn Herje, and Donald H�ghes.
The Planni.ng Commission discussed with the new members material that may be of
value to them and then asked Jon Westlake to researeh material that may b�
available to assist the new members af the Planning Commission.
The Chairman, speaking for the Planning Commission, also requested retiring
members i?onald Franzen and Lowell Swanson to remain with the Planning Commission
with respect to the Comprehensive Plan hearing (or hearings).
It was then moved by Edstrom, seconded by Christiansen, carried unanimously,
to e�ress the Planning Comma.ssion�s appreciation for the dedication and
important roles Vice Chairman T)onald Franzen and Commissioner Lowell Swanson
have played as Planning Commission members.
Participants Involved in Program at the E�hvironmental Science Center
Mrs. Syrile Ellison, Mrs. Ruth Fahrendorff, and Mrs. Betty Waldhauer� participants
in an environmentai program that has studied the natural areas in Golden VaZley,
reviewed wi�h the Commi.ssion a three page report dealing with the preservation
of open space and a task force that could be initiated in Golden Valley to deal
with this subject. fihe Planning Commission in discussin� this report referred
to three areas: l. Comprehen�ive Plan, 2. Members of a Committee appointed
from the E'hvironmental Cammission, Park & Recreation Cornmission and Planning
Commission met and suggested criteria for evaluating natural areas, 3. A
letter by the Mayor wi.th respect to the land the Village sY�ould earmark for
Planning Commission
February 26, 1973 pagg 3
After fwrther di.scussion it was moved by Anderson, seconded by P;dstrom, carried
unanimously, that the Flanning Commission endorse the concept of a task force
for an ad hoc committee, and further recommends tha.t the PZanning Commi.ssion
is in agreement with the coneept as proposed on page 3 of the report� including
the following additions: 1. There should be two representatives from each
o#' the Commissions.
2. This committee when formed should elect their
own chairman.
3. This committee should periodically report back to
the Commi.ssion they are working with, and also,
the representative from the Commission servin� on
this ad hoc committee can keep the Commission
in�ormed as part of his function.
Commi.ssioner �n.clerson distributed literature to the Planning Commission on open
space entitl� Metropolitan Open Space Project.
(a} Comprehensive Plan Material-Informal Meeting
Mr. Westlake distributed to the Gommission members the �oklet and brochure on
the Comprehensive Plan and discussed some elements of it.
The Flannin� Cc�mmission after discussing the material set Tuesday, March 6, 1973
at 7:30 P.M. to meet and further review the Comprehensive Plan material prior
to the hearing which is scheduled for March 12, 1973. The Planning Commission
also asked Mr, Westlake to check out the possibility of Larry Giesler attending
this ir�formal m�sting.
(b) Policy for Moderate Housing in Planned Unit Development
Commissioner Anderson suggested that this item be placed on the agenda, because
of the Planned tTnit Developments in pracess, as to how the moderate housing as
required by the Planning Commission in P,IT.D. is functionin�. Mrs. Anderson
discussed some �pecific points about the developments now under construction.
The Commission felt they would discuss this policy at a I'lanning Commission
meeting that does not have a lengthy agenda.
(c) Plannir�g Commission Officers for the 1973 Calendar Year
The Chairman of the Planning Cammission w3.11 appoint a nominating committee for
the election of officers for the March 2b, 1973 Planning Commission meeting.
(d} Alternate for Board of Zoning Appeals
Commissioner Christiansen, an alternate member on the Board of Zoning Appeals,
was appointed by the Plannang Commission to serve in place of the retiring
Planning Commission Vice Chairman until a new Vice Ghairman is elected to the
Planning Commission.
l�lanning Commission
February 26, i973 page !�
Thsre being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
Chairman Warren Lundsgaard Secretary Lowel.l Swanson