03-21-73 PC Minutes ���
March 21, 1973
A continued hearing by the Golden Valley Planning Commission on the proposed
Comprehensive Plan was held at ?:30 P.M. on Wednesday, Mareh 21, 1973 at the
Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley ftoad, Galden Valley, Minnesa-ta.
Chairman Warren Lundsgaard presided and the following members were present:
Commissioners .Anderson, Becker, Ch���tiansen, Edstrom, Herje, Hughes, Leonard,
and Sampson. Also present at the request of t�e Planning Commission were previous
Commissian members Don F'ranzen and Lowe11 Swanson. Joh Westlake, Recarding
Secretary was also present.
Members absents tdone.
Chairman Warren Lundsgaard informed the Planning Com�niss�.on that the Public Iiearing
is closed and th� discussion is now before the Planning Commission. Mr. Lundsgaard
then introduced th� first item for discussion w2zich is, access ta Sweeney Lake.
Commissioner Anderson introduced a motian that a new heading "Sweeney i,ake" be
p"laced on Page �3 of the Comprehensive Plan booklet eontaining the following:
"That the Village will investigate the possibility of providing a suitable public
access to Sweeney I,ake. This investigation will be a determination of the status
o.f the lake as a public body of water, the type of access, and the feasibility of
the Village providing it". Al.so, the foliowing language to be placed on the
Comprehensive P3.an map over Sweeney Lake: "Village will investigate possibility
of suitable public access". The motion was seconde�l by Edstrom and carried
The second item for discission was Oak Grove School and the possibility of School
T?istrict 281 abandoning the School. Commissioner Edstrom stated that any other
use other than Institutional (I-1) will require Planning Commiss3on and Council
consideration through public hearings, so the property is protect��d. Commissioner
Swanson suggested leaving the color designation as shown on the Comprehensive Plan
as is.
Zt was then moved by Anderson that the question had been raised regarding the
continued use of the school property as a recreational facility and that the Park
Board should eonsider this request. The motion was seconded by Fdstram and
carried unanir�uslq.
The third item for discussion was the area designated as High "�ensity Multiple
which is north of Betty Crocker Drive, south of Highway 55, west of Boane Avencte,
and east of County Road 18. Discussion was held at which time it was sug�ested to
leave the area as a High Density Multiple as shown on the Plan. This area then
would require a rezoning at the time a changa in zoning was needed. Commissioner
Becker felt the area would be more suitable for multiples. It was moved by
Christiansen, seconded by Anderson, to change the area now shown as High Density
Multiple to I,imi.ted Business. The motion carried with b yeas and one nay and
Commissioner Sampson abstaining.
Iliscussion was held on the property on the southeast quadrant of Mddicine Lake
Road and County Road 18 which the V,F.W. will be requesting a rezoning on.
Commissioner Fdstrom felt the Planning Cor�unission could not make a decision without
a formal presentation from the V.F.W._which the other Commissioners agreed with.
Planning Commission
March 21, 1973 page 2
Under the Community Facil3ties Plan a question was raised about the area north
of 23rd Avenue� east of Rhode Island Avenue� and south of the Dover Hills 1'lanned
Unit �3evel.opment pro3ect. It was moved by Anderson, seconded by Sampson, carried
unanimously, that this area be shown as a natural area on the Comprehensive Plan.
T7iscussion was held on the pond area north of Gircle �own, west of Tiighway 100,
and south of Colonial �rive. Commissioner Swanson felt this land could be sold as
separate lots. Comrnissioner Anderson said it is shown as ponding area on the
base map, iruiicating the Village m�y be interested in preserving this area.
Commissioner Becker questioned the public access to this pra�perty. Commissioner
Herje pointed out that it did not meet the criteria for a pond as discussed by a
committee formed out of Commission members that review natural areas in the
surr�er of 1972. Zt was maved by Sampson� seconded by Christiansen to designate
the area as a natural area. Upon vote being taken by ro11 call, the follo�ring
voted in favor: Anderson, Christiansen, Hughes, Leonard, and Sampson. '�he
following voted against the same: Beeker, �istrom, and Her�e. The rr►otion earried.
Zengthy discussion was held regarding Dulu�h Street from County Road 18 to
Winnetka Avenue,, which at this time is designated as a collector street on the
Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Herje moved that �u7.uth Street between Boone
and Flag Avenues be shown as a dotted line rather than a solid ��.ack line-this
would allow the street to remain as a State Aid dedicated street. Also, by
keeping the Right of Way, it gives the Village a bet,ter opportunity of ge�ting
additional land for the natural area on the north end of General Mills property.
If physically Duluth Street does nvt go through the General Mills property� we
are leaving the raad dedicated but not planned for development in the foreseeable
f�ture. The motion was seconded by Becker.
Commissioner Anderson then moved to amend the motion by adding the following to
Page 3!� Item 6-a, end of present sentence: "With the following exception-Duluth
Street not to be canstructed between Baone Avenue and F1ag Avenue if an agreement
is rsached between the Village and General Mills to preserve and use the land for
open space, zznl.ess Genera3 Mills develops the area to the north of its pres�nt
facilities creating traffic problems". Commissianer Leonard seconded the amend-
ment to the motion. The amendment carried with 7 yea and 3 nay. The motion
as amended passed unanimausly.
The next area was discussed in t�o parts-the first being Winnetka Avenue going
south from Highway 55 to Western Avenue, then east on Western Avenue veering
southeasterly to Louisiana Avenue extending to T.H. Z2, and the second part
being Western Avenue from Louisiana Avenue east designated as a minor arterial.
Commissioner Leonard addressed the Planning Commissian by referring to the Public
Hearing held on March 12, 1973 stating the residents from 1'recinct � were very
interested in transgortation developments in its boundaries. Precinct s has
approximately Z5� of the population of Golden Valley. He also stated there are
26 mil.es of State aid routes ixt Golden Valley and that 8 or 9 miles are located
within the boundaries of Preainct 5 whieh means Precinct 5 has approxi.mate]�y 3Q�
of all State Aid �treets in the Village. Commissioner Leonard continusd by
stating the regidents are concerned about T.H. 12 and want no additional splicing
up of their precinct in order that non-villagers may have a through-corridor
driving to and from areas outside the Villa ge. Commissioner Leonard then 3,ntro-
duced a petition signed by residents of Precinct 5 asking that no more transportation
corridors be placed in their area.
Planning Commission Page 3
March 21, 1973
Commissioners Sampson and Edstrom commented that the Gommission has not been
able to fine out exaetly what the residents in Precinct 5 feel should be proposed
for street patterns.
Commissioner 5wanson stated that Western Avenue wauld act as the only collector
street in the area for pedestrian traffic and other traffic. Laurel Avenue was
also discussed and Chairman Lundsgaard stated there has been some reaetion by
the fifth precinet by those who are concerned about Laurel .Avenue. Laurel Avenue
on the Comprehensive Plan is indicated as a collector street from Pennsylvania
Avenue to Turners Crossroad to help handle the traffic generated by the Tndust-
rial area to the south. The.:;�'I.an further establishes a minor arterial from
T.H. 55 south to Western Avenue and angling across to Louisiana Avenue which
ties to Laurel Avenue and continues south to T.H. 12.
Commissioner Leonaxd i.ntroduced a motion that a part of the Comprehensive Plan
that shows that part of Western Avenue starting at Ridgeway Road and going
easterly to Louisiana Avenue and southerly to Laurel Avenue ba removed from the
map. The motion was seconded by Edstrom, who asked if the minor arterial desig-
nation would be remaved from the Plan between Ridgeway Road and Winnetka Avenue
on Western Avenue. Gommissioner Leonard stated that portion would sti11 remain
a Sta�e aid street. Gommissioner Franzen questioned what would happen to
Louisiana Avenue if the diamand interchange were built at Louisiana Avenue and
T.H. I2 which would produce mnre traf�ic for LQUisiana. Commissioner Leonard
answered by stating frontage roads are proposed on both sides of T.H.12, which
�aould har�dle this. The proposal for Louisiana Avenue is for a split diamond
intersection sa the traffic cou3d flow north on Loua.siana to �aurel, west on
Laurel to Winnetka, and north on Winnetka. The motion was defeated with
7 nay to 1 yea.
Commissioner Anderson discussed a proposed motion which would add a language
change to Page ,32 Item 3 such as: Construct the final length in ths minor arterial
route located be�ween T.H. 55 and T.H. 12. The preferred ftight of Way will be
G1.snwood Avenue from the eastern boundries of the �iillaga to Winnetka A�enue
with a grade separation at T.H. 5s (this would be better accomplished if a ring
system is constructed around the Civic Center). Because the Village does nat
have complete contral over Glenwood Avenue and Highway 55 and therefore cannot
definitely assure that Glerndood Avenue will cross ov�r Highway 5�� it is necessary
to keep open the Western Avenue alternate.
A. 1ong di5cussion followed after which a motion was introduced by Commissioner
Sampson to remove the minor arterial street designation (dashed line) from
fiurners Crossroad on Glenwood Avenue west to and on Western Avenue to Louisiaria
Avenue. It was seconded by Herje and carried unanimously. Mr. Swanson asksd if
the �ording that is now on the Plan map as "to be constructed only af�er the up-
grading of T.H. �5 and T.Fi. 12'� woul.d be removed. It was the consensus of the
Commission that the wor�ing is not necessary because we are not showing future
deve�opment of residential streets on the Comprehensive Plan Map.
At this time a resident from the audience asked to be heard. It was moved by
Leonard, saconded by Herje, carried tiriariimOUS�:y� ta hear the comment, which was
"Tl�e purpose o.f residential streets is to serve residents of the area. There
is no need for residential streets now".
Planning Commission
March 21, 1973 page 1t
Commissioner Hughes introduced a motion that the area south of Plymouth Avenue,
east of Boone Avenue, narth of the Railroad, and west oP th� Village Fark T�epart-
ment tree Parm be designated as single family residential. Tt was seconded by
Herje. After discnssion Commissioner Hu�hes and Commissianer Herje agreed �to
chan�e the wording from Single Family Residential to Residential. P.U.1�.
single family density. The motion carried unanimausly.
Commissioner Christiansen referred to a resident�s statement at the March I2� 1973
Public Hearing regarding the dangerous intersection of Glenwood Avenue, Western
Avenue, and Edgew�od Avenue. Commissioner Christiansen then introduced a motion
to refer the above intersection to the G�t�lden Valley Saf�ty Council for their
review. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sampson and carried unanimously.
A motion was introduced by Commissioner Herje in regard to the Hamman property,
which is east of Brunswick Avenue, south of G1.enwood Avenue, and north of Laurel
. Avenue� to have the words "Planned Unit �3eveiopment" re�moved. Commissioner
Christiansen stated that if the words "Planned Unit �evelopment" are removed,
the Village will not have adequa�e control over the density, but if the words
are left as present� when the planned unit development is developed, the
Village can control the density. The motion was s�aconded by Leonaxd. The
motion was defeated with 7 nay votes and 1 yea vote.
The Planning Commi.ssion extended their thanks to Mr. Don Franzen and Mr. Lowell
Swanson for remaining with the Planning Com�nission through the Hearing of the
Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Lundsgaard and Commissioner Christiansan referred
back to the work and endless hours that the two former Planning Commission
members were involved in with the Comprehensive P1an and the other activities
of the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Christiansen made the following motions
WHII�EAS the Goiden Valley Village Council �.n recognization of the need for
plan to guide the growth of the Village authorized the expenditure of funds
for the preparation oP a Village Comprehensive Pian and,
WHEREAS the Planni.ng Commission of the Village has �rked three years in
preparation of said plan and,
WHERE�S the Village Planning Commission has presented the �omprehensive Plan
proposals to the resident af the Yillage through information meetings and public
hearings and thereupon giving due deliberation of citizen response to the Plan.
The Planning Commission hereby adopts the Comprehensive P3an (with the inclusion
of all changes voted on and recommended at this meet�.ng.
The motion was seconded by Sampson and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 10:3fl P,M.
al man arren Lundsgaard Recording Sscretary Jon Westlake