04-09-73 PC Minutes ��� MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING Q�MMISSION Agril 9, 1973 A regul.ar meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, Apri1 9, 1973 at the Civic Center, 7800 Gold�n Va11ey c2aad, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Warren Lundsgaard presided and the following members were present: Commissioners Anderson, Becker, Christiansen, Edstrom, Herje, Hughes, Leonard, and Sampson, Also present was Consultant Carl Dale and Karen Olsan from the Inspection �epartment. Members absent: None. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by I,eonard, seconded by Hughes, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the March 26, 1973 meeting as amended. 2. WAIVER OF Tii� f'LATTING �r'�.DII3ANCE (a) Richard C. Johnson (Residential-2 lots) 215-221 Sunnyridge Lane The request is to divide Lot 3 Sunnyridge Addition into two lots. Richard C. Johnson, owner of the property, was present for the request. This particular request was before the Planning Commission on the I2th and 26th of February 19?3. Notices were mailec� out to the adjoining property oTaners. The present plan shows approximately 9,220 square feet in the proposed lot. It was nated that the Planning Commission had suggested to Mr. Johnsan that he try to purchase additional land to meet the required square footage as required by the'4rdinatace, but he was unable to do so. 2he Planning Commission pointed aut that if the 1ot were divided, it would be undersized in relationship to the Ordinance and lots in this area. Commissioner Anderson noted the variance requested fQr square foo�age is substantial. The following residents voiced their opinians regarding the proposed 2ot division: A1 Anderson� 125 Meadow Lane North, feel� a smaller lot would be detrimental and woulct set a precedent for the area. 2�z�. M.� E. Baker, 220 Surinyridge Lane, stated that many years ago Mr. Clarence Tolg platted the lots and the lots have remained the size they were platted. Opposed to lot division. Mrs. Baker, 220 Sunnyridge Lane, stated that upon inquiring at the Village she was told this lot could not be divided into two lots and that it would require Planr�iz�g Commission approval to do so. She prefers that the natural. environment remain and feels the lot division would be detrimental to the area. Ludwi.g Gartner, 220 Meadow Lane Idorth' owns Lot 5. He stated he favors the wild, quiet� natural atmosphere behind his residence and feels this would set a precedent for the rest of the area. It was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Becker, carried unanimously, to recornmend denial of the request for a waiver of the Platting Ordinance. Commissioner Christiansen made a clarification of the motion statin� the pro- posed lot would be 3,380 square feet short of the required 12,500 square footage requirement (proposed lot has 9 120 square feet} d �' ap ov d would set a precedent for the rest of t�ie area. The clafti�ilca�ion �� t�ie'motion �a� seconded by Becker and carried unanimously. ��� Flanning Commission April 9, 1973 Page 2 (b) James D. �iilliams (Residential-tt lots) 69(�, 6908, b916 6922 Winsdale Street The request is to divide twa combined lots into four fifty-foot lats. Consultant Carl D�Ie stated on� possibility, rather than building on four lots, i� to plan foar three lots in the futezre by making the eorner lot (Lot 133) wider by adding half of Lot 131�, and add the remianing haif of Lot 13�t to the existing house on I�ot 135, and a permit could be granted far a substandard lot (Lot 136). This wou].d require some demolition and rebuilda.ng in the future. Jerry Korba, Attorney for the Estate of Mrs. Hennsn (Lots 13L thraugh 13b), was present for the request. He stated Lot 133 had besn purchased separately fram Lot 131�, and Lot 135 had been purchased separately from Lot 236. There was no Merger of Title at this point. Mr. Korba presented to the P3.anning Commissior� a map on which houses that were 7.ocated on lots not having a 100-foot frontage were indicated in red. Mr. Korba also noted that Richard 3�mpsey is presently building new homes on substandard lots immediately south of the property in questinn, and not allowing the proponent to build would be discriminatory. The proposed homes built on the lots if divided would be $30,OQ0 in value, so they would increase the property value and would not be a detriment in any way to the area. Mr. Thomas, owner af I,ot I33, stated that Lots 133 and 131t were combined, but the North 23� had been sold to the owner of Lots 59 and 60 who is Mr. Rudalph Kargel who was also present. Consultant Car1 I?ale suggested that the Vi2lage Attorney check into the selling of the 23' of the North end of I,ots 133 and 13tt, and also the Merger of Title Ordinance. William Johander, 6938 Winsdale Street, (Lot 13? and part of Lot 138) stated he had recently purchased the property and felt the division would be a real detriment to the rest of the area. A realtor from Jack Bruhn and Associates stated that the only possible way to get financing is to �lit the lots. Individuals cannot afford to buy two lots. Commissioner Anderson stated that the Merger of Title may not apply in this case. It was moved by Sampson to refer this to the Village Attorney, and if it is referred back to the Planning Commission, to require a registered survey and show the current size of the lots involved. The motion was seconded by Edstrom and carried unanimously. 3. REVIEW PT�UPOSAL FQR HANSORD WEST G.M.C. TftUCK AN�? CAMP�R VEHICLE SALES/SEHVI CE South o� Highway 12 and 'v�est of Boone Avenue The proposal is located on Lots 6,8,9,1�,�and 12 Block 1 of Murri Mac Industrial Park. The Comprehensive Plan indicates the majority of this area for High 7�ensity Residential. Mr. Carl I�al� then reviewed the Planning fteport as foliows: 153 Planning Commiasion April 9, 1q73 page � 1. This Planning fte�port deals primaxily with the proposed land use in relation to area development trends, exi.stin� zon:ing, and the praposed zoning based on the Comprehensive Village Land Use Plan recently adopted by the P'l�anning Commission. No attempt has been made to tl�raughly evaluate to site plan or other development c�etails for three reasons: (a) The proposal. is before the Planning Cammission for eaaluation of basic land use conformity to the praposed Village Land Use and Zoning PIan. (b} Evaluation of site plan details becames an important consideration only if the basic land use is approved. (c} The plans submitted for review axe not complete nor of sufficient detail to provide the basis for a thorough evaluation. 2. Your attention is draTan to a recent Planning Report dealing with a similar development proposal to the west (Porsche-Audi Automobile Sales} since nearly all planning considerations apply also to the current proposal. It was nated in the earlier report that the Village already has a sizable area devoted to vehicle sales and it is highly questionable if it is desirable and proper to permit a string or strip of such uses through the entire community. 3. While the site and general area is currently zoned "industrial" and the proposed development is a permitted use, such would not be the case under the proposed zoning based on the Comprehensive Village Plan. The Village Plan calls Por this general area to have only a modest t'filling in" o.f commercial frontage accor@ing to the development pattern set by existing development with much of the remaining vacant land to be multiple �family residential and publie open space. Only a portion of the site in question would be zoned �'commercial" and a special or conditional permit would be required for exterior sales/display/storage; it would be difficult to justify granting of such a permit in this particular area for a variety of reasons. �a Under any plan alternative for future traffic circulation i.n this part of the Village, aceess for commercial activities is and wi11 be �'limitedt' at best. Th,erefore, land use patterns should be adjusted accordingly to limit the traffic generation pote�ntial. 6. If� hawever, the use is permitted and development is to proceed, we would suggest that the most appropriate and proper procedure would be as follows: (a) Froceed under terms of a Planned Unit Development as provided for under s�.sting zoning regulations as authorized under a multiple lot situation (Gammercial PUD) provisions. (b) Flanna.ng Commission review later of more complete and detailed site/development plans as provided for in the PUU process. {c) Develap PUD Permit conditions that may help to reduce the detrimental aspeets of environmental impact. ��� Planning Commission April 9, 1973 page � Jack Liebenberg, Architect, was present for the request. �e stated he feels the project is in aceordance with a11 zoning requirements and does comply with every part of the Code. He had discussed the project with the Village Planner several times, and mueh consideration was put into the Iandscaping of the development. The main entrance is on Boone Avenue. Mr. Liebenberg stated this motor home agency operation is known nation wide. He then discussed the operation as it is conducted on the site, explaining that the custom�r picks up the parts he wants, then goes to another area to pay for it. The part of the building which towers above the roof line is used for storage. The diagnostic area is located on the east side. The major part of the building will be used as a store. Five motor homes will be located on the lot and approximately 2s additional motor homes will be stored in another building (outside the Village}� Also, approximately 3 or !� pickup campers would be located in the display area. Ted Gruidl, Vice President of Hansord Pontiac, gave a description af the motor home. He stated they will service all types of motar homes and did not know how much traffic wou2d be generated by this use. He stated the operation would be mainly sales and service and rental of the motor homes, The company would offer storage of these motor homes to people in order to keep these homes from being parked in residential areas. They will not be able to do this at this location because of the lack of room, but wi11 do it elsewhere. Commissioner Edstrom asked how much fill would be needed Qn the back of the lot toward Mille�r Street which is now completely under water. Commissioner Christiansen stated he is opposed ta vehicles being parked for display purposes on the north side of the lot because it would be visible from Highway 12 even though there is a frontage road. Chairman Lundsgaard stated this presently is a permitted use under the zoning cade. Commissioner Herje proposed a motion to poin,t out to the Village Council. that the proposed use is not in conformance with the proposed Comprehensine Plan. At this point, Commissioner Edstrom introduced a motion that if the proposed development is allowed to be constructed, the Planning Commission would like the Village Council to refer this request back to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission would prefer to see the developer build under the Planned Unit Development Ordinance. The mation was seconded by Herje and carried unanimously. The Planning Commission points out that the motian as above is a guide if the request is reviewed by the Village Council. 4. PRELIMINARY PLA2 Applicant-Glenwc�od Hills Hospita]. (Division of Health Central, Inc.) Name of Plat-G1enWOOd Hills Addition Location-1�225 Golden Va11ey Road The Minneapolis Clinic of Psychiatry and Neurology is proposing to purchase from Health Central, Inc. a 5�-�oot strip of land contiguous to the Clinic�s east property line. This �0-foot strip would be included as a part of the plat oF the Minneapolis Clinic praperty to be known as Lot 1 Block 1 Glenwood Hills Addn. �a:)� Planning Commission April 9, 1973 page 5 Robert Van Hauer, Exec. Vice President (Health Central, Inc.), was present for the request. Mr. Van Hauer referred to the long legal description involved in the proposed plat and also the 50-foot strip of land on the east side of the property which the Minneapolis Clinic is using for parking. The Planning Commission in discussing the proposal rev�ewed the Mareh 27, 1q72 Planning Commission minutes at which time they considered this same request for a waiver of the Platting Ordinance which eventually received approval fram the Plann:ing Commission and Villa:ge Council, subject to' the follawing: 1. The ViZlage Council conditioned its approval of the request on the express restrietion that no building construction could ever take place within the area to be cavered by the proposed conveyance. 2. The waiver was further made e�ressly subject to the condition that the area proposed to be conveyed could not be used for the purpose of computing square footage of the parcel so as to permit a larger building on this basis alone. Rather, allowable building construction area, within the total parcel owned by the clinic facili.ty, would always have to be eomputed without reference to this conveyance as to which the instant platting waiver is bei.ng sought. 3. Finally� the Council expressly conditioned its approval of the waiver on the basis that the deed of conveyance from Iiealth Central to the clinic must be made subjeet to the building and construction limitativns set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above. Zt was movec3 by Christiansen to recommend approval of the plat with the stipu- lation that some condition can be written in the new plat (or a separ�te agreement) to abtaa.n the restrictions the Council is interested in. The motion was seconded by Sampson, and carried with ? ayes and 1 nay. 5. c�� (a} Election o� Officers Chairman Lundsgaard asked the nominating committee for recommendations for Chairmsn at which time Commissioner Christiansen of the nominating committee recommended John SampSOn. The recommendation was seconded by Anderson. ChairmaYa Lundsgaard then asked three times for any other nominations. Hearing none, it was moved by Edstrom, seconded by Leonard, that nominations be closed. Upon vote being taken by white ballot, the recommendation was moved by Herje, seconded by Becker, and carried unanimously. Commissioner Christiansen of the nominating committee recommended Ma.ry Anderson for Vice Chairman. The recommendation was seconded by Leonard. Chairman Lundsgaard then asked three times for any other nominations. �earing none� it was moved by Herje, seconded by Leonard, carried unanimously, to appoint Mary Anderson as Vice Chairman. Commi.ssioner Christiansen of the nominating committee then recommended F?onald Edstrom for Secretary. The recommendation was secvnded by Herje. Chariman Lundsgaard then asleed three times far any other nominations. Hearing none, it was moved by Leonard, seconded bq Christianaen that nominations be closed. ��� Planning Commnission April 9, 1973 page 6 Upon vote being taken by white ballot, the recommendation was moved by Herje, seconded by Sampson and carried unanimous2y. (b) Three Alternates to the Board of Zoning Appeals It was mavpd by Sampson, seconded by Becker, carried unanimously, to appoint Glenn Christiansen as first alternate to the Board of Zoning Appeals and Kathryn Herje as second alternate. Mary Anderson� newly appointed Vice Chairman, wi�.l automatically serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. (c) Environmental Task Force - 17iscussion of N'ames to Refer to Village Council and Appointment of Planning Commissian Member Commissioner �dstrom felt that individuals listed as willing to serve on a task force should be eontacted and interviewed in order to find out their interests. Commissianers Sampsan and Becker suggested sending the current list of candidates to the Village Cauncil with any deletions or additions the Pl.anning Commission might have. It was moved by Anderson, seconded by Her�e, carried unanimously, that a sub- committee be appointed to interview candidates for the task force. It was then moved by Sampson, seconded by Christiansen, carried unanimously, that Kathryn Her�e, �rthur Leonard, and Donald Hughes be on the sub-committee and that they will report back at the next reguiarly seheduled meeting. Suggested names are to be turned into the sub-cammittee by Friday, April 13, 1973. (d} Bassett Creek P3aza (P.TJ.D. #1) It was moved by Anderson, seconded by Becker, carried nnanimously, to request the Village staff to review the plot plan for Bassetts Creek Plaza as submitted with respect to the parkin� area now under construction. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was an motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 1Q;1�� P.M. Chairman Warren Lundsgaard Recording Secretary Jon Westlake