06-11-73 PC Minutes � �=� MINUTE�S OF THE COLDIId VALLEY PLANNTNG Q�P+tMISSION June 11, 1973 A regular mesting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was he3d at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, June 11, 1973 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Vall.ey Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Commissioner Edstrom opened the meeting with the following members present: Commissioners Becker, Christiansen,, Hughes, Leonard, and Lundsgaard. Chairman Sampson arrived at $:30 P.M. Also present was Consultant Carl Dale and Jon Westlake' Recording Secretary. Members absent: Vice Chairman Anderson and Commissioner Herje. 1. APPROVAi, OF MINUTES: MOVED by Becker, seconded by Christiansen, carried unanimausly, to apgrove the minutes of the May 1l�, 1973 meeting as mailed. 2. REQUFST �DR REZONTNG AND WAIVER OF THE PLATTING ORDIAIANCE � (a} ftequest for �.ezoning Okens and Sherman incorporated 1109 Zane Avenue North Open Development to Light Industria3 Lot 12 and 13 Lindsay�s Second Addition The request is to rezone Lots 12 a.nd 13 of Lindsay's Second Addition to light Sndustrial. This property, including the surrounding area, is shown as light Industrial on the Comprehensive Plan-except the area to the east which is zoned Resid�ntial. Lots 12 and 13 and the Northerly 85 feet of Lot 9 will be used as a parking lot for the expansion of Okens and Sherman Inc. which is located to the west of Zane Avenue {Lots 5,6,7� &8). They are proposing a detached parking lot to meet the parking requirements af the Ordinance for the proposed expansion of their present bui�.ding. Section 9 of .Appenctix I of the Zoning Code states that a detached parking lot requires ViJ.lage Council approval.. Messrs. Marshall Sherman af Okens Supreme Inc. and James Nielsen from the firm of Nielsen, Stock & Blackburn, L.T.D., representing the proponent, explained the reasons for the rezoning request. He reviewed a site p.lan o.f the parking lots showing a 50 foot green area on the eastern edge and 35 feet of green area off Zindsay Ave. which is a requirement of the Zoning Code. He also reviewed a second plan showing the same green area along the eastern property line and approximate3y 90 feet of green area off Zane Avenue. The first plan sho�ws how they would meet the parking requirement and the secand plan shows the parking they would not need in green area. Mr. Nielsen also indi- cated they have spoken to the neighbors to the east of this parcel with respect to this proposal including a court order of a 60 foot requirement between the light Industrial and r�esidential areas. Mr. Nielsen further stated the parking lat will be used fox° parking of passenger vehicles only and that truck� would be prohibited from parking on this area. He also presentea to the Chairman of the Planning Commission a metnorandum mailed to one of the neighbors about the proposal. ,�� lb&� P2anning Commission June 11, 1973 page 2 The following are concems of the residents in the area: Mr. Ktovstad, 1220 Welcome �venue, referred to the 60 foot agreement in the court order, Feinberg Meats, asked for Flanning Commission support on the 60 foot easement, and th:e present planting on the site has not been maintained. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, 1125 Welcome Circle, spoke of drainage and stated the green area sY�uld be 60 feet wide to reach the top of the slope, and referred to the proposed 50 foot green area. Mr. Friedemann, 1121 Welcome Circle, asked about the memor- andum by the propanent which was mailed to one of the residents in the area. After further discussion by the Plann�.ng Commission it was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Lundsgaard, carried unanimously, to recorrm►end appraval of the re- zoning of Lots 22 and 13 Lindsay's Second Addition from Open �evelopment to lig,�t Industrial, subject to approval from the Haard of Zoning Appeals and including the following to be reviewed and apgroved by the Building Board of Review; f�A burm along the east side containing a planned landscaping p1�n for screening the residential area, including the frant and side yards, other than the area which is to be blaektopped for parking. The site plan should atso include' a grading p1an, curbing to protect the landscaped area, and a lighting plan if the proponent plans to do so". The Pl.anning Commission further supports landscapi.ng of a depth of 60 feet along the east side of the parcel. (b) Waiv�r of the Platting Ordinance Okens and Sherman incorparated Lots 12, 13 and a portion of Lot 9, Lindsay's Second Addition The request is to eombine Lots 12 and 13 Lindsay�s Second Addition (as r�quested for rezoning in Ttem (A) and to add to these lots the Northerly 85 feet of T.�t 9. The Planning Commission pointed out that in an industrial area they would have reservations about approving a lot this narrow, but this lot will be use� for a parking area, and not a structure, whieh wi11 be controlled by an agreement with the Vill.age Council for a detached parking lot. It was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Lundsgaard, carried unanimously, to approve the waiver of the Platting Ordinance to combine the Northerly 85 feet of Lot 9 to Lats 12 and 13 Lindsay�s Second Addition, subject to the Southerly 5� feet of Lot 8 to be combined with the Northerly 8$ feet of Lot 8 Lindsay's Second Addition. 3. REQUEST FOR RE'LQNZMG Condor Corporation North of 7th Avenue and West of Boone Avenue _ Commercial to light Industrial Lat 3 Block 2 Golden 9alley Industrial Park The proponent is requesting to rezone Lot 3 Block 2 Golden Val].ey Industrial Park from Commercial to light Industrial which is in k eeping with the Comprehen- sive Plan. The Planning Commission reviewed the Mareh 26, 1973 Planning Commission minutes at which time there was a referral from the Vi2lage Council about a commercial development on the property which the Planning Commission was apposed to. These minutes indicate the type of use that is now being considered by the Planning Commission as a use they woul.d be in favor of. Also, the resonu'�� �reque�s.t is part of the approval for waivers on this site by the Board of Zo�iing ppe s. ��� Flanning Commissian June 11, 1973 page 3 �fter reviewal of the site plan and the area, it was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Becker, carried unanimously, to recommend a rezoning change from Comm�rcial to li.ght Industrial on Lot 3 Block 2 Golden Valley Industrial Park. tt. �'LANNED UM T DEVELOPMENT - SET PUBLIC INFORMATIONAZ MEETING {a) P.U.D. �1.1. (Concept Flan) Applicant: Donald Ni. Erickson Locatian: 1300-11�00 black of Natchez Avenue Proposal.: 18 Tawnhouse Units Mr. l:onald �ickson, architect from the firm of Patch Erickson Madson & Hansnn, was present to inform the Planning Commission of the location and type of proposal. The Planning Commission set the informal hearing for Monday, June 2Zi 1973 for Planned iinit I3ev�lopment #11. (b) P.U.D. #12 (Concept P1an) Applicant: Jack Galant Locatian: County Road 18 service drive {�ast-west) Froposal: 9� Unit Apartment Building Mr. Sheldon Bernstein of Bernstein Associatgs1 Architects, revie�wed with the Commission the site and location for a proposed QO unit apartment building. The P'lanning Commissi�n set July 9, 1973 for the informal hearing for Planned Unit �evelopment �12. �. TftAIL CAI�NIITTEE REPC3RT Mrs. Rosemary Thorsen reviewed with the Commission the general overall plan of the proposed trail system and requested that the Planning Commission be aware of the proposed trail system especially in areas where they are considering planned unit develapments. Also present were the following quadrant chairmen of the Trails Committee: Messrs. I7ick Strew and John Farnham who e�lained specifically what the plans were for each; of the five quadrants. The Pl.anning Commi.ssi.on in discussin� the proposed trail system with the above members of the Trails Committee supported the trail system and discussed the folloc�.ng concerns: 1) safety of combined bicycle and pedestrian movement on the tr ails, 2) types of material used on the trail system, 3} safety in connecting and crossing the major anc3 minbr thoroughfares, 4) no East-West length in the tra3.l system from the Givic Center area north to 23rd Avenue. The Planning Commission extended their appreciation to all members of the Trails Committee for the countless hours they gut into developing the trai.l plan. Tt was moved by Edstrom, seconded by Hughes, carried unanimously, that the Planning Commission give general support to the well thought out trail plan. 165 F1.anning Commission June 11, 19?3 page !t b. GENE€�LL (a} tlpen Space Committee Commissioner Sue Becker reported to the Planning Commission that the Open Space Committee is presently looking at all open land and espeeially i.n the areas that they would be the most familiar with. The Committee is also starting to davelop a master map of Golden Valley with respect to open space. (b) Gorrespondence Mr. John Sampson, Ghairman of the Planning Commission, reviewed two letters from the Village Council by the Village Manager to the Planning Commission on the study of the 10� moderate housing in planned unit development and also on an office park which is sauth of Highway 12 and approximately 300 feet east of Boone Avenue in connection with the St. Louis Park Nature Interpretive Center. {c) Continued �iscussion-Moderate Housing in Planned Unit 39evelopment The Planning Commission def�rred this item to the ne� regularly scheduled meeting. {d) Land Use Control Gommissioner Leonard distributed to the Planning Cammission m�mbers information on Land Use Control by the Rockefeller Task Force. There being no ftzrther business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconc3ed, ad�ourn�d at 10:,�0 P.M. � -!� r -'�•...�. , C a rman John Sampson Se r t y Ron om