07-23-73 PC Minutes ��� MII3UTFS OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY , PI,.ANNING tA1�II�tISSION aus.y 23, 1973 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at $:00 P.M. on Manday, J�,�I.y 23, �-973 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, l�i.nnasota. Chairman John Sampson presided and the following members were present: Commissioners Anderson, Becker, Christiansen, Edstrom, Herje, Hughes, Leonard� and Lundsgaard. Carl Dale� Planner' was also present. Members absent: None. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVEA by Becker� seconded by Leonard, carried unanimously� to approve the minutes of the July 9, 1973 meeting as mailed. 2. M'EETTNG WITH PROPERTY C?WNERS IN NORTHWEST QUADftANT OF THE VILLAGE (North of Duluth Street, East of Co. Rd. 18, and South af Med.icine Lake Rd.) Chairman John Sampson opened the me�ting by giving a brief background of the Northwest quadrant and stated that the Northwest corner (Medicine Lake Road and County ftoad 1$) is designated as General Ratail Business on the Comprehensive Plan Map and the area south of this is designated as Medium �ensity ftesidential� and further to the South is low density. The Plann�.ng Commissian presently has a request before them for a planned unit development south of the County Road 18 east-west service drive. The proposal is for a 90 unit (5 story) apartment building located on approximately five acres of land with a density of 18 units per acre. Chairman Sampson stated tha,t at this meeting the Plarining Cornmission would like to get ideas and comments from the property owners on how they want to develop their land. Chairman Sampson then asked the audience for any questions or comments. 5heldon Bernstein of Bernstein and Assoc. commented on behalf of the proposed 90 unit p].anned unit development south of the County Road l8 east-west service drive and stated he had presented the plans for the complex at the July 9, 1973 Planning Comtnission meeting. G. W. Gunderson, located directly west of �he proposed apartment complex, understands his property is designated as Medium Density Residential on the Comprehensive Plan Map-which he strongly objects to. He was advised by his attorney to use Iegal action, if necessary, to keep the property zoned Commercial. Commissioner Anderson asked Mr. Gunderson what would be done with the portion of his property zoned Open Development, and Mr. Gunderson stated he would like to have it zoned Commercial. He had his praperty filled with the intention of using it as Commercial. Discussion was held on the difference in the amount af ta�ces if the property were zoned Residential or Commercial. F. J. Sulzbach, 9d11 Medicine Lake Road, asked the Planning Commission if they �i�d any comment or recommendation on the proposed apartment complex at this time. He stated his property is currently zoned Open 33evelopment and asked what pro- cedure he would have to go through if it had to be re-zoned. He would like the land to remain zoned Open Development for tax reasons and asked if it wauld remain Open S9eve�,opment until the time he wanted a change in zoning. Commissioner Anderson stated a proper public hearing and notification would take place when a rezoning come5 up. Mr. Sulzbach also expressed concern about expanding the width of Medicine Lake Road, traffic, and future plans for Medicine Lake Road. 177 Planning Commission July 23, 19?3 page 2 Richard Neslund, Centurion Company, stated they own a�proximately 3fl acres of land north of �.i.luth Street and plan to develop their property. Chairman Sampson asked Mr. Neslund if they had any feelings toward the V.F.W. being built as proposed. Mr. Neslund stated they have no e�reme objections to the V.F.W. propos�l; however, it would have minor affects on their plans. Mr. Neslund also stated they would be willing to provide ponding and trails in their developm�nt. The Engineering �epartment has a ponding layout for the area which he realizes must be followed. Mr. Neslund continued by giving general statistics on what they are planning for this area and comparing it to Briarwood. He commented that money spent on rentirzg apartments is money �'gone forever��, no equity, no deductions, and renting is e�ensive. The minimum incame level of individuals that purchased Briarwood townhouses was $11,000, and the units at Briarwood are priced between $30,000 and $50,000. The proposed toumhouse units will begin at approximately $30,000. Commissioner Edstrom asked if a buffer of single family homes could be placed on the south side, and Commissioner Anderson asked how the East property line would be buffered. Mr. Neslund said the buildings would be placed at least 5�' back. Presently they are considering 1!� buildings with a density of approximately 8 units per acre. There are very few children living at Briarwood-a tota.l of 30 children, half of which are school age. Commissioner Edstrom asked Mr. Neslund if he could supply the Planning Commission with pamphlets or literature with additional statistics on Briarwood for the Planning Commission to review. Michael Holly, representing the Derrick Campany, stated the T)errick Company owns land directly north of the proposed 90 unit planned unit development and advised the Commission that he does support the planned unit development as an economic gain; however, it would be more logical to build something wi.th more height, The Derrick Company plans to develop their land rather than sell it. A very limited business use is being considered and will be developed within one year. Commissioner Lundsgaard asked if Ginkel Development Corporation owned what is shown to be.part of the Park on the half-section map. R. L. Halseth stated .he has no definite plans for completion af his property, but it will be a commercial use. He has no objection to the proposed planned unit development. M. E. �avidson, 9�39 Medicine Lake Road, asked if F'l.ag Avenue would be extended north. Sheldon Bernstein discussed elevations, stating the proposed elevation would be 980► on the roof of the buildings. He stated that the elevation of the Mobil Station is 970� , and the elevation of the New Hope water tower is 1,077� . Mr. Larson, 9036 E�Lgin Place, commented on elevations- asked if residents who live to the east on �.sign Avenue who wi.11 be looking at all five stories had been considered. Mr. Larson was concerned about the ponding area and said there is much low land to the east and said there is more thari the dn� ponding area mentioned by Mr. Bernstein. They may run into many problems when Mr. Neslund be�i.ns to build. He asked if the two proponents had any plans for 23rd Avenue and Elgin Place because they dead end. �IIr. Bernstein stated they plan na access to the north. Mr. Larson asked Mr. Neslund how trees wnuld be preserved and left in a natural state. Chairman Sampson closed the public discussion portion of the sessifln._ 17� Planning._Commission Ju1y 23, 1973 page 3 3. GENERAL (a) Disc�.s�ion on Froposed Motion �ealing with Open Land Co�anissioner Ghristiansen strongly questioned why such a resolution was needed. Fie felt that a motion was not needed to call the owners together for a meeting or discussion. Carl Dale, Planner, stated the resolution is too restrictive by narrowing it to planned unit developments on1y; however, he felt that stopping the developer at this point and calling a meeting of the surrounding property owners is good. Commissioner Lundsgaarc� stated the motion had advantages for the Planning Cammission; however, the proponent could use this to his advantage as a delay or i.nterpret this resolution differently, to suit his needs. Chairman Sampson stated that, depending on individual situations, it should be decided at the time the request is before the Planning Commission whether or not property owners should be notified and brought together« Commissioner I,eonard stated if such a motion were used, the Vi]lage staff could methodically contact each owner when a proposal comes before them to attend the meeting at which the proposal comes before the Planning Commission. Commissioner Becker said such a resolution could be used by the P2�rning Commission to slow down a project which was requested if needed. Carl Dale asked that the Planning Commission allow him time to meet with Jon Westlaka and write up a policy of the Planning Commission that woul.d not have to be formally passed. He felt that it should not be a rule of operation, but rather a guideline. Commissioner Leonard withdrew the motion due to the restrictiveness of the motion, realizing after the discussion that it should not be in a resolution form. Chairman Sampson asked Carl Dale to draw up a policy or guideline and to further define the words ��Iarge segment��. Commissioner Herje brought up a discussion on density and stated that the density had not definitely been decided upon. It was moved by Leonard, seconded by Becker, ' carried unanimously, that the Planning Commission use as a guide in defining the residential density classifications on the Cc�mprehensive Plan the following range of dwelling units per acre: low density 1-1�.0, medium density 1�.0-9.0, and high density 9.0-12, with the stipulation that the densi-ty of each planned unit development will be considered on its individual merits. The motion was adopted. It was moved by Edstrom, seconded �i� Leonard that the Planning Commission adopt as a guide for density calculation,�planned unit developments the area in the calculations would be the entire acreage under consideration for the planned unit development. C�r1 Dale objected to the motion because he felt it �ilocks" him and the staff. Commissioner Edstrom withdrew the motion. (b) Task Force on Low and Moderate Housing Chairman Sampson felt that the committee should make a report to the Planning Commission at the �ugust 13, 1973 Planning Commission meeting, and recommendations would be made at that time. A specific proposal should be given to the Planning Commission that can then be discussed. ��� Planning Commi.ssion July 23, 1973 page !� (c) Comprehensive Plan Chairman Sampson stated the Comprehensive Plan wi11 be presented to the Village Council on August 6, 1973. He invited all Planni.ng Commission members to attend the Village Council meeting. Chairman Sampson asked if the Planning Commission had any comments on the Metrapolitan Council�s recommendations that he should relate to the Council. Carl Dale pointed out now that the Planning Commission has adopted the Plan, it is still the official plan of Golden Valley whether or not the Village Council adopts it. Zt is the Village Council�s .option ta adopt or not adopt the Plan. There being no further busine�ss to come before the meeting, it was on mo�ion, duly seconded, adjourned at 10:20 P.M. �, � � � �� � C man John Sampson ec eta n o t