08-27-73 PC Minutes ���1 MINUTES OF THE GOLDF�1 VALLEY PLANNIPdG tJOP�NlISSION August 27, 1973 A r�gular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, August 27, 1973 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Gi�lden Valley, Minnesota. Vice Chairman Mary Anderson presided and the following members were present: Commissioners Becker, Christiansen, Fdstrom, Herje, Hughes, and Leonard. Carl Dale, Planner, and Jon Westlake, Aillage staff inember, were also present. Members absent: Chairman John Sampson and Commissioner I,undsgaard. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Leonard, seconded by Becker, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the August 13, 1973 meeting as amended. 2. WAIVER OF THE PLATTI1dG ORDINANCE (a) Norman W. Schlief (2 Residential lots) 6509 Medicine Lake Road and 2540 Florida Avenue The proposal is to divide a corner lot east of Florida A�enue and south of Medicine Lake Road into two (2) lots. The most norther.ly lot would be 100� x 11lt� and contain 11,t�00 squaxe feet. The south lot would be 100� x 21b� and contain 21,600 square feet. The reason the northerly lot does not meet the square footage requirements is that there is a possibility of dividing the southerly lot into twa lots, depending on how the remainder of the vacant property is platted in the area. It was moved by Leonard, seconded by Hughes, casried unanimously to approve the waiver of the Flatting Ordinance, subject to a 20-foot easement for right of way off the west side of the two lots, and if the area is ever platted, these two lots become part of the plat. 3• PUBLI C INFORMATIONAL MEETING (PLANNED UNIT DEVELQPrir3VT) P.U.D. #12 (Concept Plan) Applicant: Jaek Galant Location: County Road 18 service drive (east-west) Proposal: 80 Unit Apartment Building (!� stories-North side and 5 stories-South side) Vice Chairman Mary Anderson introduced the members of the Planning Commission and e�lained to the developer and citizens present the function of the Planning Cammission. The Planning Commission reviewed the July 9, 1973 Planning Commission minutes which included the planning considerations with respect to this request. The proposal has changed in that the proponent is proposing an 80 unit apartment building with four stories in height on the North side and five stories in height on the South side. �.�i: Planning Commission • August 27, 1973 page 2 Messrs. Jack Galant, property owner, and Sheldon Bernstein, Architect from the firm of Bernstein and Assoc., were present to review the proposal. Mr. Bernstein stated they had a second neighborhood meeting on August 16, 1973. Approximately !t� notices were sent out and 5 or 6 individuals were present at tne meeting. In reviewing the proposal, the ingress and egress to the site is off the service dr.ive. The covered parking will be completely underground. There are five acres of land in the site - with a density of 16 units per acre. The building is basically the same as the last proposal, only spread out slightly more. All exterior parking on the site will be away from the resictential area. Mr. Bernstein referred to specific elevati.ons of known points i.n relation to the project stating the building will be approximately 36 feet high from grade in front of the building and !�� feet high from grade directly to the rear of the building. The following is the site coverage data based upon the total five acres: The building occupies l0� of the site, and the ponding area covers 2�� of the site. The area of surface parking and driveway area is less than 20� of the site coverage. The green area, includi.ng the ponding area, will cover 53� of the site. Mr. Bernstein also stated that soil conditions of the site axe marginaL The following concerns were voiced by the residents: Mr. Nordhaus, 231�0 Ehsign Ave., stated that residents in the area have attend�i a number of m�etings about pro- posed s3evelopment for this area of the Village. He is against this project and would rather see a townhouse atmosphere for this area. Mr. Larson, 9036 E�gin Place, expressed concern about traffic generated by this proposal and stated there are already several apartments in this area (north of Medicine Lake Road). Mr. McCunn asked the Planning Commission to explain the credits when considering this proposal. The proposal has not really changed and the building is only 9 feet shorter than the first proposal. The Planning Commission should be concerned about how the building will look to the residents. Mrs. Medeck would like to see single family on this parcel. In discussing concept the Planning Commission feels that the densit� and type of development and height were the major concerns for this parcel. In discussing the proposal a f ew of the more predominant points discussed by some of the Commission members were: 1) The Planning Commission shoul.d defend what the Comprehensive Plan indicates for this area, and the proposed density is not in keeping with the Plan. 2) Having high density on this .parcel may allow greater density in the open area south of this land. 3) The proposal has had only minor changes since the July 9, 1973 Planning Commission meeting. It was moved by Herje, seconded by Hughes to recommend denial of concept approval for P.U.D. #12 because the density is more than what a Multiple Zoning of the land would allow or what the Comprehensive Plan would allow, and also� the height of the building is not in keeping with the area. Upon vote being taken by roll call, the follo�ring voted in favor thereof: Becker, Herje, Hughes, and LeoMard. The following voted against the same: Edstrom and Christiansen� The motion carried. ��� Planning Commission August 27, 1973 page 3 !�. PLANNED UNIT DEVEGOPMENT - P.U.D. #1-A (General Plan) Applicant: Benson-Orth Associates� Inc. Location: North of St. Croix Avenue and to a point approximately 330 feet East of Bassetts Creek Proposal: 38,000 square feet - Office Building The total land area in Phase 1-A of this planned unit development is 3.Lt5 acres of which 120,863 square feet is a drainage easement for Bassetts Creek. The structure has approximately 20� more area than what would be allowed under the Business and Professional Offices Zoning Code. The buildi.ng contains three floors with a total area of 38,000 square feet ,and � rentabl.e bu3.l,di:ng area� of 30,800 square feet. The site plan indicates 214 parking spaces. More spaces are required by Ordinance, which there is sufficient land for, but are shown in green area. Since the August 13, 1973 Planning Commission meeting the proponent has met with the Bassetts Creek Flood Control Commission, who is in the process of reviewing the plan` and will indicate their comments regarding the project iri their September 20, 1973 Bassetts Creek Flood Control Commission minutes. The proponent did receive concept approval from the Building Board of Review on August 21, 1973 and the proponent has met with the staff regarding the proposed trail system. The pro- ponent will meet with the Park and Recreation Commission on August 30, 1973 to discuss the proposal of a trail system. Concerni.ng the requirements of the ` Planning Commission and planning considerations (listed in the August 13, 1973 Planning Commission minutes), the proponent has added an alternate A which shows egress and ingress on St. Croix Avenue at the intersection of Yosemite Avenue. The green area has been increased on the south. ,and east perimeter of the site. The plan has more detailed drawings with respect to the landscaped areas. The area in the Bassetts Creek easement will be cleaned up and the remaining open area on the site will be graded. The Village received a letter from KTIS Radio stating the proponent has complied with their eoncerns. Messrs. Ken Benson of Benson-Orth Assoc., Inc., Arnold Ullevig, Jr., Traffic Consultant for Bather Ringrose Wolsfeld, Inc., and Bernard Herman, Architect from the firm of Cottle Herman Architects, Inc., were present to review the proposal with the Planning Commission. Mr. Herman reviewed wnat has been accomplished regarding the recommendations by the Planning Commission and Village Staff - including the trail system, perimeter landscapi.ng, cleaning-up Bassetts Creek area as indicated on the drawings, and trees to remain between Phase I and Phase II (also indicated on the plans), an acc�ss alternate to St. Croix Avenue, KTIS Radio tower, Master Plan of area, and a traffic study. Mr. Ul.levig, Jr. then discussed with the Commission the traf'fic study which was mailed to the Commission prior to the meeting. In explaining the report Mr. Ullevig stated that in doing a traffic ar�a].ysis an estimatin� process is used so there is a potential for error but to eliminate this, similar sites in the metropolitan area have been used including an upper range adjustment of traffic figures. He further e�lained in detail how they arrived at the figures in the report. He then discussed the peak hour factor and the process for determining this. After reviewal of the street patterns in the area and looking at available traffic co�ants, it is esti- mated that 90� of the travel gener�,ted by this buildin� will exit on �3uluth Street 193 Planning Commission August 27, 1973 page !t with 70� going east on T'nxluth Street and 20% going west to Douglas Drive. The remaining 10� will use St: Croix Avenue. After further discussion it was stated by the proponent they did not need access to St. Croix Avenue if the Planning Commission so desired. The following residents voiced their concerns: Mr. K�ns, 1610 East Constance Dr., presented to the P3anning Commission a petition signed by approximately 120 residents that were opposed to the project. He then referred to an outline which was distributed to the Planning Commission covering the history of the area with emphasis on Bassetts Creek and the moving of the Creek in 1963 and 1968 with reference to permits and Council action. Mr. K�.ns then referred to the following concerns if the building were constructed: air conditioning noise, light into adjacent yards, traffic, dust, traffic noise, destruction of trees, height of building, destruction of niew, the origi.nal Planned Unit 1�evelopment requirements, location of proposed building, nursing home south of this area, and park needed in this area. Each of tne above items was further elaborated upon. Mr. Munn, KTIS Radio, stated the points raised at the last meeting have been resolved with the proponent. Mrs. Lambrecht reviewed the proponent's traffic report stating she could not accept the figures used and questioned why the Aighway Department is leasing the building. School busses use S�. Croix.. Avenue. �affic will be increased by this project on 5t. Croix Avenue. Also, why can�t the proposed building be placed off Duluth Street? Mr. Cram, 1880 Adair Ave. N., stated previous traffic study was a waste and so is this traffic study. His residence is to the west of the present structure and he expressed the following concerns: �ir conditioning noise, traffic, cannot see otzt of his back yard, lights on in the building at night, presant structure shows when trees lose their leaves, and his property value has gone down. Mr. Harris, 6055 Wolfberry Lane, would like to see proposed building east of present building and Village purchase remaining land for park. Questioned Highway �partment leasing this building. He also reviewed the recommendations of the outline which Mr. Kuns spoke of. Mrs. Cram, 1880 Adair Ave. N., said Phase I is not what she expected. Mr. Holmgren, 612I St. Croix Ave., questioned traffic study, tenants for building, and noise. If proposed building is built, will we be assessed for storm sewer, sidewalk, curb and g�ztter? �r. Landsman, 59�t0 St. Croix Avenue, was concerned wi�h increase in traffic and safety of children. Mr. West, 1630 E. Constance l�rive, stated project should be stopped until we �.have an accurate traffic study, feasibility report on a building of this type, and questioned type of taxes this building will produce. The Planning Commission i.n reviewing the proposal referred to the May 10, 1971 and June Il�, 1971 Planning Commission minutes where the proposal received concept approval. Several questions were asked about the traffic study, and also the access to St. Croix Avenue was c3iscussed. It was also the feeling of some of the Planning Commission members that because of the location and size of the building it would tend to lead people to use St. Croix Avenue if there is an access to it. The Planning Commission supports a land use for an office park, but the plan should be to have the laxger building on Duluth Street and the smaller building on St. Croix Avenue in order ta blend into the residential area. ��� Planning Commission August 27, 1973 page 5 .After further discussion it was moved by Ecistram, seconded by Christiansen that the Planning Commission recommend approval for Phase 1-A with the stipulations that: 1) no access be allowed to St. Croix Avenue, except for _ an emergency vehicle entrance device to be designed by the axchitect, 2') approval from all other Boards and Commissions, 3) signing of the Use Permit. Upon eote being taken by roll call, the following voted in favor thereof: Christiansen and Edstrom. The following voted against the same: Becker, Herje, and Hughes. Commissioner Leonard abstained. The motion did not carry. The Planning Commission then having a concern for the traffic in this area asked Mr. Westlake to have a proposal from the Village staff at the neact Planning Commission meeting so that the Planning Commission may recommend to the Village Cauncil a request to Hennepin County to study this area and preferable before too much development has taken place in this area. S• GENERAL Discussion on moterate Housing Report in Planned Unit Developments It was moved by Herje, seconded by Hughes, carried unanimously to defer this item to the next Planning Commission meeting. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 12:5o a.M. /; , �(�' ` ; � ,,�� � ; i ''�. ' ,' . ♦ C airman John Sampson - ec etary Ro Fd ro