12-10-73 PC Minutes ���+; MINU'TES QF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING OOA4N�SSION December 10, 1973 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, �3ecember 10, I973 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman John Sampson presided and the following members were present: Com¢nissioners Anderson, Becker, Christiansen, Fdstrom, Herje, Hughes, Leonard, and Lundsgaard. Carl �a1e, Village Consultant, and Jon Westlake, Village staff member, were also present. Members absent: none. l. APPROVAL OF PqINUTESs MOVED by Anderson, seconded by Herje, caxried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the November 26, 1973 meeting with the following punctuation to the last paragraph of Page 3: colon placed after P.U.D, #llt and quotations on "It is .... . {to end of paragraph) . 2. ADDITION TO GOLDEN VALLEY HEALTH CENTII�t (Glenwood Hills Hospital) Aeferral from Village Council The Chairman of the Planning .Cammission reviewed the November 12, 1973 Planning Commission minutes regarding this request. Mr. Westlake reviewed the information, as requested by the Planning Commission at their November 12, 1973 meeting, including information from the Bassetts Creek Flood Control Com¢nission, Department of Natural Resources, and the November 12, 1973 �hvironmental Commission minutes. Carl Dale then explained the Planning Considerations as listed below: "1. The proposal is to expand the Medical Building to the south toward Sweeney Lake with a roadway being constructed between the building expansion and the lakeshore. Plans indicate a multi-story building with a parking ramp provided. 2. Plans submitted for review are quite complex and detailed; so complex and detailed, in fact, as to be very difficult to analyze in relation to the broader aspects of tmtal site involvement and relationship to neighbohood and community planning interests and considerations. At this stage of public review, it would be far better to have more general and more comp- prehensible plans which could be reniewed and later translated into greater detail based upon public reaction and conditional requirements. 3. Some observations on the site plan at this time are as follows: a) The actual height of the proposed building addition may be no greater than that of existing buildings due to changes in expansion land elevations. b) The use of parking ramps is a good plan feature and results in more open space potential sinee less land will be required for parking purposes. c) ,It is not clear why the road near the lake is needed or necessary; perhaps other alternatives are available which would not require utilization of space near the lake. d) Preliminary information submitted i.ndicates that eacpansion plans will not introduce major traffic problems onto Golden Valley Road; this information should, howaver, be evaluated further. ��{� Planna.ng`Commission ➢ecember 10, 19?3 page 2 Lt. Recommendations: a� A.ction on this matter should be deferred until area-wide planning and - development considerations can be further explored. b) The Applicant should be asked to fully eacplain �he expansion plans, how these relate to existing development, and what potential further expansion might be possible. c) The Appiicant should be requested to submit a plan showing existing development, current expansion plans, and potential further develop- ment for the entire site. It must be noted that the proposed zoning regulations will incorporate such proceedings and that piece-meal expansions and intensifications of use which require a special use permit will require plans for the entire area under control of the Applicant." Mr. Robert Van Hauer, Executive Vice President of Golden Valley Health Center, added the following information to his previous presentation requesting a five story addition to the west of the present hospital separated by a three le�el parking ramp. Mr. Van Hauer stated that the survey information requested by the Planning Commission had not been completed by the surveyor until today. This information provides the following statistics as well as locating all ` buildings and hard surface areas on the site. The tatal area of the property on 10�.1� acres with a total dry land area of 82.1� acres. The existing roads and parking areas are 7.8 acres with 2.l� acres with existing buildings. The proposed road will cover l.l acre and the proposed parking ramp and building will cover 1.01 acre. Seven and 1/2 acres were sold to Minnesota Society for Crippled Children and Adults buildzng, and 8 1/2 acres were sold to the Minneapolis Clinic. As far as future plans, the Health Center does not have wit2zi.n their preview any specific plans other than the proposed office building. It has been the Health Center�s purpose to hold the land and use it for health eare facilities. Mr. Van Hauer stated that he felt the previous history of the site is self evident of this. The Health Center would entertain any reasonable proposals from responsible agencies. Mr. Van Hauer then dis- cussed the traffic report. The following comments were voiced by the residents: Mr. King, l�02� Wasatch Lane, asked about Safety Gouncil meeting regarding this proposal and whether that information was forwaxded to the Planning Commission, the type of use in the proposed addition, and traffic generated by this use. Mrs. Johnson, 4200 Golden Valley Road, proposed use of building is a commercial use. Referred to history of the property in 1963, coneern for the environment, safety, and the intersectian of the hospital entrance onto Golden Valley Road. Mrs. Brodsky, 1y505 Heathbrook Circle, spoke of Bassetts Creek Plaza building, hospital site not being compatible with residential area, ta�c exempt, proposal sai11 generate 1,300 trips per da�y, lakeshore development, incompatible with single family residential area. Market demand not good for this building, Police and Fire protection. Mrs. Anderson, l�110 Golden Valley Road, spoke of traffic generated by this use. Carl Dale pointed out that a planned unit development would be the best way for both the proponent and the Village to have direction for planning on the paxcel because of the size of the property and the mixed uses. Also, at this time the Planna.ng Commission then could require from the proponent what land area he ��J Planning Commissian December 10, 1973 page 3 would plan to develop. With planned unit development a procedure would be established far additional development of the site. The Planning Commission discussed how this development would fit into a stage development of a planned unit development. The Planning Commissian discussed with Mr. Van Hauer the traffic study, types of uses in the proposed building, the gross leasable floor area 31,000 square feet when the total building area is Lt5,580 square feet, and taxes on the structure (Mr. Van Hauer indicated that 70� of the building will be taxable). After a long diseussion the Planning Commission felt there were a number of factors to be considered, and some of this information is not available at the present time on which to make a final decision. It was then moved by Anderson, seconded by Becker that the Planning Corrunission recommend to the Village Council that the following items'be considered prior to the Village Council making a decision on the proposal: 1. The Planning Commission endorses the action the Village Council took at their �ecember 3� 1973 meeting regarding the feasibility of investigating a comprehensive study of the total area. 2. Ideally, this area should be developed under Planned Unit ➢evelopment. This would give the Village and the proponent the opportunity to more logically guide development and be able to evaluate the �t,3.nd of impact any deaelopment would have on the Village. 3. The Village can, and possible should at this poi.nt, take into consideration the type of shoreland controls, such as size and location of structures and hard surface areas, that the Vil�.age does wish to establish. 4. Regarding traffic, it should be determined what specific contribution will be made from each type of the proposed uses. The current traffic study does not deliniate between the three developments on the site. a) The Planning Commission reco�nends that the Village Council ask for a clarification of the traffic report� and to be sure that the term "offices" in the report means medical clinic. b} : The Village Council must have up to date information and communication with Hennepin County as to what is programmed for Golden Valley Road. c) The Village Council should consider a request for additional access to the site from some other direction and als.o any possible means to improve the access to Golden Valley Road for the residents in the area. 5• If this proposal is allowed to go over the 2 1/2 story limit, any additional floor space should be considered (including the present structures on the site) as part of the 25� site coeerage. The open space left by allowing the developer to build upward rather than out must be left open and not used for additional building credit. 6. If the proponent does not go the Planned Unit Development procedure, the Village should consider other types of controls under the current ordinances, such as asking the proponent to first present the concept stage k�efore detailed plans are drawn for future development. Require that a site designer be involved in the development af the site and try to reach an understanding as to the types of facilities. 7. Request that the Village Council give consideration to a trail easement on the west side of the property along the lake. ���J Planning Com¢r►►ission December 10, 1973 Page 4 It was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Lundsgaard, to substitute the following motion which is to recommend to the Council approval of the Golden Valley Health Center addition with the following stipulations to become a matter of record for further land development: l. that the addition shall not be any higher than the existing structure. 2. that a7.1 future land development on thi.s property be related to the health center facility only. 3. that the developer work with the Trail Committee to obtain a satisfactory arrangement with the intent and spirit of our overall Comprehensive Plan. Upan roll call vote being taken on the substitute motion, the following voted in favor thereof: Christiansen and Lundsgaard. The fallowing voted against the same; Anderson, Edstrom, Becker, Herje, Hughes, and Leonard. The original motion carried with 6 yea and 2 nay. 3. WA,IVER OF THE PLATTING ORDINANCE Carey & Curry, Inc. (Commercial) Sizzler Steak House 2520 Winnetka Avenue North The proposal is to combine Lots 2 and 3 and a portion of Lots 5 and 6, including a 30 foot leg running east to Rhode Island Avenue. The remaining portion of Lots 5 and 6 would have 230 feet of frontage on Rhode Island Avenue. These lots are a11 in Block 1 of Terra Linda Plaza. There is also a drainage and utility easement vacation i.nvolved in this Iot division. Mr. �i.ck Curry of Carey & Curry, Inc., a real estate firm, was present to answer questions about the proposed lot dinision which is for a Sizzler Steak House site. The reason for the 30 foot extension of the lot to Rhade Island Avenue is because of traffic on Winnetka Avenue and also for access if the concrete median is extended past the driveway entrance to this lot on Winnetka Avenue. The Planning Commission discussed different ways of dividing the property because of the concern about the narrow lot extending to Rhode Island Avenue, which would be used for a driveway. It �aas moved by Edstrom, seconded by Anderson, to deny the request (30 foot strip too narrow) and recommend that the propanent consider combining Lots 2,3, and �i in Block 1 of Terra Linda Plaza. The motion carried with 7 yea and 1 nay. Lt. FRELIMINARY RESIDENTIAL PLAT AND FILL PERMIT Mr. 7,3ow, 5010 Circle 13own Six (6) Residential lots approximately 250 feet west of Highway #1.00, south of Col.onial �rive, and north of Circle Down The proposed residential lots in this plat exceed all Village Ordinance require- ments with respect to size and square footage. This req,uest was preaiously before the Planning Commission on September 2�t, 1973 and the Planning Commission deferred action on the request subject to review by the Environmental Commission and the Bassett Creek Flood Control Commission, which now have both reviewed the proposal. 2�7 Planning Commission � �3ecember 10, 1973 � page 5 Mr. Carl Dale then reviewed the Planning Co�siderations as follows: "1. The proposal is to create six (6) lots with two being on Colonial l�ive and four being on Circle �own. Actually, the four lots on Circle 1)own now exist but some extend back into a ponding area; the current proposal would be to split off some of this land for dedication as a ponding area. 2. The site contains a pond which affects at least four of the proposed lots. Apparently, lots No. 1 and 2 on Colonial �rive woul.d require filling in part with the back or rear portion being in the pand area. There are other very deep lots located to the west on Turnpike Road which also currently extend into the pond area. 3. The current Village Comprehensive Municipal '13evelopment Plan calls for all or portions of this area to be maintained in a natural �'open" state for ponding and/or other publie open space needs. This is in line with the P'lanning Commission�s policy of retaining as much open space as possible which still remains undeveloped in the Village and which has some value for maintaining an "open environment". !t. It is further understood that the Bassett�s Creek Watershed District desires to retain ponding. 5. While it appears that suffici,ent lot area and dimensions could be provided to meet zoning requirements, it is reCOmmended that the portion as described on the Comprehensive Plan of this site for open space be purchased for ponding and public open space." Mr. Bert Nygaard, Attorney representing Mr. Dow, was present and stated they have agreed with the Environmental Commission not to fill be�ond 150 feet south of Colonial Ih�ive, which will be an easement to the Village of G�olden Valley. The area further south beyond the easement area and approximately 215 feet north of Circle Down will be dedicated to the Village. (These areas are described on the preliminary plat.) It was moved by Anderson, seconded by Fdstrom that the Village Council consider acquiring this area as designated as a natural area on the Comprehensive Plan, including Lots 22 and 23, which is not part of the proposed plat-but directly east. The motion carried with 6 yea and 2 nay. In the event the land is not acquired by the Village Council, it was moved by Edstrom, seconded by Lundsgaard, carried unanimously, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the preliminary plat and fill permit as submitted, including the requirements of other commissions. 5. 1"LANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - SET PUBLIC INFbRMATIONAL MEETING P.U.D. #13 Concept Plan (29 acres with 5.9 units/acre) A,pplicant; Cheyenne Land Company Location: East of County Road 18 service drive and north of Duluth Street Proposal: 172 Single Family Homes on 0 1Lot Lines Mr. Jim Hawks of Cheyenne Land Company informed the Planning Commission of their proposal and requested that the Planning Commission set a hearing. ��� Planning Commission December 10, 1973 page 6 The Planning Commission set January 1l�, 197l� for a Public Informational Meeting for concept plans for P.U.D. #13. The Planning Commission informed the pro- ponent that prior to the hearing date he is to meet with the residents in the area. 6. GENEftAL (a) Housing Policy Commissioner Anderson informed the Commission that the Village Council at their �ecember 3, 1973 meeting requested that the Planning Commission meet with the Human Rights Commission regarding the Planning Commission's Housing Policy. It was moved by Becker, seconded by Lundsgaard, carried unanimously, that if this is the feeling of the Village Council, the Planning Commission should be officially notified by them. (b) Vice Chairman Anderson - Appreciation of Service The Chairman of the Planning Commission, Mr. John Sampson, extended the following to Mary Andersan on behalf of the Planning Gommission due to her being elected to the Village Council beginning January 1, 197lt: that is to thank Vice Chairman Anderson for the devoted hours and time and interest you have shown in serving on the Planning Commission and particularly your services as the Vice Chairman for this year and wishing you total success as being a new member of the Village Council. There being no further busin�ss to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 11:30 P.M. � C`.'-� %r��`� �1���...� „ � C man John Sampson Se retary rom ��. NO PLANNING CQMMISSION MEETTNG DECF�ER 2lt, 1973