01-28-74 PC Minutes 23'7 MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING CO1�5SION January 28, 197� A regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Planning Commission was held at 7:3o P.M. on Monday, January 28, 197Lt at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman John Sampson presided and the following members were present: Co►t�nissioners Becker, Christiansen, Edstrom, Herje, Hughes, Leonard, and Lundsgaard. Jon Westlake, Village staff inember, was also present. Members absent: None. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Leonard, seconded by $ecker, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the Januarq lk, 1974 Planning Commi.ssion meeting as mailed. 2. �ISCUSSIOPI ON PLANNING OONlMISSION POLICY REGARDING HOUSING (a) Housing Policy in Planned Unit Developments Members present for the informal discussion with the Planning Commission were Council members Anderson, Bix, Hoover, and Moberg. Also present was the Village Manager, the consultant for the Fiuman Rights Commission, and Mr. Robert Engstrom of Robert Engstrom A.ssociates, Inc. JoYtri Sampson, Chairman of the Planning Commission, opened the meeting by stating the reason the Planning Commission became involved in cost of housing in planned unit developments was to seek ways of having a better balance of economic housing in the community. Commissioner Fdstrom then reviewed the policy on moderate housing which is divided into three areas and is part of the November 26, 1973 Pl.anning Commission minutes. The first part refers to cost of units in planned unit developments. The second area reflects ideas of obtaining the cost require- ment in the first part of the policy, and the third area speaks of requirements that could be applied so the lower priced units would be available for certain income groups. � �� "� � Mr. Ttobert Engstrom of Robert Ehgstrom Associates, Inc. reviewed the Flanning Commission housing policy stating he is sympathetic with the goal of the Planning Commission on housi.ng because in the metropolitan area the attainment of such a goal has been very difficult. A. reason wh,y the Planning Commission�s policy on housing may not work is that in the field of pla nning it has been documented that tawnhc>uses and condominiums sell predominantly to whi.te collar workers with an average age of 1�3 years with .6 children per unit. Also, there should not be an obvious decrease in plans-such as omitting gaxages from lower priced units when the rest of the units have a double garage. The biggest concern seen with the policy is a windfall profit on the lower priced unit. Mr. Engstrom reviewed a memo which was discussed by the Planning Commission at their November 26, 1973 Planning Commission meeting. He also spoke of cities and communities that are involved in similar programs as the Planning Commission. ��� Plannin� Coma�ission Janus�ry 28' 197�t PaQe 2 2he Yilla�e Cc>uncil discu�sed �.th the Planning Cc�i�sion the Platu�ing Co�fasion's policy on housing, inel,uding the co�ents by Mr. �i�strom. After further di�cussion it was the �eneral conserisus of th� �a�ority oF the Village Cc�tu�cil present that thsy �rould g�n�r��l].� coacur that the apprrrach of the pc>2icy an housine in plaraned unit developmeuts by th� Plarutiing Co�niasioa would be logics�l. to pursne with the reco�nition that there wculd be aome indi- vid�al ad�u�tment az�d updating of certain pa�te cF the policy. (b) Ir�vesti�ating Lower Tncome Houa�g The Chair� of the P�.a�ning Commission opened this part of th� discussion by aski�g the Villa�e Covncil if the Council wou].d find it helpful if the Planning Co�.i.ssion condueted an i�vesti�ation as to the posaibility of ather �rays to stia�nla�e low inc4�e hou�ing (far e3caxple, through � Housing Redevelopmer�t Authority). In ats�wer to thi� CounaiL�an Moberg stated that at the last �'illa�e Cotinc3l meetin� t�he Cc>uncil rmque�ted that � committee from the Planning Ccamm�ssion meet with a cc�itt�e fro� the Human E�3.�ht� Commi.ssipn to axpl.c�re all possibilities in hc�u�i�g s�h3.ch w�u3.d include the aforessid. 3• E��OD HILZS � sTUUY The Planning Comini.ssiom has beer� asked by the Village �+uticil to cc�rdinate a siac-�onth sttzdy with Nason Wehrman +Chapman & Assoeiates for a study cf the Qlenwood Hills are�. The Planni.a$ Gc�i.ssion en$a�ed in a len�2�,q: discus�sion of differeat prceedures ta3 Fmllo�r re�ardin� the �tudq, includin6 eitizen input, input from the Hospital, arrd all �fYected '�illa�e bo�rds and commi.ss3ons. It was moved by Her�e, ssconded by Leonard, carried unana.�ously to send post- card� to a large number of residen�s in the alenwood Hills area statiri� that the Plazulin� CQ�miasion wi11 enterta�.n reaction tci the �llenwood Hills area, located south of (�].den Qa].ley Road lying between the 3901 and E�2o1 block�, for communitq input before the conaultar�t be�i.ns work on tY�e study of tbe area. This input will. be gathered by the (3�lden Va11ey Plarnnning" Commission at th� regalarly �cheduled Planrii.ng Co�mi.ssion meeting of Februsry ll, 197lt between ?s30 P.M. and 8:30 P.M. Tt Waa then e�ov�cl by &istrn+�, �econded by Her�e, c�rried unanimou$ly that the Plannin� Go�ission �ppoint an advisorq eomrnittee ev�posed ofs (a) Three r�sidents of the af�ected area (i.e., one re�sid�nt each frora the Sweeney Lake area, Mary Hills area, and the area ad�stcent to f3olden Ya11ey Road). (b) T�rse for��r �e�bers of the Planning Cos�mis�ion and/or Village Cot�ncil (�inc• 1970). (c) Three repreaentatives-one each f'ram the Mi�nesota Soeiety for Cr3.ppled Ctxildren and Adult$, Minneapc>1is Clinic of Paychiatry and NeuroloQ,y, and Health Central, Inc. (d) Four representativ�s-ane �ach fro� the (Ioldea Valley Trsil Commi.ttes, t3olden 4a11�r SaY�ty Couneil, �qi.ronmental C�omn�i.ssion, and Open Space subce�aittee. .Gi c.D sJ Pl.anning Commigsion aanu�►ry 28, �.974 page 3 This comm�,ttee would be formed to meet with the Planning Commission to describe prob2ems of the areas of concern and to suggest solutions. (This advisory committee r�ould be formed before the February 25, 197�t Flanning Comm3.ssion meeting so the newlq formed committee can begin s�rking with the P'l.anning Comu�i.ssion at their February 25� I9Ttt meeting.) There' being no further business to eome before the meeting, it wa� on motion, duly seconded, ad3ourned at 10:35 P.M. , Ch man 3ohn Sampson e retary