02-25-74 PC Minutes ��� MINUTES 0� THE 40I,DEN VALLEY F'LANNINQ ODMMISSION Februsry 2S, 197�t A regu].ar meeting of �he Golden Vailey Planning Eommission was held at T:3Q P.M. on �onda�p, February 25, 1974 at the Civic Center3 7$(?O Gol.den Valley Road� Golden �a11ey, Minnesota. Chairman John Sampson presided and the folio�ring members were present: Connni�sioners Becker, Christiansen, Edstrom, Herje� �iughes, and Lundsgasrd, Jon Westlake, Village staff inember, was also present. Members absents Cc>mr�issioner Leonard. 1. ADVISQRY �OI�SMTTTEE - f3LENF100D HILLS AftEA STUi3Y The Chairman of the Planning Coromission Mr. John Sampson introdueed the Planning Connnission members and Advisory Committee members. They are as followss 5 - resident� from the affected area Mrs. Karen Brodsky, Mrs. Gloria Johnson, Mrs. Mary King, Mr. Richard Moran, and Mr. Larrq Smith !s - former Council or Planning Commission members QifP Teresi, Ray �tockman (not present) �on FraMZen, aand Lowell Swanson 3 - representatiaes of the Fiospital area Mr. William Botnan, Mp1s. Clinic of Psychiatry A�r. W. B. Schoenbahm, MISCCA Mr. Robert van Hauer, Health Central, Tnc. It - Golden Va11ey Commission Representatives Open Space - Katharine Hakala EaZVirornnental - �el Matasovsky Safety Council - Roma Wit�ig Trails - Rosemary Thorsen Mr. Sampsoa then reviewed why the Committee was formed a�d stated the study was stimul.ated by a request for an additional building to Iiealth Central, Ine. As a result o�' this there was concern expressed particularly from many of the residents in the area. Because of this the City Cauncil chose a consultant for a six-month period to develop a study for the srea. The City Council r�quested that the Planning Cananission w+�rk with the consultant and coordinate the input and concerns of the various groups in the area. In doing this the P'.Lanning Cc�nunission felt that an ad hoc com�rii.ttee compn�ed of various groups that had an interest in the area slwuld be formed to lis�C the various concerris and issues they felt the consultant should be aware of at�d look into as the consultant seeks to develop a set of recommendations for this area. �,�'�� �...: �.��� Fianning Commission February 25, 197ls pa�e 2 The Chairman of the Planning Commission then reviewed the makeup of the Advisory Gommittee� consisting of sixteen members. The primary roie of the Committee is advising the Planning Commission about the study area. The Planning Gommission is not looking far decisions from the Committee, but for a way to develop a systematic list of concerns and issues that the P7.anning Commission should pass an to the eonsultant for his consideration as he develops his study. The Planning Commission set Mareh 12, 1974 a� a completion date for this list. The Commission will then meet with the Advisory Committee arzd`�the consu3.tant at the March 25, 19?!t P�.anning Commission meetin� and i.nput the various issuss that should be considered so that the consultant can begin his study. Therefore, the major portion of the Advisary Committee�s work will be done before March 11, 1974. Mr. Sampson then indicated that the number of Advisory Cammittee mestings held between now and March 11, 197�t is up to the Commi.ttee and �he selection of Mr. Teresi as Chairman pro tem is merely to convene the Commi.ttee. The Cc>nanittee is free to ehoose whoever they want as well as electing a Reeording Secretary. After the initial report, the Planning Commission wi11 meet with the Committee per�odically to reqiew ar�y inter3.m reports the consultant may have developed, including the final report. The Plann3.ng Commi.ssion would be looking to the Advisory Committee 'to react to the final report also. Mrs. Gloria Johnson, �240 Golden Valley Road, speaking for the residents present, stated they thanked the Plannin� Commission and Council for their desire to brin� groups together with opposing interests to take part in the process of : 4�.��:�ration; however, even though the p3an itself has strength and purpose, the implementation of this p3an is not a workable one. Perhaps 3.n this process of jury selection we have a motto as to how to obtain people who do not have any known pre�udices and biased opir�ions. We feel strongly that the people who are supposed to g3ve credence to their del3berat�.on process may be unable to look a� issues ob3eatinely. It is w5.th a deep feeling of regret that we present these letters to qou and we wish to thank each member of the Pianning Commission for �heir time and the way you have outlined the plan and proposal. I represent the neighbors of the Glenwaod Hi11s Association. Mrs. Johnson then distributed a letter containing the resignata.ons of the five residents selec�ed to serve on the Advisory Gommittee. Mr. John Sampson read the lett�r and stated he felt there has been a gross misinterpretatian of the role of the Advisory Cammit.tee, which is not to vote on specific issues or arrive at a concensus as to what the group feels ought to be �he solution of the area, but the whoZe intent is to gather, as comprehensive as possible, ° the various issues that aught to be raised to be considered by the consultant. The Planni.ng Cammission feels this Committee is a means af obta�ni.ng broad citi�en+s input with respect ta the area. The former members of the City f:ouncil or PZanning Commissian were appointed mainly to add perspective from the City as a who�.e. Mrs, Rosemary Thorsen, a member of the Trai1 Committee appointed to serve on the advisory comrnittee, stated she felt this Committee was a good idea and that is why she is here-to pursue the idea to find a so2ution that is best for Golden Va11ey. � r :� � Planning Commission February 2�, 197l� page 3 Tt wae moved bq Edstrom, seconded by Her�e, carried unanimous2y, that the Planning Commission regretfully accept the resignation of the fine residents who submitted their names to serve on the Advisory Committee. John Sampson then stated that despite their resignation the Planning Commission will r�ve ahead with the Committee and pointed out to the remaining Committee members that they can still provide a valuable serv3.ce. Mrs. Gloria Johnson then stated they woult! list their concerns and subm3.t them to th� Advisory Committee. After further discussion the Planning Commission, not knowing if these fi�e residents spoke for the entire neighborhood� felt there may be a possibility that other residents in this area wnuld like to serve on this Commi.ttee. It was then moned by Lundsgaard, seconded by Becksr, carried unanimously, to hold these five position5 open for residents in that area intere�ted in serving on the Advisory Committee. It was then znoved by Her�e, seconded by Becker, carried unanimously, that the first five residents who contact the Planning �partment from the s-tud3r area will be add� ta the roster for the membership of the Advisory Committee. 2. OPII�t SPACE (7DNIMI�EE REPDRT Mrs. Syrille E].].ison, Chairman of the Open Space Committee, informed the Pianning Commi_ssion of ali indiv3duals the Open Space Committee had sent a copy of the report to,, includ3.ng Noble Avenue Sc�o2�s 3ixth Grade Class who made a pos�er entitled '�Save Open Space" for the Qpen Space Committee which Mrs. E1lison da.splayed at the meeting. It was moved by Her�e, seconded by Lundsgaard, to se�nd the Sixth Grmde Class of Nable Avenue Schoo2 a letter of appreciation for their poster. The motion c�rried with Ccjmmissioner Fdstrom abstaining. Mrs. Syrille IIlison then stated that the concern of the Open Space Committee is that Golden Valley is a special place and has a certain qua].ity of life which should nat be lost. The Chairman of the Open Space Commi.�tee then reviewed the charges the P].anning Commission gave �hem when their committee was formed. The Planning Commission in reniewing the report with the Open Spaee Committee referred to the memo by the Park and Recreatian Cammission regarding the report. In reaiewing the report the Planning Comanission had particular questions regarding the Swseney Lake area, the 100 foot greenbelt to the north af Laurel Avenue and density of five units per acre in this area, open space on the General Mi11s Research Center a,nd off3ce area� Star of Bethlehem property, how the value of the properties were arrived at, the map should eaordinate with the report, and the numbers used in the report should be the same as used on the map. Also, it was qusstioned if a li.st of priorities cauld be estab- lished for the pareels of open space for the tota�. City. ��� Plannin� Commission February 25, 1974 page 4 The Planning Comml.ssion a7.so diseussed the section af the report regarding the continuance of the Open Space Cc�mmittee as an ad 2�c committee. It was then moved by Her�e, seconded by Ghristiansen, carrieci un�nimously, to �ommertd���he Open Space Cammittes for the work they had done on their report� and that the Open Space Cammittee eontinua for one month to update and incor- porate any reaction from tonight�s meeting anci other input from City Commiss3ons to develap their report in a final. form, ineluding a recommendation of how their Cammittee sh�uld continue. 3. ADVISORY fl(31�II�ITTTEE RF�'lUESTS - GL�OD HILLS AREA STUDY l�ir. Lowell Swanson, a member of the Advisorq Committee, stated that the Adeisory Committee had met for the first time. The Committee has five specific itarns to discuss w3.th the Planning Corntniss3on. Theq are as fol3ow: 1. Request a stated purpose of the Committee so that they may review the purpose at their nex� meeting. In answer to this, the Plannin� Commis$ion felt that Stem #3: of these Planning Commi�sion A4inu�es best describe� the P�'Pose as out�ined 'by th�` Chair�tan`aE �he P1.a�n�.ng Commission. 2. Request that the Planr�.ing Commission assign a chairman for the Advisory Committee from outside their Committee. After discussing Item �1. of the request it was rr�ved by Christiansen, seconded by Luncis�aard� carried, to enea�arage the Committee, preferably a member oF a current conuni.ssion that is serving on the Advisory Committee, to select a chairman fram w3.thi.n the appointed Commit�ee; however, if an impasse i� reached in the interest of conserving time, the Coimaittee has the pr3gilege of adding another meniDer. Canu�sissioner Her�e voted na�q {beaause of alternatives such as rotating the cha3.rmanship, or having a co-chairman, etc.). 3. �ctension of time to March 25, 197lt 'to obtain five residents to serve on the Committee to replace those five w2m chose not to serve. It was moved by Her3e, seconded bq Hughes, carried unan3mously, to e�ctent the time table for the Advi�ory Committee report to I�arch 25, 19?!�. 4. The Advisor� Committee requests that Mr. Jon Westlake be present to outline �rY�at has taken plaee fram the time the Hospital requested the proposed five-story sddition. Mr. Westlake 3ssdieated he w�ould appeax at the Committee's next meeting. 5• The Ac3visary Committee requests that a regresentative of Torah Aeademy serve on this Committee because of their location in the area. It was , moved by Christiansen� seconded by Her�e, carried unanimously, to add a member from Torah Acad�my to the Co�n�ttee. !t. WAIVER OF THE PLATTING ORDINANGI� Southside I,umber Company (Commercial) 5'T22, 5730, 57It0 Wayzata Boul.evard 24� Planning Commission February 25, 197l� page � The real estate a�ent, Mr. EriksSOn, was no� aware that a� the last Planning Commissi.on meeting the property owner he rspresents owns three lots contiguous and lrnown as 5?22, �730, and 5740 Wayzata Bou7.evard. The Planning Commission recommended approval fbr a request for two lots as requested by Mr. Eriksson at the Februar�► 31, 197� Planning Commission meeting. The reguest before the Commisaion now is for three 1ots, tKO of which are on Wayzata ,Bou3.evard. The first lot on the east will have 105 feet of frontage, the second lot (or west. lot} wi11 have 110 feet of frontage. Both lots will have a depth of 250 feet. The remaining parael which is to the north of the twn lots contains �re than six acres and will have l�13 feet of frontage. Mr. Eriksson was present to answer questions regarding the request. Tt was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Lundsgaard, earr3.ed unanfi�mously, to recomnend approval. of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance as described a�ve,, sub3ect to no structure to be closer than �0 feet from the south propertyline €or the ttiro parcel.s off 41d Wayzata Boulevard and granting the correct Right of Wa,q to the Ci�y of Golden Val.ley as required by the E�ig3.nesring 13epartment al.ong Zenia Avenue. 5. P'LANNk� T1NTT DEPII.OP�IENT - SET PUHZIC IN�RMATIONAL MEETINa P.U.D. �'12 Concept Plan Applieants Jack t�al.ant Location: �unty Road 1$ servic� drive (East-West) Praposals Three-story building contsining �!� units Mr. Jack {3alant.was present and requested an 3.nformal. hearing with the _Flanning Commission for P.U.D. �12. it was suggested tc> Mr. (�alant to have a data sheet prepared 'containirzg such items as site coverage of the building, green area, parking area, blacktop, etc. Also, his planning consultant ahould attend the informa3. hearing. Zt was moved by Edstrom, seconded by Lundsga�rd, carried to set I�areh 11, 19?!� as an informal hearing for P.U.D. #12. Commissioner Her3e voted nay. 6. o��x�rrszv� ��rr �changes) The Pl.anning Comm3.ssion discussed the proposed changes on the Comprehen$ive P7.an as suggested by the Village Council, and in discuasing the changes referred to Counci�.man Mary Andersan's yrritten corr�neats wi.th respect to w2�y the Counc3l suggestad these changes. T. (�oal.s and Policy Statement of the Comprehensive Plan - Following are the proposed ten (ln) changes by the City Councila 1. �'age 6. Second paragraph B. Policy: The Vill.age will provide adequate funds for improvement and maintenar�ce of parks. The Planning Commi�sion agreed wi.th the change as listed above by the City Council. 2. Page 7. Ato. 7 C. Policy: �elete entire second line. �5U P'lanni.ng Commi�sion February 25, 1974 P�B� 6 It was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Lundsgaard, earried unanimously to leaee as original.ly written by the Planning Co�n3.ssion because this ig the feeling oP the Pl�nning Commission on reg3.ona1 and arterial. thoroughf'ares as to haw the cost should be paid. 3. Page 8. No. 8 B. Policy: �?elete Multiple fatnil.y. Housing develop- mer�t should maxf.mize the retention of open space and green areas� etc. �t. Page 8. No. 8 �. Pol.icys {1) second line, delete (law and), It was moved by Her�e, secanded by Lzindsgaard, carr3�ed unanimously, that It�ns 3 and 2� remain as origina3.ly printed, except to add ths wc�rd or after the word and (i.e., 1aw and or) in Item $ �-1. � 5. Page 9. No. 9 Goalz Second line �ubsitute matters for �ervices, after Policy making insert (plann�ng and coord�na�ing). It was moved by Herje, seconded by Becker, carried unanimousTy to accept the suggestion af the Citq Cc�uncil for Item 5. b. Page 9. No. 9. B. Policy: Delete entire section. It was �ved hy t�ristiansen, seconded bq Fier�e, carried unan3.mously to accept the guggestion af the City Council for Item 6. ?. Page 9. No. la. velete A., s., c., �., & E. 8. Pa�e ld. ?�elete entire pa�e, 9. Fage 13. �el.ete entire page. 10. Page 12. 3�lete entire pa�e. It was moved by Her�e, seconded by Christiansen, carried unanimously tfl t�ke no action on It�ns 7, $, 9, and la unti2 fvrther comments from the City Council. TI. Larid Use Plan. The fo].lowing are the suggested changes by ths Ci�y Council on the Land Use section of th� Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission discussed the girst four items and will cont3.nue with Ttem 5 at their next meeting (tatal of nine items). 1. Page I3. Last line, substitute �st for nearly all. it wa� moved by Herje, seeonded by Christiansen, carried unanimously to accept the suggest�d change by the City Covncil for Item 1. 2. Page l�. First line, de2ete (a number). Third lines St will be necessary to use a combination of open space and residential develop- ment in order to properly blend the current uses. City policy shall be to require, where feasible, �resr� belts to separate residential areas from dissimilar uses rather than using transitional develop- ment to provide buffering or separation. 100 foot strip green belt from Fermsylvania Avenue South to Turners CroSSroad, on North side of Laurel Avenue. (change map) ��� I'].annin� Gc�mmigsion February 2�, 19?4 page 7 It was moro�ed bq Christiansen, �econded bq Her�e, carr3ed unanimously, ta leave as or�.ginally written by the Planning Commission because a transitianal use can be different residential uses. Zt daes not necessarily have to be, for example, a resident3.a1 use mixed with an oPfice use. 3. Page 1l�. Map - Change P'{J� Transitional on Laurel Avenue to PU�9 ].ow clensity. It was moved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Becker, carried unanimous�.y� to leav� as originally written in the report. (Change would conflict with Item 2 above.) 1�. Page 15. Ac��-�e�e3�-�#��-eeas#�ep-�le�e#�y-ereet��e-frl�ie�-�ke-�aa� ��-e�e�e�eged: 1)elete thi.s change. No action by ths Flanning Commission requ3.red on Item !t. 7. APPROVAL OF MTNUTE.S: 1�DVED by Hughes� seconded by Lund��aard, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the February Z1, 1974 Planning Commission meeting as aalended by changing Vice Chairman, to Secretary and adding at the end of Item �: (Hased upon the faet the aforesaid paragraph was linked to the nwtion.) 8. f3ENFRAL (a} p1ar�,ni.ng eommission Request for RefresY�nents Because of the nvmerous and long meetings the Planning Commission has been involved in, and having no allocation �'or a budget, it was moved by Her�e, seconded by Becker, to request the City Cc>uncii to allow the Planning Commission ta have coffee, or for those wh� �o�_�not drink coffee, soft beverages Por their meetings. Upon vote being taken by roll call, th� following voted �n favor of the motionx Becker, Christiansen, Edstrom, Her3e, Hughes, Lundsgaard, and Sampson. The following vot� a�ainst the same: None. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come be�are the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, ad�ourned .at 11:30 P,M. . � Ch ' ohn son S cretary n s rom ; .�