03-11-74 PC Minutes �f)� MIIJUTES aF TIiE (�3I,DEN 9ALLEX PLANI�TING OOMMISSION Mareh 11, 197�5 A regular meeting of the C�olden Va11ey Planning Corn�nission was held at 7:3� P.M. on Monday, March 11� 197�1 at the Civic Center,, ?8�0 Golden Valley Road, (3olden vall.ey, Minnesota. Chairman John Sampson presided and the following member� were presents Commissioners Becker, Christiansen, Edstram, Her�e, I�iughes, I,eonard, and Lunds�aard. Jon West2ake, Village staff inember, was also present. Members absent; Ncane. 1. REQUEST FOR EASII�fENT VACATION Applicant: Busch Bros. Propoaal: Vacate Busch Street (north se�ent thereof) North of Tenth Avenue North It was moved by Herje, seconded by Becker' earried ur�animously, to defer aet3on on this request because the propanen� was not present. 2. PUBLIC INFQRMATIONAL MEETING (PLANNED L1�tIT 1)EVE�,�PMF�IT) P.U.T3. �12 Concept Plan Applicant: Jack {�alant Location: County Road 18 serviee drive (East-West) Proposal s Three stor�r apartment buildin� containing 51� tttnnits The fo2lowing information is updated from the previous Planning Considerstions regarding thi9 request: 1. Th� pre�ent proposa). is for a three story apartment building containing �!� units with 66 underground parking spaces and 61 on site. It is located south of County Ftoad 1� service drive as it runs paxatlel with Medicine Zake Road. Present zoning of the property is Open Development. The fol].owin� is a breakdown of the site coverage: Tota1 I,and Areas lt.95 A. = 21'',b22 sq. ft. Building Area: 13� = 29,320 sq, ft. Blacktop Areas l�`� = 32,32� sq. ft. Fond Area: 25� � 52,2�0 sq, ft. Green Area: !�?� * 101,727 sq. ft. Previous action taken by the Planning Commission regarding this proposal � is as fallows: �7�y 9, 1973 - Defer-Five stary, 9Q units August 27, 1973 - Deny-Four story, 80 units Oetober 23, 1973 - Review-Four story, 72 units February 11, 19?!� - �eny-Three story, 60 units ��� Planning Commission March 11, 197� page 2 2. Strictly as a '�land us�" concept, the proposal would be in conformity to the Cc»mprehensive Municipal Plan as adop�ed and recommended by the P'l..anning Corarnissian, except the density. The Comprehensiae Village Plan calls for the site in question to be Residential PUA at 'tmid-density" {up to 9 units per acre� with the land further to the south being desig- nated for '11ow densityt� (up to b units per acre) Residentiai PUD. 3• Some basic questions are as follows: a) Building Height. b) Is the proposed density proper at the proposed 1�.8 dwelling units per acre? c) Site Plan. Ts the �eneral site plan satisfactory and does it relate well to existing and potential developments in the surrounding area? �t. As a conce�t� it �uld seem that the primary consideration is height and densi�The aesthetics of building "height'� are generally a q�estion of personal opinion and taste. The environmental effects of building height become t�measurable�� only when buildings are close together resu]..ting in obstruction of views� casting of shadaws, cut�ing off air circulativn, and other such effects upon living and enaironmental conditions. In this �?8F't1CLLZ.3Z' case, the site is rather remate from ather development (existing or potential� and it would be difficult to find measurable effects that are detr3.mentai to the environment. It is expected, however, that there may be eonsiderable interest and opinions e�ressed over the less tangible affects. It is suggested that the site in question would seem to be one that lends itself to consideration o.f the proposal. The Village Plan calls far commercial land use to the north and public open space to the east; other residential PUD uses are suggested for land to the west and south. 5. The site does and wi11 contain a panding area which is part of a larger ponding area. While a ponding area may be cons�dered as '+open space" it is not +'usuable" open space for residents. There may be a qusstion as to how much credit should be given in terms of density for the ponding area. The Apglicant has offered to donate appraximately 1.� acres for the ponding area; it is assumed that thi� is d�sired by the City Engi.neer and that he zai.11 suggest conditions regarding shoreline and other treatm�nt including anti-silting and pollution measures. b. The idea af underground parking is a plus factor and tends to off-set the nega�ta.ve aspects of �'unusable" open space in ponding by adding to the arr�unt of open ar green land area that would normal.ly be covered by a , paved parkiz�g surFace and detached garages. Whi1e considered a glus factar in reducing groeuid conered by structures and parking, the paxking plan detail.s are not totally clear and the Applicant shouZd be asked to explain in some detail the proposed parking arrangement. An idea for future consideration would be to require some form of landscaping on the top level of parking axea. 2��� Planning Commission March 11, 197lt page 3 7. From a professional planning view}�oint the "coneept" as proposed wou'1.d seem to have merit. Thi.s opinion may be altered based upon receipt of factuaZ and sounci reasons to the contrary that may be pr�sen�ed by athers. Messrs. Jacic Galant and Richard 7.�amond, Attorney, were present to discuss the proposal. Mr. Galant stated the thres story building containi.ng 51r units wi11 have 30 one bedroom units (815 sq. ft.) and 2!� two bedroom units (1,050 sq. ft.) and an enclased swimming pool and sauna. There are b6 under- ground �arking spaces whir,h will be included in thA rent of the units with"a � rent range from �23�.�3Q to �28�.00 per unit. Mrs. Medeck, resident at 2�3Q Ilzsio Ave. N., stated she would prefer to see patio homes built on this parcel. She is opposed to the proposal because of height and density. Mrs. Brenna, 2l�Ol IIzsign Ave. N., r�as concerned about density. The Planning Commission in discussing the cancept plan referred to previous Planning Commission meetings when this proposal was discussed, but with differing height and density. The predominant discussion was the density and the ran�e the Comprehensive Plan indicates, which �s up to 9 wnits per acre. It was moved by Edstrom, seaonded by Leonard, carried to grant concept approval for P.Q.�?. #1.2 for land use only with a density of �?� units on this parcel. Cornmissioner Her3e voted nay. 3. WAI9ER QF THE PLATTING OftDINANCE Indegendent School Iiistrict #2?5 !�$00 Glenwood Avenue The request is to add an additional �4 feet t,o the Golden Valley High School property off the north property of the American Legion Club at 2(�0 Lilac Drive North� leaving an acreage of lt.31� acres on the I,egion C1ub property. Mr. Westlake stated he had informed the proponent that if he so desired he would not have to attend the P].anning Comma.ssion meeting because the request was adding and subtracting fram two large parcels of ground where no structures are located. It was moved by Hughgs, seconded by Becker to table the request because the progflnent was not present. Upon vate being taken by ro11 call th� following voted in favor thereof: Christiansen, Becker, Her�e, and Hughes. The following voted against the same: Edstrom, Leonard, and Lundsgaard. The motivn carried. It was then moved by Herje, seconded by Hu�hes, that the policy o� the Flanning Commission in the future is that no action will be taken on an item unl�;ss the propc�nent is present. The motion carried with Commissioner Lundsgaard vote�i nay. (See Item �10} �r� Planning Commissian March Il, 19?!t page !t !�. ACGURATE REOaRDING OF MINUTffi The Chairman of the i'lanning Commission read a memorandum from the City Council (which a11 Flanning Commission members received copies ef) with respect to the accuracy in re�ording mi.nutes. The Planning Ccrmmission discussed the znemorandum after which it was moved by I,undsgaard, seconded by Christians�n,, carried unani�usly, that the P'lanning Commission felt there �uld be no problem in the Council�s request, except recording in the minutes when residents leave a meeting whieh would be difficult. It is the understanding of the Planning Commission that the Ci.ty Counci2 will also be discussing this memorandum dated Mareh 8� 197�t and they may have thoughts regarding citizens leaving a meet3.ng after a particular item. The Planning Commission would be open to discuss the Cc�uncil�s comments on this, if any. 5. PLANNING �MMISSION MINUTLS OF FEBRUARY �., 1Q?!t Because of the memorandwn as discussed in Item #�t, it was moved by Her3e, seconded by Becker, carried unanimously, to move paragraph 3 of Item #2 in the Februarq 11, 197�t Planning Cammission minutes, including the continuation aP same on Page 2� t,o be Ttem #5 (b) on Page 5 and Ttem (b) wi11 be Item (c). 6. PLANNtNG t'ANIMISSION MTNUTES 4�" FEBRUARY 25, 7-9?1t It was �ved by Hughes, seconded by Becker, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the February 25, lq7l� Planning Commission meeting as amended as followsr Ttem �2 add after first sentence names of Advisory Committee members. They are as fo2lows: 5 - residents from the affected area AKrs. Karen Brodsky, Mrs. t}ioria Johnson, l�x's. Mary King, Mr. R.i.chard Moran, and Mr. Larry Smith !t - former Council or Flanning Commission members Cliff Teresi, Ray Stockman (not present) �bn Franzen, and Lowell Swanson 3 - representatives of the Hospital area Mr. William Botnam, Mpls. Clinie of Psychiatry A'f�'. W. B. Schoenbohmi MISCCA Mr. Robert Van Hauer, Health Central, Inc. !e - Golden Valley Commission Representatives Environmental - �el Matasovsky Open Space - Katharine Flakal.a Safety Council - Roma Witzig Trails - Rosemary Thorsen ��� Plannin� Commission �arch 11, 197� page 5 Page 3 Item �3 si�cth paragraph - period after committee (i.e. Committea.) and remove rest of sentence. Page !� It�m �2 - change ez�deavor to encourage and in the second sentence add after committee referabl a member of a current commission that is serving on the Advisor Committee. item - Approval of Minutes - p ace on Page as Item ? and ad�ust item numbers accordingly. 7. GLFlV�OD HIZLS AREA STUDY (a) t3lenwood Hills �Teighbonc�sod Association All Planning Commission members indicated they received an infarmational memorazzdum w.t.thout a signature but w�th a cover sheet indicating the memo was from the Glenwood Hills Neighborhood Association regarding the history of the. Glenwood Hills Hospital property since 1963. The Flanni.ng Commission in discussing tne merr�randum asked Mr. Westlake to researeh it as to its accuracy. (b} Advisory Committee Mr. Jan Westlake indicated that since the February 2�, 197lt Planning Commission meeting two residents af the area had expressed interest in serving on the Advisory Cc�mmittee. They are Mr. Bob Grossman of 19l�0 Ma�or Drive and Mr. Lucian Lask4 of 21�40 I�,y1e Avenue North. It was moved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Christiansen, carried unanimously ta appoint Mr. Bob Gr�ssman to serve on the Adv3sory Cammittee and leave the open�ings for the five residents that resigned in case the� decide to serve on the Advisary Cammittee. The Planning Commission did not appoint Mr. Lasko because it was felt he lived further fram the area invo3.ved than what the Planning Co►mnission wc�u7.d like. 8. Q�TEftAL MTLLS RESEARCH PRe}PERTY Mr. Jon Westlake informed the Planning Commission that Rosemary Thorsen had contacted him and indicated that on March 20, 197�t at 8:00 P.M, General Miils will be raviewin� a comprehensive plan of th�ir research property in the Council Chambers. The Planning Commission is invited to atterid. 9. INV'ESTII�ATZNG IAW IATC4ME �?USINQ Cammissioner Edstrom indicated he is �rking iaith a subeommittee of the Human Ri�hts Co�runi9sion on a Y�ousing report which should ba available soon for the Plann3ng Commissionfs review. 10. WAIVER OF THE PLATTIAtG �RDINANCE Zt was moved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Fdstro»� to reca3l from the table Item #3 regarding the 1ot division requested by Sndependent School District #27�. Upon roll call vote bein� taken, the following voted in favor thereof: Becker, Lunds�aard, Edstrom, Her3e, and Leonard. The fallowing voted against the same: Christiansen and FIughes. The motion carried. ��� �].anning Commission March 11, 197lt Pa�e 5 Tt was then moverl by Lundsgaard, seconded by Leonax�d, carried to recommend approval of the waiver of the Platting Qrdinance, whi.ch is to add �4 feet to the Qolden Valley High Sc�aol property Prom the property known as 204 Lilae �rive North. The mation carried with two nay votes. li. oorrnR�xs�v� �atJ ( cxnxGES) The Chairman of the Planning Commission indicated that after the F2anning Comanission has corr�leted reviewing the proposed changes as suggested by the City Councii on the Comprehen�ive Plan, if any Commi.ssioner has any additions or changes in reference ta the material that has been covered by the Planning Camrnission, the Gommission wi11 discuss 3t at that time. I. Land Use Plan - The following is a cont�nuation oY the suggested changes by the City Gouncil from the February 2a�, 197lt P�.anning Cominission meeting (tc�tal, of 9 items). �. Page 16. �elete thr�e paragraphs at top of pa�e. Re�rite PU93 �3ensity Criteria. See Attachsd. 6. Page 17. Re�rrite four paragraphs at top of page, It was �ved by Her�e, seconded by Leonard, carri�d unanimously, to accept the recommendation of the City Council. After f�u�ther review it was moved by Her�e, seconded by Leonard, earri�t unanimausl�, to rescind the above �tion because more consid�ration wili have to be given to reasons for arriving at �ertain densities. 7. Page 18. Low and Moderate Income Housing: Second paragraphy seeond line, substitute reasonable for reassurable. Third paragraph, delete 3.n third line (�uld r�sult in the followin�) substitute should involve dispersal of the - delete low and - moderate income units throughc�ut the pro�ect to aesthetical q�bfend the units t,a the area. �elete ne� entire sentence. (Provide a means of absorbin the lower unit cost need by the higher pricerl units within the pro3ect. Elder y ousing: ecand line, ter higher density than, add (mi.�ht otherwise be nermitte�.) �elete (elsewhere in +he 9illage.) It was mc�v�d by Herje, seeonded by Leonar8, carried unani�usly, to substitute the werk reasonable as suggested above by the City Counc3.l. It was th�n moved by Her3e, seconded by Edstrom, carried unanimously to substitute the words should involve as suggested above by the City Council but leave the �+rording ow an as originally stated by the Planning Commissioxz� and delete the entire ne� sentence as suggested by the City Council and also to agree with the C�.ty Gouncil on their suggested two changes in Elderly Housing as listed above. Page 18. Flanning Commission change - to last sentence unc�er the heading '2ow and Moderate Inaome Housi.ng" to read as fol�,ows: The establisY�ent of a H�omeowner�s Association in order to provide for regular maintenance of all portions of the property through a si�e maintenance agreement. ��� Planning Corr�mission Mareh 11, 1971� P�ge 7 It was moved by Leonard, seconded by Christiansen, ta approve the ehang� as stated above. The motion carried with Commissioner Lundsgaard voting nay. 8. Page 19. F'irst paragraph, delete first �rd (TTillage.) Second paragraph, delete an ideal change to a suggested site for elderly, etc. �t was moved by Her�e, seconded by Leonard, carried unanimously, to accept the recommendation by the Gity Council as noted above. 9. Page 22. Add on bottom of page: THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A DESSGN t3UNCEPT. It was moved by Herje, secondect by Leonard, carri.ed unanimously to accept the recoimnendation by the City Council as noted above. Ii. The Civic Center Complex - The following is the suggestecl change by the City Covneil: Page 1�2. N4. 7. Fifth line, delete last word (and) also sixth 2ine (is re�arded as accegtable�. It was moved by Leonard, seconded by Christiansen, earried unanir�usly, to accept the recommendation by the City Council as noted above. III. The Nature Park - The followi.ng is the suggested change by the Citq Counc3.lx Page �3. De2ete in third line (The Village Council has charged the) and line. t�,5,6,7, and beginning of 8th line through "nature parkn. Add the foll.owing sentence: "The Village Council has authorized an Open Space Committee ta be formed under the Planning Commissio�. Recommer,dations have been prepared by the committee. A final decision will be made by the Planning Commissior_ and the Council on which parcels shall be added to the officia3 ma� as open space , or ��nature park�� sites. It was rnoved by Herje, seconded by Zeonard, carried unanimous].y, to accept the suggssted changes by the Ci�y Couneil as noted above. IV. Planning Adm3nistration, General - The following is the suggested change by the City Couneilz Page 57. Add to the fir�t paragraph: "The Planning Commission ir�vites citizen input at any time dvring the year.�' It was moved b� Levnard, seconded by Christiansen, carried unani�usly, to seeegt the recamm�nded change by the City Council as nated above. There being no further business to come before the meeting, i� was an mo�ion, du7.y seconded, ad�ourned at 10:k5 P.M. �, ;� _� �� ; �� C i an do Sampson Secretarq s ro