03-25-74 PC Minutes �b r`�
March 25, 197lt
A regular meeting of the (3olden na3.ley Planning Comanission was held at
7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 25, 197t� at the Civic Center, ?80� Ciolden 9alley
Road, (b3den VaZ.ley, Minne�ota.
Chairman John Sampson presided and the following members were present:
Cor�n3.ssioners Beeker� Christiansen, Hughes, Leonard, Lundsgaard, asid Sehlin.
Jon �Testlake, City staff inember, was alao present,
Members absent; 5ecretary Edstrom and Commatssioner Her3e,
1. APPR09AI� 4F MINUTESs 1�VED by Christiansen� seconded by leonard,
carried unanin�usly, to approve the minutes of the March 11� 197l� F'lanning
Com�nission meeting as amended to read as follows: Pa�e 2, Item �2 ehange
last sentence from 5 uni.ts to 1� units. Page 6, Item �7 under the heading
pl.anning Commission Change, place periad after agreement� and remave rest
of sentence and last sentence.
Members of the Adv3.sory Committee were present and Mr. Lowe11 �wanson, Secretary
of the Advisory Committee, distributed copies of the Co�i.ttee minutes which
lists the eoncerns the Committee felt would be of importance in the t3lenwood
Hills area study. Mr. Swansan then reviewed the report, 3.ncluding current
changes the Cormnittee added to the report, as followss
"A. Traffic - Goldea Valley Road
Concern for the fo3lo�ring:
1. Maintaining the present right of way on (3olden Valley Raad.
2. Maintaining present road width.
3. An increase in traffic on Golden Dalley Road due to addition of
office buildin�.
!�. The loss of residential character of area due to road changes.
5. Controlling the steady increase in traffic from other areas.
Note: (3olden Valley Road is becoming a ma3or artery bet�veen
Minneapolis a,nd suburbs.
6. A need for re-locatin� TQrah Academy exit on 4olden Valley Road or
re-designing it.
?. Patential need for re-rauting existing traffic off Ciolden Valley Road
to some other route such as T.H. 55.
8. Verification of short and long range traffic projections.
B. Safety
l. Ts the addition of traffie cor�trols at �spitaZ entrance, t�ienwood
Parkway itatersection, etc. desirable?
2. Is additi,onal lighting needed on t3olden Valley Road?
:� ,�
P'lanning Com�nission
March 2�, 19?1t pa�e 2
3. Shauld we consider removal of ail obstructions or safsty hazards such
as light poles, fire hydrants, etc.?
lt. Explore the addition of sidewalks on or�e or both sides of Golden Valley Rd.
5. Look ir�to a need for separate bicycle paths on road right of way or on
hospital property.
6. Potential safety hazard at Minneapolis Clin3,e af Psychiatry entrance.
C. Access to T.H. 55
1. Ekplore adding access to hospital from T.H. 55 straight north across
railroad tracks and park property.
2. Also consider access along railroad and through Park Be>ard property to
gol�' caurse. Possibility of disrupting natural area to be considered.
�. Traffic - Hospital Site
1. Hospital has only one road - if blocked, a safety problem could occur.
2. Are more clearly defined parking areas needed, as part of expansion?
3. Will an additional ex3t ta T.H. 55 be needed?
t�. �]ho is respon�ible for building andjor maintaining internal roadways -
the hosgital or Go3den Valley?
5. What input or eontrol does Council h$ve in the parking ramp construction?
6e Is there a permanent easement on file for access to the reservoir?
?. �cplore possibility of providing perma�ent aeeess for pedestrian traffic
to both lakes.
E. �ensity
1. A concern for future development. There is a definite need for a long
term pl.axz before Council approval Qf present proposal.
2. Question - Does the calculation for determining buildable land area
inelude that land which is under water?
3. A concern for density of total development, taking into eonsideration
building height and land coverage.
F. Architecturai Concerns
l. Type of external lighting for roadways and parking areas.
2. The spirit of the zoning ordinances in regard to height and setback
should be comp2ied with.
3. Building design and architecture of office building blend wi.th existing
t�. View of proposed building from across Sw�eney Lake be eonsidered during
design evaluation (he3ght, surfaee treatment, and screening),
�. Concern for an overal]. landscaping plan.
G. (lpen Space
1. Will present natural. state of shoreline around lakes be maintained?
Planni.ng Commission
March 2�, 3974 page 3
H. Eeolog,y Concerns
1. Wi11 present shoreline be preserved by conforming to latest State
requirements on roadways, building� a�nd drainage?
2. Gan existing shoreline be deveioped for preservation of wild life?
I. (3ener al
1. Wi1.�. development be campatible with existing parks? Will it provide
foot paths and bicycle paths that tie in with parks anc3 lakes?
2. t�Fill adequate bns aervice be provided for people using exi.sting and
new faci.lities? (include on site bus stop)
3. Is i� possible that proposed office buil.ding use be limited to medi.cal
purposes only�
b. Concern that a7.1 commi.tments made on this projeet be formal and in writing
and be foilowed up by Gitq staff."
The P1.anning Commission discussed certain points of the report for clarifieation
after which the Chairtn;an of the Planning Co�runission reaiewed the charge to this
Committee-which is to serve the Planning Commission in an advisory role. The
Planning Commission will farward these eoneerns to the consultant at the
April 8� 197l� P1ann3.ng Commission meeting. As the eonsultant develops the
prelimi.nary reports for the Planning Commission the Commission would involve
the Adnisory Commi.tt�e - to get their reaction to the eonsultant�s prelim3.nary
reco�nend�tions. (The same woul.d be true for the final report.)
Mr. Sampson then asked if anyone present had any connnsnts regarding the report.
Mr. Dwayne King of !tE}2� �Tasatch Lane, a resident of the area, stated that the
Advisory Committee's repart does point out concerns of residents in the area
and. that the f3len�od Hills Association is putting together a report which
they will present to the Citq Govncil on April 1, 197lt. The Flanning Cc�mmissivn
t�ill also receive copies of the report.
The Planning Commission then e�cpressed their sincere appreciation to the
members of the ,l�ivisory Committee for the long hours they spent to develop
this r�rport. It was moved by Becker, seconded by C�ristiansen, carried
unanimously� to 8CC8�t, ��16 report by the Advisory Committee.
P.U,D. #13 General Plan
Applicants Cheyenne Land Company
I,c�cation: East of Gounty Road 1$ and North of Iha�.uth Street
Proposal: lb0 Units.
Mr. 3i.m Hawks of Ch�yenne Land Company informed the Planning Commission of
their proposed general plans which will include among ether requirements
a traffie analysis� population component, and land use report. This material,
including other material� will be available �or P2.anning Commission review
prior to the hearing.
P'l.anning Corrm�►ission
March 2�, 197� page !t
Tt was moned by Hughe�, secnnded by Christiansen� earri� unani.mously, to
set April 8, 1971� for a public informational meeting �or ger�eraZ plans for
7."sV�L• ITy�♦
{a) Vacation o.f Busch Street
Th� request is to vacate Busch Street as it intersects with Tenth Avenue North
to approximately 370 feet north of Tenth Avenue. This request is by Mr. Busch
who is present at this meeting an� also the owner of Northern Pri.nting Ink
Corporation who is planni.ng to buil.d a produ.ction and warehouse operati.on
adjacent to the vacated 8usch Street on the East side.
St was moved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Christiansen, carrisd unanimous3y,
ta reeommend approval far vacating the street, sub�ect to meeting all require-
ments of the City Fnginc�ering �epartment.
(b) Lot 1?i.vision - two Industrial lots
83� Tenth Avenue North
This request is in conx�.ection with the vacation af Busch Street, The request
is to divide a parcel zoned Industrial into two parcels. The west parcel
wi31 cantain I71 feet of frontage, and the East parcel will. contain 31�1 feet
of frontage.
Mr. Busch and the owner of Northern Printing Ink Corporatian were present '
for the request.
It was moved by Leonard, seeanded by Christiansen, earried unanimously, to
recommend approval of the request for the waiver of the Platting Ordinance,
subject to meeting the requir�ments of the City �igi.neering Department.
Commissioner Lundsgaard indicated that John Sampson, Fton Edstram, and he
attended a meeting by (ieneral Mills, Inc, an Mareh 20� 19?!t which all
Flanning Commission me�nbers were invited to attend with respect to a future
concept £ar their long range plans which indicated a eampus atmosphere for
the corporate headquarters and research area. Mr. Lundsgaard indicated there
were about twenty peo�ale present £rom various Commissions of the C�ty.
(a) Chan�e oF Commission Members
Mr. John Sarnpson introduced Mrs. Jody Sehlin who was reaently appointed to the
Planning Gommi�sion and then e��.ained briefly what the Planning Commission
is inaolved in presently and indicated that Cc�mmiss�.oner �ehlin w3.1.1 replacs
Cammissioner Becker.
- -2��j
Plannin� Corr�nission
March 2�, 197� page 5
The Planning Comraiss�.on after extending their appreciation to Commissioner
Becker, introduced a motion by Lundsgaard� seconded by Christiansen� earried
unanimously� ta express a sincere appreciation to Mrs. Susan Becker for
the long hours of efforti dedication, and interest she has sY�wn as a member
of the Planning Commission.
(b) Election of Officers
Mr. Sarnpson, Chairman of the Planning Cornmission, indicated the Planning
Commission should have an organizational meeting even though they are look�.ng
for one more Cammission member to be appointed to the Planning Commission
by the Gity Council. Also, �he Commission shpuld discuss whether they �u1d
like tc� have a nominating committee as they have done in the past� or
receive nominations from the floor.
After diseussing the above� it was moved by Hughes, seconded by Lundsgaard,
carried unani�usly, to instruet the Chairman of the Planning Commission to
. appoint a nominating committee consisting of three P7.anning Commiss3.on members.
Mr. Sampson then chose to appoint the three senior members of the Planning
Commission who are C�mmissioners Christiansen� Ec�strom� and Lundsgaarc3.
Mr. Sampson also stated that Commissioner Christiansen will act a� chairman
of the nom3.nating comrnittee and this committee is ask� to have recommendations
for the next Planning Commission meetin�.
Trevilla of (blden Valley
Rezoning and Street Vacation (East segmen� of �ifth Avenue)
750� Country Club Drive
(5th Avenus south to T.H. 55)
Business and Pro.fessional �Ffices to Institutional �I-3)
This request was presented to the Planning Commission on January 1lt, 197Lt
at which time the Planning Commission discussed the Comprehensive P3.an
which indicates Limited Business for this area; how�ver, it was also felt
at that time that an expansion of the present use would no� be harmful
because of the claseness to facilities in the area for the people caceupying
the nursing hame. The proponent appeared before the Board of Zonin� Appeal�
for a waiver reqnest for a faur stary building« The waiver was denied by
the Board of Zoni.ng Appeals and appealed ta the City Gouncil. The City
Council approved the waiver, sub3ect to the proponent meeting the require-
ments of the various Commissions he urou:ld be involved with.
From a platu�.ng point of view, this wuuld be a use which wauld fi� into the
P'lanned �nit �evelopa►ent Ordinanee, but the develc+per would rather proceed
under the Zon3.ng Code (since the City Council has given approval for a
four stary building�. The staff's ma�or concerns are density, parking, and
outside recreation area. The proposed site eoverage �u1d be approx3mately
34� if the structure were built under the 2 1/2 story Iimitation allowed
by the Zaning Code. If additional property cont3guous to the west �ide of
the site were added, it would tone down the concerns as painted out above.
Planning Commission
March 25, 1971x Page 6
Also� this would a11ow for more f'Z.exibility in la4yout of the building -
such as the building on the east side meeting the setback requi.rements of
30 feet which was designed £or a 2 1/2 story building. Mr. Westlaice then
read the March !�� 197�t �ity Council minutes with respect to this request.
Messrs. Paul Pink� Ron Auerbaeh, �rehitects from Gin�old-Pink' and Henry
PTielsea� and A1 Shendel from Trevilla of Golden Valley, were present far the
presentation. Mr. Pink distributed a traffic report and referr� to a
brachure previously mailed to the Planning Commission.
The following predaminant concerns were discussed wi�h the proponent by the
P'l.ann�.n� Commissian. l. The hea.ght of the building 3n �elation to being
placed 30 feet from the east property line. 2. The long wall effect of the
structure on the east side {approximately 550 feet long). 3. The height
of the building off the �.grn�ray� 55 side. Because oP pon@ing no landscaping
a3.ds such as berming, trees, and evergreens could be used properly to help
reduce the appearance of height of the building. Alsa, the Planning Commission
discussed the consideration of additionat land which may allow for a re-
adjustment of ths proposed building and improve the density, green area, and
the parking area. The figures used in the tra,ffie study were not the same as
the propanent stated, anrl the Planning Commission asked that thi� be adjusted.
Tt was moved by Leonard, seconded by Beeker, carried to table the request
for f'urther study. Commissioners Christiansen and Lundsgaard voted nay.
There being no further business to come before the meet3.ng, it was on motion,
duly seconded, ad�ourned at 30.50 P.M,
,� ,
� �-°� - f�- .
Cha Jahn Sampson s retary trom