04-22-74 PC Minutes �73 MTN(JTE� QF T�iE QOLDIId VALI�EX PLANNING OOI�IISSION April 22, 1971t A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:3o P.M. on Monday, April 22, 1971� at the Civie Center, 7$40 (3olden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesata. � Chairman John Sampson presided and the fo�.lowing members were present: Commissioners Christiansen, Fdstrom, Iiakata, Herje, Hughes, Leonard, and Seh3.in. Jon Westlake, staff inember, was also present. Members absent: Commissioner Lunds�aard. 1. APPRflVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Her�e, seconded by Sehlin, carri� unanimously, to approve the minutes of the Apri1 8, 1971� Planning Commission meeting as amended as fo2lows: Page 2, last paragraph - add asterisk (#) to fifth sentence and at bottam of page place a footnote indicating the following: #correct general range ia up to approximately 5,7 units per acre. Page !t, fourth paragraph, first sentence - add after units (down to llt� to 1�0) Page b, third paragraph, last sentence - change to read-Also, the maximum amount of 3andsca ing should be utilized ta offset the hei ht of the four stor buildin and the p an should indicate the sizs and t e of ec3es. Page , thirfl paragraph, second sentenae - add as N'umber tQ Item b . 2. �ET PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING - PLANNEI? UIdIT �EVEL4PME�TT I'.U.TJ. �1.3 General Plans Applicant: Cheyenne Land Company Location: East of County Road 18 and North of 37uluth 5treet Mr. Jim Fiawks of Cheyenne Land Company requested that the Planning Cnmmission set an Informational Hearing date and also indicated that all their material will be ready for staff review prior to the meeting so the staff will be able to send a report to the Planning Commission. The P'.l.ann3.ng Commi.ssion i.n '�alking to Mr. Hawks asked if a representative of the firm that did the traffia report could be at the Informational Hearing, Tt was move�i by Christiansen, seconded by Eci�trom, carried unanimously, to set �tay 13, Z971� far a Public Informational Hearing for P.U.D. �'J.3. 3. R�QUEST FQR RF�OIVING Proposal: Office Building Location; 2t�37, 2�t�t5, and 2lt85 Winnetka Avenue North Use: Residential to Business and Professional Offices Applicantz A. J. Poppelaars The request is to rezone three lots on Winnetka Avenue contiguous to and south of the Gemetery loeated at Medicine Lake ftoad and Winnetka Avenue. The lots are presently zoned Residential, and the request is for a rezoning to Busine�s and Professional Offices. � ! � Planning Commi�C�.on April 22, 197�t Page 2 The proponent is Mr. A. J. Poppela�rs, who appeared before the Pl.anning Commission. on April 13, 19f�� for a similar request, except that it wa� on twa lots. An excerpt of the minutes of that meeting is as follt�wsz "It was the consansus of the Long Range Comrnittee that the area on the west sid� of Winnetka Avenue from ?_3rd Avenue North to Medicine Lake Road remain residentia]. in charaeter. By resi�.ential., the Long Range Committee means singl.e famil.y dwelling or doubl� bungal.aws. The Committ�ee, therefore, feels that at this time no justification e�sts for the rezon.ing of these two lots from Aesidenti.al to Business and Prof.essiona3 Offices.�' (The I�ong Range Committee and thA Planning Commission recommended denial caf the request.) The proponent wili also havP to agpear before the Board of Zoning Agpeals for a waiver regarding height. Considerations on the present request: 1. The proponent has tYiree lot� rather than the twa lc�ts as in the previous rP�uest in 1967. The land uses to the soutY� and west are residential, to the north is Snstitutiona].., and to the� east is Commercial. 2. �he Comprehensive Plan indicates Residential use for this area. 3. The phila�aFhy in the past has been to keep the area on Winnetka Avenuc� as a Residential use. However, because o�' the l�cati.on and typs of use to the east anc� nc�rth of this prc�perty, a use such as proposed acts as � a shactow for blenc'ing back into the Residential uses. !�. The key to this type of use adjacent to the Resident9.a1. area is designing a bui.]ding that fits the parcels, taki.ng actvantage of the terrain and natural vegetation csn the site. The struature should have a lc,w profil e with a resident,ial. atmosphere in design. The pro�onen�, Mr. A. J. Poppelaars, stated that the bt�ilcling is af a residentia],. design contai.ning four offiee un�ts, The land area is 36,856 square feet, building area is 2,lalf� square feet, and the proposed strueture woulfl cover 6.�b� a� the site. There are 31 on site parking spaces. Because of the terrain, the building will be a single story on the west, and the east side wi11 be a on� and one-hal.f story sloping down to a twa st,ory building on the south end, Mr. Poppelaars further stated he has spoken to the neighbors about the proposa].s and they are requesting a privacy fence between the properties which he woulci build. He ther. reviewed the landscaging glans, indicating the trees that will re��in on the site. Interested residents present were; Mr. Carl Hof�ted, 2l��0 Valders Avenue, would like ta sae a privacy fence between the praperties, asked if the structure coulc� ba further west so the driveway will be in front of the building, and questioned what type of uses woulc� occupy the office building. Mr, George Nassig, regresenti.ng the Mutual Cemetery Association, stated the property should be develo�ed and felt this was a good ase for the groperty because people do not 13.ke to li.ve ne�, to a cemetery. �, t � Pla�ing Commis�i.ori April. 22, 197lt page 3 The P1�nning Commission discussed the driveway in relation to the median on Winnetka �venue and the type of aceess the property woul.d have af the median wovld be extended. The location of the proposed bual.ding on the property, elevation of ths structure, parking lot, the types of land use, and current zonings in the surrounding area were also discussed by the Planning Comma.ssian. It was moved by Christiansen, second�d by Herje, to recommend denying the request because previous Planning Commissio��, including this Planr�ing Commission f�el the prop�rty sha11 remai.n residenti�l, and if, this zoning request is approved, there will b�r a continued pressure to the properties to the south for rezoning. It was further pointed out that tha Comprehensive Plan indicates I'@53.CI@2]'t�.$I. use for this property. The motion earried, with Commissioner Lean�rd abstain3.ng. !�. WAIVER OF THE PLATTING ORDIN�iCE (a) Kait�z Investment (2 light Industrial lot,$) 9�-95� Xenia Anenue South The request is to div3de a parcel containing tt�.2 feet of frontage into two parc�Zs containing 206 feet of frontage each, Mr, Dick Kaitz' the owner of the pr�perty, was present and indicated he intends to build a warehouse on the southerly parcel. Tt was moved by Herje, seconded by Sehlin, carriad unanimously� to recommend appraval of the waiver of the Plattin� Ordinance, sub�ect to the requirements of the City of Golden Valley for sanitary sewer and drainage. �b) West 5uburban Builders, Inc. (2 Residential lots} 2�l�0-25�p �esden Lane The request is to a��as a lot 180 feet in width �nto two lots' each with 90 feet of frontage. The City is requesting that 30 feet be dedicatec3 off the depth of the most northerly parcel for a cul de sac right of way and that an easement for watermain be dedicated on the north end of the nor�h parce�.. This request was before the Village Council in May of 19?0 for a �acation of 2bth A,venue North. The request �was also to inelude the eul de sae right of way on the north end of Dresden Lane and a waiver of the Platting Ordinance. The proponent at that time did not follo� through on the lot division. Mr. Earl Wilson, proponent and present owner of the property, was present to answer questions regarding the request. It was moved by Her�e, seconded bq Fdstrom, carra.ed unani�usly� to defer action on this proposal and request the follawing: 1. The staff to try to find out what the property owner to the east intends to do with his property and what type of access cou2d be provided for the property. 2. Gheck with the County Court House to determine if 2bth Avenue North has been vacated. 3. Noti�'y snrrounciing property owners of the request for the waiver of the Platting Ordinance. �`�� Pl�nning Commission April 22, 197lt page !� 5. I�ISCUSSSQN - OPEN SPACE COMMITTEE REPORT WTTH THE OPEN SPACE COMMITTEE Cammissioner Hakala indieated that the Open Spaca Committee has nat completed their materi�l for the Planning Commissian. 6. REFOftT FRQM NOMINATSNG Ct�MMITTEL Commissioner Christiansen, Chairman of the Nominating Comm�ttee, �tated the Nomi.nating Commi.ttee consisting of Commissioners Edstrom, Lundsgaard, and himself have met and submit to the Planning Commission the following recommend- ations for officers: Reappoint Chairman John Sampson as Chairman of the Planning Commission Appoint Ronald Fdstrom as Vic� Chairman of the Planni.ng Commission Appoint Kathryn Iierje as Sscretary of the Planni.nc Commission Mr. Christiansen then asked the Planning Commission members if they had questions regarding the recommendations af the Nominating Comm3.ttee. It was moved by Leonard, seconfled by Hughes, carr3.ed unanimously� to accept the report of the Nominating Committee. Chairman John Sampson then ask�d if there were any other nominatians from the f].00r far any af the officers of the P1ann:S�ng Gomonission. Nane were heard. It was then moved by Leonard, seconded by Sehlin' that the following Planni.ng Cammissian members be appo3nted to the followi.ng positions: Reappaint John Sa�npson as Chairman of the Planning Commission Appoi.nt Ronald Edstrom as Vice Chairman of the Planni.ng Commission Appoint Kathryn Herje as Secretary of the Planning Commission fihe motion carried un�,nimously. ?. SF�L�CTIQN OF THREE ALTERNATES �QR BOAAR�3 OF 2QNI13G APPEALS Mr. John Sampson, Chairman� aslced if any Planning Cammission members were interested ir� serving as an alternate to the Board of Zoning Appeals. The P2anning Commission selects three alternates each calendar year to serve. The following Commissioners indicat� their interest in serving on the Board af 2oning Appeals: Kathryn Herje (l�t alternate}, Qlen Christiansen (2nd alt�rnate)� and Katharine Hakala (3rd alternate). The Planning Commissian was in ful1. agreement with those who indicated an interest ta serve as alternates on the Board af Zoning Appea3s. 8. HQUSIAtG - SUBCAMMITTE�; REPORT Commissioner Herje stated that she and Commissioner Edstram had met with tha Housing Subcommittee oP the Human Rights Commission. Funds were requested for a cansultant to do a study on housing� whieh was approved by the City Council. ��� Planning Cormni.ssion April 22, 197� page 5 The aansultant has eompleted a preliminary report which now is bei:n� revis�. Basically, it eovers items a�ch as trends in public and private housing, what other Hennepin County communitiss are doing, possible housing problems in Golden Valley, and six basie alternative prQgrams. The Plannirsg Commission felt that no action eould be taken on the report at this time because the Planning Commission members do not yet have a copy of the re�port by the consultant. After further discussion it was moved by Herje� seconded by Edstrom, carrisd that the Flanning Corr�mmission has reviewed the preliminary report of the Human Rights Gommission Flous3ng Committee and, as was stated in the Comprehensive Plan, the P3.anning Commission continues to loak favorably upon the Ci.ty Council investigating the possibility of creating a H,r�.A, Commissic�ners Haka3a and Sshl.in abstained. Ce>mmissioners Herje and Edstrom indicated they would be attending the Ci�y Council meeting at the time the Couricil considers the Housing Report and will e�lain the Planning Commission�s feelings about a Housing Ftedeve3opment Authority, but they could not respond to the Housing report because it was not anaila�le for study by the Planni.ng Commi.ssion. 9. 5UMMER MEETIAIG I�URS AND MAY 27, 197�t PLANNTN(� Q�MMISSZOAi MEEI'ING (a) �`ummer Mesting Hours The Planning Commissian in th� past has changed their meeta.ng time from 7:3d P.M. to S:flO P.M. in late spring, summer, and early fa11. Tt was moved by Fdstrom, seconded by C!iris��.ansan, ta begin Planning Commission meetin�s at $:OQ P.M, at the May 23, �-97�t ?lanning Comrni.ssiorz meeting. The following votsd in favor of the motion: Chri.stiansen and Edstrom, and the following voted against the same: Hakala, Herje, Hughes, Leonard, and Sehlin. Ths motion did not carry. (b) May 27, 197l� P'lanning Commission meeting It was moved by Leonard, seconded by Hughes' carried unanimously, to cancel the May 27, 197l� planni.ng Commission meeting because of the Memorial Day holiday. 10. WSNN�'TKA AV�1'UE STUDY Corranissioner Christiansen reported that the committee (of which he was a member) on the study of Winnetka Av�nup in the Civic Center area Y�as completed their study. The Planning Commission members will._rece?ve copies of this report. The ?'lann�.ng Commission thanked Commissioner Christiansen for the time and effort put into the report which �.s an issue that is very important to the . City of Golden Valley. �r � � rJ Planni.ng Cammissi�n April 22, 197lt page 6 l.le COI�P�.��'I,-IENSIV� PLAN CHA�tGES - SECOPI� REVIEt� T�ie Plannizag Commis��.on did meet to conslder the changes that the City Counr,il nated anc� which are 1.isted in thP February 2�", 197�t Planning C�mmissinn minutes (It�m #7)• Since that time, the C�.ty Coun�il met with the ?lanning Ccarimissio�. on March 25, i97�x to review some of those items. ThPy �re. spe�ifically, Itea�s 2 and 3 �af the Gc�als and Policy Statement of the Com�rehensi.ve Plan i.n th� February 2�, 19'�� Plan.n.i ng Commission minutes. Ite*� 2, Page (7) No. 7 G Po��.cy - change to reacl as follows (i,P., delete l.artt three lines} : ��k-�l�e-ee e�-�e-�ae-����1-€e�-��-��P-e���e��}a�e-geve��e��a�-��� �e�gY�Tserkee�-���k���g-w���-�e-��e���e�-a�-�l�e-ep��e�-e�-��e-I�e�e e*,a�e�-���-��ie-ses�-a�sess�e��-�e-��ese-�l��+ee��y-beAe€��e� It was maved by Christz.ansen, sec�nded by L eonard, carried unanimously, to approve as listec� above, Item 3, Pa�e (L), No. 8 B Policy - change sez�tence to read as fo7.lows: Haus�.n� that is developed should maximiz� the retention af apen space and green a.rea for recreational and aesthetic benef�.t. It was mavPd by ChriGtl�nsen, se�oncied by Leonard, carried to approve as Iisted above. �mmi.sLi�ner Edstram vot�ci *�ay. The F.Lanna.ng Corcmission at their next discussi�n on the Com�rehensive Plan wi11 review the �,and Use sectian af the Plan (Item 11 No. 5, March 11, 197� Pla�nning Comr�ission minutes). There being no further business to come before the meetzng, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 10:�a5 P.M. ��: Chairman J�hn Sampson e� e ary o rom NQ PLAI3IVING COMi�SSSION MEF�ING H�,A, May 27' 19'l�t