10-28-74 PC Minutes 1`�
October 28, 1974
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:30 P.M.
on Monday, October 28, T974 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Ualiey Road,
Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Chairman Ron Edstrom presided and the fotlowing me,rnbers were present: Cc�mmissioners
Christiansen, Hakala, Herje, Hughes, Leonard, Lundsgaard and Sehiin. Also present
were Carl fl ale, Ptanner and Jon i�esttake, staff inember.
Members absent: None.
1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVEO by Sehlin, seconded by Lundsgaard, carried
unanimously, to approve the minutes of the September 23, 1974 Planning Commission
meeting as �nended as follows: Page 2, second paragraph, tast sentence "If allowed,
the waiver woutd increase the intensity of the land use.."
(a) G. V. Thomson (2 Residential tots)
4400 and 4420 Golden Valtey Road
The request is to add 10 feet to Lot 4 from Lot 5 Block 1 of Thomson's Bassetts
Creek Addition. Lot � w�uld then have a frontage of 120 feet and Lot 5 a
i frontage of 159 feet. Mr. Thomson was present for the request.
It was moved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Christiansen, carried unanimaasly, to
recomnend approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance as requested.
(b) H. H. Tyree (3 lots)
2120 Winnetka Avenue North and 7$40 Winnetka Heights Drive
The request is to divide and combine three co�tiguous parcels of ground. The
south parcel (No. 1) arould have 115 feet of frontage on Winnetka Avenue. The
center parcel (No. 2� would have 100 feet of frontage, and the north parcel (No. 3)
395 feet of frontage on Winnetka Avenue. Parcels 1 and 2 have houses on the
lots and Parcel 3 is vacant. Parcels 1 and 2 tegally described as Lots 1 and 2
Block 1 Tyree Addition.
Mrs. Tyree was present and stated they are selling their house tocated on
Parcei 2 and they will retain ownership of the north parcel (No. 3). Also, in
1964 they pwrchased 10 feet off the south parcel (No. 1 ) but it was not recorded.
It was moved by Herje, seccsr�ded by Christiansen, carried unanim�usty, to approve
the waiver of the Platting Ordinance as requested for the three tots, including
a recommendation of the Planning Commission that the area east of Lot 1 8iock 1
Tyree Addition as originally ptatted be zoned Residential (Mrs. Tyree indicated
no objection to this).
It was then moved by Christiansen, seconded by Herje, that the Planning
Cammissioa recc�mnend to the City Council that Parcel 3 whicM lies r�orth of
these two parcels and extending to 23rd Avenue be zoned Residential. (Mrs. Tyree
indicated she is not prepared at this time to support this proposal).
� �
Planning Commission
October 28, i974 page 2
It was moved by leonard, seconded by Lundsgaard, carried unanimously, to
table the motion rezoning the parcel (No. 3) to Residential . Mr, Westtake
indicated there are other Open Development parcels in this area that showld
be considered at the s�ne time.
Arthur Treacher's Fish � Chips
2520 Winnetka Avenae North
The loca�ion of the proposed fast food restaurant is on Lots 2 and 3 Block 1
Terra Linda Plaza where Midiand Nursery is presentty located. Mr. Westlake
reviewed the site p]an which inclwded parking and iandscaping. Mr. Carl Da}e
tMen reviewed the items that the Speciai Use Permit would cover, including the
�equ�rement that if the proponents were to use an easement to the east (to
Rhode Istand Avenue) as indicated on the site plan for i�gress and egress, it
would require review by the Planning Commission and Council . The proponent' s
plan now indicates no use of this easement atthough the eas�nent is show� on
the plan. Mr. Uale further stated the use as proposed conforms to the
Comprehensive Plan.
The Planning Commission in reviewing the proposal discussed the fotlowing:
whether the center island on Winnetka Avenue would ever be extended beyond the
driveway of the fast food restaurant, the seating capacity of the restaurant
which is 56 seats, and the traffic generated by this use. The proponent �
stated their restaurant on Wayzata Boulevard in Gotden Valley with the present
operating Jaours from 11 :00 ��M. to 11 :00 P.M. generates approximately
125 cars/day.
Messrs. Dick Curry of Carey and Curry and Tom Emptage of Arthur Treacher' s
Fish & Chips, Ine., were present to answer questions regarding the request.
It was moved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Hakala, carried unanimously, to recomment
approval of the Special Use Permit and include in the SpeciaT Use Permit the
item regarding the use of the easea»ent �o the east of the property to Rhode
Island Avenue.
(Chairman Ron Edstrom left meeting)
P.U.D. #13
Vice Chairman Donald Hughes reviewed the Planni�g Ccxnmission mi�utes of
Septembe� 23, 1974 regarding this item. The Planning Ccunmission then reviewed
the consumers surr�mary sheet with Mr. Ratph Cartson of Centurion Corrp�any regarding
the purchase of a home and land together versus perma—lease. Also, Mr. Carlson
indicated that the units are available for purchase to any income bracket that
can quatify for a loan. Mr. Carlson was also inforrned that because of construction
soii is covering the trunks of sane trees in the sautheast corner of the project.
Mr. Carlso�a indicated this would be corrected.
Mrs. Mary Bowman of 8555 Duluth Street, resident of Golden Valley, asked about
the easement on the east side of the projeet. The Ptanni�g Commission thanked
the three officers present from Centurion Cor�+pany for attending the Planning
Commission rneeting to answer questions about King's Valley.
Planning Commission
October 28, 197� page 3
(Chairman Ron Edstrom returned to meeting)
Maricon Corporation requested the Board of Zoning Appeals to consider waiving
certain parking and green area requirements. The Board of Zoning Appeals denied
the request. The decision was then appealed to the City Council and the Council
a}so denied the request but asked for a report from the Planning Comnission
because of a possible future Right of Way for the street. Mr. Westlake then
reviewed a memo from the City Ma�ager which states that the City Council is
asking the Planning Commission whethe� this proposal would be in conflict with
the Comprehensive Plan on the ring road.
Mr. Carl Dale then reviewed the fotlowing Planning Consider ations regarding
the land use:
"t . The proposal is to develop a complex of retail operations consisting of a
Fotomat (camera film pick—up and delivery), convenience gro cery store, and
Crown Auto Store.
2. The land uses proposed are in no way eonsistent with the CompreMensive
Municipal Plan as developed by the Planning Commission nor with the existing
or proposed zoning district classification. It has been proposed that the
land in question be part of a re—study area that would generally be con—
sidered as a civic center, "Village Square'', or even remotely as "Downtown''
Goiden Valiey. Even if proposed land use plans and zoning are not considered,
it is highty questionable if the proposed retail land use would be appro—
priate to the existing neighborhood environment or in the general public
3. As envisioned by the Corr�rehensive Plan, this site would be utilized for
sane "limited'' commercial activity such as an office building to serve as
a ''buffer" and ending or transitional use for ccurrnercial expansion relating
to nearby residential uses. The utilization of this site for retail activities
wouTd, in no way, tend to limit comnercial expansion in this area and serve
as a proper buffer or transition use; retait uses wowld, on the contrary,
leave open the question of comnerciat expansion in this area. This concern
should be a consideration of the general public welfare and proper zoning
and iand use even if ptans for the generat area do �ot develop as suggested
in the current version of the Comprehensive Municipal Plan. It is a basic
question of proper zonT�g and tand use based upon existing environmental
conditions regardless of potential future plans for the area and
neighborhaod in question.
4. There is also the question of proper traffic circulation in this area.
At present, it appears that rather substantiai changes are needed and it is
quite iikely that road improvements will be needed upon the property in
question for area—wide traffic circulation improvements. There is also the
question of proper pedestrian circulation for the future which has hardly
been touched upon to date.
5• It is further suggested that prior develop►r��t in this generat area has been
far less than ideal in terms of land use, traffic circulation, parking,
aesthetics, and our interpretation of the desired environmentel "image''
for Golden Vatley. The current land use proposal would, in our opinion, be
me�cely an extension of an already less than desirable area development
Ptanning Commission
October 28, 1974 page 4
6. No attempt has been made to analyze or evaluate the site plan submitted
(parking, access, landscaping, setbacks, etc.). It is our opinion that
the basic land use (retail ) proposed is not in the pubtic interest for the
foliowing reasons:
a) The proposal is not in conformity to the Cc�mprehensive Municipal Plan
nor existing or proposed (by Planning Comnission) zoning.
b) As proposed, the development would simply add to an already less than
desirable environmentat situation.
c) The proposed use in no way forms a logical buffer, transitional , or
other reasonable e�ansion limit for commercial into or near a
residential neighborhood.
d) If approved as proposed, the retail development will add to existing
environmental probtems. (Traffic, land use conflicts, tand values,
and the 1 i ke).''
Mr. David Trach of Maricon Corporation, owner and developer of this parcel ,
stated that he would like an answer as to what tMe City pla�s are for this
area so that he will know how to develop the property.
The Planning Comnission diseussed th� parcel as to the type of uses atlowed under
the Corr�rehensive Pian and the extension of Rhode Island A,venue through the
property. In answer to this, further study woutd have ta be done of the civie
center ring road stree� pattern even though the concept plan of the civic center
area indicates the e.xtension of Rhode Island Avenue through ,the property.
It was moved by Hughes, seeonded by Lundsgaard, carried unanimously, that the
Planning Comnission urge the City Council to expedite as a major project the
overall planning of the Valley Square area as shown on the Corr�rehensive Plan map.
The Planning Conmission further noted they are meeting with the City Council
November 25, 197� to discuss the Zoning Code. Also, some Council rnembers have
questions on the thoroughfare plans and at this same time the Planning Comnission
would tike to discuss the Vailey Square area ring road with the Council.
The Planning Comnission reviewed the Standards and Criteria Guidetines for
Institutional uses which are part of the Septe�daer 23, 1974 Planning Commission
minutes. ,
It was maved by Christiansen, seconded by Lundsgaard, carried unanimously, to
adopt the Guidetines as:listed betow for Planning Cornmission procedure for
Institutional uses in planned unit developments. (Guidetines in.clude the changes
from the September 23, 1974 Planning Commission, �eting.)
Standards and Criteria Guidelines,
Institutional Uses and Area Standards. The purpose of this is to estabtish
standards ar�d guidelines for the granting of a PUO Permit to erect institutional
use project in relation to an overall design and an integrated physical plan,
and in accordance with the provisions and procedures provided for in this
Ordinance. The owner or owners of any tract of land may submit a plan for the
Planning Carmission
October 28, 197�+ page 5
development and use of such tract by making an application for a PUO Permit
authorizing corr�letion of the developmeRt in accardance with tMe foI)owing
(a) The tract of land for which such a devetopment is proposed and permit
requested shall contain not less than two acres of land in a singte lot
or be composed of two or more ptatted iots.
(b� The tract of land for which such a development is proposed and a permit
requested shalt not have less than one hundred fifty (150) feet of frontage
on a p�ablie street as rr�asured at the required building setback line.
(c� The proposed development shall be served by the public water and sewer
system, the fire hydrants shall be instatled according to a plan approved
by the Fire Chief as to type and tocation.
(d) No principal building shall be nearer than its height to the rear or side
property line when such line abutts on a residential use.
(e) Private roadways within the project shatl have an improved surface and
width and shatl be so designated and constructed as to permit fire trucks
to provide proper protection to each buitding.
(f) The number of dwelling units, bed units, or other special living quarters
may be flexibte but consideration shalt be given to not permitting a
nurr�er which would be detrimental to the public heaith, safety, and
general welfare.
(g) Provisions for solid waste storage and disposal shatl be provided
according to a ptan approved by the City Councit .
(h} Landscaping shalt be provided according to a design plan approved by the
City Councii and shaii inciude a detaiied pianting iist wYth sizes indicated.
(i) The surface drainage system shall be constructed according to a plan approved
by the City Engineer.
(j) Ali land within the site shall have a designated use.
(k) The off—street parking spaces shall be painted an the surfaced area
according to a plan which has received approval of the City Council.
(1) Provisions shall be designed for off—street loading to service the use and
such space shall have easy access and not be designated for any other ase.
�ecause of the Veteran� s Day Holiday on November 11 , I974, there will be no
regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
There being no further business_to come before the meeting, it was on motion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
��� �
Ch irman R n Edstrom Secr tary Ka hryn Herj