03-10-75 PC Minutes �� MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN UALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION � March 10, 1975 A regular meeting of the Golden Ualley Planning Cc�mission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 10, 1975 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valtey Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Ron Edstrom presided and the following members were present: Comnissioners Hakala, Herje, Hughes, Leonard, Lundsgaard, and Sehlin. Also present were Carl Oale, Consultant, and Jon Westlake, staff inember. Member absent: Commissioner Christiansen. 1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVEO by Sehlin, seconded by Hakala, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the February 24, 1975 Planning Comnission meeting as �ended as follows: Page 5, first paragraph, change motion to read.. Sehlin, seconded by Leonard. Page 5, Item 4(b), add to motion (after unanimously,) due to lateness of _the hour, and change last three words in last sente�ce a later date to the next meetinq. Page 8, Item 5, first sentence, change read to described and add after last sentence: The letter indicates that the City Attornev betieves that the appropriate iegal action is being taken to protect the City' s interests. 2. INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMISSION MEMBER Chairman Ron Edstrom introduced to the Planning Commission Peggy Specktor, who has been appointed by the City Council to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission. 3. KING'S VALLEY (P.U.O. #13) CONSUMER PRICE INDEX At the time Centurion Ccxnpany was in the process of receiving approval for th�ir pianned unit development (King�s Ualley}, they also asked the City Council at the June 3, 1974 Council meeting to adjust the Planning Commission Housing Policy— that is, the moderate priced unit for $30,000 to be $33,000 and the $40,000 unit to be $44,00�. The City Council approved the request. Mr. Ray Carlson, President of Centurion Corr�any, was present to ask the Planning Commission to consider a 12� increase to the $33:000 moderate priced unit and the $�+4,000 unit. Mr. Carlson is in the process of apptying for building permits for three units. He referred to the Consumer Price Index which had increased 12% from Janua�y 1974 to January 1975• Presently on the site there are 20 units in different stages of construction. Two of these units are the moderate priced units, one of which is sold. The one unsold unit will be sold at the price of $33,000 because it is under construction even if the increase in price requested is approved. The Planning Commission discussed the units presentiy on the site and thase to be built, Consumer Price Index, requested price increase and how it would affect the units. It was moved by Herje, seconded by Hakala, carried unanimoust�, to allow a 3°b increase as of March 1975 to apply to the $33�000 and $44,000 units because of the following reasons: 1 ) The cost of interim financing has not increased, which was taken into consideration in May 1974, and 2) The City Council gave a 10� increase in June i974. �.� Planning Comnission March 10, 1975 page 2 The Planning �ommission arrived at the 3a6 figure by taking the base housing poticy figure, wMich was $30,000 January 1974, and adding to it the Consumer Price Index percentage increase figure to January 1975, which is 12�, and add an addifiional 1� to March of 1975. (Council granted 10� June 1974 — 13% minus 10� = 3%) 4. PLANNIMG COMMISSION BY—LAWS (CIiANGES) Chairman Ron Edstrom reviewed the changes in the By—Laws that were discussed at the February 24, 1975 Planning Corrmission meeting. The changes are as follows: ' Section 1 . Change February to April . It was rn�ved by Herje, seconded by Leonard, car�ied unanirnousiy, to approve the change as above. Section 8. Change first sentence to read as follows: A record shall be kept of those Commission members present and those absent for each Planning Commission meeting. It was moved by Herje, secanded by Lundsgaard, carried unanimously, to approve the changes as underlined above. Section 11 . First sentence — Change February to April . It was moved by Lundsgaard, secanded by Leonard, carried unanimously, to approve the change as above. Section 11 . Last sentence — Change to read as follows: The City staff represent— ative of the Plannin4 Commission shall serve as the Recordin_y Secretary. The word of after representative in the underlined sentence above was changed to the word to. It was then rnc>ved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Herje, carried unanimously to change the word Village wherever it appears in the By—Laws to the word City. 5. PLANNINf COMMISSION QFFICERS FOR 1975 CALENDAR YEAR — DISCUSSION (a) Nominating Committee for Officers of Planning Commission Chairman Ron Edstram appointed a nominating committee to consider candidates for the three officers of the Ptanning Ccxrmission. The merr�ers of the nominating committee are Cc�mmissioners Leonard, Lundsgaard, and Sehlin. The corrmittee was asked by the Chairman to have recormiendations ready for the Aprit 14, 1975 Planning Commission meeting. Chairman Edstrom also informed the Commission members that any members interested in the offices of the Planning Commission, or who would like to indicate a Commission member for such office, should contact one of the merr�ers of the nominating committee. (b) Atternates to Board of Zoning Appeals �� Planning Comnission March 10, 1975 page 3 Each year the Planning Comnission appoints three atternates to the Board of Zoning Appeals. The previous alternates for the 197� catendar year were Comnissioner Christiansen lst alternate, Commissioner Herje 2nd atternate, and Commissioner Hakala 3rd alternate. The Planning Commission was in agreement to re—appoint the alternates as foltows: Comnissioner Christiansen lst alternafie, Commissioner Nakata 2nd alternate, and Com»issioner Herje 3rd alternate. 6. ETHICS/DISCLOSURE ORDINANCE The Planning Commission moved to hear Ifiem 7 first. 7. VALLEY SQUARE AREA Mr. Carl Dale presented to the Planni�g Commission a slide presentation and movie of how other communities have developed their c�wntown areas. He then reviewed some basic approaches carrnunities have used for redeveloprr�nt. Mr. Dale also pointed out that there are no federal or state f�nds available to finance a project tike this. Because of this, the property owners in the affected area are invotved in the .financing, and this is one of the primary reasons the business community has to be behind �he project. The Planning Commission asked questions regarding the presentation by Mr. Oale and also referred to the report by Mr. Dale, which is part af the February 24, 1975 Ptanning Commission minutes. After further discussion it was moved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Leonard, to recommend ta the City Councit that they hire a consultant to do a feasibility study of the Valley Square area. The Cammission then discussed the motion, noting the Council has appointed a study committee for the Valley Square Area. Corrmissioner Lundsgaard withdrew his motion and Comnissioner Leonard withdrew his second to the motion. It was then moved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Herje, carried unanimously, that the Planning Commission recomnend to the City Council that the Valley Square committee have a sixty day operational period a�d in this tirr� period to arrive at generat goals. At tMe end of this time period the ca�nittee would report to the Council , and at that t'rme, depending on the outcome of the committee� s findings, the City Council should seriously consider hiring a professional planning firm to develop a feasibility study. It was the� moved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Hakata that the Planning Commission reeortmend to the City Council that no moratorium be considered for the Valtey Square area until such time that a definite comnitment has been made by the Council that the Valley Square area wilt be redeveloped. The motion carried with Commissioner Herje voting nay. 8. ETHICS�DISCLOSURE ORDINANCE A copy of the Ethics/Disctosure Ordinance was distributed to each of the Planning Ccxnmission members. The Commission raised questions in reviewing certain sections of the Ordinance. The Chairman indicated that the Commission members should deal with the Ordinance on an individuai basis. The City Council �� Planning Commission March 10, 1975 page 4 wiit be holding the second reading on the Ordinance on April 7, 1975, and if there are questions, the Councit members should be contacted or Canmission members can attend the April 7, 1975 City Council meeting. There being no further business to cane befare the meeting, it was on motion, duiy seconded, adjourned at 10:40 P.M. � _` r � :�/ C airman Ron E s rom Secretary K hryn Ner e �10 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 24, 1975