06-23-75 PC Minutes �)� MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION �une 23, 1975 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, June 23, 1975 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Vatley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Ron Edstrom presided and the following members were present: Commissioners Christiansen, Hakala, Herje, Nughes, Leonard, Sehlin, and Specktor. Also present was Jon Westlake, staff inember. Members absent; Commissioner Lundsgaard. 1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Specktor, seconded by Hughes, carried unanimously, to approve the min�tes of the June 9, 1975 Planning Commission meeting as mailed. 2. INFORMATION — CITY COUNCIL MEETING The P�1anning Comnission was informed that the City Council at their June 16, 1975 meeting denied the request for a hair stylist in the Bassetts Creek Ptaza office building. 3• CORRESPONDENCE FROM CITY MANAGER — BUDGET Ronald Edstrom, Chairman of the Planning Commission, referred to a letter regarding the budget, sent to him by the City Manager, with respect to suc� items as recomnendations, areas of concern, and poticies or priorities on the 197b budget. The Planning Commission asked Mr. Westlake to provide the Commission with information regarding the Consultant' s fees, what figure is placed in the budget for the operation of the Planning Commission by the staff. This information will be discussed at the July 14, 1975 Planning Commission meeting. 4. BICENTENNIAL C�MMITTEE Chairman Ronald Edstrom indicated he was invited to meet with the Golden Valley Bicentennial Comnittee regarding the Ptanning Commission's involvement with this committee. Chairman Edstrom indicated that after discussing this matter with the Committee it was suggested that a representative of the Planning Commission may want to work with the Bicentennial Committee. The Planning Commission i_n discussing the idea of a representative of the Planning Commission to meet with the Bicentennial Committee felt it would be preferable if the Committee made a specific request, and the Planning Cammission would then consider it as an agenda item. 5. TRANSPORTATION PLAN — WORK SESSTON Chairman Ronald Edstrom indicated that the procedure would be to review the changes on the Transportation Plan as indicated by the City Council , or areas which the Planning Commission feels need changing or updating since the time the Planning Commission approved this section of the Plan originally, , �1� Planning Commission page 2 June 23, 1975 Page 23 Paragraph 3, first sentence: The Planning Commission suggests removing the wordi ng �reeway whi eh i s +�ea�i ng cerr��et�on as ef �hi� wri�in�. Paragraph 4; Planning Commission agrees with City Council to remove Paragraph 4. Page 25 Paragraph 4, first sentence: Agree with Councit to change �►n�erwa�} to completed and remove �he �ieipi�y ef. Paragraph 5: Agree with Council to remave fourth sentence. Page 27 Paragraph 1 : Agree with Council to remove the third, fourth, and fifth sentences. Paragraph 2,3,4, & 5: Discuss with Council . Page 30 Paragraph 1 : Agree with Council to remove the first four sentences. Paragraph 4: Discuss with Council why they removed to freewa status in second sentence. ` Paragraph 5: Agree with Council to remove the entire paragraph. Page 31 Number 1 : Agree with Council to remove the wording �isiana Ave. Number 5: Agree with Council to remove the wording Wegterfl Aven�e—and �o�+isiana �o. Paragraph l : Planning Commission suggests removing the first sentence. Bottom of page, Items 1 and 2: Planning Commission agrees with Council to remove. Page 32 Paragraph 1 ,2, � 3: Agree with Council to remove. Paragraph 5: A traffic signal installation...discuss with Council (also ask staff for input). Paragraph 6: Discuss with Council . Page 33 Collector Streets Paragraph 1 : Discuss with Council . /� P 1 anni ng Corimi ssi on June 23, 1975 page 3 Paragraph 4: After paragraph 3 add the following paragraph; The approval and installa- tion of through stop signs on collector streets should only be carried out with valid reasons and a traffic study that provides a distinct need. The prolif- eration of through stop signs tends to destroy the purpose of collector streets. Discuss clarification of Duluth Street with Council . Summary of Recommended Improvements 1 . T.H. 12 �394 Freewa� Planning Comnission agrees with Council to remove �-394 �reewa�} wording (Planning Commission would like to discuss with Council the reason for removing the terms Freeway and Expressway�. Item (a) Planning Commission discuss with Council . Item (b) Agrees with Council to remove entire Item (b). 2. T.H. 55 Item (a) Discuss with Councit , add to this Glenwood Avenue and Highway 55• Page 34 2. Item (b) Discuss with Council . Item (d) Discuss with Council . 3. Item (b) Planning Commission agrees to change as suggested by Council . Item (c) Planning Commission agrees with Council to remove Item (c). 4. Planning Comnission agrees with Council to remove the heading, .including Ttems (a) and (b). 5• Item 5 Discuss with Council . 6. It�n (a) Discuss with Council . Item (c) Discuss with Council . Page 35 Pedestrian and Bicycles Remove s on bicycles. Paragraph 3: Planning Commission agrees with Council � s change. (At this point discuss with Council a Trail Map} Mass Transit Spell out abbreviation CBD (Central Business Oistrict) . �� Planning Comnission page 4 New paragraph between first and second paragraph: A park and ride faciiity should be considered at certain transit locations. This would make mass transit more accessible in inclement weather. P age 36 Discuss with Council to update the wording and make it consistant with first paragraph of Page 30. Last paragraph—Planning Comnission suggests removing the last four �rords �o �a�� #�ee� s�a�s. (Comnissioner Christiensen left meeting at 10:30 P.M.) Map - areas of discussion _with Council : 1 . Winnetka — Western to Louisiana, 2. Glenwood Avenue as a mi�or arterial from a cross over at T.H. 55 northwesterly to Civic Center, 3. Diverter at Pennsylvania and Laurel Avenue. Commissioner Herje discussed another alternate of Winnetka Avenue nsing a service drive north of Highway 12 connecting Winnetka Avenue to Louisiana Avenue. The Chairman asked Commissioner Herje to discuss this idea with Jon Westlake. It was moved by Herje, seconded by Sehlin, carried unanimously, to indicata to the City Council that the Ptanning Commission would tike to meet with the Councit at their earliest convenience to discuss certain areas of the Transportation Plan. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on mation, duly seconded, adjourned at 10:55 P.M. `"�� � � , � > <_ �� r J irman Ronald Eds rom Secretary K thryn H je