06-30-75 PC Minutes �� MINUTES �F AN INFORMAL MEETING GQLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION �une 30, 1975 An informal meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Comnission was held at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, June 30, 1975 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Uatley R�ad, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Ron Edstrom presided and the following members were present: Commissioners Chris.tiansen, Nakala, Hughes, 4eonard, Sehtin, and Specktor. Als� present was Jon Westlake, staff inember. Members absent: Commissioners Herje and Lundsgaard. 1 . TRANSP4RTATION PLAN The Golden Ua11ey Planning Corrrnission invited the members of the City Council to attend this meeting to better clarify some suggested changes in the Transportation Ptan which the Planning Commission had approved. The City Council has reviewed the Transportation Plan and sent their comments back to the Planning Comnission. Members of the Council present were: Anderson, Hoover, and Thorsen. The Planning Commission and Council reviewed the June 23, 1975 Planning Commission minutes which refer to the specific areas of the Transportation Plan to be discussed. The Planning Commission will take action on the items listed below at a f�ture Transportation Section of Comprehensive Plan mee �ng. Page 23 Paragraph 3, first sentence to read: Some minor traffic irr�rovements have occurred since 1965; however, the only substantial irr�rovement in arterial mobiiity is County Road 18. Page 27 Paragraphs 3,4,5, � b: to be rewritten and reviewed by the Ptanning Commission for final wording. Page 30 Paragraph 1 , add ta second sentence frc�m bottom of paragraph: includinc�public safety. Paragraph 4, second sentence: remove to freewa status. Page 31 top of page, add at end of first sentence: 7he ability to move in some areas of the City is severely limited by the lack of continuity of the minor arterial system. Faragraphs 2 � 3: remove paragraphs completely. �� Planning Comnission page 2 June 30, 1975 Page 32 Paragraph 4: remove paragraph completely. Paragraph 5: leave as written and add to the last sentence after the word chan»el�zation, signats, or additional riqht of way, this is recommended .as part of this report. Page 33 Paragraph 1 . leave as originally written. NEW Paragraph 4: City Council witl consider new paragraph by Planning Commission on stap signs on Collector streets. TENTATIVE Paragraph 5: If there is a paragraph regarding Duluth Street, this is where it will be placed. (Planning Commission will further discuss Duluth Street at another meeting.) SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS 1 . T.H. 12 �-39�+ �reewa� O.K. to remove I-394 Freeway. -',Item (a) If upgraded, provide appropriate local access points between the cl�verleaf at T.H. #100 and the clover'eaf at County Road 18. -;Item (b} Connecfi North and South Tyrol areas with grade separation to tie the neighborhoods together and provide the required services such as public safety. 2. T.H. 55 -',Item (a) Improve intersection of designated arterial streets between T.H. 100 and County Road 18. -,�Planning Commission to review the wording. Page 34 Item 2 (d) to read as followss Consolidate intersections east of T.H. 100 to two. (Glenwood�Camden Parkway not included) Item 3 T.M, 100 �reewa� Planning Comnission agrees to remove the word Freewa . Item 5 Planning Commission agrees with Council to remove entire item. Item 6 (a) add to end of sentence: as needed, (c) Planning Commission will further discuss. �� Planning Commission June 30, 1975 page 3 Page 35 Pedestrian � Bicyctes O.K. to remove s from word Bicycles. Paragraph 3: A trail map will be added to the Corrp�rehensive Plan between Pages 52 and 53. Paragraph 4: O.K. to spell out Gentral Business District. Paragraph 5: Delete all of paragraph 5 and substitute the following paragraph: local transit feeder service and park and ride facilities shoutd be provided to make transit more accessible in inclement weather and a viable alternative to the single passenger automobiles. Page 36 Delete atl of Page 36 and substitute the following language: Because of circulation problems caused by the upgrading of T.H.100 the following shoutd be done: 1 . continue the study and site recommendation process for location of fire �fiations to serve the eastern section of the City. 2. Construct a separation structure for local movements between East and West sides of T.H. 100 between T.N. 55 and County Road 66 as stated on Page 34. 2. PLANNIN6 COMMTSSION BUOGET Jon Westlake distributed a breakdown of the Ptanning Commission budget for the year 1975. The Commission indicated they had no input in reference to the Planning Budget. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 11 :10 P.M. � ; ,, ,. t , , ..__.__ ., � � � C a�rman Ronal Edstr m Secretary athryn H je NO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 14, 1975