05-10-76 PC Minutes �� � MINUTES OF THE GOL�EN VALLEY PLANNING COMhiISSION May 10, 1976 A regular rneeting of the Golden Valley Planning Cc�mmission was hetd at 8:45 P.M. on Monday, May 1�, 1976 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, GoideM Va11ey, Minnesota. Chairman Ronald Edstrcxn presided and the following menabers were present: Comnissioners Christiansen, Nerje, Hughes, Mindess, Sehlin, and Wagman. Also present was Jon Westlake, staff inember. Meanbers absent: Cc�issioners Lundsgaard and Specktor. 1 . The P1 anr�i ng CcmYni ssion �t wi th the Ci-ty Gounci 1 from 6:30 P.M. to 8:45 P.M. and discussed planning items, poticies, and procedures. 2. APPROVAL OF MINt1TES: MOVE� by Herje, seconded by Sehlin, carried unani— moust�+, to appror�e the mineates of the April 26, 1976 Planning Cc�ission meeting as ar�ended as follows: Page 3, Item 5, change wc�rd Items to Planning Considerations and Page 5, second sentence, change The new1Y appointed to All . 3. �ISCUSS CAPITOL L�NG RANGE IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE REQUEST Chairman Edstrcunn asked Corrr�issioner Herje to review the request by the Capitol Long Range Improvernent Carmittee since she is a member of that Committee. Commissioner Herje stated that the Ccxnmittee is soliciting reccxr�nendations to prepare a list of all possible capitol irr�rovements. After a general discussion the following items were suggested by the Ptanning Commission: 1 ) Carry out designated renewal area on Ccxnprehensive Plan, 2) Preservation of the designated open areas on the Comprehensive Ptan, 3) Grade separation at T.H. 55 �� the vieinity of 6Jinnetka Awenue, �) Access to Sweeney Lake, 5) Grade separation at T.M. 100 in the vicinity of the Chicago Northwestern Railroad, b) Noise barriers on highways adjacent to residential areas, 7) Guide deveioprr�nt ef property by the City� s purchasing and re—selling. Jon Westlake was asked to research It�n 6 further. The Planning Ccxrmission will further discuss and c�rnplete the list of recc�nmendations for the Capitol Long Range I�rovement Ccxnmittee at their May 24, 1976 Planning Commission meeting. 4. P.U.�. #18 — 72 1lnit, Three Story Apartment Be�ilding Chairman Ron Edstrcxn abstained from the discussion. Jon Westalke referred to a letter frorn Richard Sachs, the property owner of approximately 5 acres of land in the Northwest corner of Laurel �venue and Ttarners Crossroad which was scheduled for a P.U.D. concept hearing at this Planning Corm�ission meeting. The letter requested that the proposed apartment project be tabled untii a final determination on the fire station site is made. The P 1 anni ng Ccmr►�i ssi on recei ved and fi 1 ed tl�e 1 etter f rc�m Ri chard Sachs. � ��� Planning Co�rmission May 10, 197b page 2 5. GENERAL (a) F1ood Plain Ordinance Changes Jon Westlake briefly reviewed the proposed changes in the Flood Plain Ordinance. The Planning Cc�mmission wtill review the proposed cMar�ges at their I�ay 24, t976 meeting. (b) Policy Statement Ccm�missioner Mindess suggested that the Planning Corrr�ission develop a policy statea�ent with respect to P.E3.�., platting, lot divisions, etc. in reference to when the P l anni ng Corr�mi.ssi on reccxrrnends approval of a certai n request, that the rnc�tion contain subiect to the review of the Inspection, Enqineerinq, and Fi re Departrr�nts. Chairman Edstrom asked Jon Westlake to develop a policy state�nent to be re�iewed by the Planning Ccunmission. There being no further business to corne before the meeting, it was on mc>tion, duly seconded, adjourned at 9:50 P.M. , � � � / � , ; µ.. .. � 6 ;: ;- E ,-� . � ... � . f � �',/L"�----'�f ° `. C .a rman Ronald str Seeretary K hr}+ He je