05-24-76 PC Minutes � °��� MINUTES UF THE GOLDEN VAILEY PLANNING COMMISSIDN May 24, 197b A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Gc�mmission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, May 24, 1976 at the Civic Center, 78UO Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Ronald Edstrcjm presided and the following members w�re present: Commissioners Christiansen, M�ghes, Lundsgaard, Flindess, Sehlin, Specktor, and Wagman. Also present was Jon Westlake, staff raember. Mernbers absent: Comni ssioner Herje. l . APPROVAI OF MINUTES: MOVED by Hughes, seconded by Wagman, carried unani— mously, to approve the minutes of the May 10, 1976 Plar�ning Ccxnrnission meeting as mailed. 2. WAIVER OF THE PLATTING OR�INANCE Applicant: Richard R. Tieva Loeation: 2510 Oouglas �rive North Request: Divide Single ParceT into Two Lots Zoning: Reside�tiat The Planning Commission reviewed the April 26, 1976 Planning Commission minutes in reference to this request. The proponents, Messrs. Richard R. Tieva, purchaser of the property, and Dwayne Nygren, real estate agent, were present. Mr. Nygren ir�dicated that the people that own the open parcels of tand are interested in ptatting their property and tk�erefore are requesting that this it�n be deferred to the June 28, 1976 Planning Ccxnmission meeting. Or. Paul W. Hiller, 6127 Neritage Circle, questioned that if the proposed street were to abut his property on the west, would he be assessed for the street. The Planning Comrnission suggested to the proponents that they review the pre— liminary plat with the residents prior to the June 28, 1976 Planning Commission meeting. It was moved by Sehlin, secor�ded by Specktor, carried unanirnously, to defer action on this reqwest to the June 28, 1976 Plar�ning Co�mission rr�eeting. 3• WAIVER �F THE PLATTING �RDINANCE Applicant: Golde� Valley Sales, Ine. Location: 2301-2355 Nevada Avenae North Request: Add 14 feet to North Parcel frorn South Parcet Zoning: Industrial The request is to add 14.84 fe�t to Lot 6 from Lot 5 all in Block 2 Advertising Creative Center. The reason for the request is that Egan Mecha�ical at 2335 Plevada Avenue North constructed a security fence, and it was found that the fence was built approxir�ately 14 feet onto the Lyon Food Products parcel at 2301 Nevada Avenue North. . °°r.� Planning Cc�nrr►i ssion May 24, 197b page 2 The Planning Commission in discussing the request noted there is approximately 7 feet of green area on the Lyons Food parcel and no green area on the Egan Mechanical parcel . The present �rdinance r�quies a 1�—foot green area. It was also noted that the fence is constructed on a �tility and drainage easement, and if there is a problem with the storm sewer, the fence would have to be removed and replaced at the owner�s expense. Mr. David Arneson of Lyon Food Produets was present for the request. It was moved by Mindess, seconded by Hughes, carried unanimc�usly, to recornnend approval of the waiver of the Platting Urdinance as requested, subject to the requiremenfis of the City Engineering Department and that the 14 feet be combined with Lots 6 � 7 Block 2 Advertising Creative Center. 5• CAPITOI LON6 RANGE IMPROVEMENT CUMMITTEE REQUEST The Planning Cortmission discussed the seven items as listed below fror� the May 1U, 1976 Planning Comnission meeting in reference to tMis item and added three it�ns. These ten items will be submitted to the Capitol Long Ran�e Improve— ment Committee. The Cc>mmittee is in tMe process of obtaining information to prepare a list of ail capitol improvements for the City of Golde� Valley. 1 . Carry out desig�ated renewal area on Comprehensive Plan, : 2. Preservation of the designated open areas on the C€xnprehensive Plan, 3. Gr�de separati on at T.H., 55,°i r� the vici ni ty�-of Wi nnetka A�renue, 4. Access to Sweeney Lake, 5• Grade separation at T.H. 100 in the vicinity of the Chicago North�+estern Railroad, 6. Noise barriers on highways adjacent to residential areas, 7. Guide development of property by the City's purchasing and re—selling, 8. Energy setf sufficient system for public buildings in the Valley Square Area, 9. If the Valley Square proposat is accepted by the City Council , the residential properties that are within the Valley Square area be ear- marked for purchase by the Cit� when the properties becc�me availab,le for sale, 10. Establish a fund for the financing of the Valley Square Area. 5. Fl��� PLAIN ORDINaNCE — PRUPOSED CHANGES The Planning Commission was informed that the proposed changes in the Flood Plain Ordinance had been reWiewed and approved by the Department of Natural Resources, Bassetts Creek Flood Control Commission, and the Golden Valley Environmental Cor�rnission. The Planning Co�nmission then reviewed the proposed changes in the Flood Plain Ordinance. During the discwssion of the proposed chat�ges Ccmmissioner Mindess indicated that some conmunities have in their flood ptain ordinance a term ealled Flood Way, which the Golden Valley Ordinance does not have. Mr. Westlake indicated he wc�u1d look into this and report back to Cc>mmissioner Mindess. It was moved by L�ndsgaard, seconded by Wagman, carried unanimously, to recc�nnm�end appro�ral of the changes as srabmitted in the Golden Valley Flood Plain Ordinance. � �� Planning Cc�mission May 24, 1976 page 3 6. GENERAL (a) Golden Valley Bicentennial Ccxr�ission Chairman Edstrc�m referred to a letter that he received from the Golden daltey Sicenten�ial Comnission which is planning a Town Meeting '76 on .ltane 12, i976. The Bicentennial Ccxnmissio� invites and encourages all members of the Ptanning Cc�mmission to attend the day long event. (b) Southeast Fire Station Site Chairman Edstr�n brought to the attention of the Conmission a tetter he had received frc�m tMe Ma�ror of Golden Valley requesting that the Plan�ing Comnission ccansi der the twc� si tes chosen by the Southeast Fi re Station Corr�ni ttee r�i th respect to zoning. The Chairman asked that this item be placed on the next Planning Ccunmission agenda. There beir�g no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 8:35 P.M. ,..,�- . 'd� 4 i ,.. C airman Ronald Ed trc�m Se retary Ka hry He e