06-14-76 PC Minutes � f''��
June 14, 1976
A regular meeting of the 6olden Valley Planning Comnyssion was held at 7:30 P.,M.
on Monday, June 14, 1976 at the Civic Center, 7800 Gotden Valley Road,
Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Chairman Ronald Edstrom presided and the following members were present:
Commissioners Hughes, Lundsgaard, Mindess, Sehlin, Specktor, and Wagman. Also
present was Jon Westlake, staff inember.
Members absent: Commissioners Christiansen and Nerje.
l . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Mindess, seconded by Hughes, carried unani—
mously, to apQ�ove the minutes of the May 24, 1976 Planning Comnission meeting as
amended as follows: Page 2, Item 4, #8 to read EnerqY self sufficient sYstem for
public buildinqs in the Valle� Square Area.
Applicant: R. LaVerne Johnson
Location: 234 Sunnyridge Lane
Request: Oivide One lot into Two Lots
toni�g: Residential
The request is to divide a single parcel into two lots. Both parcels would
exceed the required 12,500 square feet and t00 feet of frontage. The Planning
Commission in reviewing the request discussed an easement over the eastern edge
of the property to provide access to the property to the South (Lot 2 Sunnyridge).
It was found that the south lot would have a length of approximately 70 feet
making a square footage of approximately 9,500 to 10,000. The lots in this area
south of Poplar Orive are presently larger than 12,500 square feet; Cherefore,
it was felt that the south lot (Lot 2 Sunnyridge) would remain as it is platted.
R. LaVerne Johnson was present for the request and referred to a letter he had
received from the City of Golden Valley dated November 4, 1955 regarding the
division of the property.
It was moved by Sehlin, secc�a�ded by Wagman, carried unanimously, to recocnmend
approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance as requested.
Appticant: Milton 0. Quam
Location: Southwest Corner of Lindsay Street and Highway 100
Request: Three Dougle Bungalow Lots
Zoning: Residentiat
The developer is proposing to plat this area into three double bungalow lots.
The present required lot size is 150 feet of frontage with 1$,75� square feet
in a parcel . Lots 2 and 3 of the proposed plat contain 130 feet of frontage
and Lot 1 contains 139 feet of frontage. Lots 1 and 2 have a square footage
of 18,220 and Lot 3 20,848. Becaus� of these discrepancies the proponent woutd
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Planning Ccxnmission
Jwne 14, 1976 page 2
Mave to appear before the E�oard of Zoning Appeals for waivers, and prior to this
the proponent should receive a reading from the Planning Commission regarding
the plat, which is very preliminary. If the Planning Commission chooses to
approve this plat, they shoutd have the developer submit a mare final ptat,
including such items as existing and proposed contour of the parcels and how
the contour would tie in with existing terrain on the adjacent sites. The
Planning Commission is also reminded of the 10� requirement on the platting
of land.
Cor�rehensive Plan — The Cort�rehensive Plan indicates a Limited Business use
for this parcel , including the parcels to the south and to the north.
Present Zoning — The parcel is zoned Residential . The area to the north is zoned
Institufiional (I-4). The area to the south is a mixed zoning containing Open
�evelopment and Radio. The zoning to the northwest is Residential .
Characteristics of the Area — The parcel is low and would require fill . Because
of this, trees would be lost on the site. The residential lot to the southwest
houses a double bungalow. Fire Station #2 is located on the lot directly to
the North. In the future this site probable will be sold when the other two
fire station sites are devetoped.
Milton 0. Quam was present for the request and indicated the reasons he is pro—
posing the three double lots which would require certain variances. He indicated
that he could not build less than three doubles because of land cost. It would
be irr�r�ctical to develop two double lots on 1 .3 acres. The doubles would sell
for $80,000 and each unit wouid contain 1 ,456 square feet.
' The Planning Commission in reviewing the proposal discussed alternatives to the
proposal (i.e., two double iots and one single f�nity tot) , what effect a
limited Business Zoning would have on the area if the Comprehe�sive Plan were
followed, present land uses in the area, and the type of land use the Fire
Station property could be used for if the City decides to sell the property in
the future, noting the property has a land use classificati.on of General Business
on the Comprehensive Plan.
It was rnoved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Sehlin to reccxnn�nd denial of the request
for three double bwngalow lots. Upon vote being taken by rolt calt the following
voted in favor of the motion: Sehtin, Hughes, and Lundsgaard; and the following
voted against the same: Spector, Mindess, Wagman, and Edstrorn. The motion did
not carry.
The Planning Corrrnission further discussed the request, noting the totat land area
meets the requirements for three doubles. Also, the question of 1'and Wse was
discussed further with respect to double bungalows and office use.
It was then moved by Specktor, seconded by Wagman that the proposal is an
acceptable land �ase, but to defer action on the proposed plat, suggesting to
the proponent that the plat be revised to more cor�form to the City Ordinances
and to include more detaits on the proposed ptat. A voice vote was taken resutting
in a tie. Tkae Chairman then votecJ in favor of the motion allowing the motion ;
to pass.
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Ptanning Comnission
June 14, 197d page 3
Applicant: Thorpe Bros. , Inc.
location: . 7931 and 8021 Wayzata Boulevard
Request: �'wo Story Office Building
Zoning: Open Development to Business and Professionat Offices
The request is to rezone two parcels of land from Open Development to Business
and Professional Offices. The site to the west abuts Vermont Avenue and
Residentiat zoning, T.H. #12 service drive to the north, Open Development zoning
on the east, and St. Louis Park on the south. The proponent has s�bmitted two
plans—both of which �et the green area and parking requirerrients. The difference
in the two plans is the design of the structure, parking, and landscaping. The
proposed structure will contain approximately 24,000 square feet. Thor�se Bros., Inc.
will occupy one floor for their corporate offices. The proponent will also be
requesting a waiver from the Board of Zoning Appeals for the two story building.
Co�rehensive Ptan — The Comprehensive Plan indicates a Multiple use for this
property, including the property fio the east and west.
Characteristics of the Site and Area — The site presently houses a greenhouse on
the west lot and a residential unit on the east tot. The toe of a large hill
begins on the south of the site. The site then slopes toward T.N. #12. Because
of the nursery on the site there is vegetation that should be preserved. To the
east of this property is a home and a service station. To the west are residentiat
homes and further to the west is an office park.
After a recomnendation is made by the Planning Comnission the proponent then
would appear before the Board of Zoning Appeals, Building Board of Review, and
then to the City Council for consideration of the rezoning request. The type of
use proposed is felt to be compatible with the area because of the uses other
than residential now along the south side of the highway, the highway itsetf,
and the use to the east which will probable change in the near future. Atso,
in the future there probably will be proposals submitted to the City for uses
other than Residential with respect to the smalt residential area to the east.
Mr. Thorpe, Sr., President of Thorpe 8�ros. , Inc., was present for the request.
Mr. Thorpe reviewed with the Comnission an elevation of the site. He pointed
out they would utilize one floor for real estate offices and rentout the other
f 1 oor°.
The Planning Commission in discussing the request referred to the Comprehensive
Plan, noting the land use for the area was �lultipte and since the Corr�rehensive
Plan was approved by the Planning Ccx�mission construction has taker� place in
certain areas that conform to the zoning but not the land use as designated on
the Comprehensive Plan. The area to the west which houses Westwood Lake Offiee
Park has developed in an office oriented use with future plans for additional
structures. The area to the east, located in St. Louis Park, houses mixed uses—
some of which are office oriented.
It was moved by Mughes, seconded by Mindess, carried unanimoasly to recortmend
approvat of the rezoning of the two parcels from Open Development to Business
� Professionat Offices, noting the land use is a good use for these two parcels
and that the area south of T.H. #12 does contain mixed uses—the majority being
commercial and office oriented. Also, the design of the site plan should take
into account the existing vegetation.
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Planning Commission
Jane 14, 1976 page 4
Site #1 — Northwest corner of Lauret Avenue � Turners Crossroad
Site #2 — 310 Turners Crossroad South
Chairman Ron Edstrom reviewed a tetter from the Mayor with respect to this
request, after which Chairman Edstrom turned the Ptanning Commission meeting
over to Vice Chairman Donald Hughes because of a possible conflict of interest
involving a possible financial interest of one of his err�►loyers in reference to
one of the properties in question.
The City Council has asked the Planning Commission to review two sites for re—
zoning to an Institutional (I-4) category for a possibte Southeast Fire Station.
Although other sites were discussed by the Committee, the Cauncit has asked that
the Planning Commission report on these twro sites presentty. The primary response
area that this station would serve would be from the East City limits west to
Jersey Avenue and frorn the South City limits north to T.H. #55. This area
contains approximately 5,250 residents with 1 ,750 houses. There are five
schools in this area with approximately 2,000 students and faculty. The Public
Safety Department has indicated that a site approximately 200 feet x approximately
200 feet, or 40,000 square feet, w�ould provide a proper land size for the operation
of the fire station and also provide enough remaining land for sufficient
Site #1 — Tu�ro tots located in the Northwest corner of Turners Crossroad and
Laurel Avenue. Size of Lot 1 = 128.9' x 309.6� deep. Size of Lot 2 =
158.9' x 309.6� deep.
Site #2 — �ne parcel located at 310 Turners Crossroad South with a house
occupying the lot. Lot size - 158.9' x 309' .
The two sites are contiguous; therefore, in referring to the Comprehensive Plan,
it indicates a Medium Density P.U.D. for this area—including all the land between
Lac�rel Avenue on the south, Glenwood Avenue on the north, and Turners Crossroad
on the east. Site #1 is part of P.U.D. #18 which was a proposed apartment
complex. This site was the first choice of the Public Safety Department because
it is a corner lot providing more visibility and access to two collector streets.
This site was also the first choice of the Southeast Fire Station Ca�mittee.
The current zoning of Site #1 is Open Development, and the area to the west and
north is presently zoned Open Oevelopment. The area to the south is tight
Industrial and the area to the east is zoned Residential . There are houses
located to the east of this parcel and also to the north.
Site #2 is more limited because of its width. This site contains a home and,
according to the Public Safety Department, the owner may be selling the property
due to illness. The zoning on the site is Open Devetop�nt which is the same
as the abutting properties to tMe site, except to the east, which is zoned
Residential and contains houses. There are two houses adjacent tu this site—
one to the north and one to the northwest.
TMe Ptanning Commissios► in evaluating each of the sites for an Institutional (I-4)
zoning discussed each site, noting the positive and negative irrp�act of the
parcels as follows:
Planning Commission
June 14, i976 page 5
Site #1 — Northwest corner of Turners Crossroad and laaret Avenue
Positive I�act:
1 . Locatio� is good.
2. Direct access to tw�o collector streets.
3. No displacement of people.
4. Heavier land use and zoning to the South.
5. Ctoser to Business and Industrial areas.
6. In the future, Laurel Avenue witl tie in with Winnetka Avenae,
which is a cotlector street.
7. Corner tot provides for easier egress and ingress.
Negative Ir�act:
1 . The size of the twa parcels is larger than what is needed for the
proposed use of the property. The City requirement for this type
of fire station site is approximately 44,�00 square feet, and the
two parcels ccxnbined contain 88,800 square feet. The western
portion of the two lots could be added to the larger parcel to the
west which would provide more flexibility in development of that
2. Land may have to be acquired through condemnation, which may be
tirr� consuming and costly.
Site #2 — 310 Turners Crossroad South
Positive Impact: none
Negative Impact:
1 . The site is located in the center of the block which in this
particular area would not be sound ptanning.
2. �oes not meet the suggested frontage requirements.
3. Access to only one cottector street.
4. Could interfere with design of P.U.D. for area (Corr�rehensive Ptan
indicates Medium Density P.U.D. for area).
5. Adjacent to homes.
6. Does not have the accessibitity a corner lot would have.
It was r►ioved by Specktor, seconded by Mindess, carried unanirnc�usty, to recomnend
to the City Council that from a land use point of view the Planning Commission
recommends Site �#1 which is at the Northwest corner of Turners Grossroad and
Laurel Avenue, noting the seven positive points as listed for Site #1 . However,
it is the feeling of the Ptanning Cor►mission that too large a parcel is being
considered for the site and therefore the Planning Cortmission suggests to the
Council that they reduce the site in an East—West direction so that the remaining
west portion of land may tie in with the large parcet contiguous to the West
(Lot 7) to provide more flexibility in the design of that property.
(a) Golden Vatley Town Meeting
Commissioner Wagman informed the Ptanning Commission about the Golden Valley
Town Meet�ng he had attended on June 12, 1976 and informed the Commission of
two pamphlets that were distributed at the meeting.
Planning Comnission
June 14, 1976 page 6
(b) Planning Commission Meeting
The Planning Corrmission will try to hold one Planning Commission meeting in
July to be held on the regularly scheduled meeting date of July 12, 1976.
There being no further business to cc�ne before the meeting, it was on mc�tion,
duty seconded, adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
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Chai man Rona d E s Secretary K thryn H je