08-23-76 PC Minutes � f�r! 1
August 23, 1976
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Comnission was held at 7:30 P.M.
on Monday, August 23, 1976 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valiey Road,
Golden Va11ey, Minnesota.
Vice Chairman Donald hughes presided and the foltowing members were present:
Commissioners Herje, lundsgaard, Mindess, Speektor, and Wagman. Also present
was Jon Westi ake, staff r�:mber.
Members absent; Chairman Ron Edstrom a�d Commissioners Christiansen and Sehtin.
t. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Lvndsgaard, seconded by Wagman, carried
unanirnously, to approve the minutes of the August 9, 1976 Planning Cornmission
meeting as mailed.
Applicant: Evan F. Lindberg
Location: 1400-1410 Spring Valley Road
Request: Divide Single Parcel into Two Lots
Zoning: Residential
Jon Winston, representative of the property owr�er, contacted,the City and asked
that this request be deferred to the September 13, 1976 Planning Comnission
The Planning Cc�mmission was in agreer�nt with the request.
Applicanf: Rouzer Sates Co�any
Location: 2355 Louisiana Avenue North
Request: Add Land to Rear of Lot
Zoning: Light Industrial
The reqaest is to add approximately 17,5�0 square feet to the rear of the present
parcei for a proposed addition to the warehouse. The proposal on the new parcel
of land meets the parking and green area require�nts, except in the area where
the new structure is being attached to the present strueture. The North lot line
has a 5—foot jog where the new parcel meets the present lot. The reason for
this is to allow truck access to the rear. If the lot division is approved, there
is a drainage and utility easement that would have to be vacated. The lot
division involves three parcels of land. The two remaining open pa�cels are of
sufficient size for future Industrial develop�ent.
Lloyd Rouzer indicated that the reason for the division is the expansion of
their basiness. They would like to remain at this location rather tMan build
a larger building elsewhere. The reason for the 5—foot jog on the North lot
line is to altow access for truck movement adjacent to the new addition.
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P 1 anni ng Cc�mmi ssi on
�ugust 23, i97b page 2
The Planning Commission and proponent in reviewing the request discussed alter-
nates to eliminate the 5-foot jog in the No�th lot tine. The Commission noted
that the plan meets the current parking requir�nents, bnt the proponent will have
to request a variance on the structure and green area because of the location
of the present structure.
It was moved by Lundsgaard, seconded by Wagman, carried unanirr�usly, to recommend
approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance, su�ject to the vacation and
adjustment of certain easements. The Planniag Commission also recognizes that
certain variances must be received from the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Applicant: Inter-Inc.
Locatio�: 6400 Wayzata Boulevard `
Request: Divide Parcel into Four Lots
Zoning: Industrial
A similar plat was approved at the June 28, 1976 Pla�ning CcxFmission meeting. As
yo� witl recail , the previous plat was designed in anticipation of an exchange
of land for street access to Florida Aver�ue directly to. the west of this property.
The proponent has indicated this cannot be acccx�lished. The new plat has a
revised street p.lan (Florida Circle) by the addition of 2S feet of land off the
North parcel . Because of this the North parcel would have to provide a 35-foc�t `
green area where it would abut Florida Circle. The plat, covering 3�•59 acres
of land, is divided into fo�ar lots. The lQt areas range frcxn approximateiy
28,6�0 square feet to 39,40� square feet. The property is zoned Industrial as
is the surrounding area. 1'he uses in the area are offices and comrnereial and
industrial . .
Messrs. John Voss of Urban Ptanning and Oesign, Hov�ard Tukey, real estate agent,
and John Miller, Attorney, were present for the request. Mr. Voss e�lained
that they cowld not reach an agreement witl� the property owner to the west for
street purposes. They then contacted the prop�rty owner to the north in
reference to adding 25 feet of land for street right of way for Florica Circle-
which the north property owner has agreed to. Mr. 1Joss indicated that the
25-foot area wc>uld be part of the new plat and not handted separately such as
an easement.
(Ccxnmissioner Herje arrived)
The Planning Commission .in�di-scussing the reqwest referred to the amount of
parking that w�ould be iost on the pareel ta tMe .north by the purchase ofi the
25 feet. In reference to this it was noted that the proponent is requesting
a variance before the Board of Zoning Appeals in Sept�er 1976 of 25 feet of
landscaping to a green area of. 10 feet along the proposed street. If the
variance is not granted, approximately 2� parking spaces would be lost. If
the wai.ver is .granted, approximately 8 parking spaces wuuld be lost; however,
in reviewing the site plan, it appears that the 8 spaces may not be lost due
to a rearrangement of the parking areas.
It was moved by Herje, seconded by Specktor, carried unanirrausly, to defer the
request to Che September 13, 1976 Planning Commission rneeting for the following
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Planning Commission
August 23, 1976 page 3
1 . Ptot plan showing loeation of _the parking areas lost by the 25--foot
street right of way and 10-foot green area.
2. If no variances were requested, the number of parking spaces lost beeause
of the 35-foot green area requirement.
3. Requiremes�t of parking prescribed by the proposed Zoning Code for this site.
4. Property owner of North parcel to be present at the next Planning Commission
5• Aiternates of other ingress to the site.
The Planning Commission in discussing the work sheet copy of P.tl.D. procedures
asked that it also include the procedure that is used by the City to finalize
the P.U.O. and what steps are fotlowed while the P.U.D. is i� the process of
ca�l eti on.
After farther diseussion it was moved by Herje, seconded by Wagman that the
Planning Comnission strongly suggest to the City Council that a policy be estab-
lished to moniter planned unit developments after they have been approved by
the City and that al1 Planning Comnission and City Council members receive a
copy of the Planned Unit Devetopment agreement. The motion was withdrawn.
The Ptanning Commission then discussed estabtishing a subcornmittee to stwdy
the matter of monitering planned unit developments when they are in the
construction-ta-completion stage. The subcammittee should report back to
the full Planning Comnission at their next meeti�g so that a report coutd be
finalized at the second meeting in September 1976.
After further discussion the Planning Commission asked Jon Westlake to list
the present process in P.U.D. and indicate what areas should be improved upon
for reviewel by the Planning Cc�nmission.
The City of Golden Valley has purchased property ta be used for pondi�g purposes
located south of Ring� s Colonial Addition to Laurel Avenue and from Jersey Avenue
to approximately 1 ,530 feet west of Jersey Avenue. This area is zoned �pen
Development. The zoning for this particular site should be Institutior�al (I-4).
All of Ring� s C+�lonial Addition is zoned Residential , except a small area
located in the south central area of the plat, which is zoned Open Oevelopment.
This area shoald be zoned Residential .
The Planning Cc�cm►ission indiscussing the rezoning felt the City owned land should
be zoned Institutional (I-4) and that area of Ring' s Coloniat Addition which is
zoned Open �evelopment shoutd be zoned Residential . The Planning Commission
noted there is one re�naining area of land south of Ring' s Colonial Addition,
east of Mark Hurd Aerial Surveys, north of Laurel Ave�ue, and west of the
City owned property which is zoned Open �evelopment. The Carmission felt this
property shoutd remain as such antil there is a proposal for it.
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Planning Commission
August 23, 1976 page 4
It was riwved by Herje, seconded by lundsgaard, carried unanimously, to reconmend
that the City owr�ed property be rezoned to Institutional (I-4) and that the
area zoned Open Developme�t in Ring� s Colonial Addition be rezoned to Residential .
Applicant: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Location: 9145 Medicine Lake Road
The Ptanning Commission was inforrr�d that the representatives of the Good
Shepherd Lutheran CMwrch were not ready to present their request.
There being no further business to come before the �eting, it was on rrwtion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
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Ch 'r an Ron st Secretary K thryn Her e