09-27-76 PC Minutes �:�� MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PIANNING COMMISSION September 27, 1976 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Cornmission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, September 27, 1976 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road� Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Ron Edstrom presided and the fotlowing members were .present: Commissioners Nughes, Mindess, Sehlin, Specktor, and Wagman. Also present was Jon Westlake, staff inember. Members absent: Commissioners Herje and Lundsgaard. 1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTESz MOVED by Mindess, seconded by Wagman, carried unanirrausly, to approve the minutes of the August 23, 1976 Planning Cc�mmission meeting as amended as fol )ows: add Item #7• REQUEST FILL PERMIT. The Ptanning Commission was informed that the representatives of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at 9145 Med�icine Lake Road were not ready to present their request. 2. WAIVER OF THE PLATTING ORDINANCE Applicant: Evan F. Lindberg Location: 1400-1410 Spring Vatley Road Request: Divide Single Parcel into Two Lots Zoning: Residential The request is to divide the parcel into two lots each containing 87 feet of frontage and approximately 27,000 square feet. The parcel is well wooded with its higher elevation in the center, which is approximately 12 feet higher than Spring Valley Road. The center of the lot is approximately 40 feet higher than Sweeney Lake. Because of the size of the lot to the south, there may be the possibility of adding land for frontage. In this area there is a range of lot sizes. The lots contiguous to Sweeney Lake in this vicinity all exceed 100 feet of frontage and 12,500 square feet, except the parcet at 1420 Spring Uattey Road. This request was before the Planning Commission at their August 25, 1975 meeting. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the lot division; however, the City Council at their October 6, 1975 meeting denied the request. Evan F. Lindberg was present for the request and stated that he proposes to sell the two lots. Mr. Lindberg also noted that the neighbors in the area are aware of the lot division and that they have a signed agreement with the abutting property owners to the north and south regarding the request. It was moved by Sehlin, seconded by Hughes, carried unanimously, to recommend approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance, subject to the following conditions: 1 ) Units should meet the required 15' setback (same as 100' lot), 2) Estabtish a larger front yard setback than 35 feet because of the location of adjacent homes (front yard setback should be approximately 110' as scated on the sketch submitted with the proposal ) , 3) Require a grading ptan at the time a permit is issu�d for a structure. ��� P 1 anni ng Cortmi ssi on September 27, 1976 page 2 3• PRELIMINARY PLAT — VALLEY WOOD Applicant: Fisher/Sanko Location: 5651 Olson Me►norial Highway ` Request: Platting of Thirteen (13) Single Family lots Zoning: Residential The request is to divide 5.4 acres into thirteen (13) lots. The preliminary plat indicates that all the lots meet the requirements of the Platting Ordinance. The 60—foot Right of Way that extends into the area is approximately 650 feet long ending in a cul de sac. The design of the cul de sac atlows access to a targe parcel for future building sites. The proponent will meet with the owner of the westerly parcel to find out whether he is interested in this arrangement. The ingress to the site is directly aceross from the entrance to the service drive for Highway 55. If the Planning Cortmission approves the plat, another irr�ortant point which would be part of the finat ptat is a drainage plan. The property is zoned Residential as is the surrounding area, which contains single family detached homes. There are some larger parcels of land to the east and west of the property which contains single f�nily homes. The Comprehensive Plan indicates a Residential P.U.D. for this parcel of land and residential for the surrounding area. The previous request was to develop 20 townhouse units on the site for a density of �► units per acre. The concept request for townhouses was approved by the Planning Comrnission but denied by the Council in May of 1975• The present request would have a density of 2.5 units per aere. F. W. 0'Keefe of David C. Bell Cort�any presented the request and explained that thirteen single family lots would be the minimum that could be developed because of eeonomic reasons. The type of homes constructed w�`11 be corr�arable to the homes now in the area. Chairman Edstrom then asked for ccxnments from the audience, and the following concerns were expressed: James J. Fiorentino, 5630 Woodstock Avenue, stated he has no objection to the proposed single family devetopment; however, he felt the Planning Commission should be aware of the increasing problem of traffic congestion in this area, particularly at Turners Crossroad and Highway 55� and the water problem caused by sub soil drainage which should be considered so that the drainage is carried away from the properties located to the south of tMis proposed development. Mr. Fiorentino also noted that the propo:sed access from this development onto Highway 55 is very�poor. John E. Sunness, 5620 Woodstock Avenue, expressed that he had no� objection to the proposed single family develop— ment. Or. Lawrence J. Schut, 434 Yosemite Avenue, questioned what effect this development would have on his taxes because of new utility services which would abut his property, the type of barrier to be used between this residential develop— ment and the heavier use to the East, and also discussed the need for a park in the area. John R. Crelly, 5726 Woodstock Avenue, felt the State Nighway Department should place a bridge over the railroad tracks on the south side of Highway 55 connecting Turners Crossroad with Douglas Orive. The Planning Commission discussed at length the increasing probtem of traffic at Highway 55 and Turners Crossroad and the service ramp from Highway 55 to Highway 100. After further discussion it was felt the traffic problem would � �,� r Ptanning Commission September 27, 197b page 3 be considered in a separate motion and not considered in the motion regarding the plat. The Comnission then discussed the drainage and its effect upon the neighboring properties. The Planning Commission felt that a drainage plan should be completed to show sub soil conditions because of the high water table. The Commission fett the plat was in keeping with the area and pointed out to the proponent that all lots on the final plat shoutd meet the Platting Ordinance. It was moved by Mindess, seconded by Specktor, carried unanimowsly, to recommend approval of the preliminary plat, subject to the following conditions: 1 ) The number, space, and pressure of fire hydrants to be approved by the Golden Va11ey Fire Chief, 2) Submit to the City staff a detailed grading plan showing surface drainage and the filling proposed for Lot 1 Block 1 of this development, 3) Meet the approval of the City Engineering Department, 4) Lot size to conform to the Platting Ordinance and all aspects of the plat to meet the requirements of the Platting Ordinance, 5) Subject to the Platting Ordinance requirement of 10;b dedication or cash in lieu of. The Planning Comnission discussed sending a separate letter to the Council regarding the traffic problems in this area; however, after further discussion it was felt that a separate motion should be sufficient. It was then moved by Specktor, seconded by Wagman, carried unanimously, that due to the serious traffic problem at Mighway 55 and Turners Crossroad, be it resolved that the Planning Cortmission recommends that the City Council designate appropriate staff to approach the State Highway Qepartment to study the service drive in this area and the possibilities of extending the service drive west to Douglas Drive by the construction of a bridge over the railroad tracks in an effort to remedy the traffic problem. Some suggestions regarding the above would be signs designating egress to Turners Crossroad and Mighway 100 service ramp, and limitations on`truck traffic on Turners Crossroad should be studied. 4. FLOOD PLAIN Applicant: Northland Company Location: 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Request: To Fill an Area of the Flood Plain for a Structure The request is for a Fill Permit. The area of fill is located in the Northwest corner and Southeast corner of a proposed third buitding on the site. According to the developer this would ccxnplete the number of structures on the site. The request has been reviewed by the Department of Natural Resources and Bassetts Creek Flood Control Carmission. By filling the area in accordance with the ptans submitted, the developer wilt provide an equal amount of flood storage plus an additional 16,500 cubic feet as a result of gradir�g on the site. The recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding the Fill Permit will be forwarded to the City Council . The plan in reference to landscaping a�d the structure will be reviewed by the Building Board of Review. ! � � Planning Xommission September 27, 1976 page 4 Kenneth Stensby of United Properties was present for the request and exptained that since the time the second building on the site was constructed the City of Golden Valley passed a Flood Plain Ordinance which prohibits new structures in the Flood Plain unless a Fill Permit is approved. Mr. Stensby discussed the drainage plan on the site and stated that the East parking lot slopes to the North, and the drainage from the present parking tot and the new parking lot will drain away from Westwood Lake. It was moved by Wagman, seconded by Hughes, carried unanimously, that the Planning Comnission recommend granting permission to fitl this area in accord- ance with the pian the proponent has submitted to the Planning Comnission and with approval of the plan by the City Engineer prior to any constructio� taking place on the proposed water storage area on the (new) west parking lot (to eliminate the possibility of sedimentation of Bassetts Creek or Westwood Lake). 5• REQUEST FILL PERMIT Good Shepherd lutheran Church 9145 Medicine Lake Road Because the proponent was no� present for the request, no action was taken on this item. 6. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - CALL PUBLIC HEARING P.U.D. #14-A Proponent: Jack Galant Location: 2404 Hittsboro Avenue North Request: Construct 28 Remaining Townhouse llaits The present proposal and site was reviewed with the Planning Commission. It was further noted that the tone of units has been estabtished because of the six existing units on the site. It was moved by Nughes, seconded by Sehlin, carried unanimously, to set October 11 , 1976 for the public hearing to consider general plans for P.U.O. #14. The Planning Corrmission indicated to Mr. Jack Galant, who was present for the request, that they would be reviewing the landscape plan and final details such as signs, mail box location, etc. 7. GENERAL (a) Letter of Appreciation - Gten Christiansen It was moved by Specktor, seconded by Haghes, carried ur�animously, to direct Chairman Edstrom to send a letter of appreciation to Glen Christiansen for his dedicated service to the Planning Comnission. (b} Request from City Council to disc�ss Rezoning of: 1 . Mark Hurd property from Open Oevelopment to Business � Professional Offices �_�� Planning Commission September 27, 1976 page 5 Mr. Westlake explained that the City Coancil has asked the Planning Cortmission to review the Open Development area tocated 220 feet East of Pennsylvania Avenue. The property on which the Mark Hurd office building is located is zoned Business and Professional Offices. Mr. Westlake indicated that he had met with Mr. Bock, President of Mark Hurd Aerial Surveys, in reference to the zoning of the open parcel . Mr. Bock indicated that their future pla�s for the open parcel probably would be a contine�ation of the office use; therefore, they would like to see the parcel zoned Business and Professional Offices. The green area as described on the Comprehensive Plan was also reviewed with Mr. Bock and he indicated he would be open to discussion in reference to the green area. The Corr�rehensive Plan indicates a Residential Pianned Unit Oeveloprr�nt for the property which includes an approximate 100—foot green area north of Laurel Avenue. The property to the east of the site was approved by the Planning Comnission for Institutional (I-4) zoning. The area south of Laurel Avenue is zoned Industrial , and the area to the north is zoned Residential . The supporting factors in zoning this property now is that it woutd canplete the zoning in this area, the green area could be negotiated and the individuals buying lots in the new plat to the North Mrould know what the property would be used for. The negative factors would be that the green area could be negotiated at the time a structure is planned for the area, the Corr�rehensive Plan does not indicate a Business and Professional Office use for the property, and zoning the property without a specific plan and use. The Planning Cortmission questioned rezoning a parcel of tand when there is no definite plan or use designated for the property. It was noted by the Commission that the Corr�rehensive Plan indicates Planned Unit Development for this property, and Business and Professional Offices zoning would not be in keeping with the Plan. It was moved by Hughes, seconded by Specktor, carried unanimously, that the City Council be informed that the Planning Commission indicates no action in rezoning because no specific proposal has been received by the Planning Ccxrrnission, and such a rezoning would be in violation of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. L. L. Elstad Property — Open Development to Institutional (I-4) The City Coancil at their September 20, 197b meeting set October 18, 1976 to consider the purchase of the 17 acres of land located south of Cortlawn Addition Section 4 and north of the intersection of Florida Avenue Socath and Laurel Avenue. The property will be used for ponding purposes for the South fork and a buffer between the Industrial to the S;outh a�d Residential to the North. The correct zoning for this use would be Institutionat (I-4). The present zoning is Open Development. The Comprehensive Plan indicates a Planned Unit �evelopment use for this property. It was moved by Specktor, seconded by Mindess, carried unanimously, to recommend approval of the rezoning of this property to Institutional (I-4) , noting the property will be City owned and has a specific use planned for it. � ;_w'�� Planning Commission September 27, 1976 page 6 (c) Discuss Guidelines for P.U.D. Mr. Westlake reviewed the draft copy of the P.U.D. Procedures which had been distributed to the Planning Commission. Members Robert Wagman and Jody Sehlin wilt review the draft copy for changes and report back to the Planning Commission at their October 25, 1976 Planning Commission meeting. .. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 10:30 P.M. C a'rman Ro ' Ed Kathryn Her 'e z NO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING October 11 , 1976