12-13-76 PC Minutes �.��� MINUTES OF TNE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNIN6 COMMISSION December 13, 1976 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, December 13, 1976 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Ron Edstrom presided and the following members were present: Commissioners Forster, herje, Hughes, Mindess, Specktor, and Wagman. Also present was Jon Westlake, staff inember. Members absent: Commissioners Lundsgaard and Sehlin. 1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The approval of the minutes was deferred to the end of the meeting at which time it was MOVED by Hughes, seconded by Mindess, carried unanimously, to approve the minates of the November 22, 1976 Planning Comnission meeting as mailed. 2. PRELIMINARY PLAT — GOLDEN VALLEY ESTATES Applicant: Howard Sybrant & Son, Inc. Location: 8301-8695 Block of Ptyrrbuth Avenue Request: Divide Area into Thirteen (13) Double Bungalow Lots Zoning: Open Development The Commission reviewed the November 22, 1976 Planning Commission minutes and the December 9, 1976 Park and Recreation Commission minutes with respect to this request. The Pianning Comnission had asked the Park and Recreation Commission to review the South 56% of the site, which the devetoper plans to give to the City. The Planning Commission has also asked for staff comments regarding the same area. The land is of no use to the City, except as pre— viousiy pointed out, which is from a planning point of view. The land does . provide a buffer between the Residential use to the North and the Industrial use to the South. Some of the determining factors in dividing a parcel of land are soil conditions, terrain, vegetation, and present street patterns. Having no information regarding the first three items as listed, it is difficult to determine if this is the most logical way to divide the property. Ray �Milbauer of Oavid C. Bell Investment Company, representing the property owner of the land in question, stated they feel the piat as submitted is the best way to plat the property. Single family lots would be too costly because of soil conditions, and approval of a heavier use of the land v�rould be difficult. Because of this it is felt the best use of the land would be double bungaTows. The doubies would be custom buiit. Mr. Milbauer then referred to a revised plan showing a larger easement connecting Boone Avenue with the dedicated property to the East. The plan also shows a variation of front yard setback from 35 feet to 50 feet. The Planning Commission in reviewing the proposal discussed a mix of single family and double d�elling units. Alternate ways of platting the property, such as cul de sac streets to allow the lots to more nearly meet, a� meet, the frontage requirement for doubie bungaiow lots. The primary question is that if the City does not want the South area on the site the proponent plans to dedicate, it woutd not be good planning to proceed with the plat until this area has a specified use. The Planning Commission found no probtem with the proposed density. � ��� Planning Commission December 13, 1976 page 2 Rodney A. Howell , resident at 1301 Zealand Avenue North, expressed the following concerns: 1 ) lot frontage too small , 2) concerned about the rear parcel pl"anhforet��°a�°parce��ans to dedicate to the City, and 3) would like to see It was moved by Herje, seconded by Wagman, to deny the request, noting the City has no need for the South area of the site, would like to review atternate ways of platting the property and lot frontage, and the Comprehensive Ptan indicates a planned unit development for this property. The motion carried with Commissioner Specktor abstaining because she had not attended the previous Planning Commission meeting. 3• CANADIAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION Request Discussion Time — Senior Citizens Apartment Building Garrett Carlson was present to discuss a senior citizens apartment building and obtain the feelings of the Planning Commission. The proponent is requesting discussion of the proposal in a very preliminary way because any proposed senior citizens project which is not a high priority by the community is likely to be given a very tow priority for funding by the State Housing Finance Agency. They also have a suggested site at 5700 St. Croix Avenue which would require an amendment of P.tl.D. #1 Bassetts Creek Ptaza. The Planning Commission in discussing a senior citizens building with Mr. Carison indicated they are very much in favor of providing more housing for the elderly. The Commission referred to the Corr�rehensive Plan which supports rrbre housing for the elderly. In reacting to the specific location of Bassetts Creek Piaza, the Planning Commission felt that because of the past history on the site, the location should be discouraged. It was �ved by Herje, seconded by Specktor, carried unanimously, that the Planning Commission suggest to the developer that he discuss the specific site location with the City Council . Regarding housing for the elderly, the Planning Commission refers to the City' s Corrq�rehensive Plan. 4. P.U.O. #lb KING"S CREEK — Request Discussion Time 5916 Glenwood Avenue Messrs. Ron Basteir of McCombs Knutson Associates and Richard Neslund, property owner, were present to review the May 12, 1976 Planning Commission minutes regarding their proposal at that time. After reviewing the points in the motion with the Planning Comrs►ission Mr. Neslund indicated he would re—apply under the Planned Unit Development Ordinance. The Comnission advised Mr. Neslund that if he re—applied, Me should choose the concept approach to the P.U.D. Ordinance. 5. GUIUELINES FOR P.U.D. The Planning Commission revised the P.U.O. Procedure and Progress Report and placed it in final form. It was moved by Herje, seconded by Forster, carried unanimously, to send the P.U.D. Procedure and Progress Report to the City Council for their review. � �� Planning Commission Oecember 13, 197b page 3 6. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN — TRANSPORTATION SECTION Jon Westlake distributed copies of the Transportation Section of the Comprehensive Plan as revised by the City Council . Mr. Westlake indicated in reviewing these changes with the City Attorney that the changes were not significant; therefore, it is not required that the Planning Commission hold a hearing. The Commission will discuss the Transportation Section of the Ca�rehensive Plan at the next meet9ng. 7• METROPOLITAN PLANNING WORKSHOP Commissioner Forster reported to the Planning Commission about the workshop he attended sponsored by the Metropolitan Council regarding the Land Planning Act. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 10:30 P.M. �l . � , ._..,,��� � Y � -.. Ch irman Ron d t o Secretary K thryn H je , NO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 27, 1976