03-13-78 PC Minutes � MINUTES OF THE G�LDEN VALLfY PLANNIN� COMMISSION March 13, 1978 A regular meetir�g of the Golden Valley Planning Cortmission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 13, }978 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Va11ey, Minnesota. Chair Seh1in presided and the following members were present: Carmissioners Forster, Edstrom, Herje, Mindess, Poiachek, Specktor and Wagman. Jon Westtake, staff m�ber, was also present. Members abse�t: Cortmissioner Hraghes l . APPR@VAL �F MINt1TES: MOVEU by Wag�»an, seconded by Mindess, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the February 13, 197$ Planning Commission meeting as mailed. 2. REQUEST Ft3R REZOPIING At�� WAIVER OF THE PlATTING OR�INANCE (a) Applicant: Robert N. Hurd Location: 2480 Winnetka Avenue North Requests Commercial Zoning for Towncrier Restaurant Zoning: Light Industriat The praposed rezo�ing is bounded by Cc�mmercial on the North, liglat industrial to the East and South, and r�sidential West of Winnetka Avenue ar�d East of RMode Island Avenue. The parcel is presently zo�ed light ind�strial . The praponent is requesting a rezoning from light industrial to Comm�rcial for a restaurant. The proposed lot for the Class I restaurant meets green area and building setback requirements and the plan exceeds parking requirements for a Class I restaurant. The remaining land to the East is part of the Custom Tool Company parcel . The depth of tMis area is 187' — 75' of which wr�uld be re— quired for 1��dscaping off Rhc>de Island Aver�ue. Jon Westlake then reviewed the Planning Report by Gonsultant Car1 Dale as follows: "1 . It is proposed to rezone the site frc�m light industrial to Cc�ereial ; the site would be developed for use as a restaurant. The basic question here is one of proper land use and zoning at this time. �etails of site planni�g, structural appearance, amount of parking, setbacks, traffic generation, a�d the like are secondary and should be considered onl�r in terms of specifics if it is first determined tMat Cornmercial zoning is proper and ir� the general public interest. 2. Comfnercial zoning as proposed would not be in conformity to the Comprehensive Municipal Plan nor wouid the specific use (restawrant). The City Plan calls for f'Limited" Business use which, in general , wouid be uses permitted under the B T� P 0 �istrict Classificatior�. 3• It is saggested that Cc�mmercial Zoning (as contained in the existing Zoning Ordinance) is not appropriate for the following reasons: a) Cc�mmercial zoning of the restaurant site w�ould leave a smalter lot to the east on Rhode Island with an undet�r�ined future use/zonir�g potential . � °1 Ptanning Commission March 13, 1978 page 2 b) Commercial zoning and a specific restaur�nt use of the site is simply a fwrther extension south of �'generat business'' and does not provide for the desired transition or stepping down of cc�nmercial activity and intensity south from the existing business area. c) Commercial zoning opens up a wide variety of other business activities permitted under that District Classifieation s�uld there be a fwt�►re change i n bui l di ng occupancy; cc�rrent prc�— pos�d site dev�lcpment specifics, therefore, may or may not be valid, positive asPects of the fwture or long—range environment. d) Extension south of comnercial zoning affects land along the west side of Winnetka Avenue currently zoned partially B � PD and partially residential . Affects upon e►,xisting housing and potential future requests for commercial rezoning must be considered in this case. e) Just as howsing on the west side of Wi�netka must be considered, so too, now must the �over Hill residences just to the east along Rhode Island be an important factor in expanding ccMmercial zo�ing and land use to the south. 4. A similar request for use of this site was received sc�me months ago but no presentation was made to the Planning Cc�mmission. At that tir►�, the staff recortmended that a plan for the area bounded by WiAnetka, Rhode Island, 23rd Avenue and Medicine Lake Road might arork in terms of land use, sub— division, access and the like. With or without such an overall plan, any lot subdivision for zoning�development purposes should be related to adjacent parcels and individual parcel access. 5. Site and b�ilding plan details submitted for review indicate that the land area would be adequate for the specific use proposed and no apparent variances wouid be involved; building architeeture would be interesting and reasonable for the use intended. For the reasons stated herein, how� ever, it is oar opinion that corsmercial zoning under the current Zoning Ordinance w�uld not be in conformity to the City' s Land Use Plan nor does there appear to be any valid reason to justify a change i� public land use and zonir�g poticy at this time. 6. At the present time, there is a growing number of resta�irants in the Metropolitan area and apparantly the need and demand for sucM use is prese�t. Even if long—term in duration, this trend may or may r�ot affect the con— tinued resta�rant use of this specific site and its operations. 7. As an added note, we question the desirability of so many resta�rants in a row from an environmental and "image'' viewpoint especiatly when locat�d near housing. The restaurants presently in the immediate area are fast food type resta�rants; hc�wever, this proposal is for a sit—doam type restaurant.�� Robert N. Murd, who is one of the awners of Towr►crier Restaurant, ar�swered certain questions raised in the Planning Report. He informed the Cc�mnission that at sc�me time in the future Custom Tool Company plans to expand their stre�cture and therefore will use the area East of the proposed restaurant lot for parking. 1 �. Plan�i�g Comnission March 13, 1978 page 3 The lot ars proposed is larger than what is needed for the restaurant operation and provides for considerably more parking tl�ar� the Ordinance �equires. The City' s Zor�ing Code provides protection for the residential area to the East by reqWiring-a 75' setback for the structure which is aiso reqc�ired to be landscaped. There is r+o restaurant in the immediate area that offers the sarne type of service that we do and feel our facility will �ie an asset to Golden Valtey. (Commissioner Specktor arrived at 8:00 P.M.) The Planning Commission disc�ssed traffic flow pattern, the possible expansion of Custan Tool Ccxnpany and questioned whether enoagh land wrould remain for the expar�sion, tMe clase prcximity to Residential to the Nest, and traffic generated by the proposal . M�s. Edith Hc>llenbeck, 2409 Winnetka 10.venue Norti�, asked what arrangements were made for the �emoval of garabe because they presently have a probl�m frcxn food ordors created by the restaurants in the area, fett this proposal would add to an existing heavy traffic probtem, and questioned whether there woc�ld be lighting on the site, whether liquor would be served, and asked if there was ac�y guarantee that the restaurant wc��ld not be turned i�to a 24—hour restaurant. (Ccxnmissioner Polachek arrived at 8:15 P.M.) It was moved by Mindess, seconded by Forster, carried unanimously to defer action on this item to the April 10, 1978 Planning Comnission meeting and request tMe following: 1) That a meeting be held by the proponent with the residents NortM of 23rd Avenue on Winnetka Avenue, including the three residents on Valders Avenue West of the proposed site, 2) Ct�stom Tool Cor�a�y to provide a plot plan regarding their future expansion to show they will meet parking, green area, and structure setback req�ir�nents, 3) The restaurant to provide information on trips generated, including peak hours of operation, and Custom Toal Company to indicate trips generated, shift chang�s, etc. (b) Applicant: Robert N. Hurd Location: 2�80 Winnetka Aven�e North Reqwest: Divide Parcel into Two (2) Lots Zo�ing: �ight Industrial Becac�se of the aforesaid, the waiver of the Platting Ordinance was deferred to the Apri1 10, 1978 Planning Commission meeting. 3. REQUEST FOR REZONIN6 � Applicant: Jackson Schauer, Inc. Location: 7700 Wayzata Boulevard Request: Business � Professional Offices Zoning for �ffice Buiiding toning: Residential The Planning Comnission denied a request in July of 1975 to rezone this area to light Industrial for a 15,055 square—foot warehouse use. The current proposal consists of a 10,�00" square—foot office buitding. The present plan has ingress and egress off Rhade Island Avenue and T.H. 12 service drive. ��d� Planning Commission March 13, 1978 page 4 The proposed land use would not be in conformance to tMe Ccxnprehensive Municipal Plan which catls for the site to remain in a Residential category. This site has been discussed on previous occasions and prior attempts at Cortmercial zoning have beec� made dating back to 1966. It has been noted in the past that the specific site may not be totally suitable for residential use due to a number of factors, including proximity to comnercial d�vetopment on the East, isolation from other residential due to location and topography changes, highway no�se, and the like. It has, however, also been considered that it would not be desirable to fwrther extend the more intense, general busin�ss usage strip along the highway. The ele�ation of the proposal has a residential design which was chosen because of the residential to tMe North and West. The building is placed on the site to provide a buffer of the parking lot with ingress and egress to the T.M. service drive and Rhode Island Avenue which is across from the Industrial zoning. According to the developer the floor plan of the structure is sucM that parking on the streets wr�uld be of no advantage because the main entrance will be from the parking lot. Variances would be needed for the green area off the parking lot on the Rhode Island Av�nue side, for tMe structure in the Northwest corner of the site, and parking. In considering the proposal the foltowing should be considered: 1 ) Industrial zoning located to the East and T.M. 12 to the South, 2) Residential to the North and West. Because of the above, the area lends itself more to a transitior�al use. The uses for transitional areas are generally Migher densitq Residential , Multiple, Institt�tional , or Business and Professional Offices. The proponent, Dennis Schauer, was present for the request and;explained that they are requesting a rezoning from Residential to Business � professional Offices for a' proposed or�e story office building, and th�y intend to occupy approximately 25'� of the structure and lease the remaining area of the building. Mr. Schauer explained the reason why the structure is located as it is on t,he lot and why they chose this particular type of design. TMe following resider�ts were present and expressed their concernst Howard Minek, 1�33 Sc�mter Ave. S. , stated he has had problems with parking or� the street and has had to call the police, and expressed concern in regard to the proposed 17' setback distance frc�m the property line that abuts his home. lyle Larson, 830 Rhode Island Ave. S. , stated this land was platted in 1913, was originally sold as Residential , and the homes in this area were buitt witk� the intention this area w,ould remain Residential . David M. Wetterlind, 1030 Rhode Island Ave. S. , stated they bought their house because they knew the property was zoned Residential , fett anything other than Reside�tial would not fit into this area, and felt that hc�mes could be designed to be placed on the lots along T.H. 12. Albin Winkels, 914 Sum�ter Ave. S. , stated he has had to calt the Police when the street was blocked by cars and the snow plow could not get through, and if this property is r_ezoned now, it would rnean further erosion of the zoning in this area. Mr. Winkels stated he had called the State Higharay �epartment and he was told the highway would be built with three lanes each way ar�d a service road would be located on the North and South sides with an overpass on Winnetka Avenue. The Highway Department will need more Right of Way to build the freeway, and it is estimated that construction witl take ptace in 1984. ��; P1 anni ng Cc�nmi ssi on March 13, 1978 page 5 Duane H. Butter�fass, 911 Winnetka Ave. S. , felt that any rezoning should wait until it is k�own what the Nighway Department is going to do. (Cc�missioner Edstrom arrived at 8:�5 P.M.) The Planni�g Carmission discrassed the current land use in the area and th� present zoning. The Commission had mixed feelings on rezoning the site—one reason being because of the uncertainty of T.H. 12, noting in the c�ear future the�e sfiould be some direction taken with respect to the highway from differer�t levels of government, therefore developing directions for considering rezoning and ehar�ges in land use. The waivers were atso reviewed by the Planning Gc�mmission as to green area, bt�ilding setback, and parking. It was mc�ved by Polachek, seconded by Forster to deny the request for rezoning frcxn Residential to Business F� Professional Offices b�cause the proposed land use ovould not be in conformance to the Ccxnprehensive Pia� which calls for the site to r�nain in a Residential category and the proposed zo�ing would not be in conformance to the existing zoning categories to the North. Upon roll call vote being taken, the follawing voted in favor of the motion: Forster, Polachek, Wagman, and Sehtin and the foTlowing voted against the same: Herje, Mindess, and Specktor. The motion carried. (Commissioner Edstrom did not vote.) 4. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT — SET INFORMATIDMAL HEAEtIMG P.U.D. #1—B General Plan Proponent: Colonial Acre Homes, Inc. Location: 5800 St. Croix Avenue - Request: 99 Unit Senior Citizens Bwilding The Planning Commission set April 10, 1978 for the informational hearing for P.U.O. #1—B for general plan consideration for Cotonial: Acre Homes, Inc. 5. VALLEY SQtlARE C�MMISSI�N REPORT The Plannir�g Cortmission �viTi review the Valley Square Report at the March 27, 1978 Planning Commission �eting. b. RESIGNATI4N �F COMMISSIDNER ROBERT WAGMAN Commissioner Wagman made the announcement that he will move out of the State and therefore he will resign as a �nember of the Planning Cc�rmissioner. It was moved by Mindess, seconded by Polaehek, carried unanimously, to express the appreciation of the Planning Canmission for tt� dedicatio� with which Commissioner Wagman has served on the Planning Comnission. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motio�, duly seconded, adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Jody Sehlin, Chair G. William Forster, S�cretary