03-27-78 PC Minutes � ;�� MINUTES OF TME GOLOEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION _ March 27, 1978 A regular meeting of the 6olden Valley Ptanning Conmission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 27, 1978 at the Ci�ic Center, 78�0 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chair Sehlin presided and the following members were present: Comnissioners Forster, Edatrom, Hughes, a�d Mindess. Jon Westlake, staff inember, was atso present. Members absent: Commissioners Merje, Polachek, and Specktor. 1 . APPRDUAL UF MINUTES: The Ptanning Ccxnmission moved to defer the approval of minutes to the end of the meeting, at which time it was MOVED by Mindess, seconded by Forster, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the March 13, 1978 Planning Cornnission meeting as mailed. 2. VALLEY SQUARE CUMMISSION REPORT Present from the Valley Square Commission to review the Valley Square Report with the Ptanning Commission were members Johnsan, Silverman, and Trach. Members later attending from another meeting were CMairman Levin and Quisberg. Also present was Jeff Sweet of tMe City staff. Mr. Roy Johnson gave a brief history of what the Valley Squar� Ccnnmission has dor�e in order to devetop the Valley Square Report after which discussion was opened it� refecence to the report with the Planning Comnission. The following predominant points were discussed: classification of Winnetka Avenue, Rhode Island Avenue at T.H. 55, la�d sue of rernaining open area, land use of de�eloped areas, projection of additional tax exempt land, why high density Residential for the Reiss green hc�use parcel , traffic generated by the increased activity for the area, people needed to maintain the viability of the area, con— sideration of other areas for the post office and senior citizen high rise, alignment of Rhode Island Avenue through residential prope�ty, what type of traffic wi{t Country Glub Drive carry to tt�e East of Va11ey Square area, the report should include a pedestrian plan. Have the residents and tand owners been informed of the Plan? Because Bassetts Creek is a natural asset in the area the plan should speak to it more and tMe c�eek area could be wsed for pedestrian movement. The plan should include a landscaping pla� of the Valley Square area with a iighting plan. TMe types of sit down restaurants was also discussed. The Planning Cc�mnission expressed their appreciation to the members of the Valley Square Corm�issio� for the excellent vrork they had done, including the time and effort spent to develop the Valley Square Report. It was rnoved b�r Edstrom that the Planning Commission recc�nmer�d to the City Council that the Council accept and implement the Valtey Square Report, taking ir�to consideration the foltowing iterns: 1 . A pedestrian ptan should be included in early design stages prior to final decisions on other components. �� Planning Comnission March 27, 1978 page Z 2. The location of the proposed senior citizen Mousing seerns somewhat arbitrary. There may be other more appropriate sites in the area or outside of the Valley Square area. 3• It may be appropriate tc reloeate the industrial cor�onent of the post office; however, there should be included as part of the plan a walk-in postal substation located in one of the shopping centers. 4. There seems to be no great need for a� additional eating establishment in the area. 5• Greater emphasis should be plaeed on tMe walkway trails and preservation cf Bassetts Creek, including beautification. The motion died for lack of a second. After further discussion it was moved by Mindess, secoMded by Edstrom, carried unanimously to recommend to the City Council acceptance of the Valley Square pian, noting the following cortments: 1 . The plan should include a pedestrian plan and a watkway along Bassetts Creek. The plan should also set up standards to preserve Bassetts Creek as a natural resource. 2. The plan indicates a relocation of the main post office; tMerefore, con— sideration shouid be given to a postal substation in one of the shopping centers. 3• C�MPREHENSIVE PLAN — H�USING COMPONENT Jennie Kim presented to the Planning Comnission information on existing housing stock in the comm�nity and a housing analysis regarding housing needs, housing demand and affordability of housing. Housing unit projection for low and moderate income was discussed, inciuding ways to achieve housing for tow and moderate incomes such as subsidized housing, moderate cost private housing, rehabilitation of existing stock and housing other than single family. The remaini�g open land in the conmunity was discwssed as to what could be residential and also housing policies were discussed. There being no fwrther business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 11s-00 P.M. Jody Sehlin, Chair G. Wiiiiam Forster, Secretar�