04-10-78 PC Minutes I'' �
April 10, 1978
A regular meeting of the Golden Vailey Plan�ing Cortmission was held at 7:3U P.M.
on Monday, April 10, 1978 at the Civic Center, 78�0 �olden Vailey Road,
Golden Va{ley, Minnesota.
Chair pro tem Forster presided and the following members were prese�t:
Commissioners €dstrorn, Herje, Hughes, Mindess, Polachek and Speektor. Also
present were Carl �ale, Planner, and Staff inemb�r Jon Westlake.
Members absent: Chair Sehlin.
1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Planning Commission moved to defer the approval
of minutes to the end of the meeting, at which time i� was MOVED by Mind�ss,
seconded by Hughes, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the March 27,
1978 Planning Commission meeting as mailed.
P.U,O. #1—B General Plan — Covenant Manor Housing
Proponent: Colonial Acre Homes, Inc.
Location: 5800 St. Croix Avenue
Request: 99 Unit �ive Story Senior Citizens Bailding -
Carl Oale, Ptanner, reviewed the PTanning Report as follows:
"1 . The Planning Cornnission recommended denial of the concept plan at the
November 28, 1977 Planning Ccxnmission meeting after which the City Council
referred the request back to the Planning Commission regarding certain items
which the P1an�ing Cc�mmission considered at their January 23, 1978 meeting.
2. The procedure for the proponent after the Planning Corrrnission meeting is a
concept review by the Building Board of Review of the structure and land—
scape plans. The proponent would then proceed to the Board of Zoning Appeals
for a va�iance on the office park site. The retirement home site has
42 non enclosed �paces and 12 staff non enclosed spaces for a totat of
54 spaces. The current ptan has a total of 22 garages-two units of which
are to be used to house a van for transportation of the residents and storage.
3. The City Council at their February 6, 1978 meeting granted concept approval
�t which time questions were answered in regard to land use, density
(100 units) , bui)ding height (5 stories), and established a 60' setback
from St. Croix Avenue. The t�sk now is to �eview development plan details
and consider appropriate PUO Qermit conditio�s in the general publie interest
a�d restrictions imposed by action of the City Council .
4. With reference to City Council �onditions, tMe following cc�mments a�e offered:
a) It is not conside�ed practicable or feasibte to connect the parking
areas in such a manner as to orient all parking traffic away from
St. Croix Avenue and onto Duluth Street. Again, howeve�, it must be
noted that project traffic generation will be ligMt, and more
Planning Commission
April 10, 1978 page 2
importantly, there wilt be no significant contribution to peak hour
traffic. An agreement is being prepared with Benson-�rth � Associates
to provide for employee access to parking, access for deliveries,
overflow/visitor partci�g, and snow plowing. Visitor use of the north
parking areas will be encouraged by easy access to the north building
eMtrance � it atso would be rather easy to further control the 'situa-
tion with proper parking instructions to visitors by the residents.
b) Landscape platas hawe been revised to improve screening provisions
from the residential area to the south. Detailed plans should be
reviewed to assure that the parking lot is adequately screened
(berms and plant materiais) for barriers to car headlights at night
as well as for daytime visual considerations.
5. Miscellaneous Comments and Suggestions:
a) Both the site plan and building architecture have been greatly im-
proved over the original sabmission.. The ''stepping-back" of the
building from St. Croix Avenue adds both landscaping space and
visual interest to the building and site.
b) The totat of 54 off-street parking spaces in conjunction with visitor�
overflow parking to the north shoald be quite adequate.
c) Arrangements are being made with the Fire Dept. for proper emergency
vehicle access to the building.
d) An Environmental Wooksheet Assessment (EMA) has been prepared and a
negative irt�act determination is not anticipated.
e) An agreement is being prepared for the walk througM the radio tower
f) Except possibly for the south side of the parking lot (facing St. Croix
Avenue}, the landscape plan seems quite good with �nple variety and
quantity of plant materials.
g) Various and required plan details are being prepared by the Applicant
for presentation and discussion at the meeting.
6. Assuming plan details can be foand satisfactory and in accordance with City
��uncil a�d other public guidelines, consideration must also be given to
the eventual drafting of a PUD Permit; some suggested conditions to be
inclnded are:
a) A sidewalk be installed along St. Croix Ave. or provisions (grading
and placement of landscapi�►g) be made for later installation.
b) Specific reference should be made of permitted building occupancy;
it must be noted that any possible future desire for change (such as
open rental to younge� families or "singles") would require specific
public approvals.
c) Exterior building and parking tot lighting to be as approved by the
Ci ty.
d) Visitor/overflow parking, access, waiks, and snow plowing agreements
(long-term) as approved by the City.
e) Arrangements for cash payments i�-lieu-of taxes.
f) Site drainage, curbing, paving, utilities, and similar matters as
per City Engineer requirements.
g) Buildi�g and site maintenance standards.
Planning Commission
April 10, 1978 Pa9e 3
h) An electric plug-in should be required for all resident parking
spaces not enciosed.
i ) Standards for protection of adjacent park land erosion�silting
controls daring construction.
j) Others as desired and appropriate.
It i s our opi nion that, wi th proper pl an detai 1 s and PUO ��n�l�tataa��: tha s
residential development wilt be an asset to the Community and not be, in any
way, detrimental to the neighborhood environment.'�
The Cornmission then discussed this Planning Report.
Mr. James VanVugt, Administrator for Colonial Acres, said that, as previously
indicated to the Council in reference to payment, Colonial Acres wauld be willing
to contract a specific figure which v�uld be related to the mill rate for certain
items in the City budget such as police, fire, streets, etc. These figures would
escalate as the City budget is changed; however, no document has been drafted yet.
The question of current on street parki�g can be answered in that Colonial Acres
is in tMe process of constrUCting a 42-car parking lot on the West side of
�olonial Acres Nursing Home. With respect to the questior� of landscaping on the
site, the berm, which is being done primarily to screen vehicle lights, will be
4 feet in height, and the proponent stated they are still open to changes in the
landscaping plan. The design of the building has remained the same since the
last City Cowncil meeting - which is a step design with a 60-foot setback from
the front property line. The structare will be five stories in height and the
exterior is brick. The staff parking lot does not connect with the resident/
guest parking lot so traffic cannot filter from Duluth Street to S�. Croix Ave. �
however, there will be a lane under the sod in a specific area for e►nergency
access which the Fire Department will be aware of. The proponent is presently
v�rking on an agreement with Benson-�rth � Associates for an easement to drive
over their property, maintenance of the easement, emergency access, and overflow
parking. The on site parking is as follows: 12 spaces for staff North of the
structure, 44 open spaces to the East, 22 garages-two of which are to be used by
Covenant Manor Nousing.
Mr. Moore, Architect, explained the access the Fire Departrr�nt woutd have around
the building using a landscaping material that would support a fire vehicle,
and also noted the building is sprinkled. The proponent is in the process of
reviewing different material to use in the balcony areas. The balconies by
design will give a light look to the building. The first floor will contain
seven apartments-all designed for the handicapped-with offices, activity areas,
dining, and lobby. Each of the upper four floors will be identical containing
four efficienc�r apartments with over 400 square feet, 67 two-bedroom apartments
with over 600 square feet (which has two different versions) , and seventeen
two-bedroom apartments witM over 800 square feet. Each of the four floors will
contair� 23 units and have limited activity areas including a la�ndry area.
Each apartment unit witl have a fully eguipped kitchen.
TMe following residents �xpressed their concerns as follows: Mrs. Eug�:ne Klein,
1450 Yosemite Ave. N. , questioned who would pay for sidewalks, and felt that the
development is tax free and 50 units would be enough for the site.
Planning Commission
April 10, 1978 page 4
Mr. Ralph Dante, acting as spokesman for some of the residents, requested tMe
Commission to defer action until he has had a chance to respond to the proposal .
The Planning Commission in disce�ssing the reqaest fett the landscaping on the
South side sMould be studied fu�ther. The landscape plan should be in more
detail , inctuding the activity area. The plan is lacking certain dimensions,
including lot line measurements. Also, it should include the Bassetts Creek
Ptaza site so the areas of parking needed for a variance can be identified. An
etevation of the garages should be included as part of the ptan. The Commission
felt the question on traffic has not yet been answered. Questions were also
raised in regard to, if tMe parking lot becomes full , how will visitors know
that overflow parking is in the office park, a�d will they know how to get to
the office park? The question of how much overflow parking is to be provided
was discussed and its location in the office park. The Cortmission discussed
that if a sidewalk shoutd be constructed, who sho�ld pay for the construction
and what should it tie into. Th� Cortmission also felt that some of the
concerns raised in the concept plan stitl have not been answered.
The Planning Cortmission discussed how they were fio advise tl�e Council on the
general plan since the Planning Commission denied the concept plan. The
Commission then reviewed Items 3-A, 4-F, 5-B, 5-E, and 5-H of the Planning
Report. The Commission also discussed the City' s Housing Policy and indicated
that architecturally the plan was good.
It was moved by Mindess, seconded by Edstrom to recommend acceptance of the
general ptan as submitted, with the foltowing conditions:
a) If a sidewalk is constructed the cost is to be paid by the developer.
If not constructed, the area that wauld house the sidewalk is to be
graded and landscaped in reference to future installation.
b) Specific reference should be made to permitted building occupancy. It
must be noted that any possible future desire for change woutd require
approval from the City Council because of tMe limit�d parki�g:
c) Exterior building and parking lot lighting to be as ap�proved by the
City so as not to eause annoyance to area residents.
d) Uisitor/overflow parking, acc�ss, walks, and snow ptowing agreements
(long-term) as approved by the City. A small mechanical riding type
snow plow to be kept on the premises at all times (ir� case of blizzard
on Sunday or a holiday for a medical emergency).
e) Arrangements for annual cash payments in lieu of taxes shall be related
to City mill rate and vary as tMe mill rate varies, but in any event it
shall be suffici�nt to cover police, fire, maintenance, etc.
f) Site drai�age, curbing, paving, utilities, and similar matters as per
City Engineer requirements.
g) The PUO Permit shali include reasonable buiiding and site mai.�fienance
standards as other similar facilities.
h) An electric plug-in should be required for all resident parking spaces
not enctosed.
i ) Standards for protection of adjacent park land erosion/silting controts
during construction shall be incorporated.
Planning Commission
April 10, 1978 page 5
j} The PUD agreement shall be subject to a contract with Benson—Orth &
Associates relatirag to traffic easemer�ts throc�gh the office parking lot,
visitor overflow parking in the office parking lot, and maintenance.
k) Designate visitor parking from resident parking.
1 ) Requirements of the Building Board of Review.
Upon vote being taken by roll call the following voted in favor of the motion:
Mindess, Edstrom, and Polachek; and the following voted against the sarne:
Specktor, Herje, Hughes, and Forster. The motion did not carry.
After further discassion it was moved by Herje, seconded by Specktor to recc�rimend
denial of the general plan for P.U.D. #1—A, noting the following concerns:
traffic, density, access to the property, lack of parking, landscaping, and
unsuitable land use. Upon vote being taken by roll call the following voted in
favor of the motion: Specktor, Herje, Hughes, and Forster; and the following
voted against the same: hlindess, Edstrom, and Polachek. The motion carried.
(a) Applicant: Robert N. F1urd — Towncrier Restaurant
Location: 2480 Winraetka Avenue North
Request: Comnercial Zoning for Class I Restaurant
Zoning: Light Industrial
The Ptanning Commission was info�med of a petition by the senior citizens of
Dover Hill supporting the proposat . The Comnission then reviewed the Planning
Report in the March 13, }97$ Planning Ccunmission minutes regarding this reqwest.
TMe mvtion of that meeting contained three items, which were as foltows:
1) That a meeting be held by the proponent with the residents North of
23rd Avenue on Winnetka Avenue, including the three reside�ts on Valders Avenue
West of the proposed site, 2) Custom Tool Company to provide a plot plan
regarding their fature expansion to show they will meet parking, green area, and
structure setback requirements, 3) The restaurant to provide information on
trips generated, including peak hours of operation, and Custom Tool Company to
indicate trips generated, shift changes, etc.
In response to the above the Commission received a letter from Mr. Johnson,
President of Custom Tool Corr�any, indicating that at the present time Custom
Tool � Manufacturing Company has no plans for e�ansion in the near future.
Mr. Robert N. Hurd of Townc�°ier Restaurant reviewed figures as to trips generated
by Custom 7001 Company and what the approximate trips generated by Towncrier
would be. Mr. Bob Lang of Towncrier Restaurant stated they had met with approxi—
mately 35 residents in the area. Mr. Lang indicated that he felt one person
attended from the area West of Winnetka Avenue and the remaining residents were
from Dover Nilt .
The Planning Commission in discussing the request referred to the Comprehensive
Plan which indicates a limited Business for this area (Business � Professional
Offices). The Comnission discussed the type of proposed restaurant, which is
a family restaurant, and the present location of the Towncrier Restaurants in
the Metro area. In reviewing the site plan the Planning Commission noted the
site contains rrrore parking than the Ordinance requires and the required
Planning Commission
April 10, 1978 page 6
building setback and landscaped areas are,according to Code. The Cortmission
discussed the rippling effect of the zoning in relation to lighter land use
in the area, especially the area to the West of Winnetka Ave. The Gommission
feit the Custom Tool property which is light Industrial is not a compatibie
land use by what has recently developed in the area, especially to the East,
West, and South.
It was moved by Herje, seconded by Mindess, carried to grant the rezoning
request for a Class I Restaurant from light Industrial to Comnerciai , noting
the Planning Cornnission has tried to establish a transitional use but with
light Industrial to the South it is difficult unless the light Industrial were
changed to Limited Business as identified an the Corr�rehensive Pian. The pro-
posed restaurant use is a light use in relation to other types of restaurant
uses. The motion carried with 2 nay votes.
The Planning Commission agreed to go on record that they will support the
remaining land use in this area as indicated on the City' s Cor�rehensive Plan.
The Planning Commission asked that, because of correspondenc� received on the
above item from Custom Tool Company, the City Council make businesses aware
that the City Gommissions consist of both male and female members.
(b) Applicant: Robert N. Hurd
Location: 2480 Winnetka Avenue North
Request: Divide Parcel into Two (2) Lots
Zoning: light Industriat
The Planning Ccxnmission in reviewing the proposed parcel noted it is large
enough in size for tMe proposed use and that the remaining Custom Tool property
is large enough for expansion of the Custom Tool operation.
The Towncrier Restaurant site would have a frontage of 205 feet on Winnetka
Avenue with a depth of 341 feet.
It was moved by Herje, seconded by Mindess, to reco�mend approval of th�
waiver of the Platting Ordinance as presented. The motion carried with one
nay vote.
Commissioner Nerje acting as spokesperson for the nominating cc�mmittee stated
that the committee, consisting of inembers Edstrom, Mi�dess, and Herje, had
met. Cortmissioner Herj� then introduced a motion which was seconded by
Edstrom that the following Commission members be considered for officers of
the Planning Commission for 1978: Cc3mmissioner Sehlin as Chair, Commissioner
Farster as Vice Chair, and Comnissioner Mindess as Secretary. The Chair asked
for nomi�ations from the floor, and hearing none it was rraved by Herje,
seconded by Edstrom that nominations be ctosed and that a unanimous ballot be
cast for the officers of the Planning Commission as listed above to tak� office
April 24, 1978. The motion carried unanimc>usly.
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April 10, 1978 page 7
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 10;30 P.M.
Jody Sehlin, Chair G. William Forst�r, Secretary