07-09-79 PC Minutes � r�� MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION .luly 9, 1979 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, July 9, 1979 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley; Minnesota. Vice Chair Bill Forster presided and the following members were present: Commis�ioners Edstrom, Hughes, Levy, PoTachek, Sehlin, Specktor and Thompson.. Also present was Jeff Christensen of the City staff. Members absent: Commissioner DeSautels, Chair Eastes, and Commissioner Herje. 1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ft was moved by Sehlin, seconded by Hughes, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the June 24, 1g79 Planning Commission meeting as mailed. 2. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT #14-A Applicant: Jack Galant Location: 2400 Hillsboro Avenue North Request: Set Public Hearing for General Plan Approval ` The Planning Commission was informed the devel-oper has not completed the requirements with respect to the June 25, Tg79 Planning Commissian discussion. It was moved by Edstrom, seconded by Hughes, carried unanimously to defer any discus- sion of the Galant proposal until the August 13, 1979 Planning Commission meeting or until the Planning staff was satisfied that the proponent will meet the require- ments specified by the Planning Commission. 3. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT #24 Applicant: Halley Land Corporation Location: Southeast Quadrant of Plymouth and Boone Proposal : Construct 5 Buildings for a Total of 10 Living Units Request: Set Public Hearing for General Plan Approval Mr. Francis D. Hagen, Sr. , president of Westwood Planning and Engineering Company was present to request a General Plan Hearing for P.U.D. #24. Commissioner Edstrom asked for a planning report on the project by the City prior to the hearing. It was moved by Edstrom seconded by Polachek, carried unanimously to set July 23, 1979 for General Plan Informational Hearing for P.U.D. #24. 4. COMMISSION DISCUSSION - Reorganization of Planning and Inspection Department The Planning Commission expressed concern about the procedure and outcome of the reorganization and decided to ask the City Council for some clarification. The Commission was in agreement to extend a letter to the City Council voicing the Commission' s concern and requesting an informational meeting with the Council to obtain answers to some qu�stions pertaining to the reorganization. _� :�� Planning Commission ,1uty 9, 1979 Page 2 Member Edstrom was asked to draft such a letter based on mutual feelings expressed by the Commission. 5• WORK SESSION - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A. The Commission was informed of a revised time schedule permitted by law (Mandatory Land Planning Act) for the creation of a City Comprehensive Plan. The revised schedule allows two additional Planning Commission meetings to complete the recommendations to the Land Use Elements of the Comprehensive Plan. B. The members of the Land Use Committee present at the meeting discussed with the whole Commission a revised Land Use Chapter. After a page by page discussion the Committee agreed to the minor changes noted by the Commission and asked staff to formulate a Land Use Chapter as modified by the Commission and present that chapter to the Commission once the recommendations to the other Land Use Elements are made. C. The members of the Environmental Resource Committee present at the meeting submitted tneir recommendations to the entire Commission. After discussion and comments, the Commission agreed to the recommendations and requested staff to formu)ate a revised Environmental Resource Chapter and present it before the Commission once the Recommendations to the Housing Chapter are completed. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjoi.�rned at 9:45 P.M, G. Wm. Forster, Vice Chair A1 DeSautels, Secretary