02-11-80 PC Minutes � �r�
February 11 , 1980
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at ]:30 p.m. on
February 11 , 1980 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden
Valley, Minnesota.
Vice Chairman Forster called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Those present
were Commissioners DeSautels, Edstrom, Forster, Levy, Swanson, and Thompson.
Also present were Martin Farrell , Assistant City Planner, and Dixie Peterson,
Secretary, Public Works.
Those not present were Commission�rs: Eastes, Hughes, Sehlin, and Specktor.
Commissioner Polachek arrived at 8: 15 p.m.
It was recommended by Commissioner Edstrom that approval of the January 28, 1980
minutes be withheld until the additions and corrections to the Transportation
Se�tion of the Comprehensive Ptan are included as a part of the minutes. Also,
in the last paragraph of page 2, the word tndustrial should be changed to
Institutional .
APPLICANT: St. Regis Paper Company
LOCATION: 4224 � 4240 Olson Memorial Highway, and
621 Indiana Avenue North
REQUEST: Change Zoning from Light Industriat to Industriat .
Martin Farretl briefly covered the Staff Report which was prepared by Mike
Miller, giving some background material on the proposed rezoning. Commissioner
Swanson questioned permitted uses in areas zoned Indastrial and Light
Industrial . Vice Chairman Forster asked the proponents to address the Commission.
Bruce D. Malkerson, Attorney with Popham, Haik, Schnobrich, Kaufman, and Doty,
Ltd. , and Jerome Welters, Production Manager, St. Regis Paper �ompany approached
the Commission, and explained the need for expansion area and the necessity of
the zoning change. Commissioner Edstrom questioned if all the land which was
to be rezoned would be used for the intended purposes or might not some of
the land be sold. Mr. Malkerson responded that all the land was to be used and
it was not their intention to sell any portion of it. Commissioner Swanson
added that the land would have to be replatted if this were to happen. Vice
Chairman Forster asked if there was any one in the audience who wished to speak
regarding this proposition.
Bill Frank, President of Juhl Brokerage stated that he has seen St. Regis Paper
Company's plan and would not have any objection to their using this as a
warehouse facility. He expressed concern about a truck terminal loading area
using heavy equipment being placed in this area. Ne also hoped the proposed
building would be congruous with the existing buildings. Attorney Malkerson
responded that they are presently handling the company's loading and unloading
on the west section of the property. There would be no additional access to
the expanded area for loading or unloading.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
Page 2
February 11 , 1980
Commissioner Swanson questioned if they had an architectural drawing with
them. Attorney Malkerson responded that they need to have an idea of what
the City is going to do before their final plans are to be made. If the
rezoning were approved, it was the understanding that no variances would be
needed. However, should any come up they would have to be approved.
It was moved by Swanson, seconded by Levy, and carried unanimously, that the
area of 4224 and 4240 O1son Memorial Highway, and 621 Indiana Avenue North be
rezoned from Light lndustrial to Industrial , subject to the requirements that
the truck loading areas remain in the west section of the existing building, the
landscaping requiremenfis be met and the final plans go before the Building
Board of Review for architectural review.
This item was struck from the agenda until such time as proponent provides
additional plans for the proposat to the appropriate staff.
APPLICANT: Robert T. Steiner
LOCATION: 4322 Wayzata Blvd.
REQUEST: Subdivide one Res�dential Lot into two Residentiat Lots
Martin Farretl gave a staff review of the proposal . Minnesota Department of
Transportation (MN/DOT) has indicated that part of Mr. Steiner's lot could
possibly be acquired for right of way'. MN/DOT indicated they have no major
objections to Mr. Steiner':s waiver of plat request. The hardship that Mr.
Steiner claims in this case is that he presently cannot build two homes on the
same lot. Staff felt Mr. Steiner had three choices in dealing with the property.
They were as follows:
1 . Plat the property
2. Obtain a waiver of the Platting Ordinance
3. Do nathing until MN/DOT acquires the right-ofi-way
needed for upgrading T.H. 12
Staff recommended that Planning Commission not give favorable recommendation
to waiving the Ptatting Ordinance. Commissioner Swanson stated that there
must be a hardship in order to recommend a waiver of the Platting Ordinance and
that Mr. Steiner is not suffering undue hardship. The proponent, Mr. Steiner,
then approached the Commission and defended his request. Commissioner
Edstrom stated that he felt fihis was a reasonable request and he disagreed
with the Staff recommendation.
It was then moved by Edstrom, seconded by De Sautels and carried that the
waiver of the Platting Ordinance be recommended to the City Council for approval .
Commissioner Swanson voted nay and stated she felt this tot should be platted
according to the Ordinance.
f'� f� . � . � .
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
Page 2
February 11 , 1980
APPLICANT: Calvary Lutheran Church
LOCATION: $30 Rhode Island Avenue North
REQUEST: Change Zoning from Residential to Institutionat
Martin Farrell recommended March 10, 1980 for the lnformal Public Hearing
date. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Levy and carried unanimously
to set the date for the Informal Public Hearing for the Calvary Lutheran
Church rezoning request for March 10, 19$0.
APPLICANT: Calvary Community Services, lnc.
LOCATION: Intersection of Golden Valley Road and
Rhode Island Avenue N.
REQUEST: Concept Approval of Calvary Square Apartment Complex
Martin Farrell recommended March 10, 1980 for the Informal Public Hearing
date. It was then moved by Thompson, seconded by DeSautels, and carried
unanimously to set the Informal Public Hearing date for March 10, 1980 for
the CaTvary Community Services P.U.D. Concept approval .
Virginia Levy represented the subcommittee and presented their criteria. A
discussion followed regarding the criteria and some changes were recommended.
It was moved by Swanson and seconded by Edstrom and carried unanimously to
accept the Middle School criteria subject to rewording of the proposed criteria,
after which it will be submitted to staff for presentation to the City Council .
Terminal Warehouse Zone District. Vice Chairperson Forster stated he would like
to have all the Planning Commission members present in order to discuss this
ordinance amendment in more detail . Discussion of the Terminal Warehouse Zone
District was tabled untit the February 25, 1980 meeting of the Planning Commission.
Because of Mike Miller's absence, this report was tabled until the February
25, 1g8o Planning Commission Meeting.
Commissioners DeSautels and Thompson were appointed to represent the Planning
Cornmissior� af. -the BZA Meeting on February fi2,- 19$0 at 7:30 p.m.
It was noted the City Council Meeting scheduled for March 17, 1980, has been
rescheduled to March 13, 1980.
Commissioner Swanson requested that a letter be sent to the Council from Staff
requesting a complete ptan for a service road on T.H. 12 from Turner's Crossroad
to County Road 18, as referred to in the November l3 meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Sue Eastes, Chairperson Martin Farrell , Recording Secretary
February 11 , 1g80
Criteria for Proposed Middle School Land Use
Any proposed use for the land and buildings now occupied by the Golden Val<tey
Middle and High Schools must be carefully evatuated not only in terms of t'he
site itself,: with its special soil , drainage and access problems , but alsa in
terms of the importance of preserving the high quality of life of the
surrounding quiet residentiaJ neighborhood. Maintenance of this quality of
life requires that any future use of the site have minimal impact upon the
quality of air, wa�er, and the visual and natural environment; that it not
increase unacceptably the traffic flow or population density; and that it be
compatible with such existing public services as sewer and water, streets,
pubiic transportation, and 1oca1 park and recreational facilities.
The Planning Commission recommends, therefore, that the following criteria
be used in considering the appropriateness of any proposed use for the Middle
School-High School site:
1 . The proposed land use shatl be compatibte with the topography,
soils, and drainage requirements of the site.
2. The proposed tand use shall have minimal negative impact upon the
natural environment, including open space, on or adjacent to the site.
3. The proposed land use shall place only acceptable demands upon the
existing sanitary and storm sewer service and the water supply -
available to the site.
4. The proposed use shall be adequately served by existing streets and
pu6iic transportation in the area.
5. The proposed use shall be such that tocat residents' enjoyment of
parks and recreation facilities near the site is not diminished.
6. The proposed land use shall be such that population density and
traffic flow in the surrounding neighborhood remain moderate.
7. The proposed land use shall blend visually with the surrounding
8. The proposed land use shall be such that the quality of air, water
and sound in the surrounding neighborhood remain at. an acceptable
level .
9. The proposed tand use shall be compatible with current adjacent land
uses and zoning, and with long term land use and zoning projected
for the area by the Comprehensive Ptan.
Whenever appropriate, the City Council and Planning Commission shall be provided
by proponents with detailed documentation concerning the potential impact of a
proposed land use on the site and adjacent neighborhood, well in advance of a
time for decision.