01-25-82 PC Minutes �� Minutes of the Golden V alley P 1 anni ng Comni ss i on January 25, 1982 A regular meeting of the Planning Comnission was held in the C ouncil Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, G olden Valley, MN. Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order a t 7:00 p.m. Those present we re Cortmissioners Forster, Leppik, Moede, Singer . a nd Thompson. Co mnissioner Polachek was not present at the beginning of the meeting. Comnissioner Eastes was absent. Also present were Mike Miller, Director of Planning and Redevelopment and Alda Peikert, Assistant Planner. I . Approval of Minutes - January 11, 1982: It was moved by Commissioner Leppik, seconded by Commissioner Singer and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the J anuary 11, 1982 P1 anni ng Comni ssion meeti ng as recorded. II. Set date for Informal Public Hearing - �on �d'ti onaT—U se e�rmi t: APPLICANT: Reinertson & Associates, Inc. L OCATION: 5800 Duluth Street REQUEST: Approval of Conditional Use Permit to erect a 4-story office building within a B & PO Zoning District C hairman Thomp son introduced this agenda item, noted that the p roponent, Mr. Mark Reinertson, was not present, and reviewed the staff recommendation for setting of an informal public hearing date. I t was moved by Commi ssi oner Si nger and seconded by Corr�ni ssi oner Forster to set an informal public hearing date of February 8, 1982 for consideration of the conditional use permit requested by Reinertson and Associates, Inc. , to allow construction of a building four stories in height at 5800 Duluth Street in a B usiness and Professional Offices Zoning District. � � Planning Commission Meeting - January 25, 1982 Page -2 The Chairman asked whether there was any discussion on the motion, and Commissioner Forster asked whether the proponent had received City approval of tax exempt financing for the project. Planning and Redevelopment Director Mike Miller replied that Mr. Reinertson could not appear before the City Council with his request for tax exemp t financing until after receiving approval of the conditional use permit required for his proposed building. C omnissioner Polachek arrived at the meeting. T he motion was passed unanimously. C omni si soner Moede asked for an expl anati on of changes i n Mr. Reinertson' s application during her absence on vacation. She n oted that at the last meeting she attended, Mr. Reinertson requested a change in his proposal f rom a four story to a five s tory building. Mr. Miller offered a history of Mr. Reinertson' s subsequent switches f rom a five story building to a seven story building and then back to a four story building due to problems including necessity of obtaining new waivers from the Board of Z oning Appeals (BZA) for any thing other than a four story b uilding. III . Informal Public Hearing - P.U.D. #33, North Wirth Parkway: APPLICANT: M. A. Mortenson Corr�any � L OCATION: Northeast Quadrant of intersection of T.H. 55 and Meadow Lane REQUEST: General Plan Approval without Concept Plan Approval C hairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and called atten- tion to the memorandum from Planning and Redeveiopment Director Mike Miller advising the Comnission that the proponent, M. A. M ortenson Company, had requested that consideration of PUD #33 be withdrawn from the agenda and that the informal public hearing be rescheduled for Monday, February 8, 1982. Mr. Miller informed the Comnission that the proponent had modified the site plan for P UD #33 and that he would distribute copies of the revised site plan as soon as the Comnission set a hearing date. M r. Mark Reinertson, proponent for the previous agenda item, a rrived at the meeting. Chairman Thompson informed him that an informal public hearing date of February 8, 1982 had been set for c onsideration of his conditional use permit request. �� P1 anni ng Cor�ni ssi on Meeti ng - January 25, 1982 Page -3 C hairman Thompson opened the meeting to discussion of the M.A. M ortenson agenda item, and Comnissioner Forster asked Mr. Miller the reasons for use of the PUD procedure on this project. Mr. Miller offered an explanation of the reasons for use of the PUD p rocedu re. M r. Chester Yanik, General Manager of Development for M. A. M ortenson Company, was present to represent the proponent and answer questions. The Comnissioners did not have any questions of the proponent. It was moved by Comni ssioner Polachek, seconded by Commi ssioner Singer and carried unanimously to set the date of February 8, 1982 for an informal public hearing on the General Plan of D evel opment f or P UD #33. IV. Informal Public Hearing = Preliminary Plat of "Teacher Addition"� APPLICANT: Taco Bell, Westmont, I11. L OCATION: 2480 Winnetka Avenue North R EQUEST: Approval of Preliminary Plat C hairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and announced that Planning and Redevelopment Director Mike Miller received a tel ephone cal l the day of the meeti ng f rom Mr. Larry LeMi eux, Regional Real Estate Manager for 7aco Bell, who had planned to represent the proponent at the meeting, notifying Mr. Miller that M r. LeMieux was snowbound in Madison, Wisconsin, and would be u nable to attend the hearing but requesting that the Planning Corr�ni ssi on proceed wi th the heari ng i n hi s absence. C hairman Thomp son opened the public hearing. Th ere was no one p resent who wished to speak on this agenda item, and Chairman Thompson closed the hearing. I t was moved by Commi ssi oner Moede and seconded by Corrrni ssioner L eppik to recommend that the City Council deny approval of the p reliminary plat of "Teacher Addition" due to land use and zoning discrepancies and potential nonconformities, due to the fact that approval would be contrary to the spirit and intent of both the C i ty P1 atti ng Ordi nance and the Ci ty Zoni ng Ordi nance, due to the f act that approval of the plat would in no way benefit the C ommunity, and due to the fact that approval of the plat would n ot be a good land use decision. 41 Planning Comnission Meeting - January 25, 1982 Page -4 C hairman Thompson opened the meeting to discussion of the motion, a nd Commissioner Singer stated he had received the impression that the proponent did not desire plat approval but needed a ruling. Mr. Miller advised the Comnission that he had been informed by Mr. LeMieux at the time of his telephone call the day of the meeting that the proponent was interested in the former A rthur Treacher' s Restaurant building. Mr. Miller speculated that the proponent may have an agreement with the Teacher's F ederation and require a denial of the proposed plat in order to get out of that agreement. T he motion was passed unanimously. V . Report on BZA Meeting = January 12, 1982: C hai rman Thomp son provi ded the P1 anni ng Cor�nni ssi on wi th a report o n the J anuary 12, 1982 Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) meeting. C hairman Thompson reported that the BZA granted waivers to Jim Lupient Oldsmobile Company for reduced setbacks at Jim Lupient C ar Rentals and to Bor-Son Construction Company for reduced garage requirements for the subsidized portion of Medley Park T ownhouses. V I. Report o n H RA Meeti ng _ J anuary 12, 1982: C hairman Thompson and Comnissioner Leppik both attended the J anuary 12, 1982 HRA meeting and offered a report. Comnissioner L eppik reported on progress of the South Wirth Redevelopment P roject as an item of interest to the Planning Comnission, and C hairman Thompson reported on developments in the Valley Square Redevelopment Project. VII. Report on City Council Meeting _ J anuary 19, 1982: C hairman Thompson announced that there had been no Planning C omnission representative at the J anuary 19, 1982 City Council m eeting and, therefore, that there would be no report on the meeti ng. �� Planning Commission Meeting - January 25, 1982 Page 5 VIII. Representation at CDBG Pla�n�n_i�n� Area Citizen Advisory omm ttee Meeti ng - January 2�- 19�: C hai rman Thomp son i nformed the Commi ssi on that the Comnu ni ty D evelopment Block Grant (CDBG) Planning Area One Citizen Advisory Comnittee (PACAC) had scheduled a meeting for Thursday, January 28, 1982 and would be reviewing an amendment to the City of Golden Valley CDBG Program for funding of the Ewald Redevelopment P roject. Chairman Thompson explained that he would be unable to a ttend the PACAC meeting due to a conflict that evening and asked w hether another Planning Comnission member would be able to a ttend the meeting to represent the City of Golden Valley. There w as no other Planning Commissioner able to attend the meeting. C hai rman Thomp son sai d that he woul d i nform the 4iennepi n County C DBG staff representative that Golden Valley would be unable to s end a representative to the meeting. IX. Report on Olson School Neighborhood Comnittee Meeting = anuary�0;3�3$2: Comnissioner Polachek attended a January 20, 1982 meeting of the Olson School Neighborhood Committee and provided the Comnission with a report on that meeting. Co mnissioner Polachek reported that potential uses of the former Olson School discussed at the meeting included leasing to the Groves Learning Center f or c hildren with learning disabilities, use as a cable television s tudio, and use as a school district headquarters building. X. Discussion of Preparation of Planning Commission Minutes: Comnissioner Moede suggested that the Planning Comnission minutes should be less copious and should cover only main points and actions rather than recording selected conversations, both due to time and paper costs and due to the fact that it is difficult for C omnissioners to speak openly if comments are recorded selec- tively rather than consistently. Planning and Redevelopment Director Mike Miller pointed out that all meetings are taped for the record and that the tapes are available for a limited period of time. 43 R1 anni ng Comni ssi on Meeti ng - January 25, 1982 Page 6 Commissioner Leppik stated that she appreciates the copiousness of the minutes and prefers to see all points included, although it is not necessary to identify Comnisisoners who made points. The Comnission further discussed Comnisisoner Moede's suggestion b ut did not take any action on the matter. T he meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectful ly submi tted, ���� D avid Thompson, Chairma Mona Moede, Secretary