03-22-82 PC Minutes �� Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission March 22, 1982 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN. Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Forster, Leppik, Prazak and Thompson. Commissioner Polachek was not present at the beginning of the meeting. Commissioners Eastes and Singer were absent, Also present were Mike Miller, Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator, and Alda Peikert, Assistant Planner. I . Annual Election of Officers Chairman Thompson deferred the annual election of Planning Commission offi- cers until later in the meeting due to the fact that he expected Commissioner Polachek to arrive late. II . Approval of Minutes - March 8, 1982 It was moved by Commissioner Leppik, seconded by Commissioner Forster and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the March 8, 1982 Planning Commission meeting as recorded. III . Reschedule Informal Public Hearing for P.U.D. #35, Busc Site Of ice Warehouse APPLICANT: Kraus-Anderson Realty Company LOCATION: Northeast Quadrant of Intersection of lOth Avenue North and Boone Avenue North REQUEST: Approval of General Plan of Development without Concept Plan Approval Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and requested a recommen- dation from Planning and Redevelopment Director Mike Miller as to a new date for the informal public hearing. Mr. Miller recommended that the Planning Commission defer until the next meeting on April 12, 1982 the setting of an informal public hearing date. Mr. Miller reported that he did not yet have new plans for distribution to the Planning Commissioners but should receive new plans by the next meeting. Chairman Thompson requested that the setting of a new informal public hearing date for consideration of the General Plan of Development for PUD #35, Busch Office Warehouse, be placed on the agenda of the next meeting. �� Planning Commission Minutes - March 22, 1982 Page -2 IV. Informal Public Hearing - P.U.D. #34, Golden Valley Lutheran College APPLICANT: Golden Valley Lutheran College LOCATION: 6125 Olson Memorial Highway (T.H. #55) REQUEST: Approval of General Plan of Development without Concept Plan Approval Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item, and the proponents, Dr. Bernt C. Opsal , President of Golden Valley Lutheran College, and Mr. Jim Husnik, Architect with Hammel Green and Abrahamson, Inc. , introduced themselves to the Planning Commission. Assistant Planner Alda Peikert distributed to Planning Commissioners a list of variances incorporated into the General Plan of Development for PUD #34, Golden Valley Lutheran College. Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller informed Planning Commissioners that staff would be providing lists of variances involved in all PUD applications in order to fully inform Commissioners of variances requested with PUD approvals. Commissioner Forster asked a question concerning treatment of a continually evolving PUD such as PUD #34, Golden Valley Lutheran College. Mr. Miller verified that the College as an institution is constantly evolving and explained that future additions or changes would be treated as amendments to PUD #34, Golden Valley Lutheran College. Commissioner Leppik asked how far into the future the Commission couid reasonably expect the proponents to project their PUD plans and whether the cost of preparing a complete plan for future improvements would be prohibi- tive. Commissioner Leppik stated that she would like assurance that the College is making provision for future needs in drawing up plans for current improvements. Mr. Miller agreed that he would like to see a plan for future development in general but cautioned that the Planning Commission would have to deal with such a plan as something which could change drastically. Mr. Miller suggested that planning for future improve- ments could be required as part of the City Council approval and made the point that such planning would be beneficial to both the City and the College. In response to questions from Commissioners, Ms. Peikert pointed out loca- tions of requested variances from yard requirements and staff discussed the purpose of platting in conjunction with PUD approval . Chairman Thompson recognized the proponents, Dr. Opsal and Mr. Husnik, and offered them the opportunity to present their proposal . Mr. Husnik stated that he wished to clarify for Commissioners comments about future development possibilities on the College campus and that the College does not at this time have existing plans for future additions. Mr. Husnik also explained the rationale for placement of proposed lot lines requiring setback variances, which lot lines he said were located to accomodate existing buildings and to preserve existing trees. �� Planning Commission Minutes - March 22, 1982 Page -3 Commissioner Leppik asked the proponents whether they had given con- sideraton to space for recreational needs. Dr. Opsal replied that the College currently has a gymnasium within the Classroom Building and is thinking about construction of a new gymnasium in the northeast corner of the campus. Other future improvements which have been considered include academic and science additions to the Classroom Building and construction of a chapel south of the east end of the Classroom Building. Dr. Opsal confirmed that the College intends to remain a two year school and expects future size to be 700 to 800 students. Commissioner Prazak asked what impact the increased enrollment would have on College staff. Dr. Opsal explained that the College retains certain staff in order to offer a basic curriculum and that a 30 percent increase in the student body could be accommodated without a proportionate staff increase. Commissioner Forster asked when the College expects to experience the pro- posed 30 percent increase in enrollment. Dr. Opsal replied that the increase would take place in the fall of 1982 or the fall of 1983. Commissioner Forster asked whether a 30 percent growth rate was typical of junior colleges. Dr. Opsal replied that a 30 percent increase in enrollment would be high for a larger junior college, but that starting with the relatively small student body at Golden Valley Lutheran College, 30 percent does not constitute an unusual increase. Commissioner Polachek arrived at the meeting. Chairman Thompson opened the informal public hearing for public input. Mrs. Lois Lee, 250 Paisley Lane, stated objections to the proximity of the new dormitory and proposed connecting road to the back yard of her home. Mrs. Lee stated that she and her husband have lived at their present loca- tion for 20 years and that they were attracted to the area originally because of the large lots and surrounding trees. Mrs. Lee expressed con- cern over removal for the road construction of trees which presently form a buffer between their property and the College and over noise generated by the young people on campus and their stereos. Mrs. Lee added that she and her husband have constructed a swimming pool in their back yard and are concerned over loss of back yard privacy and lowering of property values. Mr. Walter Lee, 250 Paisley Lane, said he believed that his wife also spoke for their neighbors, the Hetlands and the Flannagans, in expressing her concerns. Dr. Opsal informed Commissioners and residents that the proposed connecting road, required by the City Fire Marshal , would be 33 feet from the College property line. In response to a question from Commissioner Prazak, Dr. Opsal stated that the current buffer area between the property line and buildings is approximately 90 feet. �� Planning Commission Minutes - March 22, 1982 Page -4 Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller suggested that the road could be blocked with break away chain for emergency vehicle use only to eliminate daily traffic on the road. Dr. Kenneth Valentas, 401 Edgewood Avenue North, observed that there is presently such a chain on the access road into the College from Edgewood Avenue and stated that he would favor use of such a chain on the proposed connecting road. Mrs. Lois Lee, 250 Paisley Lane, suggested that the College utilize vacant land in the northern area of the College property for expansion rather than ruining the residential neighborhood to the south. Chairman Thompson suggested the planting of evergreens as a buffer from residential property. Mr. Husnik explained that topography and poor soils preclude use of pro- perty to the north. Mr. Husnik expressed willingness to consider use of evergreen plantings as a buffer and also noted that the proposed new dor- mitory is orien�ted with the narrow end toward the residential neighborhood to minimize exposure and to preserve existing trees to the east. In response to a question from Chairman Thompson, Dr. Kenneth Valentas, 401 Edgewood Avenue North, stated that noise from the campus is a problem. Mrs. Kathryn Valentas offered that there are minor noise prablems in the spring and fall which are aggravating. Mr. J ohn Paulson, 320 Edgewood Avenue North, suggested that the connecting road be cut or blocked to prevent racing and that speed bumps be installed on the existing west access road. Mr. Paulson stated he was in favor of the use of evergreen plantings as buffer from surrounding residential neighborhoods. Mr. Juel Svenkerud, 6421 Westchester Circle, stated an objection to building of the connecting road. He explained that he lives on the west side of the campus near the small dormitories and is disturbed by the west access road noise. Commissioner Leppik asked the extent to which trees would be cut for the road. Mr. Husnik replied that the proposed road width requires a 24 foot wide cut through existing trees. Mr. Husnik suggested that the road width could be reduced to 12 feet requiring the cutting of fewer trees if the road were restricted to emergency vehicles and constructed as one lane fvr one way only. Chairmain Thompson asked whether the College would be willing to plant evergreens, and Dr. Opsal replied that the College would be willing to take this measure. �� Planning Commission Minutes - March 22, 1982 Page -5 Mrs. Lois Paulson, 320 Edgewood Avenue North, asked if there was any record available of the number of false alarm calls to the Fire Department generated by the College due to the fact that she has observed numerous fire equipment trips to the College. Dr. Opsal said that the College has recently addressed the problem of a high rate of false alarms from the College and has instituted a fine system. Mrs. Kathryn Valentas, 401 Edgewood Avenue North, asked whether the College has any long range plans to develop the west side of the College property. Dr. Opsal replied that the College has no plans for development of the west area and noted that the College agreed not to put parking in that area at the time of their last expansion in response to neighborhood objections. Dr. Maynard Nelson, Chairman of the Board of Regents, Golden Valley Lutheran College, offered the information that the College plans to limit enrollment and has a master plan for development available for examination in the College foyer. Dr. Nelson stated that the College wishes to be a good neighbor and that the Board of Regents is willing to do what it can to minimize problems for neighboring residents. Mr. Jerry Kassanchuk, 245 Paisley Lane, stated that his home is located in the vicinity of the southwest dormitory and that he is bothered by loud rock music and traffic. He stated that he wished there were a way to make addition of the new dormitory more palatable to neighboring residents. Mr. Husnik pointed out that the new dormitory will have no windows on the south side. Mrs. Kathryn Valentas, 401 Edgewood Avenue North, suggested that Planning Commissioners visit the site to assess the effects on the neighboring resi- dences before taking action. Mrs. Lois Paulson, 320 Edgewood Avenue North, suggested the use of an exterior building color which would blend with the surrounding environment rather than use of white cement as an exterior finish. Mrs. Kathryn Valentas, 401 Edgewood Avenue North, suggested the planting of ivy as an alternative in order to minimize visual impact of College buildings. Mr. Jerry Kassanchuk, 245 Paisley Lane, stated his objection to a through road and to increased traffic on the west access road. Mr. Kassanchuk suggested moving the new dormitory building to the east with access to the building from the east access road. Dr. Kenneth Valentas, 401 Edgewood Avenue North, asked whether the College had considered parking space needs for possible future addition of a gym- nasium building. Dr. Opsal explained that the College currently hosts games in the existing gymnasium in the Classroom Building and would construct additional parking area along with construction of a new gym- nasium. 67 Planning Commission Minutes - March 22, 1982 Page -6 Commissioner Leppik suggested elimination of the parking lot on the west side of the campus, provision of additional parking space in another parking area and restriction of road access on the west road except for specified times when students are moving in and out of dormitories in the fall and spring. Mr. Miller cautioned against the reduction of parking space. Mr. J erry Kassanchuk, 245 Paisley Lane, stated that the parking lot on the west side of the campus generates considerable traffic on the west access road due to people driving in to look for space even when the lot is full . Dr. Opsal stated that the College does not wish to concentrate all parking to the north along Highway 55 due to the unattractive front appearance that would present from the highway. Mrs. Lois Paulson, 320 Edgewood Avenue North, suggested parking to the south of the athletic track. Mr. Husnik stated that the soils in the area are peat suitable only for athletic field use and not adequate to support a parking lot. Mr. Jerry Kassanchuk, 245 Paisley Lane, suggested moving the parking to the east of the two small dormitories on the west side of the campus. Chairman Thompson closed the informal public hearing. Chairman Thompson suggested that the Planning Commission defer action to allow time for Planning Commissioners to visit the site and view the master plan on display at the College and to allow time for the architect to work with neighboring residents on plan revisions designed to alleviate their concerns. Dr. Opsal stated that the College is on a tight time schedule required for the tax exempt bond issue which will finance the expansion and that a two week postponement could postpone use of the new dormitory an entire year. Dr. Opsal expressed willingness to make desired adjustments in the plans but stated that delay would present problems for the College. Mr. Miller stated that he felt the Chairman's suggestion that Planning Commissioners visit the neighborhood was a good one, but that he understood the proponent' s problem of a time line involving serious financial matters. Mr. Miller suggested that there were two alternatives opened to the Planning Commission. The first was to delay action to allow for a visit to the site. The second was to incorporate into an approval recommendation suggestions made for minimizing effects of the proposed development on neighboring residents. Mr. Miller pointed out that the plan adjustments would have to be extremely well documented and would have to be incor- porated into a revised plan, which would be referred directly to the City CounciT and would not be seen by the Planning Commission. Mr. Miller stated that the choice involved three parties: The College faced with a time problem, the neighbors who have concerns and suggestions, and the Planning Commission. Mr. Miller expressed disappointment that the College �� Planning Commission Minutes - March 22, 1982 Page -7 had not worked out plans with the neighbors prior to the informal Planning Commission hearing and reported that this suggestion had been made to College representatives by staff on several occasions. Mr. Miller concluded that the Chairman's suggestion was probably the best alternative. On the other hand, he recognized the College as a good institution which should be encouraged and expressed the wish that something could be done to assist their situation. Commissioner Leppik expressed support for the Chairman's suggestion, stating that she understands the pressures on the College, but that the neighboring residents also have financial concerns. It was moved by Commissioner Leppik, seconded by Commissioner Forster and carried unanimously to defer action on the General Plan of Development for PUD #34, Golden Valley Lutheran College, until the next P1anning Commission meeting and in the interim to visit the site. Commissioner Leppik requested that neighbors draw up a list of concerns and suggestions and that the College prepare alternative plan revisions to meet the concerns of the neighboring residents. Mr. J ohn Paulson, 320 Edgewood Avenue North, suggested that the College stake the locations of the proposed new dormitory building and road. Mr. Husnik agreed that this could be done. - Planning Commissioners, residents and College representatives agreed to meet at the main College building at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 3, 1982 to review the proposed plans and effects on neighboring residents together at the site. V. Consideration of P roposed Revisions to City Zoning Ordinance 1. Commercial Zoning District 2. Open Development Zoning District 3. P.U.D. Ordinance Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and asked Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller for his comments. Mr. Miller reviewed revisions to the PUD Ordinance, discussed the role of the Planning Commission in the proposed revision of the PUD Ordinance, and answered questions from Commissioners on the PUD Ordinance. It was moved by Commissioner Forster, seconded by Commissioner Leppik and carried unanimously to recommend City Council approval of the revised PUD Ordinance. Mr. Miller offered comments on changes proposed for the Commercial Zoning District Section of the Ordinance. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission to defer action on the Commercial Zoning District Section of the Zoning Ordinance for research of retail use parking needs involving a sur- vey of parking space provision and use in existing retail centers in Golden Valley. �� Planning Commission Minutes - March 22, 1982 Page -8 � Mr. Miller answered questions from Planning Commissioners on revisions to the Open Development Zoning District Section of the Zoning Ordinance. Planning Commissioners suggested two amendments to the proposed revised Open Development Section of the Ordinance: 1. Renumbering of Sections 2.06 through 2.08 to 2.05 through 2.07. 2. A wording change in Section 2.04 Para. 1 from "sporting events° to "sporting activities". It was moved by Commissioner Forster, seconded by Commissioner Polachek and carried unanimously to recommend City Council approval of the revised Open Development Section of the City Zoning Ordinance as amended. VI . Annual Election of Officers It was moved by Commissioner Polachek and seconded by Commissioner Leppik to nominate David Thompson for the office of Chairman of the Planning Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Forster and seconded by Commissioner Leppik to nominate Herb Polachek for the office of Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Forster and seconded by Commissioner Prazak to nominate Peggy Leppik for the office of Secretary of the Planning C ornrni s s i on. It was passed unanimously to elect David Thompson as Chairman, Herb Polachek as Vice Chairman and Peggy Leppik as Secretary of the Planning Commission. VII. Report on HRA Meeting - March 9, 1982 In the absence of Commissioner Eastes who attended the March 9, 1982 HRA meeting, Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller provided the Planning Commission with a report on the HRA meeting. VIII. Report on City Council Meeting - March 16, 1982 Commissioner Polachek provided the Planning Commission with a report on the March 16, 1982 City Council meeting. IX. Progress Report on Valley Square Redevelopment Project Chairman Thompson presented to the Planning Commission the plan for the Valley Square Redevelopment Project recently finalized by the Valley Square Commission. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Respectfully s mitted, .�,-�.c� ���. Davi hompson, Chair n