04-26-82 PC Minutes �� Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission Apri1 26, tg82 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Go1den Valley, MN. Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:p.m. Those present were Commissioners Forster, Leppik, Polachek, Rrazak, Singer and Thompson. Commissioner Tubman was not present at the beginning of the meeting. Also present were Mike Miller, Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator, and Alda Peikert, Assistant Planner. I . Approval of Minutes - April 12, 1g82: It was moved by Gommissioner Leppik, seconded by Commissioner Polachek and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the April 12, 1982 Planning Commission meeting as recorded. II . Set Date for Informal Public Hearing - Amendment to PUD #28: APPLICANT: Pondwood Associates LOCATION: 4959, 4g69 � 4979 Olson Memoria] Highway (T.H. 55) REQUEST: Approval of Modification of PUD #28, Pondwood Office Park Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff recommendation of a May 10, 1982 informal public hearing date. It was moved by Commissioner Leppik, seconded by Cammissioner Singer and carried unanimously to set the date of May 10, 1982 for an informal public hearing to consider the proposed amendment to PUD #28, Pondwood Office Park. Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller distributed ptans for the proposed amendment to PUD #28. Commissioner Tubman arrived at the meeting. III . Set Date for Informal Public Hearing - West Suburban Surgical Center, Inc. APPLICANT: West Suburban Surgical Center, tnc. LOCATION: 6681 Co�antry Club Drive REQUEST: Approval to establish and operate a "same day" surgical center in an I-3, Institutional Zoning District �� Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1g82 Page 2 Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff recom- mendation of a May 10, 1982 informal public hearing date. It was moved by Commissioner Singer, seconded by Commissioner Leppik and carried unanimously to set the date of May 10, 1982 for an informal public hearing to consider the application from West Suburban Surgical Center, Inc. for location of a "same day" surgical center at 6681 Country C1ub Drive in the Institutional ( I-3) Zoning District. IV. Continuation of Consideration of General Plan of Development without Concept Plan Approval - PUD #3 � APPLICANT: Golden Valley Lutheran College LOCATION: 6125 Olson tlemorial Highway REQUEST: Approval of General Plan of Development - PUD #34, Golden Valley Lutheran College Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item, and Assistant Planner Alda Peikert reviewed the staff report. Chairman Thompson then asked for Commis- sioner questions of staff or the proponent. Present to represent the proponent were Dr. Bernt Opsal , President of Golden Valley Lutheran College, Mr. Curtis Green, Architect with Hammel Green Abrahamson, Inc. , and Mr. Jim Goulet, Engineer with Hammel Green Abrahamson, 1nc. Commissioner Leppik asked whether the variety of evergreen tree used for ' screening purposes , Black Hills Spruce, is a type which retains fullness to the ground. Mr. Jim Goulet replied that the Black Hi11s Spruce trees are dense to the ground and will provide screening to the ground. Commissioner Tubman expressed concern that neither the current College development plans nor the plans for future development possibilities include installation of tennis courts and ball fields for which the College has a current need. Chairman Thompson noted that the action recommended by staff includes a conditiofi concerning provision for student recreational needs in future College expansion plans. Commissioner Leppik asked what materials would be used on the exterior of the new dormitory �nd how much of the dormitory would be visible from the south. Mr. Curt Green said that the exterior finish would be grey stucco and that the end of the building, 60 feet wide and two and one half stories in height, would be visible from the south. P1r. Green added that the dormitory cannot be relocated to the east due to inadequate subsoil conditions. Commissioner Leppik asked whether the parking facility for the possible future gymnasium, if eventually built, would provide enough additional parking to allow elimination of the parking area on the west side of the campus. Mr. Green replied that the parking requirements for the gymnasium, if built, would be substantial and that the proposed parking facility adjacent to the gymnasium would be designed to accommodate the gymnasium and the College probably would retain the parking on the west side of the campus. 75 Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1982 Page 3 Commissioner Leppik asked Dr. Opsal whether parking in the west parking area could be restricted by permit to reduce traffic. Dr. Opsal replied that the ColTege already uses a sticker system to restrict parking in each campus parking lot. At the request of Chairman Thompson, Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Milter explained that future additions to College facilities, including those shown at this time as future development possibilities, will require amendment of the PUD. Commissioner Singer moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval subject to conditions suggested in the staff report. Ms. Peikert informed the Commission that the condition in the staff report requiring a Fire Depart- ment siamese on the Commons building should be eliminated because standpipes will not be required in the Commons Building. It was moved by Commissioner Singer and seconded by Commissioner Polachek that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the General Plan of Development for PUD #34, Golden Valley Lutheran College, subject to the nine conditions suggested in the staff report. Chairman Thompson asked for discussion on the motion. Commissioner Leppik stated tf�at she would like to add another condition to the motion specifying the planting of vines on the south side of the new dormitory. Following discus- sion of whether specification of building exterior was appropriate to the Planning Commission role, Commissioner Leppik stated that she would like to make two suggestions rather than conditions to accompany the motion; 1) That vines be planted on the south side of the new dormitory: 2) That large signs reading "Parking by Permit Only" be posted at the entrance to the west access road and in the west parking area. Dr. Kenneth Valentas, 401 Edgewood Avenue North, addressed the Chairman and asked whether neighboring residents present would have an opportunity to speak to the motion. Chairman Thompson explained that the public hearing was closed at the March 22, 1982 Planning Commission meeting and that although action was deferred, the public hearing was not continued. After Planning Commissioners expressed a willingness to hear any new testimony offered by residents on the revised plans for PUD #34, Chairman Thompson opened the meeting to comments from residents . Mr. John Paulson, 320 Edgewood Avenue North, stated that he had not seen the revised plans prior to the meeting and that he had received the impression previously that the plans would be presented to neighboring residents prior to Planning Commission consideration and action. It was verified that the plans had been made available at the College as requested at the last Planning Com- mission meeting. 7� Planning Commission Minutes - April 2 6, 1982 Page Four Mr. Jue1 Svenkerud, 6421 Westchester Circle, stated that the new parking con- figuration along the �yest access road brings the parking area closer to his home due to the curve in the road. Mr. Svenkerud expressed concern that access to the new dormitory from the west would increase traffic on the west access road and requested that the road be elosed at least in the summer. Mr. Svenkerud also requested that the garbage dumpster behind the southwest dormitory be relocated to the main building area due to noise generated by garbage collection in early morning hours. Mr. John Paulson, 320 Edgewood Avenue North, requested that the College vacate the road connection to Edgewood Avenue which he feels is unneeded. Commissioner Leppik asked whether it would be possible to relocate the northern portion of the west access road to the east.` Mr. Curt Green replied that a substantial bank in the area to the east would present difficulties in relocation of the road. Mr. Jim Goulet pointed out that relocation of the northerly section of the access road would necessitate addition of curves which present difficulties for fire equipment access. Commissioner Leppik suggested that the existing section of road could be retained for emergency vehicle use only. Dr. Opsal expressed willingness to put chain across the v�est access road during the summer. Commissioner Leppik said she would like to make four additional suggestions to accompany the motion: 1 ) That the west access road be chained during the summer. 2) That the City Council examine the possibility of relocating the northern portion of the west access road to the east. 3) That the new parking area along the west access road be relocated to the south. 4) That the southwest access from Edgewood Avenue be abandoned if not required for emergency vehicles. Mr. Miller pointed out that fire equipment can be dispatched from two different fire stations resulting in fire emergency vehicles appraaching from both the north and the south and that other types of emergency vehicles may also approach the College from the south. Mr. Miller suggested that the southwest access from Edgewood Avenue, which is chained for emergency vehicle use only, should be retained. Dr. Opsal requested that Planning Gommissioners consider the beauty of the College campus and the negative aesthetic impact of cutting the campus green areas with additional roads. Chairman Thompson reviewed the motion that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the Genera] Plan of Development for PUD #34, Golden Valley Lutheran Col<lege, subject to nine conditions and accompanied by five suggestions. The recommended conditions of approval are: 77 Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1982 ' Page Five l . �nstallation of wet type standpipes in the new dormitory bu'i:lding. 2. fnsta] }ation of sprinkler system in all trash chutes and trash collection areas. 3. Approval of fire alarm systems by the City Fire Marshal prior to installation. 4. Addition of a second new fire hydrant to the northeast of the new commons building adjacent to the new walkway/emergency roed. 5• Installation of a Fire Department siamese, a connection accommodating two fire hoses, on the west .side of the new dormitory as near as possible to the new f i re hydrant. 6. Design of all radiuses on the new walkway/emergency road to accommodate City fire equipment without wheels going off the pavement on curves. 7. Vacetion of. existing watermain easement and dedication of new watermain easements prior to issuance of building permits for the new dormitory and commons buildings. 8. Addition of signage at the west access road to reduce unwarranted traffic. 9. Provision for student recreational needs in any future expansion of Golden Valley Lutheran College facilities. The suggestions accompanying the motion are: 1 . That vines be planted on the south side of the new dormitory. 2. That large signs. reading "Parking by Permit Only" be posted at the entrance to the west access road and in the west parking area. 3. That the west access road be chained during the summer. 4. That the City Council examine the possibility of rela.cating the .northern portion of the< west access road to the east. 5• That the new parking area along the west access road be relocated to the south. The motion carried unanimously. U. Informal Public Hearing - PUD #35, Busch Site Office Warehouse: APPLICANT: Kraus-Anderson Realty Co. LOCATION: Northeast Quadrant of the Intersection of lOth Avenue North and Boone Avenue North REQUEST: Approval of General Plan of Development without Concept Plan Approva1 for PUD #35 7� Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1982 Page Six Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and asked whether there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Leppik asked whether the ten percent land donation for park and open space purposes required by the Platting Ordinance had been waived. Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller replied that the requirement can be waived only by the City Council , but that in the case of a PUD there is usually adequate ponding area and open space provided to fulfill this requirement. Commi.ssioner Singer asked Mr. Miller about the question of underutilization of the site mentioned in the staff report. Mr. Miller replied that the question of highest and best use of land should be considered in the case of a redevelopment project such as this proposed PUD, that the subject site is a choice piece of property and that the City should take advantage of the opportunity to better develop the property. Chairman Thompson recognized Mr. Vince Coughlin, Kraus-Anderson Realty Company, who was present to represent the proponent. Mr. Coughlin introduced Mr. Ray Reese, Coldwell Banker, and Mr. John Pope, Architect, who were also present on behal:f of the proponent. Mr. Pope presented the plans for PUD #35, Busch Site Office Wa rehouse. Commissioner Singer asked whether the building design would allow opening of windows as an energy conservation consideration. Mr. Reese informed the Com- mission that this question had been a matter of interest to a number of potential tennants and had been explored, but thaf regulation of heating and cooling systems becomes a problem when windows are opened at random locations throughout the building. Commissioner Forster asked what type of tenants were expected in the building. Mr. Reese explained that it would be an office warehouse building with intensive landscaping and premium finishing materials which would attract high technology type tenants in fields such as electronics and computers. The typical tenant space would include office, show�raom, ar��i possibly some assembly or service area. The auerage tenant would occupy 5,000 to c3,000 square feet of spa�ce, although the proponent is working with one potential tenant requiring 35,000 square feet of space in the southerly building., At this point, the proponent envisions having approximately four tenants in the southerly building and ten in the northerly building. Commissioner Leppik asked whether the warehouse space could be used as a showroom on the order of a merchandise mart. Mr. Reese replied that a tenant might have a demonstration room equivalent to a large conference room but that the proponent would not be able to provide the parking required for a merchandise mart. Chairman Thompson opened the informal public hearing for public input. There was no one present who wished to speak on this agenda item, and Chairman Thompson closed the informal public hearing. 79 Planning Commission Minutes - Apri1 26, 1983 Page Seven Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller recommended the following fourth condition of approval in addition to the three provided in the staff report: Proposed signage for this project must be approved by the City Building lnspector and Building Board of Review. Commissioner Forster asked what zoning restrict+ons would apply to PUD #35 as an office/warehous� complex, considering the mention of assembly or light manufacturing by potentiat tenants. Mr. Miller replied that the approval wou]d be for an office warehouse and that the PUD Permit may restrict uses to office/warehouse or may require that uses conform to parking provisions . Parking requirements for assembly are the same as for warehouse, but addition of inezzanine area is possible considering ceiling height and could result in parking deficiencies . Mr. Reese offered an example of the type of essembly anticiapted as coordinatiqn and modification of computer components to customer specifications. It was moved by Commissioner Forster, seconded by Commissioner Polachek and carried unanimously to recommend City Council approval of the Genera} Plan of Development for PUD #35, Busch Site Office Warehouse subject to the following conditions: l . The proponent be required to com�ily with the recommendations of the City Fire Marshal . 2. That all necessary engineering requirements be met as determined by the City Engineer 3- The proponent shall comply with the City Landscape standards currently in effect. 4. Proposed signage for this project must be approved by the City Building Inspector and Building Board of Review. VI . Request for Waiver of Platting Ordinance: APPLICANT: Holiday Motor Motel LOCATION: 812 Lilac Drive North REQUEST: Divide one (1) commercial parcel of land into two (2) commercial parcels Chairman Thompson informed the Commission .that the proponent, Mr. Richard Williams, was present at the beginning of the meeting and notified staff that he wished to withdraw hi5 application for waiver of the City Platting Ordinance. �� Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1983 Page Eight VJI . Consideration of Revisions to the Commercial Zoning District: Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and referred Commissioners to the study provided by staff on parking ratios in existing Golden Va11ey shopping centers. Chai:rman Thompson noted the staff recommendation that the parking requirement for retail use be revised from the current requirement of one parking space for each 75 square feet of retail floor space to one parking space for each 150 square feet of retail floor space, instead of one for, each 100 square feet as previously under consideration. It was rioved by Commissioner Leppik, seconded by Commissioner Singer and carried unanimously to amend Section 5.05 Item 1 . of the proposed revised Corrxnercial Zoning District section of the Zoning Ordinance to require one parking space for each 150 square feet of retail floor space rather than one for each 100 square feet of retail floor space. lt was moved by Commissioner Forster, seconded by Commissioner Prazak and carried unanirr�usly to recommend that the City Council approve the revised Commercial Zoning District section of the Zoning Ordinance. VIII . Report on BZA Meeting - April 13', 1982: Commissioner Polachek provided a report on the April 13, 1982 Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) meeting. IX. Report on HRA Meeting - April 13, 1982: Commissioner Prazak provided a report on the April 13, 1982 HRA Meeting. X. Report on City Council Meeting - April 20, 1982: Chairman Thompson provided a report on the April 20, 1982 City Council meeting. XI . Review of City Capital {mprovements Program: Chairman Thompson informed Planning Commissioners that the City Council requested Planning Commission recommendations on revision of the City Capital Improvements Program. Chairman Thompson reported that City Engineer Lowell Odland has agreed to meet with the Planning Commission the second meeting in May to provide a briefing on two projects of interest to the Planning Commission: Completion of Laurel Avenue and the storm sewer system. XII . Consideration of Implementation of the Housing Policy: Chairman Thompson requested that Planning Commissioners revie�� the adopted City Housing Policy in preparation for discussion in June of recommendations for imple- mentation of the Housing Policy, as requested by the City Council . The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p•m• Respectfully sUbmitted, , �� �.. �` . � �.. � . � - �"e�.-�. "� David Thompson, Chairman Marg t Leppik,� cretary