09-13-82 PC Minutes � �3 MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY P LANNING COMMISSION September 13, 1982 A regular meeting of the Planning Co mnission was held in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN. Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. T hose present were Commissioners Forster, Leppik, Prazak, Singer, Thompson and T ubman. Commissioner Polachek was absent. A1 so present were A1 da Peikert, Assi stant Planner, and Kathy Mi ddleton, Record- i ng Secretary. I . Approval of Minutes - August 23, 1982: It was moved by Comnissioner Forster, seconded by Comnission Prazak and c arried unanimously to approve the minutes of the August 23, 1982 Planning Commission meeting as recorded. II. Set Date for Informal Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit: APPPLICANT: Calvary Lutheran Church of Golden Valley L OCATION: 810 Rhode Island Avenue North R EQUEST: Approval f or operation of a child day care f acility in an Institutional (I-1) Zoning D i strict Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff recomnendation of a September 27, 1982 informal public hearing date. Representatives of Calvary L utheran Church who we re present included Mr. Dave Thatcher, Ms. Deanna Hanson, M r. Jim Ryman and Mr. Douglas McFarland. I t was moved by Comni ssi oner Leppi k, seconded by Comni ssi oner Si nger and carri ed unanimously to set an informal public hearing date of September 27, 1982 for c onsideration of a conditional use permit f or operation of a child day care f acility at 810 Rhode Island Avenue North in an Institutional (I-1) Zoning District. III. Set Date for Informal Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit: APPLICANT: Cecelia Mary Constantine L OCATION: 8840 7th Avenue North R EQUEST: Approval f or operation of a dance studio in a Light Industrial Zoning District 1_�',� Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff recomnendation of a September 27, 1982 informal public hearing date. The proponent was not p resent. It was moved by Comnissioner Tubman, seconded by Commissioner Prazak and carried unanimously to set an informal public hearing date of September 27, 1982 for c onsideration of a conditional use permit f or operation of a dance studio at 8840 7th Avenue North in a Light Industrial Zoning District. I V. Set Date for I nformal Publ i c Heari ng - Rezoni ng: APPLICANT: Dale A. Clausnitzer L OCATION: Northeast Corner of 23rd and Winnetka Avenues North REQUEST: Change Zoning from Open Development to B usiness and Professional Offices C hairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff recomnendation of a September 27, 1982 informal public hearing date. The proponent, Mr. Dale Clausnitzer, was present accompanied by Mr. Marv Blum, partner in proposed de- v el opment, and Mr. Ra ndy En gel, Archi tect. C o�nissioner Prazak expressed his concern with the number of informal public h earings set for the same date. In response to Comnissioner Prazak's concern, Assistant Planner Alda Peikert s tated her reasons for recommending they be set for the same date were that they should be short enough to handle in one evening and also that there is a legal h oliday on the same day as the following regularly scheduled Planning Comnission m eeting date. I t was moved by Commi ssi oner Si nger, seconded by Comni ssi oner Leppik and carri ed u nanimously to set an informal public hearing date of Septe�er 27, 1982 for c onsideration of rezoning of the northeast corner of 23rd and Winnetka Avenues N orth from the Open Oevelopment to the Business and Professional Offices Zoning D i stri ct. V. Informal Public Hearing - P.U.D. #37, Brandon Terrace Townhouses: APPLICANT: Brad J. Jones L OCATION: 528 Indiana Avenue North R EQUEST: Approval of Preliminary Design Plan f or P .U.D. #37 including 6 tawnhouse units t25 Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff report. C hairman Thompson also gave a brief explanation of Planning Comnission proce- dures. The proponent, Mr. Brad Jones, was present accompanied by Mr. Dave Kirsch, Landscape Architect, and Mr. Lloyd Jafvert, Architect. Chairman Thompson asked the Comni ssioners if they had any questions of staff. Commissioner Prazak asked that the City Engineer' s recomnendation for drainage a nd erosion control be explained. In response to Co mnissioner Prazak's question, Assistant Planner Alda Peikert reviewed the City Engineer's recomnendation using the drainage plan. Ms. Peikert noted the portion of the plan that the City Engineer is most concerned about to be the area from the back of the units out a round the garages into the drive area. The drainage is to flow to the east and then to the south along the parking and drive area. The concern of the City Engineer is that most of this area is flat which might result in standing water b ehind and in the garages. There is also concern with the drainage around the s outheast corner. Co�nissioner Leppik asked what there is to prevent the water from flooding into the neighboring property aiong the south side. Ms. Peikert stated it would be the depth of the swale that would carry the fl�v of water to the street. Corr�nissioner Prazak asked the difference in elevation between the ground level on the south edge of the property and the ad,joi ni ng property further south. Ms. Peikert stated they appear to be the same after the proposed cut has been made. M s. Peikert stated that the Ci ty Engi neer recomnends addi ti on of one more con- dition if the proposal is recommended f or approval. That would be submission of a grading and drainage plan prepared by a registered engineer with the General Plan of Development, as well as certification by an Engineer or Surveyor that the grading plan is followed to the letter. Comnissioner Tubman asked if provision could be made to have the developer come back after the project is complete, if there seems to be a problem with d rainage, to regrade the area. Ms. Peikert stated that a grading bond could be required and retained for one year after corr�letion of the project. M r. David Kirsch, Landscape Architect, gave a review of the landscape plan. Comnissioner Leppik questioned the proponent as to the number of levels in the p roposed townhouses and also asked how tall the units are at the highest point. M r. Lloy d Jafvert, Architect for the proponent, stated that the end units are one and one-half story units and the middle units are two and one-half story units. The top window is called a clerestory window much like a skylight but vertical . Th e elevation of the west side would be typical of a three story house. ��� Comnissioner Prazak asked if the finished grade at the north end of the site w ould be similar to the current level of the service road. Mr. Kirsch stated that that area would be made higher by one and a half feet with some berming a planting of trees. C omnissioner Leppik asked who would maintain the area in the front of the townhouses. Mr. Kirsch stated that a Homeowners Association would be developed to maintain all of the common areas. Comnissioner Leppik asked if the developer plans to maintain an interest beyond the date of sale of the final unit. Mr. Kirsch stated that it is the responsibility of the developer to set up the h omeowners association and maintenance agreements and to see that they are e nacted. Af ter the sale of the final unit, the developer would no longer be involved. Chairman Thompson opend the informal public hearing for public input. Mr. Ri chard Parker - 516 Indi ana Avenue. Concerned with floodi ng and probabi 1- ity of landslide. Questioned whether an escrow account would be set up for the surrounding residents. Mr. Einard Kari - 529 Indiana Avenue. Opposes drainage plan. M r. Albin Plattner - 509 Indiana Avenue. Concerned with water coming into his dri veway. M r. Glenn Wilson - 4200 Woodstock Avenue. Concerned with the drainage flow plan. Also read a statement in rebuttal of the proposal f or townhouses within single family neighborhood. Ms. Brenda Sholl - 517 Indiana Avenue. Stated one of her neighbors has a pump running constantly. Also concerned with additional traffic and parking problems, a nd felt the lot would be overbuilt with 6 townhouses. Ms. Marlene Girtken - 516 Indiana Avenue. Feels the lot is too small for 6 townhouses. Mr. Kip Benson - 520 Indiana Avenue. In favor of proposal. Feels it would be an improvement to the area. Mr. David Krumholz - 529 Meadow Lane. Concerned with snow removal, noise control and traffic pollution. M r. James Tuma - 524 Indiana Avenue. Asked where the proposal goes from this meeting and if the citizens have another chance to make their comnents heard. Concerned wi th the hei ght of the end townhouse on the south si�. M r. Gordon Sholl - 517 Indiana Avenue. Opposes departure from single family dwellings. I 27 Mr. Richard Parker - 516 Indiana Avenue. Concerned with height of units. M rs. Kathy Benson - 520 Indiana Avenue. Feels proposal would be an improverr�ent. M r. Glenn Wilson - 4200 Woodstock Avenue. Concerned with snow removal and ice compaction in area. Mr. James Tuma - 524 Indiana Avenue. Concerned with surface drainage and possi- bility of water in his basement. M r. Lloy d Jafvert responded to the concerns of the residents in the area, including traffic noise, snow removal and quality control. Stated the price range of these townhouses would be $85,000 to $90,000. Chairman Thompson closed the informal public hearing. I t was moved by Cornrni ssi oner Prazak, seconded by Comni ssi oner Leppik and carri ed unanimously to recommend that the City Council deny approval of the Preliminary Design Plan for P.U.D. #37, Brandon Terrace Townhouses, due to high project den- sity and building height out of proportion with the surrounding single family residential neighborhood. VI. Report on City Council Meeting - September 7, 1982: C hairman Thomp son gave a brief review of the September 7, 1982 Council meeting including action on PUD #36 - 23rd and Winnetka and on the Preliminary Design Plan for an Amendment to PUD #16, Colonial Acres. VII. Rescheduling of October 11, 1982 Columbus Day Meeting Date: C hairman Thompson deferred action on this item until the next meeting of the Planning Commission. Meeting was ad,journed at 9:10 p.m. Respectful ly submi tted, ea� �� Davi ompson, C a�rma argar Leppi , ec ary