10-25-82 PC Minutes ��� MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION October• 25, 1982 A r•egular• meeting of the Planning Commission was held in tMN.COChairmanaThompson the Civic Center•, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, called the meeting to or•der• at 7:00 P.M. Those pr•esent we�e Commissioner•s Forster�, Pr•azak, Thompson and Tubman. Commissioner•s Leppik and Polachek we�e not pr•esent at the beginning of the meeting. Commissioner• Singe� was absent. A1 so pr�esent was A1 da Pei ker�t, Assi stant P1 anner•. I . Appr�oval of Minutes - September� 27, 1982 It was moved by Commissioner� Pr•azak, seconded by Commissioner• Tubman and car•ried unanimously to appr�ove the minutes of the September� 27, 1982 Planning Commission meeti ng as r•ecor•ded. II. Set Date for• Informal Public Hear�ing - Rezoning APPLICANT: Mar•k Hur�d Aer•i al Sur•veys, Inc. LOCATION: 305 Pennsylvania Avenue South REQUEST: Change Zoning fr•om Residential (single-family) to Business and Pr�ofessional Office (B & PO) Chairman Thompson intr�oduced this agenda item and noted the staff r•ecommendation of a November• 22, 1982 i nfor�mal publ i c hear•i ng date. Mr•. Br•ad Jansen, Attor�ney, was pwesent to r�epr�esent the pr•oponent. Commissionew Tubman asked when Mar•k Hur•d acquired the subject pr•oper•ty. Mr. Jansen r•eplied that Mar•k Hur•d acqui r•ed the proper•ty i n May 1982. It was moved by Commissioner Tubman, seconded by Commissionew For•ster and 1g82 cawr•ied unanimously to set an informal public hear•ing date of November• 22, for consi der�ati on of the r•equest r•ecei ved fr•om Mark Hur�d Aeri al Sur•veys, Inc. for• r�ezoni ng of the pr•oper•ty at 305 Pennsyl vani a Avenue South fr�om the Resi denti al to the Business and Pr•ofessional Offices Zoning Distr•ict. Commissioner Leppik ar�wived at the meeting. I I I. Set Date for• I nfor-mal Publ i c Hear•i ng - Rezoni ng APPLICANT: Gail E. Zirbes � LOCATION: 5525, 5527, 5535 and 5537 Lindsay Str�eet REQUEST: Change Zoning fr•om Residential (single-family) � 39 to R-2 Residential (two-family dwellingl Chair�man Thompson intr•oduced this agenda item and noted the staff r�ecommendation of a November• 8, 1982 informal public hearing date. It was moved by Commissioner Leppik, seconded by Commissioner• Prazak and car•r•ied unanimously to set an informal public hearing date of November 8, 1982 for con- si der•ati on of the request r•ecei ved from Mr. Gai 1 Zi r•bes for• r•ezoni ng of vacant lots located at 5525-5527 and 5535-37 Lindsay Street fr�om the Residential (Single Family) to the Two-Family (R-2) Residential Zoning District. IV. Informal Public Hear•ing - Conditional Use Per•mit APPLICANT: Almich Tire, Inc. LOCATION: 600 Decatur• Avenue Nor�th REQUEST: Per•mission to oper•ate a tire sales and auto r•epai r• faci 1 i ty wi thi n a Commer•ci al Zoni ng D i str•i ct Chair�man Thompson introduced this agenda item and asked whether• ther•e were any questions of staff. In r•esponse to a question fr�om Commissioner� Tubman, Assi stant P 1 anner• A1 da Pei ker•t r•evi ewed setback r�equi rements and nonconfor•mi ng setbacks on the subject site. Ms. Pei ker•t poi nted out that four• of the condi ti ons of appr•oval r•ecommended i n the staff r•epor•t are Ci ty Code r•equi rements whi ch apply whether• or• not i ncl uded in the Conditional Use Per•mit. These include Conditions 2 and 3 r•equiring appear•ance befor•e the Bui 1 di ng Board of Revi ew for• consi der•ati on of bui 1 di ng and 1 andscapi ng pl ans pr•i or• to any al ter•ati on of or• addi ti on to the bui 1 di ng, Condition 5 stipulating confor•mance with the City Sign Regulations and Condition 8 specifying confor•mance with the Building Code and Fire Safety r•egulations. Ms. Peikert explained that although inclusion of these conditions in the Conditional Use Permit is not necessary, ther•e ar•e reasons for consider•ing their inclusion. The fiwst r•eason to include compliance with City Codes in the Permit conditions is to notify pr•oponents of additional City r•equir•ements and proce- dures r•ather than leaving the impression that appr•oval of the Conditional Use Per•mit is a final and all encompassing appwoval of the pr•oposed pr•oject. Secondly, the Conditional Use Per•mit conditions may point out items in the site plan or• floor plan submitted with the application which do not confor•m to City Code. For example, one of the signs indicated on the site plan submitted with the subject application does not meet the sign setback r•equir•ement. Detailed si te and fl oor• pl ans ar•e necessar•y for• i nformed consi derati on of a Condi ti onal Use Permi t r•equest and ar•e r•equi r•ed wi th the appl i cati on. Approval of a Conditional Use Per•mit based on site and floor• plans submitted gives the i mpr•essi on of appr•oval of the si te and fl oor pl ans unl ess any di scr•epanci es ar�e specifically pointed out. Additional r•equirements and failur•e of plans to meet Code requirements may be noted separately fr�om the Conditional Use Permit. However�, i ncl usi on i n the Condi ti onal Use Per•mi t ser•ves a thi r•d pur•pose. �.�.�� Failure to comply with applicable City Codes becomes gr•ounds for• revocation of the Conditional Use Per•mit, which adds enforcement lever•age. Ms. Peiker•t suggested gr•ouping of the Code requir•ement items into one condition which speci- fies compliance with applicable City Codes and includes specific concer•ns. Chair•man Thompson asked for• a presentation fr•om the pr•oponents, Mr. Dave Almich and Mr•. Jim Pauly. Mr�. Almich, Pr•esident of Almich Tir•e, offered a r•eview of his backgr•ound and experience and descr•ibed plans for maintaining an attr•active site appear•ance. Mr. Almich stated that the pr•oponents intend to add landscaping along the Highway 55 side of the site, which landscaping will be restr•icted to wock and 1 ow shr•ubs i n or•der• not to obstr•uct vi si bi 1 i ty at the i ntersecti on with Decatur. Chairman Thompson asked whether• the pr•oposed tire stor•e would offer• other• types of automobi 1 e ser•vi ce, and Mr•. A1 mi ch r•epl i ed that the pr•opo- nents pl an to offer• mi nor• tune up ser•vi ces once the addi ti onal ser•vi ce bays ar•e constructed. Commi ssi oner• For•ster• asked whether• the pr•oposed ti r•e center• woul d be simi 1 ar• to the exi sti ng ti r•e ser•vi ce on Wayzata. Mr•. A1 mi ch r•epl i ed that Chuck's Ti r•e Ser•vi ce on Wayzata ser•vi ces 1 arge trucks and that hi s pr•oposed ti r�e ser•vice would not ser•vice trucks lar•ger than pick up tr�ucks. Mr. Pauly offer•ed a descr•i pti on of ABC Stamp, al so r•efer•r�ed to as the I r•vi ng L. Shor•es Company. Mr•. Pauly said that the business involves sales of r•ubber• stamps, offi ce suppl i es and mar•ker•s for• i ndustr•y use. Mr•. Pauly expl ai ned that 80 per•cent of his business is conducted by telephone and mail and that 20 per•- cent is walk in business. Chair•man Thompson asked Mr•. Pauly where his business is located at this time, and Mr•. Pauly replied that he is cur�rently located in New Hope. When asked how the two pr•oponents happened to combine their� businesses into the subject pr•oposal , Mr•. Pauly r•eplied that he and Mr•. Almich have been friends for• year•s and feel that their• combined businesses would enhance each other• at the subject site. Chairman Thompson opened the infor•mal public hearing for• public input. Ther•e was no one present who wished to speak on this proposal , and Chair•man Thompson closed the public hear•ing. Chairman Thompson r•eviewed staff r•epor•t discussion of the ten factors listed in Section 20.03.G. of the City Zoning Code for� consideration of a Conditional Use Per�mi t and noted i n par•ti cul ar• that need for• the pr•oposed ser•vi ce wi 11 i ncr•ease wi th r•edevel opment of the Val 1 ey Squar•e Area. � Chai r•man Thompson r•evi ewed the ni ne condi ti ons of appr•oval r•ecommended by staff, noting that Conditions 2, 3, 5 and 8 are City Code r•equir•ements. In r•esponse to a suggestion that used or• unusable tir•es be specifically addr�essed in Condition 7 concer•ning the storage of tr•ash, it was the consensus of the Planning Commi ssi on to add wor•di ng speci fyi ng stor•age of tr•ash "and used/unusabl e ti r•es" within the building or• within an enclosur•e. Commissioner• Pr•azak questioned whether� the condition pr•ohibiting outside stor•age of pr•oducts and mater�i al s woul d pr•ecl ude outdoor di spl ay of ti r•es. Mr•. Almi ch explained that the pr�oponents would like to use mobile r•acks for outside display of ti r•es dur•i ng the day but woul d move the r•acks insi de for• ni ght storage. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that this would be acceptable and that Condition 6 pr•ohibiting outside storage would not prohibit outside display i �� dur•i ng the day. Commissioner Tubman offered the cormnent that with the displacement of automobile ser•vi ces cur•r•ently 1 ocated i n the dal l ey Squar•e Area, the proposed ti re ser•vi ce may be not only an addition but very necessary. It was moved by Commissioner• Leppik, seconded by Commissioner- Prazak and car•r•ied unanimously to recommend City Council appr•oval of the Conditional Use Per•mit r•equested by A1 mi ch Ti r•e, Inc. for• operati on of a ti r•e ser•vi ce and automobi 1 e r•epai r• servi ce at 600 Decatur• Avenue North i n a Commer•ci al Zoni ng D i str•i ct con- ditional on the following: 1. Restr•i cti on of bu i 1 di ng uses other than the ti r•e servi ce and automobile r•epair• ser•vice to Permitted Uses within the Commercial Zoning Distr•ict Section of the City Zoning Or�dinance and to uses which do not conflict with the space and parking wequire- ments for the ti r•e ser•vi ce and automobi 1 e r�epai r ser•vi ce. 2. Bui 1 di ng Boar•d of Revi ew appr•oval pr•i or� to any al terati on of or addition to the building. 3. Building Boar•d of Review appr•oval of a landscaping plan prior• to any alter•ation of or addition to the building. 4. Use of no mor•e than four service bays. 5. Confor�mance of signage with the City Sign Regulations and approval of the Ci ty Bui Tdi ng I nspector•. 6. No outsi de storage of pr•oducts or• mater•i al s. 7. Stor•age of trash and used/unusable tir•es within the building or• within an enclosur•e which meets the specifications of the City Building Inspector. 8. Conformance with the City Building Code and Fir•e Safety Regula- tions. 9. Failur•e to comply with one or more of the above conditions of appr•oval shal l be gr•ounds for r•evocati on of the Condi ti onal U se Permit. Commissioner• Polachek arrived at the meeting. V. Distribution and Discussion of Pr•oposed Revisions of Cha ter•s 12, 13 and o the City Zoning Ordinance Following discussion of pr•oposed r•evisions to Chapter•s 12, 13 and 14 of the City Zoning Or•dinance, it was moved by Commissioner• Polachek, seconded by Commissioner Leppik and car•r•ied unanimously to r�ecortnnend City Council adoption of pr•oposed � �� revisions to Chapter• 13, Par•king Regulations, and Chapter 14, Administr•ation, of the Ci ty Zoni ng Or•di nance as pr•esented. The Planning Commission r•efer•r•ed Chapter 12, Definitions, back to staff for• addition of a definition of "plat", and for• revision of definitions of "cour•t", "gr•een house", "fl oor• ar•ea, gr•oss", "i nsti tuti on" and "1 ot". VI. Discussion of Finalization of the 1982 Compr•ehensive Plan Chai r•man Thompson defer•r•ed di scussi on of and acti on on the pr�oposed Compr•ehensi ve Plan until the next Planning Commission meeting. VII. Repor•t on BZA Meeting - October 12, 1982 Commissioner Polachek pr•ovided the Planning Commission with a r•eport on the October• 12, 1982 meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). VIII. Report on HRA Meeting - October• 12, 1982 Commi ssi oner� P r•azak pr•ovi ded the P 1 anni ng Commi ssi on wi th a r•epor•t on the October 12, 1982 HRA meeting. IX. Repor•t on City Council Meetings - October• 5, 1982 and October• 19, 1982 Commissioner Leppik provided the Planning Commission with a repor•t on the October 5, 1982 City Council meeting, and Commissioner Polachek pr•ovided a r•epor•t on the October• 19, 1982 City Council meeting. X. �date Report on Valley Squar•e Chair•man Thompson r•epor•ted that he discussed with Planning and Redevelopment Coor•di nator• Mi ke Mi 1 Ter• prepar•ati on of a Zoni ng P1 an for• the Val l ey Squar•e Redevelopment Pr•oject and that the Planning Commission will address this task further at a future meeting when Mr•. Miller is pwesent. XI. Discussian of Planning Institute Attendance Copies of a letter to Chairman Thompson fr•om the Mayor� ur•ging Planning Commissioner• attendance at the annual Planning Institute to be held November• 30, 1982 were distr•ibuted to Planning Commissioners. Chair•man Thompson repor�ted that he has par•ticipated in past Institutes and expects the one this year• to be better because it will be exclusively for• Twin Cities area par•ticipants with common backgr•ounds and inter•ests. Commissioner Leppik stated that she will attend. Chair•man Thompson infor•med Commissioners that the City will pay the registr•ation fee for• Commissioners and instr�ucted those who wish to attend to notify the Assistant Planner•. The meeting was adjour•ned at 8:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ��_.�.,-.�.t,-� p� <=�ti,.,...... David Thompson, Chairm Marg et Leppi , Secretary ,