02-14-83 PC Minutes ` l 8 MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION February 14, 1983 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Leppik, Prazak, Singer and Thompson. Commissioner Polachek was not present at the beginning of the meeting. Commissioners Forster and Tubman were absent. Also present were Mike Miller, Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator, and Alda Peikert, Assistant Planner. I . Approval of Minutes = January 24, 1983: It was moved by Commissioner Singer, seconded by Commissioner Leppik and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the January 24, 1983 Planning Commission meeting as recorded. II . Report on BZA Meeting _ February 8, 1983: Chairman Thompson provided the Planning Commission with a report on the February 8, 1983 meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) based on the BZA meeting minutes. III. Report on HRA Meeting _ February 8, 1983: Commissioner Singer provided the Planning Commission with a report on the February 8, 1983 HRA meeting. IV. Report on Valley Square Developer Solicitation: Chairman Thompson referred Commissioners to the staff inemorandum from Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller on distribution of the Valley Square Prospectus soliciting developer proposals and asked Mr. Miller whether he had anything to add. Mr. Miller reported on developer interest and answered questions on redevelopment procedures and scheduling. Mr. Miller and Chairman Thompson explained the developer selection process in response to Commissioner questions. V. 1983 Planning Commission Work Program: Chairman Thompson informed Planning Commissioners of a letter he received from Mayor Thorsen requesting that the Planning Commission add to the 1983 Planning Commission work program the following items: A. Development of a proposed zoning plan for the Valley Square Redevelopment area. B. Study of land use in the Golden Hills area. 179 Planning Commission Minutes - February 14, 1983 Page 2 C. Study of land use in the area west of Boone Avenue to County Road 18 and just north of Highway 55. VI. Planning Commissioner Attendance at APA Conference: Chairman Thompson referred Planning Commissioners to a letter sent to all Planning Commissioners from Mayor Thorsen concerning attendance at the APA Conference in Seattle in April . Chairman Thompson noted that the City Council requests a recommendation on Planning Commissioner attendance by the March 1, 1983 City Council meeting. Chairman Thompson asked that Planning Commissioners who did not attend the Boston APA Conference two years ago consider attending the Conference this year and be prepared to indicate at the next planning Commission meeting scheduled for February 28, 1983 whether or not they will be able to attend. Commissioner Leppik stated that she will be available to attend the APA Conference in Seattle in April . VII. Discussion and Recommendation of Implementation of City Housng Policy: Chairman Thompson reviewed recommendations for implementation of the adopted City Housing Policy outlined in the staff report prepared by Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller. Possibilities discussed by the Planning Cor�nission included the following: 1 . Increased Use of the Section 8 Existing Rental Assistance Program It was suggested that more extensive use of the Section 8 Existing Program be encouraged both by means of publicity through the media and by distribution of information packets to rental property owners as potential users of the program. Mr. Miller noted that a neglected source of publicity for this program, as well as for other City programs, is the Channel 11 television station and radio stations located in Golden Valley, which have commitments to community service and could be called upon to provide publicity of City efforts. 2. City Financial Involvement in Housing Development, Redevelopment or Rehabilitation In response to Commissioner questions, Mr. Miller explained the process for redevelopment of a deteriorating neighborhood, including the following points: 1) Creation of a redevelopment district based on findings of blight, 2) consideration of tax increment financing which is more of a gamble in the case of residential redevelopment than in the case of commerciai/industrial redevelopment, and 3) relocation of persons displaced by the redevelopment project. Mr. Miller concluded that the first determination to make in consideration of housing rede- velopment is whether the City should become involved financially in thi s type of acti vi ty. ��� Planning Commission Minutes - February 14, 1983 Page 3 3. Provision of Elderly Housing Mr. Miller emphasized the' need for elderly housing in Golden Valley and suggested encouragement of the development of senior citizen housing for all income levels. Mr. Miller noted that provision of housing for senior citizens allows the elderly to move out of underoccupied single family homes thus opening up housing for families. Mr. Miller stated that in order to be effective the City should focus on one problem within the housing area and suggested that Golden Valley give priority to senior citizen housing development provided through City partnership with private enterprise. Commissioner Polachek arrived at the meeting. In response to Commisisoner inquiry, Mr. Miller listed the following poten- tial sites for housing development or redevelopment in Golden Valley. 1 . The property located at 810, 822 and 830 Rhode Island Avenue North, consisting of three houses on one lot owned by Calvary Lutheran Church. Houses on the property are currently used as a daycare center and housing for seminary students interning with the Church. Calvary Lutheran Church recently notified the City of a desire to sell the property. 2. Church of the Good Shepherd Convent property located on the northeast corner of Laurel Avenue and Jersey Avenue South. The property is apparently for sale, and Planning staff has received inquiries con- cerning reuse of the property. 3. Two parcels of land located on the east side of Highway 100 just north of the Holiday Motel and railway line. Mr. Miller noted that this site and the Good Shepherd site are not in close proximity to services and that a shuttle service would be required for elderly housing development at either of these locations. 4. A group of underutilized large residential lots northeast of the inter- section of Douglas Drive with Duluth Street. A Coldwell Banker sign at that location advertises the availability of a five acre site based on options arranged with a group of property owners. 5. Mr. Miller indicated that he has been approached by a developer interested in apartment development of the Busch Greenhouse property located northeast of the intersection of Boone Avenue North with lOth Avenue North. Chairman Thompson noted that the Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council on implementation of the Housing Policy is scheduled for May. Chairman Thompson asked that Planning Commissioners give further con- sideration to the ideas discussed and suggested that the discussion be con- tinued at the first Planning Commision meeting in March. 181 Planning Commission Minutes - February 14, 1983 Page 4 Chairman Thompson directed discussion to a matter related to implementation of the Housing Policy, namely the question of manufactured/mobile homes. Chairman Thompson reviewed the staff report and noted that staff seeks a recommendation for preparation of Zoning Ordinance amendments. Commissioner Prazak requested confirmation that the purpose of the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments is to remain in conformance with the law, not to encourage the development of manufactured/mobile homes. Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller replied that the purpose is not to encourage manufactured home development. The new law requires that the City allow manufactured housing, and the purpose of the proposed amendments is to add limitations designed to control the use of manufactured housing. It was moved by Commissioner Leppik, seconded by Commissioner Polachek and carried unanimously to request that staff prepare for futher Planning Commission study draft amendments to the City Zoning Ordinance providing for the following: 1 . A definition of manufactured/mobile homes which conforms to the new zoning enabling legislation. 2. Manufactured housing in conformance with the Manufactured Homes Building Code as permitted and conditional uses in the Residential Zoni ng bi stri ct. 3. Residential Zoning District design standards requiring minimum dwelling unit width, garages, permanent foundations and roof design in confor- mance with the UBC. VIII. Report on Redevelopment Potential for T.H. 55 and Golden Valley Road Area West o�- Boone Avenue: Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted that there is no need for Planning Commission action at this time. Chairman Thompson pointed out that study of the area from Boone Avenue to County Road 18 north of Highway 55 as a potential redevelopment area is one of the three items listed earlier in the meeting for addition to the 1983 Planning Commission work program. Commissioner Prazak asked Planning and Redevelopment Director Mike Miller what action staff suggests the HRA take on this area at the present time. Mr. Miller replied that the Golden Hills area as a potential redevelopment project should take priority over the Golden Valley Road/Highway 55 area and that action on the Golden Valley Road/Highway 55 area could wait for a couple of years. IX. Report on City Council Meeting - February 1, 1983: Commisisoner Polachek provided the Planning Commission with a report on the February 1, 1983 City Council Meeting. � �2 Planning Commission Minutes - February 14, 1983 Page 5 X. Allocation of Funds for Year IX CDBG Program: Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item. Commissioner Prazak reported on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Planning Area Citizen Advisory Committee (PACAC) on which he represents the City of Golden Valley, and Assistant Planner Alda Peikert answered questions con- cerning the staff recommendation for use of CDBG funds. It was moved by Commissioner Leppik and seconded by Commissioner Prazak to recommend that the City Council allocate $115, 109 in Year IX CDBG funds to land acquisition for blight removal for the Valley Square Redevelopment Project and reprogram $9,014 in remaining Year VI CDBG funds to the Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program. Commissioner Prazak asked whether staff had considered projects for Golden Valley utilization of unexpended CDBG funds from other Planning Area communities which might be transferred to a Planning Area contingency fund and made available to communities prepared with timely projects. Ms. Peikert answered that staff would give this question consideration and be prepared to recommend that the City compete for these funds if appropriate. The motion passed unanimously. Chairman Thompson asked that repor�s from Commisisoner Prazak on PACAC meetings be added to the Planning Commission agenda. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, �. � ^, .. ` .._._ ,F-� �,�-��-� � t..s ,"�r �;,_ ;._ David Thompson, Chairman��- Margaret Leppi , Secretary