05-09-83 PC Minutes ?05 MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION May 9, 1983 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Polachek, Prazak, Singer, Thompson and Tubman. Commissioner Leppik was not present at the beginning of the meeting. Commissioner Forster was absent. Also present were Alda Peikert, Assistant Planner, and Director of Public Works Lowell Odland. I. Approval of Minutes - April 25, 1983 It was moved by Commissioner Tubman, seconded by Commissioner Polachek and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the April 25, 1983 Planning Commission meeting as recorded. II. Set Date for Informal Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit APPLICANT: Steve Meyer and Henry Meyer � LOCATION: 8000 Olson Memorial Highway REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for Class II Restaurant in a Commercial Zoning District Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and recognized the proponents, Mr. Steve Meyer and Mr. Nenry Meyer, who were present. Chairman Thompson noted the staff recommendation for a May 23, 1983 informal public hearing date. It was moved by Commissioner Singer, seconded by Commissioner Prazak and carried unanimously to set an informal public hearing date of May 23, 1983 for consideration of the Conditional Use Permit application received from Mr. Steve Meyer and Mr. Henry Meyer for operation of a Class II restaurant at 8000 Olson Memorial Highway within a Commercial Zoning District. III. Informal Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat APPLICANT: Amoco Oil Company LOCATION: 900 Mendelssohn Avenue North REQUEST: Preliminary Plat Approval of "Standard Oil 3rd Addition° ��� Planning Commission Minutes - May 9, 1983 -2- Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and recognized Mr. Jerry Hauer, McCombs-Knutson Associates, Inc. , who was present to represent the proponent, Amoco Oil Company. Planning Commissioners had no questions for staff. Chairman Thompson opened the informal public hearing for public input. There was no one present who wished to speak to this agenda item, and Chairman Thompson closed the public hearing. It was moved by Commissioner Polachek and seconded by Commissioner Singer to recommend City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat of "Standard Oil 3rd Addition", which proposes division of the Standard Oil site located at 900 Mendelssohn Avenue North. Chairman Thompson noted that staff will not place setting of a hearing date on the City Council agenda until the City Engineer is satisfied with coordination between Standard Oil and Northwestern Bell on storm drainage plans. Mr. Jerry Hauer reported that consulting engineers for both Standard Oil and Northwestern Bell met the afternoon of May 9, 1983 with City Engineering staff and that a letter documenting coordination between Standard Oil and Northwestern Bell would be delivered to the City Engineer. A vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously. IV. Informal Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit APPLICANT: Medicine Lake Lines LOCATION: 9125 lOth Avenue North REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for Bus Storage Yard in an Industrial Zoning District Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and recognized Mr. Jerry Hauer, who introduced himself as consulting engineer for the proponents and intro- duced the proponents, Mr. Jim Johnson and Mr. Marvin Johnson of Medicine Lake Bus Lines, who were present. Chairman Thompson reviewed for the record discussion in the staff report of the ten factors on which the Planning Commission is required by Section 20.03 G. of the Conditional Uses Chapter of the City Zoning Ordinance to make findings and recommendations to the City Council . Chairman Thompson continued with review of the six conditions of approval recommended in the staff report and suggested addition of a condition requiring approval of the plat of "Standard Oil 3rd Addition". Assistant Planner Alda Peikert confirmed that approval of the Conditional Use Permit should not be granted prior to approval of the final plat of "Standard Oil 3rd Addition", but suggested that the con- dition not be listed as a continuing condition on the Conditional Use Permit. Planning Commission Minutes - May 9, 1983 -3- �0 7 Commissioner Tubman asked the reason for City acquisition of the 20 foot strip of land separating the current Medicine Lake Bus Lines site from the proposed bus storage yard. Director of Public Works Lowell Odland informed the Commission that the property was acquired for storm drainage purposes and that a storm sewer pipe is located in the 20 foot strip of land. Mr. Odland added that City Engineering staff is willing to recommend that the City Council grant an easement over the City owned strip of land and that the request for an easement should go to the City Council at the time of the Conditional Use Permit hearing. Chairman Thompson called on representatives of the proponent, and Mr. Jerry Hauer stated that the proponent had nothing to add to the discussion. Chairman Thompson opened the informal public hearing for public input. There was no one present who wished to speak to this agenda item, and Chairman Thompson closed the public hearing. Commissioner Tubman stated that she feels the Planning Commission should make a definite recommendation for granting of the required access easement across the City owned strip of land separating the current Medicine Lake Bus Lines facility from the proposed bus storage site. Chairman Thompson directed that the record reflect emphasis on the approval condition concerning negotiation of an access easement from the City. Chairman Thompson asked the proponent what type of vines would be added to the west and east perimeter fences in response to the recommendation for addition of vines for screening. Mr. Hauer stated that climbing vines would be planted along the fence in the recommended locations. Mr. Hauer stated that the con- sulting landscape architect for the proponent would be asked for a recommen- dation as to variety of vine and that the selection would be submitted to the City Building Inspector for approval . It was moved by Commissioner Tubman and seconded by Commissioner Prazak to recommend conditional City Council approval of the Conditional Use Permit requested by Medicine Lake Bus Lines for a bus storage yard located at 9125 lOth Avenue North in an Industrial Zoning District based on favorable findings resulting from consideration of the ten factors stipulated in Section 20.03 G. of the Conditional Uses Chapter of the City Zoning Ordinance. The motion recommended approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Conformance with the Site Plan Sheet No. 2 dated April 7, 1983 prepared by McCombs-Knutson Associates, Inc. 2. Installation of landscaping in accordance with the Landscape Planting Plan Sheet No. 4 submitted by Roy A. Anderson, Wehrman Consultants Associated, Inc. , on April 13, 1983, with the addi- tion of vines on the eastern and western perimeter fences. ��� Planning Commission Minutes - May 9, 1983 -4- 3. Provision of a landscape bond in the amount of $24,000 which shall run for two (2) full growing seasons and until released by the Golden Valley Inspection Department. The bond shall be executed and delivered to the Golden Valley Inspection Department prior to initiation of the site work. 4. Protection of all green areas adjacent to parking and access areas by concrete curb. 5. Negotiation of an easement from the City of Golden Valley for access across Tract C of R.L.S. No. 1293. 6. Failure to comply with one or more of the conditions of appro- val shall be grounds for revocation of the Conditional Use Permi t. The motion further recommended that final City Council action to approve the Conditional Use Permit not take place until after final plat approval of "Standard Oil 3rd Addition". A vote was taken and the motion carried unani- mously. V. Review of Capital Improvement Program Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and recognized Director of Public Works Lowell Odland who was present to provide the Commission with an overview of the Capital Improvement Program and to answer questions. At the request of the Commission, Mr. Odland gave an explanation of the State Aid Street Fund and then reviewed specific projects listed in the State Aid Street Fund portion of the Capital Improvement Program. Commissioner Leppik arrived during Mr. Odland's presentation. Following discussion of the State Aid Street Fund, Mr. Odland answered Commissioner questions concerning park and community center projects. Commissioner Tubman expressed appreciation of Mr. Odland' s overview as very helpful in understanding the Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Odland stated that the Capital Improvement Program will be referred to the Planning Commission again next year earlier in the process, possibly in November or December 1983. Chairman Thompson noted that Planning Commission comment to the City Council is requested on the State Aid Street Fund portion of the Capital Improvement Program. It was moved by Commissioner Polachek, seconded by Commissioner Singer and carried unanimously to recommend that the City Council implement the five year State Aid Street Fund plan included in the Capital Improvement Program for the period 1983 through 1987 as proposed. Planning Commissioners thanked Mr. Odland for meeting with the Planning Commission and providing information on the Capital Improvement Program. ?n9 Planning Commission Minutes - May 9, 1983 -5- VI. Discussion of Accessory Apartments Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and reported that he met with Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller to discuss the question of accessory apartments. Chairman Thompson reported that as a result of his meeting with Mr. Miller, it was concluded that there is not a pressing need for a recommendation to the City Council on accessory apartments at this time. Chairman Thompson suggested that the Planning Commission defer discussion of accessory apartments. Commissioner Tubman stated that she does not oppose a short term deferral but that based on experience in the community of Babylon, New York, she would advise against deferring the question until after creation of illegal apart- ments becomes a problem. Commissioner Tubman pointed out that the community of Babylon delayed action until ten percent of the homes in the community had created iilegal apartments. The Planning Commission agreed on a deferral of one month to allow staff to prepare information on the question of need for accessory apartments. Planning Commissioners requested information on the number of inquiries and complaint calls received by City Staff concerning accessory apartments and on the accessory apartment situation in the adjacent communities of Minneapolis, Robbinsdale, Crystal and New Hope. Commissioner Leppik reported that the League of Women Voters recently initiated a study of housing and discussed at their last Board meeting the possibility of conducting a survey to determine the number of existing accessory apart- ments in the City and to assess public reaction to a proposal for accessory apartments. Staff agreed to investigate the possibility of City subsidy of a League survey similar to provision made for the League Tax and Service survey conducted in 1981. VII. Discussion of 1984 Operating Budget Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and asked Planning Co►rnnissioners for suggestions for the 1984 Operating Budget of the City. Commissioners had no suggestions for the Operating Budget. Chairman Thompson said that he would send a response to the City Mayor stating that the Planning Commission has no suggestions to make at this time. VIII. Report on City Council Meeting - May 3, 1983 Commissioner Leppik provided the Planning Commission with a report on the May 3, 1983 City Council meeting. IX. Report on PACAC Meeting - April 26, 1983 Commissioner Prazak, City representative to the Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Planning Area Citizen Advisory Committee (PACAC) , ��o Planning Commission Minutes - May 9, 1983 -6- for Planning Area One, provided the Planning Commission with a. report on the April 26, 1983 PACAC meeting. Commissioner Prazak reported that the PACAC prepared comments on proposed CDBG Programs for each Planning Area One com- munity and that the PACAC will be preparing guidelines for use of contingency funds at the next meeting. X. Discussion of Commissioner Information Meetings Chairman Thompson reported that he received from the City Mayor a questionnaire concerning information sessions for City Commissioners. The questionnaire asks for preferences in topics and meeting times. Chairman Thompson asked staff to distribute copies of the questionnaire with the next Planning Commission agenda in order to give each Planning Commissioner the opportunity to indicate preferences. XI. Update on Valley Square Project Chairman Thompson provided the Planning Commission with an update on the Valley Square Redevelopment Project. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, , �'��, �,m� - „`��'x�...�.��;� '`�"`�{;°,,,. y �-��--- �L� �� ' , a, .�. �.��.-�,�, a = David Thompson, Chairman ��— Margaret;Lepp�k, S ` tary �