09-12-83 PC Minutes ?45 MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION September 12, 1983 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Forster, Polachek, Prazak, Thompson and Tubman. Commissioner Singer was not present at the beginning of the meeting. Commissioner Leppik was absent. Also present were Mike Miller, Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator, and Alda Peikert, Assistant Planner. I . Approval of Minutes - August 22, 1983 It was moved by Commissioner Forster, seconded by Commissioner Tubman and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the August 22, 1983 Planning Commission meeting as recorded. II. Reset Date for Informal Public Hearing - Rezoning APPLICANT: International Development, Inc. LOCATION: 7700 Wayzata Boulevard REQUEST: Change Zoning from Residential to Business and Professional Offices Zoning District Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff reco�nen- dation of an October 10, 1983 informal public hearing date. It was moved by Commissioner Tubman, seconded by Commissioner Prazak and carried unanimously to reset to October 10, 1983 the informal public hearing date for consideration of rezoning of 7700 Wayzata Boulevard from the Residential to the Business and Professional Offices Zoning District. III. Set Date for Informal Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit APPLICANT: Gopher Oil Company LOCATION: 900 Mendelssohn Avenue North REQUEST: Bulk storage and packaging of motor and lubricating oils in Industrial Zoning District Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff recommen- dation of a September 26, 1983 informal public hearing date. Mr. Mike Lien, M. C. Lien Realty Company, was present to represent the proponent. ��� Planning Commission Meeting - Sept.`- 12, 1983 -2- It was moved by Commissioner Polachek, seconded by Commissioner Forster and carried unanimously to set an informal public hearing date of September 26, 1983 for consideration of a Conditional Use Permit requested by Gopher Oil Company for bulk oil storage at 900 Mendelssohn Avenue North in an Industrial Zoning District. IV. Set Date for Informal Public Hearing - PUD Amendment Preliminary Design Plan APPLICANT: Colonial Acres Home, Inc. LOCATION: 5800 St. Croix Avenue REQUEST: Approval of Preliminary Design Plan for PUD #1-B, Covenant Manor, Amendment #2 Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff recommen- dation of a September 26, 1983 informal public hearing date. Mr. A. James Van Vugt, Executive Director of Colonial Acres Healthcare Center, was present to represent the proponent. It was moved by Commissioner Tubman, seconded by Commissioner Polachek and carried unanimously to set an informal public hearing date of September 26, 1983 for consideration of the Preliminary Design Plan of PUD #1-B, Covenant Manor, Amendment #2. V. Set Date for Informal Public Hearing - PUD Preliminary Design Plan APPLICANT: Pem Millwork LOCATION: 800 Mendelssohn Avenue North REQUEST: Approval of Preliminary Design Plan for PUD #44, Pem Millwork Addition Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff recommen- dation of an October 10, 1983 informal public hearing date. The proponent, Mr. Paul Hoover, was present. It was moved by Commissioner Forster, seconded by Commissioner Prazak and carried unanimously to set an informal public hearing date of October 10, 1983 for consideration of the Preliminary Design Plan of PUD #44, Pem Millwork. Commissioner Singer arrived at the meeting. VI. Set Date for Informal Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit APPLICANT: City of Golden Valley LOCATION: 2501 Rhode Island Avenue North Planning Commission Meeting - Sept. 12� 1983 _3_ �4� REQUEST: Farmers Market in Commercial Zoning District Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and noted the staff recommen- dation of an October 10, 1983 informal public hearing date. It was moved by Commissioner Tubman and seconded by Commissioner Polachek to set an informal public hearing date of October 10, 1983 for consideration of a Conditional Use Permit requested by the City of Golden Valley for operation of a seasonal farmers market at 2501 Rhode Island Avenue North in a Commercial Zoning District. Commissioner Tubman asked who would operate the proposed farmers market. Chairman Thompson replied that it was his understanding that the senior citi- zens would operate the farmers market if approved. A vote was taken, and the motion carried unanimously. VII. Informal Public Hearing - Rezoning APPLICANT: Allan Bensman and Jerrold Winters LOCATION: 5400 Glenwood Avenue REQUEST: Change zoning from Business and Professional Offices to Institutional (I-3) Zoning District Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item and recognized the proponents, Dr. Allan Bensman and Mr. Jerrold Winters, accompanied by Mr. Jim Morss, Korsunsky Krank Erickson Architects, Inc. , and Dr. E. John Young, Director of Business Affairs for Hopkins Independent School District No. 270. Mr. Jim Morss and Dr. Al1an Bensman made a presentation of the proposal to the Planning Commission. Mr. Morss stated that the proponents have no plans to alter the outside of the building. Inside remodeling will be minimal including painting, wallpapering and removal of some partitions. Dr. Bensman stated that the proposed Rehabilitative Health Center would offer rehabilita- tive medicine and health care to persons with physical disabilities and would not serve persons with drug or alchohol related problems. Dr. Bensman stated that the Rehabilitative Health Center proposed for the subject location has been in operation at Methodist Hospital and that he and his partner, Mr. Winters, have been associated for four years. Dr. Bensman said that addi- tional staff would include a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a nutritionist and support staff. Dr. Bensman added that excess office space in the existing building would be leased to persons offering related services. In response to a request from Commissioner Forster, Assistant Planner Alda Peikert explained the change in parking area required to bring the site plan into conformance with landscaped setback requirements. The proponents indi- cated willingness to make the recommended revision in parking arrangement. Chairman Thompson opened the informal public hearing for public input. ��� Planning Commission Meeting - 2, 1983 -4- Ms. Amy Kvalseth, 108 Turnpike Road, asked what the proponents intend to do if their practice grows beyond what can be accommodated in the existing building. Mr. Winters stated that the proponents would move to another building in that case. Mr. Morss added that the subject site does not provide sufficient area for a building addition. Mr. Charles Clark, 5405 Glenwood Avenue, stated that his home is across the street from the subject site and that he has lived there 15 years. Mr. Clark stated that he has watched three to four metamorphoses of the subject building and that his concern and that of his neighbors is future use of the building once it is rezoned to Institutional (I-3). Mr. Clark stated that if the pro- ponents requesting the zoning change should move out of the building, the neighborhood could be subjected to an Institutional use which they might not like as well . In response to Mr. Clark's concern, Chairman Thompson requested an explanation of uses allowable in the proposed Institutional (I-3) Zoning District. Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller explained that uses of potential concern to the neighborhood such as chemical dependency treatment centers are conditional uses requiring hearings and notification of surrounding property owners. Proponents requesting a conditional use must satisfy the Planning Commission and City Council that the use will not have negative impacts on the neighborhood. Mr. Clark noted that Dr. Bensman stated that excess space would be rented to related businesses and asked for an explanation of what those related busi- nesses would be. The proponents, Dr. Bensman and Mr. Winters, answered that space would be rented to physicians or counselors involved in the same type of rehabilitation services. Ms. Donna Homes, 5301 Glenwood Avenue, asked for confirmation of her understanding that any clinic dealing with chemical abuse would be required to come before the Planning Commission and City Council again. The Commission and staff confirmed that this statement is correct. Mr. Larry Klick, 5415 Glenwood Avenue, stated that he lives across the street f rom the subject location and that his concern is traffic. In response to his questions, it was confirmed that all parking shown on the site plan currently exists and that there will be no addition of parking space. Mr. Klick stated a concern that currently proposed "downgrading" of the zoning will make it much more difficult to "upgrade" the zoning if desired in the future. Mrs. Nemet, 5423 Glenwood Avenue, stated that she and her husband share the concerns expressed by the two previous speakers. Mr. Malcolm Blumenthal , 25 Lawn Terrace, offered a welcome to the proponents as neighbors. Mr. Blumenthal stated that he had a couple of quick questions, beginning with the number of parking spaces. Mr. Morss stated that there are 47 parking spaces provided on the subject site. Mr. Blumenthal asked how much of the space within the building would be rented out compared to that occupied by the proponents. Dr. Bensman stated that there is one office area 200 to 300 square feet in size which the proponents intend to rent out and that the proponents would occupy 8000 square feet of space. ')49 Planning Commission Meeting - Sept 12, 1983 -5- Chairman Thompson closed the informal public hearing. Chairman Thompson reviewed the staff recommendation for approval with one con- dition related to rearrangement of parking space to provide required land- scaped setbacks. Commissioner Tubman stated that she thought it should be made clear that the condition calls for a reduction in the number of parking spaces rather than for additional parking. Commissioner Prazak asked whether the proponents would be required to remove existing blacktop within the required landscaped yard area. Mr. Miller stated that the proponents would be required to replace with landscaping the existing blacktop within the required landscaped yard area. It was moved by Commissioner Singer, seconded by Commissioner Polachek and carried unanimously to recommend City Council approval of the rezoning of 5400 Glenwood Avenue from the Business and Professional Offices to the Institutional (I-3) Zoning District to allow clinic use conditional upon revision of the site plan prior to submittal to the City Council to show proper landscaping of required front and rear yard areas and provision of parking adequate to meet Zoning Code requirements without encroachment into required landscaped y ard areas. VIII. Waiver of the Platting Ordinance APPLICANT: Chester Bird Post No. 523 LOCATION: 200 Lilac Drive North REQUEST: Lot Oivision for transfer of property from Ameriean Legion to Breck School Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item, and Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller explained the proposal and staff recommendation. Chairman Thompson recognized Mr. Lyndon McMurtry, Business Manager for Breck School , who was present to represent the proponent. Commissioner Tubman noted the staff recommendation that Breck School be encouraged to plat the school property and asked at what point Breck should be required to plat. Mr. Miller explained that although the purpose of the currently requested property division is to allow transfer of additional pro- perty to Breck School , the proponent is Chester Bird Post No. 523. The City could require only that the American Legion Post plat the Legion property into two lots, not that Breck School plat the School property. Commissioner Tubman observed that if 8reck School intends to acquire additional property as available, there could be future acquisitions with the other party always the proponent as in the current case. It was moved by Commissioner Tubman, seconded by Commissioner Prazak and carried unanimously to recommend City Council approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance requested by Chester Bird Post No. 523 to allow transfer to Breck School of a 50 foot strip of property. 250 Planning Commission Meeting - September, 12, 1983 -6- IX. Review of Official City Zoning Map to Accompany Miscellaneous Amendments to the City Zoning Ordinance Chairman Thompson introduced this agenda item, and Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller provided the Planning Commission with a review of the proposed City of Golden Valley Official Zoning Map prepared to accompany the proposed Miscellaneous Amendments to the City Zoning Code. It was moved by Commissioner Polachek, seconded by Commissioner Forster and carried unanimously to recommend City Council approval of the City of Golden Valley Official Zoning Map in conjunction with the Miscellaneous Amendments to the City Zoning Code which the Planning Commission previously reco�nended for approval . X. Report on City Council Meeting - September 6, 1983 Commissioner Polachek provided the Planning Commission with a report on the September 6, 1983 City Council meeting. XI. Discussion of Accessory Housing Questionnaire Commissioner Tubman distributed to Planning Commissioners copies of the questionnaire drafted by the League of Women Voters for the Accessory Housing Survey. Commissioner Tubman reviewed for the Planning Commission the purpose of the questionnaire and requested that Commissioners individually review the language in the questionnaire and contact Peggy Leppik with any comments or suggestions. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, avid Thompson, Chairman Margaret Leppik, Secretary