March 12, 1984
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers
of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota,
Chairman Forster called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Those present were Commissioners Forster, Leppik, McAleese, Prazak and Tubman.
Commissioner Singer was not present at the beginning of the meeting.
Commissioner Russell was absent.
Also present was Alda Peikert, Assistant Planner.
It was moved by Commissioner Tubman, seconded by Commissioner Prazak and
carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the February 27, 1984 Planning
Commission meeting as recorded.
LOCATION: 1300-1304 Gettysburg Avenue North
REQUEST: Rezoning from Residential (Single Family) to Two
Family Residential (R-2) Zoning District to allow
construction of a duplex.
Chairman Forster introduced this agenda item and recognized the proponent, Mr.
John Day, who was present.
It was moved by Commissioner Tubman, seconded by Commissioner Prazak and
carried unanimously to set an informal public hearing date of March 26, 1984
for consideration of rezoning of 1300-1304 Gettysburg Avenue North from the
Residential (Single Family) to the Two Family Residential (R-2) Zoning
District to allow construction of a duplex.
Commissioner Singer arrived at the meeting.
APPLICANT: Undestad Investment Company
LOCATION: 5530 and 5612 Wayzata Boulevard
REQUEST: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow
construction of a six-story office building in a
Commercial Zoning District.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission Page 2
March 12, 1984
Chairman Forster introduced this agenda item and recognized Mr. Lloyd Kepple
of Thompson and Klaverkamp, attorney representing the proponent. Chairman
Forster called on Assistant Planner Alda Peikert who provided the Planniny
Commission with an explanation of the proposal and the staff recommendation.
Chairman Forster then called on the proponent. Mr. Kepple introduced himself
as counsel to the proponent, Undestad Investment Company, and explained that
the subject property is under purchase by Undestad Investment Company. Mr.
Kepple introduced other persons present on behalf of the proponent including
Mr. Norman L. Undestad, Undestad Investment Company, Ms Cecilia Lynch, owner
of the subject property, Mr. Warren Brueygeman, contractor for the proposed
project, and Mr. Reynold Roberts, architect.
Mr. Kepple stated that the key factor in planning of the project is the I-394
Project and that the proponent coordinated with the Minnesota Department
(MnDOT) as much as possible in preparation of plans. Mr. Kepple stated that
the proponent expects MnDOT determination of I-394 Project construction limits
in May 1984 and finalization of right-of-way requirements in June 1984. Mr.
Kepple related that an original proposal for a ten-story office buildiny was
reduced to a six-story office building proposal through work with City staff.
Mr. Kepple provided an explanation of the plan for adjustment to I-394
construction and concluded with the statement that the proponent is looking
for a reading from the Planniny Commission on the proposal and desires to
coordinate the project with I-394 construction and with City plans for the
area. Mr. Kepple stated that it is the position. of the proponent that a
determination on the Conditional Use Permit is required by June 1, 1984.
Commissioner Singer asked the reason for the June 1, 1984 deadline. Mr.
Kepple stated that June 1, 1984 is not an absolute deadline, but that it is
necessary for the proponent to allocate resources for the project and that the
June 1, 1984 deadline conforms to the internal time line set by the developer.
Mr. Kepple stated that he feels this deadline works with the I-394 schedule.
Commissioner Leppik asked whether the proponent has applied for approval from
the City of St. Louis Park in view of the fact that a portion of the subject
property is in St. Louis Park. Mr. Kepple replied that the proponent is going
through similar procedures in St. Louis Park, but that the proponent places
greater emphasis on coordination with Golden Valley due to the fact that the
project is primarily in the City of Golden Valley. Concerning the size of the
buildiny, Mr. Kepple explained that the proponent determined that there would
be a problem marketing a buildiny of any less significant size at the subject
Commissioner Leppik stated that she sees no problem with a six-story building
at this location. She asked, however, whether the proponent would consider
acquisition of the Forster property or a portion of that property in order to
expand the size of the site and in order to coordinate development of the sub-
ject site with the surrounding area. Mr. Kepple replied that the proponent
would not foreclose entirely this possibility but has a strong preference for
separate development of the subject site currently under contract.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission Paye 3
March 12, 1984
Mr. Reynold Roberts provided the Commission with an explanation of the pro-
posed project from an architectural standpoint. Mr. Roberts confided that his
first reaction to the subject site was that it would be difficult to develop,
but that he was able to come up with a solution which is aesthetically
pleasing. Mr. Roberts stated that he sometimes finds that a building which is
the product of constraints turns out to be a more interesting building. Mr.
Roberts explained the site plan and building elevations and suggested that
adjustments could be made if necessary. Mr. Roberts pointed out that the
front of the building facing Turners Crossroad could be used as a drop off
Chairman Forster questioned Mr. Roberts concerning the loss of a turnaround in
Phase II following I-394 construction. Mr. Roberts explained that the turn-
around is required in the first phase for persons checking parking spaces ,to
the north but that the parking arrangement for Phase II does not require a
turnaround. Mr. Roberts added that there may be another solution if there is
objection to loss of the turnaround.
Commissioner Prazak asked whether the City Engineer indicated a problem with
only one vehicle access to the building. Mr. Roberts replied that the City
Engineer made no objection. Mr. Kepple added that representatives of the pro-
ponent had various meetings with City staff including the City Engineer/Acting
City Manager and the City Building Official. In response to staff
suggestions, the proponent attempted to bring the three sides of the building
exposed to streets other than the freeway into conformance with setback
requirements. Mr. Kepple concluded that the proponent has been talking with
staff since January 1984, that staff comments were helpful in preparation of
the proposal, and that the proponent now feels ready to come before the
Planning Commission for input. Mr. Undestad added that the proponent wants to
work with staff and the Planning Commission to obtain a favorable recommen-
dation and prefers that the. proposal be tabled to allow time for coordination
rather than denied at this time.
Chairman Forster opened the informal public hearing for public input.
Mr. Herrmann Held, 5400 Circle Downs, stated that his family has been a pro-
perty owner in Golden Valley since 1869 and was involved in the development of
property to the north and east of the subject site. Mr. Held stated that he
is in favor of the proposed development because it is confined to property
directly adjacent to Highway 12. Mr. Held said that he prefers the low pro-
file of existing buildings to the north of the subject site in the direction
of residential development and is opposed to suggested expansion of redevelop-
ment further north than the subject site. Mr. Held stated that the proposed
building is great at the subject location because the height matches that of
buildings across the highway, but that redevelopment should not take in the
four acre site to the north. Mr. Held spoke against removal of the beautiful
buildings to the north currently in use and providing tax income and spoke in
support of saving the residential neighborhood to the north. Mr. Held
concluded with the statement that there was talk of the I-394 Project 23 years
ago, that I-394 still is not a certainty, that it would be burden to the pro-
ponent to be forced to wait for I-394, that the City needs the tax base now,
and that he therefore thinks the City should go for it.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission Page 4
March 12, 1984
Chairman Forster closed the informal public hearing.
Commissioner Prazak asked about. the single vehicle access to the building and
about the penthouse above the sixth story. Mr. Peikert stated that for
emergency purposes the building would be accessible from Turners Crossroad and
that the entire development including the ramp would be a minimal distance
from streets on three sides. Mr. Roberts verified that the penthouse is for
elevator, stairway and mechanical purposes only, and Ms. Peikert confirmed
that the Zoning Code specifically excludes mechanical equipment and elevator
penthouses from computation of building height.
Comrissioner Leppik stated that she basically likes the idea of the develop-
ment proposal but is concerned that the request is premature due to the indef-
inite nature of I-394 plans at this time. Commissioner Leppik said that she
is reluctant to recommend approval at this point and therefore recommends
denial, not because she does not like the plan, but because it is advisable
from a land use standpoint due to timing.
Commissioner Tubman added that is is unfortunate that the proposal is made now
at a time so close to the time when better information on the I-394 Project
should be available. Commissioner Tubman agreed that the proposal is prema-
ture and noted that even if the setbacks provided from projected I-394
construction limits are conservative, the building is still close to the pro-
perty line.
Commissioner Tubman offered a motion to table the proposal for reinstatement
at the request of the proponent. Commissioner Leppik noted the Zoning
Ordinance requirement that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to
the City Council within 30 days of the Planning Commission informal public
hearing and suggested that the motion would have to be denial at this time.
It was moved by Commissioner Tubman and seconded by Commissioner Leppik to
recommend that the City Council deny the Conditional Use Permit requested by
Undestad Investment Company for construction of a six-story office building at
5530 and 5612 Wayzata Boulevard in a Commercial Zoning District as premature
at this time in view of the fact that I-394 construction limits are not yet
finalized, with the understanding that the Planning Commission and City
Council would be willing to .reconsider such a proposal at the appropriate
future time.
Chairman Forster stated that he wants it understood that he is not against
development of this site and that he sees nothing wrong with the proposed
design, but that the proposal comes at a bad time.
Commissioner Singer observed that the proponent obviously has a selfish
interest in proceeding with development now but that the City has a selfish
interest in taking the time necessary to coordinate development of the area
with the I-394 Project and that he feels it is possible to come up with a good
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 12, 1984
A vote was taken, and the motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted.
G. William Forster, Chairman
Margaret Leppik, Secretary
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