05-14-84 PC Minutes29 MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION May 14, 1984 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Forster called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Forster, Leppik, McAleese, Prazak, Russell, Singer and Tubman. Also present were Mike Miller, Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator, and Alda Peikert, Assistant Planner. I. SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM MIKE MILLER Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator Mike Miller announced his change of status from Planning and Redevelopment Coordinator on the City staff to planning consultant to the City. Mr. Miller stated that this would be his last Planning Commission meeting and offered parting remarks to the Planning Commission. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 23, 1984 It was moved by Commissioner Singer, seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the April 23, 1984 Planning Commission meeting as recorded. III. SET DATE FOR INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: Teacher Federations Credit Union LOCATION: 6500 Olson Memorial Highway REQUEST: Approval of a Drive Up Banking Facility in a Business and Professional Offices Zoning District Chairman Forster introduced this agenda item. Mr. Paul Horgen, President of the Teacher Federations Credit Union, was present to represent the proponent. Planning Commissioners discussed rescheduling of the next Planning Commission meeting which would normally fall on the Memorial Day Holiday. It was decided to hold the next Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, May 29, 1984 in the Valley Room. It was moved by Commissioner Prazak, seconded by Commissioner Tubman and carried unanimously to set an informal public hearing date of May 29, 1984 for consideration of a Conditional Use Permit requested by the Teacher Federations Credit Union for addition of a drive up banking facility to their existing building located at 6500 Olson Memorial Highway in a Business and Professional Offices Zoning District. 34 Planning Commission Minutes - May 14, 1984 Page 2 IV. CONTINUED INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - PUD AMENDMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLAN APPLICANT: Stanley M. Chasney LOCATION: 4959/4969/4979 Olson Memorial Highway REQUEST: Preliminary Design Plan Approval of PUD #28, Pondwood Office Park, Amendment No. 2 Chairman Forster introduced this agenda item and recognized the proponent, Mr. Stanley M. Chasney, who presented his revised proposal for amendment of the Pondwood PUD. Mr. Chasney pointed out plan improvements including a 25 percent reduction in the size of the proposed garage, relocation of the garage to eli- minate need for a setback variance, and revision of the site plan to result in an overall increase in green area. Mr. Chasney illustrated his proposal using a board of the new site plan along with photographs of the site. Chairman Forster opened the continued informal public hearing for public input. Mr. Warren Winter, 525 Cloverleaf Drive, asked questions about the project and stated that he has no opinion on the project at this time. Ms. Helen Ekman, 440 Cloverleaf Drive, stated that she did not have time to visit neighboring residents again with a petition as she did before the last meeting, but that she is sure all residents would have been willing to sign a petition again. She submitted a letter from Ms. Marie Wolpert, 500 North Lilac Drive, opposing the building of a garage and living quarters for the handicapped and indicated agreement over her own signature on the back of the letter. Ms. Ekman stated that she is now enjoying Baltimore Orioles in her yard along with the ducks and geese she mentioned at the previous meeting. Ms. Ekman concluded with the statement that residents still do not want more building on the pond. Commissioner Leppik asked Ms. Ekman whether she appreciated the fact that the revised proposal results in an overall increase in landscaped green area. Ms. Ekman replied that she feels the ducks and geese still would prefer to walk on the ground rather than over a roof line. Chairman Forster closed the informal public hearing. Commissioner Singer stated that he took the opportunity after the last meeting to view the Pondwood site from the perspective of neighboring properties and that he personally sees no disadvantage at all in erection of the proposed garage and feels that it is very much in order. Commissioner Singer stated that he would definitely vote in favor of the proposal because he thinks it is a very slight modification to the site and will have little, if any, impact. Commissioner Singer pointed out again that the proposal .adds to the greenery in that location and concluded that he thinks the proposal is a plus. Commissioner Prazak noted that as he reads the site plan, the proposed amend- ment will not directly affect the pond but will affect only a small portion of the land adjacent to the pond and will be virtually out of sight of the neigh- bors on the far side of the pond. 31 Planning Commission Minutes - May 14, 1984 Paye 3 Commissioner Russell stated that she also took the opportunity to check out the site and can see no evidence that the proposed amendment would adversely affect visual appearance of the development or wildlife activity in the area. Commissioner Russell stated that it appeared to her that at worst the proposed garage would overlook the railroad track and that it should not interfere with the neighborhood either visually or in terms of the wildlife. Chairman Forster reviewed the conditions of approval recommended by staff. In response to a question from Commissioner Prazak, Mr. Chasney verified that the proposed garage would be constructed on a slab rather than on pilings. It was moved by Commissioner Singer, seconded by Commissioner Prazak and carried unanimously to recommend City Council approval of the Preliminary Design Plan for PUD #28, Pondwood Office Park, Amendment No. 2, requested by Mr. Stanley M. Chasney to allow conversion of the southerly unit to han- dicapped residential use and to allow the addition of a two stall garage structure, subject to the following conditions: 1. The southerly unit of the southerly building comprising 1072 square feet of space and 182 square feet of space in the adjacent unit for a total of 1256 square feet of space may be occupied for residential use by up to two adults, at least one of whom must be handicapped and at least one of whom must have a direct association with the office use in the remainder of the PUD development. 2. The space specified for optional handicapped adult residential use shall revert to office use at such time as handicapped residential use is discontinued. 3. There shall be no further conversions of Pondwood Office Park office space to residential use. V. INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICANT: City of Golden Valley LOCATION: 4010 Bassett Creek Drive REQUEST: Preliminary Plat Approval of "Mary Hills Park" VI. INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICANT: City of Golden Valley LOCATION: 4130 Bassett Creek Drive REQUEST: Preliminary Plat Approval of "Rice Lake Park Reserve" 1 32 Planning Commission Minutes - May 14, 1984 Page 4 VII. INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICANT: City of Golden Valley LOCATION: 5000 Olson Memorial Highway & 801 Ottawa Avenue No. REQUEST: Preliminary Plat Approval of "Schaper Natural Area" Chairman Forster introduced the first of three agenda items involving platting of City owned property, emphasizing that the platting is a paper adjustment and that the property will not be developed. Chairman Forster called on Assistant Planner Alda Peikert, who gave a presentation of all three proposed plats of City owned properties. Chairman Forster opened an informal public hearing for public input on any or all of the three proposed plats of City owned property. There was no one pre- sent who wished to speak on these agenda items at the time, and Chairman Forster closed the informal public hearing. In response to a question from Commissioner Leppik, Ms. Peikert pointed out access locations and explained that the ponding areas do not necessarily have planned public access points. Commissioner Tubman commented that she appre- ciates the preservation of natural areas which are not accessible because they do not remain natural for Tony when opened to the general population. Commissioner Tubman recalled previous proposals for construction of ballfields on the Schaper property and asked whether the drainage easement over the pro- perty would prohibit ballfield construction. Ms. Peikert confirmed that the drainage easement preserves the property for ponding purposes only. In response to a question raised by a resident attending the meeting, Chairman Forster reopened the informal public hearing for public input on the three plats of City owned property. Ms. Kathleen Sansaver, 901 Ottawa Avenue North, spoke concerning the plat of the "Schaper Natural Area". Ms. Sansaver stated that leaving the area natural concerns her because weeds from the area end up in her lawn. Ms. Sansaver added that the only wildlife in the area is human, so garbage also ends up blown onto her lawn. Ms. Edna E. Hartland, 4840 Killarney Drive, stated that her concern is ponding construction in the "Schaper Natural Area" which has resulted in siltation into Sweeney Lake. Ms. Hartland stated that when she bought her property, Sweeney Lake was as clear as crystal and that she is surprised that the com- munity would allow the Lake to deteriorate to the extent that it has. Mr. James C. Johnson, 4760 Killarney Drive, also speaking to the "Schaper Natural Area", stated that pollution of Sweeney Lake is out of control and that deterioration of water quality has occurred in the last five to six years. Mr. Johnson reported that the Pollution Control Agency (PCA) has been called on two occasions due to oil entering the Lake through the Creek. Mr. Johnson said that he was informed by the City Engineer that Bassett Creek 33 Planning Commission Minutes - May 14, 1984 Page 5 would be moved 100 to 200 feet to the west within the next two years and asked whether there was any further information on the proposed Creek alteration. Mr. Johnson was referred to the City Engineer or to the Bassett Creek Water Management Commission concerning moving of Bassett Creek. Mr. Craig Berdie, 2308 Kewanee Way, addressed the Commission concerning "Mary Hills Park". Mr. Berdie stated that he would encourage access to Mary Hills Park from Kewanee Way. Mr. Berdie objected to use of the southeast section of the park for City dumping of snow, which he said is a nuisance both because it blocks access through the park to bus routes and because of the accumulation of sand and salt. Mr. Berdie added that the City has done an .excellent job of improving the rest of the park.- Chairman Forster closed the informal public hearing. Chairman Forster explained that although some of the comments received from residents do not pertain specifically to the current platting question, all are good comments and will be recorded in the Planning Commission minutes for consideration by staff and by the City Council. Chairman Forster suggested that questions which could not be answered at the Planning Commission meeting could be addressed by the City Engineer and City Council when the platting of City owned properties is heard before the Council. It was moved by Commissioner McAleese, seconded by Commissioner Tubman and carried unanimously to recommend that the City Council waive Preliminary Plat requirements and approve the Final Plats of "Mary Hills Park", "Rice Lake Park Reserve", and the "Schaper Natural Area". VIII. REPORT ON CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MAY 1, 1984 Chairman Forster provided the Planning Commission with a report on the May 1, 1984 City Council meeting. IX. REPORT ON HRA MEETING - MAY 8, 1984 Commissioner Prazak reported that he was unable to attend the May 8, 1984 meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) due to the early 4:00 P.M. hour. Assistant Planner Alda Peikert provided a brief report on the May 8, 1984 HRA meeting. X. REPORT ON BZA MEETINGS - APRIL 10 AND MAY 8. 1984 Commissioner Tubman provided the Planning Commission with a report on the April 10 and May 8, 1984 meetings of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, G. William Forster, Chairman Gary Prazak, Secretary