07-09-84 PC Minutes51 MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION July 9, 1984 A regular meeting of the Planniny Commission was held in the Valley Room of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Forster called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Forster, Leppik, McAleese, Prazak, Russel and Singer. Also present was Lowell Odland, City Engineer. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JUNE 25, 1984 Commissioner Leppik stated that in Item II Paragraph 2 of the minutes of the June 25, 1984 Planning Commission meeting, the first sentence should be cor- rected to read: "Commissioner Prazak asked who is the current occupant....". It was moved by Commissioner Leppik, seconded by Commissioner Singer and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the June 25, 1984 Planning Commission meeting as corrected. II. INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICANT: Clarence Volp LOCATION: 765-775 and 875 Colorado Avenue South REQUEST: Preliminary Plat Approval of "Merchant's Industrial Park 2nd Addition Chairman Forster introduced this agenda item and called on City Engineer Lowell Odland to comment on it. Mr. Odland reviewed the request and noted that there is no new construction proposed. It is just a transfer of land. Commissioner Leppik asked whether City approval is required to sell a property (including a House). Mr. Odland replied that any transfer of land that involves dividing the land (i.e. new property lines) needs to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council. Any change in the legal description of a property needs the approval of the City. Chairman Forster recognized the proponent, Mr. Clarence Volp, and invited him to comment or add anything on the item in discussion. Mr. Volp did not have any comment. 1 52 Planning Commission Minutes July 9, 1984 Page 2 Chairman Forster opened the informal public hearing for public input. There was no one present who wished to speak on this item, and Chairman Forster closed the informal public hearing. Commissioner Singer moved and Commissioner Prazak seconded the motion to recommend City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat of "Merchant's Industrial Park 2nd Addition". The motion carried unanimously. III. INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - PUD AMENDMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLAN APPLICANT: Mark Thoeny LOCATION: 1110 Boone Avenue North REQUEST: Approval of Addition to Preliminary Design Plan for Amendment to PUD #24, Midtown Chairman Forster introduced this agenda item and stated that the proponent, Mr. Mark Thoeny, is selling his home and has withdrawn his request for a PUD amendment. Commissioner Russell moved and Commissioner Leppik seconded the motion to accept withdrawal by the proponent, Mr. Mark Thoeny, of his request for amend- ment of PUD #24, Midtown. The motion carried unanimously. Chairman Forster noted that there is no change in the June 11, 1984 Planning Commission recom- mendation for approval of the original Preliminary Design Plan for amendment of PUD #24, Midtown. IV. REPORT ON CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 2, 1984 Commissioner Leppik provided the Planning Commission with a report on the July 2, 1984 City Council meeting. V. REPORT ON HRA MEETING - JUNE 26, 1984 Nobody from the Planning Commission attended the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) meeting on June 26, 1984. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, G. William Forster, Chairman Margaret Leppik, Secretary 1 1 1