02-27-89 PC Minutes:I MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION February 27, 1989 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the at Fire Station #2, 400 Turners Crossroad South, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The meeting was called to order by Chair Prazak at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Kapsner, Leppik, McAleese, McCracken-Hunt, Prazak, and Russell. Commissioner Lewis was absent at the beginning of the meeting. Also present were Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development, and Beth Knoblauch, City Planner. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - FEBRUARY 13, 1989 It was moved by Commissioner Kapsner, seconded by Commissioner McCracken-Hunt, and carried. unanimously to approve the minutes of the February. 13, 1989 Planning Commission meeting. II. ADDITIONAL INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - FLUIDYNE - REZONING APPLICANT: F1uiDyne Engineering Company LOCATION: 5828 Olson Memorial Highway REQUEST: Rezone the property at the Northeast corner of Zane Avenue and Olson Memorial Highway from the Open Development Zoning District to the Industrial Zoning District 'III. ADDITIONAL INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN APPLICANT: F1uiDyne Engineering Company LOCATION: 5828 Olson Memorial Highway REQUEST: Change .the Land Use Designation on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map from Business and Professional Uses to Industrial Uses These items were introduced by Chair Prazak who-asked for an update from City Planner Knoblauch. She explained that the informal public hearing was being reopened because of an incorrect date being given in the original notices to neighboring property owners. While State law does not require both a Planning Commission hearing and a City Council hearing, the City's Ordinance specifies. that in rezoning requests public input will be taken by both bodies. Planner Knoblauch then gave a reiteration of the staff report and a summary of the discussion at the earlier informal public hearing. Commissioner Lewis arrived at the meeting. The informal hearing was opened for comment by the public. Jim and Vicky Trettel, 5802 Olson Memorial Highway, came forward. They own the northernmost of four houses that border the affected property on the east side. They stated that they did not necessarily wish to oppose the F1uiDyne requests, but they had several ,~, ~' Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission February 27, 1989 Page 2 concerns about the effect of the proposed parking lot on their residential property. Primary concerns were a potential decrease in property value, the need for protective landscaping, the potential for squealing tires as cars exit the parking lot, and the means of snow removal/storage in the winter months. The Trettels also wished to see no parking signs posted on the street if and when the lot is constructed. There being no one else present to speak, the public comment portion of the informal hearing was concluded. Development Director Grimes addressed the property value issue by pointing out that the area's long range land use desig- nation is office space, and the greatest likelihood is that at some future date all of the existing properties will. be bought up for assembly into an office site. This potential increases the future value of the residential property, and will be unaffected by the presence of an adjacent parking lot. Mr. Doug Frame, speaking for F1uiDyne, addressed the other major concerns.. The company would like to retain as much of the existing gradient between properties as possible, which will provide somewhat of a buffer, and he is willing to work with the homeowners on the property landscaping. He would be open to reversing the direction of the one-way flow of traffic through the parking lot, which would place the exit at the opposite end where the gradient between properties is greater. The company is also willing to be a good neighbor when it comes to snow removal. Mr. Frame took down the name and phone number of the Trettels, and will be in contact with them. After some discussion,. the Planning Commission determined that there was no reason to reconsider its earlier recommendation in view of the public input. The motion to recommend approval of the Plan amendment and the rezoning stands unchanged. IV. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - WORK SESSION City Planner Knoblauch presented an outline of steps to take in updating the Comprehensive Plan for Golden Valley. Because the existing plan appears to have some major failings, and because there seems to have been a problem with other efforts to update the Plan in recent years, the proposed outline more closely resembles the formulation of a new Plan than a simple update of the existing one. This will allow fora major overhaul of key Plan elements where goals and policies are poorly defined or no longer applicable. There was considerable discussion on exactly what Plan elements should be or must be included at this time. Planner Knoblauch will do some additional research into this question in preparation for the next work session. V. APA CONFERENCE Commissioner McCracken-Hunt and Commissioner Lewis will be attending the conference. Commissioner Kapsner is looking into it. The other Commissioners have declined due to previous commitments. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. 1