06-12-89 PC Minutes MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING OOVMISSION June 12, 1989 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the meeting room of the Golden Valley Fire Station #3, 3700 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The meeting was called to order by Chair Prazak at 7:05 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Leppik, McAleese, Prazak, McCracken-Hunt, and Russell. Also present were Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development, and Beth Knoblauch, City Planner. Commissioners Kapsner and Lewis were absent.' I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 22, 1989 It was moved by Commissioner Leppik, seconded by Commissioner McCracken-Hunt and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the regular May 22, 1989, Planning Commission Meeting. II. INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLAN FOR AMENDMENT #1 ~ PUD #55, PUBLIC STORAGE, INC. APPLICANT: Public Storage, Inc. LOCATION: 2300 Winnetka Avenue North REQUEST: Approval of the Preliminary Design Plan for an Amendment to PUD #55 Which Proposes to Change the Footprints of the Buildings Chair Prazak introduced this agenda item and asked staff for a summary of the request. City Planner Knoblauch stated that Mr. Jensen has requested an amend- ment to the Public Storage PUD in order to extend the length of the two-story building by 20 feet and at the same time decrease the length of both one-story buildings by 20 feet. The two-story building is 20 feet wider than the combined one-story buildings, so the transfer of length will result in an additional 400 square feet of building area at ground level, and 2300 square feet total. There should be no significant traffic increase, and no parking spaces will be lost. City Planner Knoblauch also stated that there will be no reduction of greenery. Donald Jensen, proponent, showed the commission diagrams of the addition. Chair Prazak opened the informal public hearing. Hearing and seeing no one, the informal public hearing was closed. It was moved by Commissioner McCracken-Hunt, seconded by Commissioner Russell, and unanimously carried to recommend to the City Council approval of the Preliminary Design Plan for an Amendment to PUD #55 which proposes to change the footprints of the buildings at 2300 Winnetka Avenue North. i Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 12, 1989 Page 2 III. INFORNI~L PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY'DESIGN'PLAN r~OR AMENDMENT #3 TO PUD #28 , POND6VOOD APPLICANT: Pondwood Associates LOCATION: 4959 ,!4969, & 4979 Olson Memorial Highway REQUEST: Approval of the Preliminary Design Plan for an Amendment to PUD #28 to Allow Construction of a Storage Area to the Existing 'IWo-Car Garage at the South End of the Property Chair Prazak introduced this agenda item and asked staff for a brief summary of the request. City Planner Knoblauch stated that Mr. Mundt has requested a third amendment to Pondwood PUD in order to add a 10'x 26' storage area to an existing two-car garage. She stated that the proposed addition will have no major impact on traffic, population density, or employment density. Also, it will .not cut into the landscaping. She did note, however, that a .request for a 3-ear garage had previously been turned down by the Planning Commission. At that time the Commission proposed a reduction in size before giving its approval to the two car garage that now exists on the site. City Planner Knoblauch stated that she did not feel that this proposed addition would cause any significant detraction on the site. The proposed addition would cane to within 10 feet of the pro- perty line, which would not be allowed under regular zoning standards. Proponent Gerald Mundt, ma aging partner of Pondwood Associates, stated that all the general partners are housed at Pondwood and the storage of their files has became a problem. The storage facility would be only for the partners and tenants. The addition would be made of the same materials and have the same design as the garage. Commissioner M~Aleese asked the proponent if they had looked at any other'sites to store their property. Proponent stated that they had not; they need to have quick access to their files. Chair Prazak opened: the informal public hearing. Helen Ekman, 440 Cloverleaf Drive, submitted a petition to the Commission. She stated that the area is already too crowded. She is also concerned about the wildlife in that area. Sandra Kelly, 355 Clover Lane, stated she moved in because of the park like area. She feels that there is already too much industry in this area. The residents there pay high taxes and don't want it to be an industrial area. Proponent stated that they are sensitive to the wildlife in the area and feel they have increased the wildlife since they moved in. They do not fertilize or put weed killer on their grass because of the pond. -* Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 12, 1989 Page 3 Chair Prazask closed the informal public hearing'. ~ Commissioner Russell stated she was not opposed but felt there were other places to store their files. Proponent stated again that the files needed to be readily available. Discussion was held on whether or not there were other possibilities for storing the files. Commissioner McAleese stated that he is against them going into the normal set- back requirements. He feels that we should have a good reason for allowing a developer to build beyond the normal setbacks. He does not feel this is a good reason. He feels this is a matter of convenience and not hardship. If it were not for the setback, he would not be against this request. Chair Prazak stated that he feels that this has minimal impact on the site. Commissioner Leppik agrees it has minimal impact, but does not feel it is a real hardship and therefore canTt go along with the request. Proponent stated that their contract has a 10' setback and that they are within the setback area: - Commissioner McAleese stated that it was unclear that 10' setback was part of th i e r contract. But he agrees that we should not allow expansion. He feels that there are other alternatives. He questioned whether or not they would request an additional building when this one-was full. City Planner Knoblauch stated that it can be recommended that this be the last enlargement of the property. Commissioner Russell stated that she felt that we should stay with the original agreement that the blueprint stay as is without any further additions.' It was moved by Commissioner Leppik, seconded`by Commissioner McAleese to recom- mend to the City Council denial of the Preliminary Design Plan for an amendment to PUD #28 to Allow Construction of a storage area to the existing two-car garage at the south end of the property at 4959, 4969, and 49 79 Olson Memorial . Highway. Opposed: Chair Prazak, and Commissioner McCracken-Hunt. Motion carried 3-2. Commissioner McAleese asked for clarification of the setback issue in regards to PUD's . 1 Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 12, 1989 Page 4 IV. INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLAN FOR PUD #57, NORTHWIRTH OONMERCE CENTRE APPLICANT: Northwirth'Limited Partnership LOCATION: 4100 Olson Memorial Highway REQUEST: Approval of the Preliminary Design Plan for PUD #57, Northwirth Commerce Centre, for Construction of Offices, Office/Warehouse/Showroom and Industrial Buildings Chair Prazak introduced this item and asked Director Grimes for a brief over- view. Director Grimes stated that the staff has been working with the develo- pers for over a year putting"this portion of the redevelopment together. It is approximately 30 acres and would include two office buildings, a manufacturing building, and two smaller office/showroom sites. Director Grimes stated that this plan is consistent with the North Wirth Parkway Redevelopment Plan and that the City of Golden Valley is a co-petitioner with the developers of this project. Director Grimes went over site details. There was considerable discussion on the traffic signal to be installed at Highway 55 and Ardmore Drive. ..Director.. Grimes staffed that unless'we'have the Tight on Highway 55 and Ardmore there can be very little new development on this site. Parking on the site was also discussed. Chair Prazak opened the informal public hearing. John Bossardt, proponent,' introduced Ron Erickson'of KK & E Architectural Engineering Firm to give an overview of the planning process. Ron Erickson stated that the site will not have a wall of buildings facing Highway 55; you will see a large landscaping area on Highway 55. Each of the buildings will be a different design, but will use the same materials. They hope to develop the entire area with a park setting. Commissioner McCracken-Hunt asked about the narrow setbacks toward the rear of the sito. Ron Erickson stated that they looked at the entire site and they wanted to allow for green space and create landscaping along Highway 55. Commissioners McCracken-Hunt asked about general amenities provided in the office complex. Ron Erickson stated that they would provide: - Underground Parking ` - Second story lobby overlooking Sweeney Lake - Conference Room - Locker Rooms - Showers - Eating facility on first floor - Looking at Day Care Facility "~ ,' Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 12, 1989 Page 5 Commissioner Leppik asked about the landscaping-plans. Ron Erickson. stated that at this time the plans are conceptual. They are.... looking for a park-like feeling for the entire area. He feels money spent on landscaping is a very important part of the overall plan. Commissioner Leppik asked if sidewalks are planned for this area. Director Grimes stated that they would look at the need for sidewalks and the City and the developer would work together on this. The hearing was opened to the public for comment. Ray Clark, Georgia Pacific, stated that they needed access to their parking lot on the north side of the plant. Wanted to know if this has been provided for in the plans. John Bossardt stated that there would be an entrance road into the existing property. Ray Clark, Georgia Pacific., asked if the access to Highway 55 will be .,the same.. Director Grimes stated that it was his understanding that the access would remain the same. ,Terry.. Mundt, 4212 Poplar Drive, stated he was concerned with the traffic on Meadow Lane. He hopes something. can be done to divert traffic. John Bossardt stated that they will be widening Meadow Lane and hopefully eliminate the stacking problem. Director Grimes stated that Meadow Lane is a State Aid Street and by definition they are supposed to carry traffic from one road to another. The City Council would have to change its policy and undesignate i,t a State Aid Street to divert traffic. Cam Johnson, Mortenson Co., asked how wide Meadow Lane would be. It was stated that it would be three lanes. Ray Clark, Georgia Pacific, stated that the shipping docks are on the. extreme west end on the plant and he was concerned about how the trucks would get onto Highway 55. Commissioner McCracken-Hunt felt that the route that large trucks would be taking should be considered when developing that area. Director Grimes stated that Short Elliott is working with Mn/DOT on traffic in that area and that the large truck routes would be .considered. The informal public hearing was closed. 1 1 1 ~. ~~, Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 12, 1989 Page 6 It was moved by Commissioner McCracken-Hunt, seconded by Commissioner McAleese, and motion carried unanimously to recommend to the ,City .Council approval of the Preliminary Design Plan for PIJD #57, Northwirth Commerce Centre, for Construction of Offices, Office/Warehouse/Showroom and .Industrial Buildings at 4100.Olson Memorial Highway. Commissioner Leppik wanted to add some direction to this motion regarding speci- fics discussed. - Pedestrian Traffic - Truck Turning Radius - Landscaping in the parking area. Commissioner Leppik would also like to see landscaping along Highway 55 con- sidered along with future development. Commissioner McAleese stated that he had strong feelings about the setbacks in this case. He felt that we were taking away from the normal setback. merely to provide rows of parking. He stated that by eliminating the outer row of parking, the developer could .still meet the number of parking spaces .that the staff considered reasonable and also maintain the setback. Commissioner McAleese did not feel there was any reason to allow taking away from normal setbacks. Ron Erickson stated that it was their intent to keep as many cars as close to the entrance as possible. He stated that if you averaged all the setbacks and the green areas. on the site that they would be in excess of what the code.. requires and in. better places. He also stated that PtJD's are for flexibility. Commissioner McAleese stated that the general flexibility in a PUD is to allow for multiple uses on a given site. It is to allow a building to occur .that can't occur under the current zoning districts.: He stated that maybe the set.- back requirements should be applied in this situation... He felt that the deve- loper would be eliminating only one row of parking. Director Grimes stated that. the staff and developer would discuss the possibi- lity of reducing parking along the setback. Commissioner McAleese. stated that he was only raising this issue for the records. It was not a direction to the HRA that parking be eliminated. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. i