10-08-90 PC Minutes
October 8, 1990
A regul ar meeting of the P1 anning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City
Hall , Council Chamber, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The
meeting was called to order by Chair Prazak at 7:05p.m.
Those present were: Lewis, McAI eese, McCracken-Hunt, Prazak and Russell ; absent
were Leppik and Kapsner. Also present were Mark Grimes, Director of P1 anning
and Development; Beth Knobl auch, City P1 anner and Mary Dold, Secretary
I. Approval of Minutes -September 24, 1990
MOVED by McCracken-Hunt, seconded by Russell and motion carried unanimously to
approve the September 24, 1990 minutes as submitted.
II. Informal Public H Baring -Amend Preliminary Design Plan -Dahlberg
P.U.D. No. 59, Dahlberg Inc., Applicant
Chair Prazak introduced this agenda item. Mark Grimes :gave a brief summary of
the request by Dahlberg, Inc. There was an error in the survey for the Dahlberg
building which was built out a 1 ittl e farther than pl anned and in order to
correct the error the City must amend the Preliminary Design Plan because tech-
nically Dahlberg is in viol ation of the P1 anned Unit Development Permit. Staff
believes there will be no significant difference on how the building looks from
Hwy. 55. Staff is recommending approval to amend the Preliminary Design Plan,
Dahlberg, Inc. No. 59.
Tom Gerster, KKE Architects, reviewed the old and new Site and Landscape P1 ans
for the Planning Commission.
Chair Prazak opened the Public Hearing.
Chair Prazak closed the Public Hearing hearing no one.
MOVED by McCracken-Hunt, seconded by Lewis and motion carried unanimously to
recommend approval to the City Council to amend the Preliminary Design P1 an,
Dahlberg P.U.D. No. 59.
III. Informal Public Hearin -Minor Subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1, Varner
ddition and Lot 25, uditors Subd. 322; Harmon Jason and Ste hen
Bennett, App icants
Chair Prazak introduced this agenda item. Mark Grimes gave a brief summary of
this routine minor subdivision. Ms. Jason and Mr. Bennett are buying the pro-
perty at 540 Varner Circle and would 1 ike a bigger back yard and would 1 ike to
buy 30 feet of the adjoining rear lot. An item that may be of concern would be
the utility easement between the two lots that would remain in the same location
and used for overhead wires. The City engineer felt that this would not be a
probl Ern. Staff recommends approval of the request for a minor subdivision.
Minutes of the Golden Valley P1 anning Commission
October 8, 1990
Page Two
Chair Prazak opened the Public Hearing.
Chair Prazak asked the applicant what there use would be for the extra 1 and.
Mr. Bennett stated just to have more 1 and and no buildings are pl anned for this
Chair Prazak closed the Public Hearing.
Beth Knoblauch, City Planner asked a procedure method. Code says that when
there is a subdivision there will be a five foot- easement along all property
lines; considering there is an existing easement is there something the Planning
Commission should put in there motion about this provision in the code? The
City likes the easements on the property lines because that is where there is
the 1 east impact on the peopl a who own the property. Mark Grimes stated that he
would review this with the City Engineer and if he feels we need the additional
five feet we will then take care of it. Chair Prazak stated that the P1 anning
Commission will not request an additional eas~nent for utilities.
MOVED by Russell , seconded by McCracken-Hunt and motion carried unanimously to
recommend to the City Council approval of the minor subdivision of Lot 2, Block
1, Varner Addition and Lot 25, Auditors Subd. 322, Harmony Jason and Stephen
Bennett, applicants.
IV. Informal Public Hearing -Zoning Code Amendment Regarding Truck/Van
Terminals " "
Chair Prazak introduced this item and asked Beth Knoblauch, City Planner, to
give a summary of the request.
Ms. Knoblauch stated that the request for a Zoning Code is recommended by staff
because the use is not specified in the Code. The City does not have a problem
with the use. Staff is recommending this as a conditional use rather than a
permitted use by right because primarily. of concerns for the potential for
fairly high volumes of traffic which might be undesirable at some locations..
There are four separate recommendations for code amendments as found in the
staff memorandum prepared by Beth Knoblauch. Staff recommends the Pl anning
Commission approve the four proposed Zoning Code Amendments.
Commissioner McAI eese requested abetter definition for Amendment No. 1 and Ms.
Knobl auch replied that she would discuss this with the City Attorney, Allen
MOVED by Lewis, seconded by McAI eese and motion carried unanimously to recommend
to the City Council to approve the four Amendment changes outlined in staffs
report to the Zoning Code.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
October 8, 1990
Page Three
V. Informal Public Hearin - A lication for Conditional Use Permit to
Operate a Terminal for Package De ivery Service in the Lig t Industrial
District; Airborne Express, Applicant
Chair Prazak introduced this agenda item and asked Beth Knobl auch, City P1 anner,
to give a brief summary of the request.
Ms. Knobl auch stated that the request was for an express mail del ivery service,
using a fl eet of econol ine vans which will be stored within the building on-site
when not in use. It is described as a satellite use to the company's main site.
The proposed location is a portion of the building at 830 Boone Ave. The layout
is for up to 36 spaces in the garage area. The City would like an indication on
the final site plan what exactly will be the fl eet size and what will be reserve
spaces for vehicles out of service or substitute vehicles. Staff will also need
site pl ans to scale for the .City Council to review. The maximum parking spaces
this site plan would need is 40 and there are 70 spaces on the site so there is
pl enty of parking. Ms. Knobl auch al so went over the 10 factors for considera-
tion. The effect on traffic generation is uncl ear at this time, there may be a
need to restrict access onto Boone Avenue during peak periods. The 10th Avenue
curb cut provides a desirabl e safety valve should traffic impacts on Boone ever
reach a significant 1 evel .
Staff recommends that the application for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a
terminal for package deliver service at 830 Boone Avenue in the Light Industrial
Zoning District be approved with the conditions suggested in staff's memorandum.
Chair Prazak asked the representative from Airborne Express if he had any com-
ments. Mr. Dan Bryant stated that one semi would arrive at 7:OOp.m. each night
to pick-up and drop-off packages. This operation would serve the downtown and
western suburbs.
Commissioner McCracken-Hunt asked if the evening delivery truck would be backing
into the facility and would be beeping annoying the neighbors. Mr. Bryant
stated that the semi would back in and only one vehicl a would arrive nightly.
Commissioner Lewis asked what the 1 atest hours of operation would be. Mr.
Bryant stated approximately 5:30p.m. to 6:OOp.m. depending on the length of
their delivery.
Chair Prazak opened the Public Hearing.
Jeff Bartl ett, 701 Decatur, wanted to know the use of the building and the traf-
fic generation. He felt these questions were answered from staff and had no
other questions.
Chair Prazak closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner McAI eese stated that the only problem may be noise but staff recom-
mendations are the most reasonabl e way to meet these probl ems.
.,: ,.~,
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
October 8, 1990
Page Four
MOVED by McAleese, seconded by Lewis and motion to carried unanimously to recom-
mend to the City Council approval, subject to the six conditions stated in
staff's memorandum, for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a terminal for
package delivery service in the Light Industrial District, Airborne Express,
VI. Re orts on Meetin s of the Housin and Redevelo ment Authorit Cit
Counci and Board o Zoning ppea s
Mark Grimes reported that On-Bel ay was held over to October 16th and Kevin
McAleese will attend this meeting.
VII. Other Business
No other business was presented.
VIII. Adjournment
Chair Prazak adjourned the meeting at 8:40p.m.
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Linda McCracken-Hunt, Secretary