10-26-92 PC Minutes MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION October 26, 1992 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall, Council Chamber, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The meeting was called to order by Chair McAleese at 7:05 PM. Those present were Commissioners Groger, Johnson, Kapsner, Lewis (arrived 7:08), McAleese, Pentel and Prazak (arrived 7:10). Also present were .Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development; Beth Knoblauch, City Planner and Mary Dold, Secretary. I. Approval of Minutes - October 12, 1992 MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Pentel, and motion carried unanimously to approve the October 12, 1992 minutes with-the following change: Item II. Boustead Electric is selling off the east half of Lot 2 to Mueller Sales and retaining the west half for consolidation. II. Informal Public Hearing - Minor Subdivision Applicant: Kenneth and Donna Huber Address: 1420 Alpine Pass, Golden Valley, Minnesota Request: Minor Subdivision to Consolidate Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, Tyrol Hills, into One Lot Mark Grimes gave a brief summary of his report to the Commissioners commenting that the Huber's would like to consolidate their two lots so they may add a car- port onto their home. Kenneth Huber, applicant, stated to the Commission that he is building the car- port because the home, which he and his wife bought in August of this year, only has a one-car garage. Chair McAleese opened the informal public hearing; seeing and hearing no one he closed the informal public hearing. MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Pentel and motion carried unanimously to recommend to the City Council approval for a minor subdivision to consolidate Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, Tyrol Hills. III. Re orts on Meetin s of the House ounce an oar o oning ppe ~ and Redevelopment Authority, Ci s No reports were given. 1 Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission October 26, 1992 Page Two V. Other Business Emily Johnson asked the Planning staff to review a request by the BZA to con- sider a change to the zoning code to permit encroachments into the required set- back for bay windows, fireplaces, etc. Beth Knoblauch commented that the zoning code has been updated but needs to be reviewed again by the Commission. Mark Grimes stated that the Planning staff will review this part of the zoning code. VI. Adjournment Chair McAleese adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM. °'~- J an Lewis, ecretary 1 1