03-24-97 PC Minutes257
Minutes of the Golden Valley
Planning Commission .
March 24, 1997
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall,
Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley'Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The meeting
was called to order by Chair Prazak at 7pm.
These present were Commissioners Groger, Johnson, Kapsner, Lewis, McAleese, Pentel
and Prazak. Also present were Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development,
Elizabeth Knoblauch, City Planner and Mary Dold, Recording Secretary.
I. Approval of Minutes -.February 24,1997
MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Lewis and motion carried unanimously to approve the
February 24, 1997 minutes as submitted with one spelling correction on page seven.
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Pentel and motion carried unanimously to approve the
March 10, 1997 minutes as submitted .with the following corrections:
Page Six, Paragraph 6 -- ...has access to Sweeney. Lake, ...
Page Eleven, Third line -- delete space
Page Nineteen, Paragraph 3 -- Change Developer Grimes to Director and combine
paragraph 3 and 4
II. Election of Officers -This item was moved to after the informal public hearings.
III. Informal Public Hearing -Minor Subdivision (Lot Consolidation
Applicant: Art Bakshian (Ace Label Systems Inc.)
Address: Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Mueller Industrial Park
Purpose: To allow for the consolidation of two lots. (The applicant is
proposing to construct a conforming, one-story building for office,
storage and manufacturing use.)
Beth Knoblauch gave a brief summary of her staff report commenting on a previous
request which subdivided the subject property. She noted that there was a particular
company interested in one of the lots but no construction ever took place. Knoblauch
told the commission that the potential buyer of these lots would now like to construct a
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 24, 1997
Page Two
building using both lots and is therefore requesting a lot consolidation. She commented
that if the commission recommends approval that a condition be noted that the final plat
must show easements around all property lines as required by code.
Chair Prazak asked if the applicant had further comments or questions.. Linda Rundell,
Vice President, Ace Label. Systems, Inc., commented that staff's comments were
Chair Prazak opened the informal public hearing
Steve Svensen, 7135 Madison Ave. W. and current owner of the subject property,
commented on the previous lot subdivision and is in favor of the current request to
consolidate the two lots.
Chair Prazak closed the informal public hearing.
Chair Prazak commented that the proposed request is a very strait forward issue of
joining two small lots.
MOVED by Pentel, seconded by McAleese and motion carried unanimously to
recommend approval to the City Council for the consolidation of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1,
Mueller Industrial Park with the condition that the final plat show easements around the
entire property.
IV. Informal Public Hearing -Review of the Capital Improvement Program,..(CIP~
Chair Prazak gave a brief summary of the hearing process for CIP review.
Don Taylor, Finance Director, reviewed the CIP noting that this CIP was for the years
1997-2001, and outlined changes from the. previous CIP. Taylor handed out additional
information and talked about the City's Pavement Management Program, noting street
reconstruction costs. He told the commission about the Council's previous discussions
and citizenry input concerning reconstruction of the streets and other street programs like
overlays. He noted that the Council decided to stop reconstruction of streets for -1997 in
order to review the entire Pavement Management Program. Taylor noted that the City's
biggest asset is its streets. He also commented that something will be to be done with the
streets, and so in the following years (1998-2001) the CIP reflects the same expenditures
as in the past; it is unclear, at this time, what the outcome of the program will be.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 24, 1997.
Page Three
Commissioner Kapsner asked if this item was studied seven years ago. Taylor said yes,
the first reconstruction project was in 1988.
Chair Prazak asked if there would be streets reconstructed in 1997. Taylor said no, but
there would be the regular maintenance of streets. He noted that complete reconstruction
of streets would not be done other than Poplar Drive. Prazak asked Taylor where the
funds would come from to do the study. Taylor said some money would come from the
General Fund and if a consultant is needed, these funds would come from the street
improvement levy.
Commissioner Lewis asked if the Mayor had directed staff to start the study. Taylor
answered no that the Council is looking at how to proceed and staff may be given
direction this summer.
Commissioner Lewis asked if Noble Avenue would be completed this summer. Taylor
said yes because it is funded through state-aid money. He also noted that most of the
work on Noble had been completed last year and all that was left was a final coat and
landscaping repair.
Director Taylor briefly talked about the Schaper Property. He noted that this area was
renamed in the CIP as the Schaper Area Project which involves stormwater holding
ponds, trail work, environmental clean-up of the whole area and the ballfields.
Taylor briefly talked about the area being a dumping site and that soil will be added to it,
and that there will be ponds established, including settling ponds and that some ponds
would be rerouted. He told the commission that the City has been talking with Hennepin
Parks about a bike trail through the area which would be paid for by Hennepin County.
Taylor noted that the environmental work would require money to be put into the CIP.
Commissioner Pentel asked how much money would be put into the CIP from Tax
Increment Financing (TIF). Taylor answered that the entire area would be with TIF
money except for the trail.
Commissioner Pentel commented on the movement of the mitigation pond and the effect
of previously moving it may have on the many frogs in the area. She asked if this pond
would stay. Director of Public Works, Fred Salsbury commented that the mitigation
pond will stay where it is.
Commissioner McAleese asked for an explanation of the proposed City imaging system.
Taylor noted that computer technological has gotten to a point where City documents can
now be stored on computer disc, which allows for easy access and retrieving of
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 24, 1997
Page Four
information. This process is also considered as a time saving mechanism and storage
saver. McAleese also asked how stored, private information would remain private.
Taylor commented that staff would be working with a retention schedule put out by the
State and the City would be dealing with data privacy issues. Taylor said that the
retrieval of documents could also be used by the public.
Chair Prazak asked about the replacement of computers every five years and what
happens to the discarded computers. Taylor said that some of the old computers are used
by other departments. He said that due to the constant software change the computers
become incompatible because of changes in speed.
Commissioner McAleese commented on the proposed motor grader and how the City
was acquiring this piece. Salsbury commented that under a state legislation various
governmental bodies have the power to do joint purchasing to get a better price. He
noted that this particular item was being bought through Polk County and the City is able
to take advantage of a large purchase and still get a good product. McAleese asked about
having to put out bids for this item and Salsbury noted that because of the state legislative
law, bids are not required. Chair Prazak asked how much the City would be saving,
Salsbury answered between $30,000 and $40,000. McAleese asked how the City knows
how another government agency has requested or receives bids on a proudct of this sort,
that the City of Golden Valley wishes of buy. Salsbury responded that the City checks
into the purchase.
Commissioner McAleese asked Finance Director Taylor about the firing range upgrade -
public safety building, noting the year in the CIP stated 1996. Taylor said that there has
been much discussion on this topic and with the new building being roughed in, things
are ready to proceed. McAleese also asked about the rubber backstops at the fire range
and what was the expected life cycle of the backstops and how is this projected in the
CIP. Taylor said that the rubber backstop is made of recycled heavy duty tires and that it
should last indefinitely, but if it needs to be replaced it would not be expensive or
difficult to do.
Commissioner Pentel asked about the Schaper property and when Hennepin County
would be ready to proceed with the trail. Taylor said that they are now ready and that the
City Council needs to approve a contract with Hennepin County and a bid would be let.
Commissioner Pentel asked if the ballfield would be gated. Salsbury said it probably
would be based on discussion with the City Council. Pentel asked if the tot lot would be
built and Salsbury said yes and this area would not be gated. Pentel said that she was
concerned with the ballfields being gated, in that families would not be able to use it on
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 24, 1997
Page Five
weekends. Director Grimes said that there probably would be tournament play on the
fields on Saturdays and Sundays, and that the fields would be open until l Opm.
Commissioner McAleese asked about the full size soccer field at the Arts School on
Hwy. 55 and is glad to see this happening. Taylor said that the City is now reviewing a
Joint Power Agreement which will be before the City Council soon. He also noted that
there would be sharing of cost and usage of the field. Taylor noted there would be some
expense to making the field ready because it had not been used for some time.
Commissioner Groger asked about the amount of parking on the Arts School site.
Grimes noted that there is a lot of parking available.
Commissioner Groger questioned Taylor about there being no funds in the CIP after 1998
for tree planting. Taylor said that the City has made an effort to do major tree plantings
and any money needed would come out of the General Fund after 1998. He told the
commission that in order to place a tree planting item in the CIP it would required
$10,000 per year and the City Forester does not believe there will be that much need for
tree planting in future years. Commissioner McAleese suggested doing a "tree adoption"
Chair Prazak asked if the revenues taken in by the Brookview Golf Course covers its
operations and where does capital improvements come from. Taylor said that the revenue
generated from Brookview also covers capital improvements. Commissioner Pentel said
she was glad to see plantings around the pond areas because this would help any erosion
problems and that it helps citizens see what is acceptable around ponds other than turf
Commissioner Groger asked about the proposed fencing on the golf course and was this a
matter of aesthetics. Taylor noted that the fencing is needed along Hwy. 55 because of
the busy road and the fence is being recommended because of safety concerns. Taylor
noted that golf course employees had said that fencing is needed because of safety
concerns. Taylor said he would review his information on this item for more specifics
and report back to the commission. Commissioner Pentel asked if a lower fence wouldn't
be more esthetically pleasing and still keep cars and people off the course. Groger asked
about landscaping being included with the fencing project.
Commissioner Pentel asked about the playing fields at Schied Park and which field would
be turned into a little league field. She also inquired about the lot the City owns abutting
Schied Park. Taylor commented that there has been no discussion concerning the City
owned lot and is uncertain at this .time which field will be for little league play.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 24, 1997
Page Six
Commissioner McAleese referred to that part of the CIP on sidewalks and asked when the
last time the sidewalk committee met. Salsbury noted that it had been a couple of years
since the this committee met and that the committee would be meeting this year. Chair
Prazak asked if staff knew how many citizens were concerned about sidewalks. Salsbury
commented that the Engineering Department does receive calls concerning sidewalks but
that most people calling do not want sidewalks.
Commissioner McAleese asked about street rating system and what was the timing to do
this rating. Taylor noted that streets are not rated every year. Salsbury said that new
readings of streets are done to do upgrades and that every third year a complete.
assessment of all streets is done to see which ones are deteriorating.
Commissioner Pentel asked staff if the City would be using different sources to obtain the
City's water supply other than Minneapolis. Salsbury commented that the reason the City
is looking for alternative water sources is because the City is anticipating a fairly
significant increase in the charge from Minneapolis for water, although he is not sure
about this. He noted that the City's contract with the City of Minneapolis is coming up
for renegotiation. Salsbury said that currently there is a study underway. Pentel asked
how long the City has been paying for water from Minneapolis. Salsbury said since the
1960's. Pentel commented that its unfortunate that because Minneapolis needs to upgrade
and increase prices that the City would jump ship. Salsbury noted that the decision to
find another supplier would be made by the policy makers. He also talked about the City
being in a consortium with the cities of New Hope and Crystal. He talked about the
interconnection of pipes and the decisions that need to be made to keep things going.
Salsbury told the commission that General Mills has indicated that they have wells to
provide water to the City and this would be a win-win situation for them because they
must meet standards set out concerning water. Pentel noted that this item was not
showing up in the CIP. Taylor said that more information is needed to make a decision
and will may need to be put into the CIP for consideration.
Commissioner. McAleese asked if each of the cities in the consortium were negotiating
with Minneapolis. Salsbury commented that there is only one contract among the cities
and that the Joint Water Commission purchases the water. Commissioner Kapsner
commented that he feels that the City of Minneapolis would need to spend money no
matter what to supply Minneapolis with water and the City of Golden Valley is actually
giving them a lot of money that is "free" to them. Salsbury said that Kapsner was correct
on that perspective, that the consortium buys approximately 12-15% of water from
Minneapolis and this will be part of the negotiations. Kapsner asked if the City had other
options for purchasing water and Salsbury said the City was looking into this.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 24, 1997
Page Seven
Commissioner McAleese asked about the Covenant Manor area storm sewer and if trail
system, along Bassett Creek, would affected by the storm sewer. Director Grimes said
that it would not be. He briefly talked about a proposed PUD for Covenant Manor which
includes ponding. He also talked about placing the ponding on City owned property and
private property and that the trail would be maintained. Salsbury noted that the real
purpose is to treat City water and the proposed pond would help treat water going into
Bassett Creek. This is a water quality issue.
Commissioner McAleese commented on the amount of water that collects in the parking
lot of the office buildings to the north of Covenant Manor. Salsbury noted that this area
would be included.
Commissioner Groger commented that in the area where the pond is proposed is a lot of
old construction debris and would clean-up be part of this project. Salsbury said yes.
Groger commented on additional debris in the area near the tot lot and believes this area
should also be cleaned up.
Chair Prazak commented on the commission reviewing the 132 pages of the CIP and
believes that they brought forward issues that the general public would have had
questions on, and that the commission has raised a number of instances where staff has
exhibited be excellent stewardship in saving tax dollars and thanked staff.
Commissioner Groger pointed out an typographical error on Page Eight concerning the
year. Taylor said this would be corrected.
Chair Prazak opened the informal public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one, Chair
Prazak closed the informal public hearing.
MOVED by Pentel, seconded by McAleese and motion carried unanimously to
recommend to the City Council approval of the submitted CIP.
II. Election of Officers
Chair Prazak opened nominations for Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. Commissioner
Groger nominated Pentel for Chair, seconded by Johnson. Groger noted that Pentel
would make a good chairperson. Johnson nominated Groger for Vice-Chair, seconded by
Pentel. Lewis nominated Johnson for Secretary, seconded by Kapsner. Chair Prazak
approved the nominations by acclamation. The vote was unanimous.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 24, 1997
Page Eight
V. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment. Authority, C~
council and Board of Zoning Appeals
No meetings were reviewed.
VI. Other Business
A. Review of Attendance. Commissioner Prazak commented on the good
attendance record of the commission.
B. Summary Judgment in Otten Case. Staff briefly commented on the
C. Follow-up on Planning Commission Cable Casting.. The commission
briefly review the handout concerning cost and the Council's wish for the Planning
Commission meetings to be cable-casted.
D. Letter from the Golden Valley Human Rights Commission Regarding
the Hidden Lakes Development. Staff briefly noted the letter enclosed
in the agenda packets.
E. Resignation of Commission Lewis. Commissioner Lewis said that she
would be contacting Mayor Anderson concerning her resignation from the Planning
Commission due to work commitments.
VII. Adjournment
Commissioner Pentel adjourned the r.