01-11-99 PC Minutes
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Regular Meeting of the
Golden Valley Planning Commission
January 11, 1999
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall,
Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday,
January 11, 1999. The meeting was called to order by Chair Pentel at 7:06pm.
Those present were Chair Pentel and Commissioners Groger, Kapsner, McAleese and
Shaffer; absent were Johnson and Martens. Also present were Mark Grimes, Director
of Planning and Development, Beth Knoblauch, City Planner, and Tammi Hall,
Recording Secretary.
I. Approval of Minutes - December 14. 1998
Shaffer reque$ted a change be made to the minutes of December 14, 1998. He said
that the first sentence on page five should read: "Shaffer said there has not been any
recommendation at this time". Groger suggested corrections of some typographical
MOVED by Kapsner, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to approve
the December 14, 1998 minutes with the revised page 11 and the above corrections.
II. Reports on Meetinas of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. City
Council and Board of Zoning Appeals
Commissioner Shaffer reported on the progress of the Xenia Avenue Design
Committee. He indicated the Committee is recommending plantings and a two-stage
pond with pathways around it. Chair Pentel asked if the road would be narrower north
of Glenwood. Shaffer indicated the entire road is a single lane with a median.
Commissioner Kapsner asked ifthe road in front of the school would be closed.
Planning and Development Director Grimes responded that it will be closed and the
school district has shown an interest in purchasing the property. Shaffer also reported
that it appears, at this point, that a pedestrian bridge will not be part of the Committee's
recommendation. Pentel asked if the Committee plans to include the standard
streetscape elements. Shaffer indicated there has not been much discussion on this
topic. He added the Committee is discussing several alternatives for ensuring
pedestrian safety at the intersection of Glenwood and Xenia. Shaffer concluded by
saying that he felt the process with the facilitator has been positive and that the
Committee is making progress.
Commissioner Groger asked about the status of the United Properties proposal.
Grimes responded that United Properties is revising their proposal, including changes
to the driveway locations that will allow left turns. He indicated that, at this point, they
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
January 11, 1999
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plan to stay with the proposed height of six stories. Grimes reported that United
Properties conducted a shadow study which showed the surrounding residential area
being shaded by the trees around the perimeter of the property before it would be
shaded by the building itself. There was discussion regarding the overall appearance
of the building. Shaffer stated he felt the building design was.mediocre and that the
developer could produce something better.
III. Other Business
A. Area B Update
Grimes reported that David Bernard has been designated as the developer for Area B.
Pentel indicated she served on the Area B Task Force and that the Bernard proposal
fulfilled many of the recommendations of the Task Force. She stated that it is an
attractive, usable design that is very pedestrian oriented. She added that the Task
Force also felt it was positive that Bernard was willing to work with existing tenants to
retain as many as possible in the new retail area of the development. Kapsner stated
that one of the concerns of redeveloping this area in the past was the increased retail
rental costs. He asked if the existing tenants would be able to afford the rental rates in
the new building. Grimes responded that approximately six to eight of the existing
tenants have made an initial commitment to rent in the new building.
Grimes briefly reviewed the three housing concepts included in the development. He
indicated there would be urban townhomes which will be two to three level units with a
two-car garage under each unit. The second type of housing will be stacked flats that
would be two level, single-story townhomes. Each of these units will also have an
underground two-car garage. Pentel questioned if the second level units are accessible
from the street level to accommodate potential transportation such as Medi-Van.
Grimes responded he was uncertain if the second level units could be accessed from
the street or if the only access would be the elevators from the garage. It was
suggested that Medi-Van type transportation may need to access the underground
garage for pick-up and delivery of residents. There was discussion regarding the
required height for underground parking and whether a Medi-Van type vehicle would be
able to enter the underground garage. Groger asked if there is a handicapped
requirement in this type of housing. Grimes indicatedthat a certain number of units
must be handicapped accessible. He indicated that the first level would be fully
accessible, but the second level units may not be handicapped accessible. Grimes
indicated the third type of housing would be affordable town homes. Bernard will be
teaming with Common Bond and Cornerstone to develop this portion of the housing.
There was discussion regarding the elimination of live-work units. Grimes responded
that the market study results showed a lukewarm response to live-work units. He
added that the companies developing live-work units were in other cities and that
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
January 11, 1999
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nothing comparable has been done in the Twin Cities. He said that Common Bond
may consider some live-work units in the affordable town homes section. A daycare has
been mentioned as a possible business that would be appropriate for a live-work unit.
He stated that Common Bond is focused on providing housing and education. They will
include a community room supplied with computers and they would coordinate with
. existing programs to assist residents.
There was discussion regarding the visitor parking situation. Grimes stated that visitor
parking will be on the street, possibly on Golden Valley Road or on a private street
within the development. He added there is a concern about street maintenance if a
public street is used for visitor parking. He indicated there has also been discussion of
using the bank parking lot during non-peak hours for visitor parking. Groger indicated
he was uncomfortable with visitor parking on Golden Valley Road or in the bank parking
lot due to the dangerous curve in the road at this location. Grimes responded that the
developer may need to provide parking on the site with bump out spots and on private
streets. The City will require 1/2 space of visitor parking for each unit.
Shaffer asked if this proposal has been published. Knoblauch responded that it will be
in the Sun Post this week. Grimes stated that he did not believe there would be
neighborhood opposition to this project.
B. Comprehensive Plan Update
City Planner Knoblauch reported that the existing land use mapping is done. She will
provide the updated information to the Commission at their next meeting. Since it is
impossible to reproduce in an 8-1/2 by 11 format, she will be unable to provide copies
to commission members for review in advance. She stated that a city consultant would
be providing the transportation and sanitary sewer plans.
Knoblauch reported that a committee has been reviewing the Surface Water
Management Plan. They have reviewed Chapter One of the plan that relates to policy
and are recommending changes to the plan. Knoblauch stated the recommendations
are scheduled to be reviewed by the Commission in February, March and April. At the
February meeting the consultant will go through the plan and the recommendations.
Knoblauch indicated she would anticipate at least one working session in March. She
added that a public hearing would be held in April.
C. Commissioner attendance at National APA Conference
There was discussion regarding attendance at the National APA Conference to be held
in Seattle from April 24-28. Pentel stated that Commissioner Martens has indicated he
would like to attend this conference. He would be open to sharing the cost if any other
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
January 11, 1999
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Commissioners wish to attend. Shaffer indicated he could possibly attend but has a
potential conflict. It was decided that Martens would attend the conference in Seattle.
If Shaffer decides he wishes to attend, he will notify staff and share the cost with
IV. Adiournment
MOVED by McAleese, seconded by Kapsner and motion carried unanimously to
adjourn the meeting at 8:29p.m.