02-24-03 PC Minutes Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission February 24, 2003 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday, February 24, 2003. Chair Pentel called the meeting to order at 7 pm. Those present were Chair Pentel and Commissioners Eck, Groger, Keysser, McAleese, and Shaffer. Also present were Director of Planning and Development, Mark Grimes, City Planner, Dan Olson and Recording Secretary, Lisa Wittman. Commissioner Rasmussen was absent. I. Approval of Minutes - January 13, 2003 Planning Commission Meeting e MOVED by Eck, seconded by McAleese and motion carried unanimously to approve the January 13, 2003 minutes as submitted. II. Informal Public Hearing - Minor Subdivision (SU10-06) Applicants: Dolores Commers and David Jorstad Address: 1521 and 1523 Kaltem Lane, Golden Valley, MN Purpose: The applicants would like to redraw the property line between the two lots to correct driveway and fence encroachments. - Olson referred to a location map and pointed out where the applicants are proposing to draw the new property line. He explained that this subdivision is being requested in order to bring driveway and fence encroachments along the common property line completely onto the 1523 Kaltem Lane property. He explained that a variance from the Subdivision Code is also required for this proposal because the side yard setback requirement is not being met at 1521 Kaltem. Pentel asked if this proposal would need to go to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance waiver or if it could go straight to the City Council. Olson said that this request could straight to the Council but that if the applicant at 1521 Kaltem ever wanted to build, they would have to go the BZA for variances from the Zoning Code. He explained that the City Council would only be granting a variance from the Subdivision Code and that Staff is recommending approval of this subdivision. David Jorstad, 1523 Kaltem Lane, applicant, reiterated that the reason they are applying for this subdivision is to clear up the driveway and fence encroachments and so that there won't be problems with any potential buyers of the 1521 Kaltem Lane property. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission February 24, 2003 Page 2 Dolores Commers, 1521 Kaltern Lane, applicant, stated that she is selling her home and that her concern is that she expected this whole process to be done a long time ago and now she is worried about any problems this could cause with potential buyers. Pentel explained that this subdivision is very minor and that it would be making it a cleaner and better situation for a buyer. Shaffer added that doing a subdivision would be something visual they could show a potential buyer. Commers stated that it seemed to be the Commissions opinion that there would no problems at all with the subdivision. McAleese told Commers that the Planning Commission does not make the final decision. Grimes added that at any time she can withdraw this subdivision request. McAleese informed Commers that if her house sells before this subdivision gets finalized that she should let the City know because the new owner of the property has to become the applicant for the subdivision. e Pentel opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one Pentel closed the public hearing. MOVED by Keysser, seconded by McAleese and motion carried unanimously to approve the request to redraw the property line between the two lots to correct driveway and fence encroachments as long as the following three conditions are met: 1. The City Attorney will determine if a title review is necessary prior to approval of the final plat. 2. The Certificate of Survey submitted by the applicants, dated January 30, 2003 shall become a part of this approval. 3. The recommendations of City Engineer Jeff Oliver as found in his memo dated February 18, 2003 shall become a part of this approval. e -- Short Recess -- III. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings Grimes told the Planning Commission that the City Council has asked them to review the housing portion of the Comprehensive Plan. He said that the Council has stated that they are not entertaining a Comprehensive Plan change in the Valley Square area at this time, but that they would like the Planning Commission to review it and the overall housing plan for the entire city. Mr. Arnie Zachman who has purchased some homes in the Valley Square area was in the audience. After some discussion with the Planning Commission, Mr. Zachman agreed to put together some information on traffic counts and demographic data for his development at Medicine Lake and Highway 169 for future discussions. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission February 24, 2003 Page 3 IV. Other Business A. Presentation of Capital Improvement Program, 2003 to 2007 - Don Taylor, City Finance Director Don Taylor, Finance Director started his presentation by referring to page 22 of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). He discussed the Projected Bonded Debt Tax Rate and how the City estimated the percentage of the total tax rate for each year and how important this number is for cities. Pentel referred to the Debt Tax Rate as Percentage of Total Tax Rate of 25% and asked how Golden Valley compared with other cities. Taylor said that the 25 to 30% range is where cities like to be and that Moody's is concerned about cities ability to pay debt. e Taylor discussed LGA and Homestead credit reimbursement and stated that there is a $580,000 reduction in money from the state for 2003 if the governor's plan is approved. Groger pointed out a typographical error on page 8 in the General Fund Transfers section. Pentel referred to page 76 and stated that she thinks $25,000 for flat screen TV's for the Council Chambers is unnecessary. Grimes asked how the TV's were being funded. Taylor stated that some of the money comes from the Cable Commission. - Eck referred to page 37 and stated that $180,000 for a phone system seems excessive. Taylor explained that that amount is for replacing the phone system for the entire city. He said that the current system will be eight years old and replacement parts and current options will be outdated. Shaffer asked if that amount includes training. Taylor stated yes. Groger said that when looking through the CIP he noticed that the City seems to buy a lot of big trucks such as Suburbans and Expeditions. Taylor explained that these types of vehicles are needed for the pavement management project and other types of uses. Pentel asked if street reconstruction is done with the city's own equipment or if it is subcontracted out. Taylor stated both. Pentel asked if multiple companies bid on the projects. Taylor stated yes. Pentel asked how often the City uses the same contractor. Taylor said that there have been several projects where the same contractor has been used; if they were the low bidder. Pentel referred to page 81 and asked where the 70' x 72' storage building for salt and sand was going to be built. Taylor stated it will be built on 10th Avenue and Mendelssohn where salt and sand is currently stored and that it is being built because Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission February 24, 2003 Page 4 of concerns about run-off of these materials into the drainage system and neighboring wetlands. Pentel asked if the Joint Water Commission plans are in this CIP. Taylor stated that they are not but that there will be feasibility studies done and that three cities involved have approved the next step. Pentel referred to page 90 and asked if the City is going to work toward getting the ponds at Brookview more functional. Taylor stated yes and added that buffer strips are going to be added and that some of the work in Brookview Park is being done as a part of improving the roads in the area. Groger referred to page 91 and asked if the City saves money by delaying construction of the parking lot at Scheid Park by waiting until street reconstruction in the area. Taylor e said yes. Groger referred to page 123 and stated that he thought that the reconstruction of Golden Valley Road was going to happen sooner than 2006. Taylor explained that this project had to be delayed because of the cost of the Winnetka, Laurel and Western Ave. projects. Groger referred to page 132 and the $900,000 for flood proofing 12 homes. He asked if the owners would have to pay anything. Taylor stated that 72%% of the money comes from the Bassett Creek Water Management Commission and that the City Council has not decided on who is paying the rest of the 27%% of the money. e MOVED by Eck, seconded by McAleese and motion carried unanimously to recommend approval of the 2003-2007 Capital Improvement Program as it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. V. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.