03-22-04 PC Minutes
Regular Meeting of the
Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 22, 2004
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall
Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday
March 22, 2004. Chair Pentel called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Those present were Chair Pentel, Commissioners Eck, Groger, Keysser, McAleese and
Rasmussen. Also present were Director of Planning and Development, Mark Grimes
and Administrative Assistant, Lisa Wittman.
I. Approval of Minutes
March 8, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting
MOVED by Eck, seconded by Keysser and motion carried unanimously to approve the
March 8, 2004 minutes as submitted.
II. Informal Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - CU-1 06
Applicant: Applebee's International
Address: 5621 Duluth Street
Purpose: To allow for a bar & grill restaurant in the Commercial Zoning District.
Grimes referred to a location map and said that the Applebee's proposal would be
located at the corner of Duluth and Highway 100 in the Spring Gate Shopping Center
where the Blockbuster video store was located. He explained the applicant's request and
stated that it requires a Conditional Use Permit because it is a Class III restaurant located
in a Commercial zoning district. A Class III restaurant is defined as a restaurant with bar
service. He added that because it is a Class III restaurant it also requires more parking as
well. He said the shopping center was built in the 1960's and that Byerly's has had the
only restaurant at this location for 30. years.
Pentel asked Grimes to point out the multiple lots on this property. She asked if a cross
parking agreement exists between the Byerly's parking lot and the Spring Gate Partners
parking lot. Grimes showed the two lots that make up this parcel. He said that there is a
cross parking agreement between the two properties that make up the Spring Gate
Shopping Center. He added that if this site were developed today it probably would have
been a PUD because there are two buildings on one property.
Grimes referred to the site plans and showed a front elevation of the proposed
restaurant. He stated that the restaurant would have 157 seats and that they would be
adding a small, about 500 square feet, walk-in freezer/storage room addition on to the
back of the building which will meet setback requirements.
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March 22, 2004
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Grimes said Staffs biggest concerns were the parking lot and access to the site. He said
the City has been working with Applebee's, Byerly's and Spring Gate Partners to come to
an agreement to make improvements to the parking lot that will enhance the safety in the
area and also increase the number of parking spaces.
Grimes said the shopping center is short on parking spaces and if Byerly's and Spring
Gate Shopping Center were looked at separately, 713 parking spaces would be required
according to the City Code. He said at the current time there are 462 parking spaces on
the property. Grimes said that in order to allow a more intense user of parking to go in at
this shopping center the City hired Traffic Engineer, Glen Van Wormer to do a traffic
study. He referred to the traffic study and said that Mr. Van Wormer feels there is a peak
need for 506 parking spaces and that after the changes are made to the parking lot 30
spaces will be added which would make a total of approximately 490 to 495 parking
spaces. Grimes said he asked Mr. Van Wormer if he feels uncomfortable about being 10
to 15 spaces short. Mr. Van Wormer said he is not uncomfortable because he feels his
analysis is somewhat conservative and there are differences in peak hours of the various
businesses on the site and also because of the shared parking agreement in place.
Pentel asked if some of the existing parking spaces would be going away and asked
Grimes to show, on the parking lot plan, the parking lot configuration agreed upon at this
time. Grimes said that 30 parking spaces are being added to the overall site. He referred
to the parking lot plan and said that Staff feels that the three driveways located along the
frontage road make for a very dangerous and unsafe situation. With the development of
Applebee's which will cause more traffic, this condition should be fixed. He said Staff is
suggesting there be one driveway on the frontage road. Currently there are three. In
addition, Staff feels strongly that a sidewalk along the frontage road should extend all the
way to Duluth Street. He said another thing that was brought to his attention by Chair
Pentel is that there is not a continuous sidewalk in front of the stores in the shopping
center where Applebee's is proposed. He told the Planning Commission that they may
want to recommend a five-foot wide continuous, contiguous sidewalk in front of the stores
as another condition of approval.
Pentel stated that there is a portion of enclosed walkway in front of Walgreen's but that it
isn't open 24 hours so if there is a cross parking agreement the sidewalks should be
made accessible. Grimes said he thinks the aisles are wide enough to accommodate a
continuous sidewalk in front of the stores.
Grimes said that the request for a variance for fewer parking spaces would be going to
the Board of Zoning Appeals on March 23, 2004.
Grimes explained that if the Applebee's proposal is approved and the parking lot is
changed the park and ride located at this site would have to be eliminated. He said Staff
has suggested to Metro Transit that the MnDOT parking lot to the north across Duluth
Street be used for the park and ride lot because it is currently underutilized.
Pentel asked if there were any issues raised regarding the requirement of trash not being
picked up before 7 AM. Grimes said there is some advantage to the City in getting the
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 22, 2004
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trash haulers off the roads before rush hour, but that Byerly's and Spring Gate could work
out the schedule with their trash haulers.
He added that the owner of the Sinclair station located on the site has said he wants to
stay where he is located. He added that Byerly's is planning on doing some interior
upgrades this fall.
Rasmussen asked Grimes to show on the site plans where the new entrances and exits
will be located and how the changes would improve the flow of traffic. Grimes referred to
the site plans and showed where the new entrance on the frontage road would be and
which driveways on the frontage road would be eliminated. Rasmussen clarified that
there would only be two access points to the whole site after the changes. Grimes said
that was correct. The other access will be on Duluth Street next to Byerly's.
Pentel asked about the proposed width of the new driveway by the gas station. Grimes
said the width of the driveway will be 26 feet wide. Pentel asked if that means that the
new driveway would just be one lane in and one lane out. Grimes said that is correct and
that cars would be able stack back into the parking aisle in that area.
Groger said it seems awkward to him if the new proposed driveway would be the only
other exit on the site. He said there are going to be people coming from Byerly's and
Applebee's going all the way around to that one new driveway and if people can't exit
right away, cars would stack up. He said that traffic is going to stack up coming from
Duluth Street to Byerly's which would then block the inbound lane. This would back up
traffic on the street, and make it impossible for people to exit. He said the City seems to
be asking for some real traffic congestion at that location. He said that it doesn't seem as
though that proposed single driveway off the frontage road is going to be adequate given
that it has parking spaces all around it and there is no place for traffic waiting to exit to go
without blocking other traffic. Grimes said that the City Engineer feels that the parking lot
plan being proposed is that best the City can do with an already problematic situation.
Pentel said she is concerned about the visibility for people trying to turn left out of the
new driveway to get back to the signal light on Duluth Street. Grimes said he didn't think
the City would design the parking the way it is being proposed if it were a new
development, but this is what Mr. Van Wormer and City Engineer Oliver are
recommending and he has faith in that and that this is the best situation they can come
up with at this point in time.
Eck said that he has been to this shopping center on a number of occasions and that at
peak shopping times he has had to park in the east parking lot because the Byerly's
parking lot was totally full. He asked if Glen Van Wormer was considering the times when
both Applebee's and Byerly's would be at their peak use such as on a Friday before a
holiday. Grimes stated that Glen Van Wormer has said that you can't design a parking lot
for the peak shopping day like the day after Thanksgiving at Ridgedale. He said there
may be times when the parking is tight, but that Byerly's won't need 100% of their parking
spaces on an average day.
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March 22, 2004
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Eck asked if the City has a number of liquor licenses available and if there is one
available for this Applebee's proposal. Grimes said yes.
Rasmussen asked Grimes if he has any data regarding the number of people who use
the exit closest to Byerly's and how many people go to the intersection with the signal.
She referred to the exit onto Duluth Street and asked Grimes if he thinks that is a safe
exit. Grimes explained that Duluth Street is a County road and that they haven't felt the
need for a traffic signal at that location. He added that he believes people going to
Applebee's will use the new entrance and not go all the way around to the entrance by
Byerly's and through the parking lot to get there.
Rasmussen asked if other uses in the shopping center could turn over without requiring a
Conditional Use Permit. Grimes said yes and that he wrote in his staff report that no
additional restaurants could go in that shopping center without an amended Conditional
Use Permit. He said it is hard to control a use when it is allowed by the Zoning Code but
he thinks most retail business are concerned about the amount of parking and don't want
to go into a shopping center that doesn't have enough parking.
Pentel referred to the existing driveway at the top of the curve on the frontage road and
said that if that entrance was left open and the others on the frontage road were closed
that it would allow for better visibility and a straight shot into the parking lot. She referred
to the triangular piece of land that will be left in the Gorner, by the new entrance, when the
project is done and said that would be an opportune time to do some landscaping.
Grimes said that the City is paying for the landscaping and the improvements in the right-
of-way area because Staff feels strongly that these proposed changes are safety
improvements that should be made.
Pentel asked if there would be screening required between the shopping center parking
lot and the apartment building to the south. Grimes said no, but that there are some trees
already there and he is suggesting they screen the trash dumpsters.
Pentel noted that the east side of the parking lot where Blockbuster was located has
been used for snow storage. She said that she would like a condition of approval added
to their recommendation that there be no snow storage allowed on this lot. Grimes
agreed because they will need that space for parking. McAleese added that at one time,
cars couldn't park in the spaces in this area because water would collect. Grimes said he
thinks there have been some drainage improvements done and that if there is a problem
they'll have to come up with a solution. He said he knows there are issues with parking
but overall he thinks having Applebee's at the shopping center will help energize it. He
said the question is if it can be done without a negative impact on the center itself and the
neighborhood. He said that the City feels this proposal provides better access and
improves the safety in this area.
Groger said he is not sure if Mr. Van Wormer uses this parking lot on a regular basis but
for those who live west of the shopping center and need to exit turning to the left this
proposal could be disastrous. He referred to the entrance in front of Byerly's and said that
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 22, 2004
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it is a dangerous place to pull out. He said traffic often times stacks up and it blocks
coming in and going out so he always goes around and uses the exit where there is a
signal light. He said he thinks having a single exit all the way over on the other end of the
parking lot is going to be asking for a lot of problems and it will increase the amount of
traffic trying to exit by the driveway in front Byerly's which will make that situation a whole
lot worse. He added that he is not at all pleased with the proposed plan and that he
thinks it could be much better. He referred to the freezer/storage addition being proposed
and said that right now that area is used as an access road for trucks. He stated that the
addition would make that drive aisle awfully tight and asked Grimes if the truck traffic was
taken into consideration. Grimes said truck traffic was taken into consideration and that
Staff feels there will be adequate access around the back of the building.
Keysser asked about the location of the other potential park and ride site that Grimes
discussed earlier and asked how many park and ride spaces there are currently. Grimes
said he is willing to work with Metro Transit to help move the park and ride over to the
MnDOT site and that there is about 40 parking spaces designated for the park and ride
right now at the shopping center. He added that there is no obligation by the shopping
center to provide the space for the park and ride program.
McAleese asked about the final plan for the intersection on Duluth Street and if a center
median is planned because he has noticed people going westbound cutting through the
gas station and going to the frontage road. Grimes said he believes there is a median
planned for Duluth Street.
Pentel said she goes to this shopping center several times a day and she is really
concerned about the number of exits being proposed and about having lots of stacking
issues. Grimes said that the City Engineer, Jeff Oliver was in the building at a different
meeting and suggested that he corne in and talk to them about the proposed changes to
the parking lot.
Steve Canada, Real Estate Manager, representing Applebee's, stated that Applebee's is
the world's largest casual dining restaurant chain under the same name. He said that
they currently have 1,600 restaurants and that they are looking forward to being a part of
Golden Valley. He said Applebee's own parking standard for this size of a restaurant if it
were free standing would be 85 parking spaces and that Golden Valley's would be 110
parking spaces. He said that they would not be taking this location and putting money
into it if they didn't think the parking would work or if the restaurant wouldn't be
successful. He added and that this proposal is a big investment and that they do their
Pentel asked Canada about the hours of operation. Canada said they would open at
10:30 AM and close at 11 PM or midnight on weekends if the business is warranted.
Pentel said she was at the Applebee's located on 42nd Avenue in New Hope and that
she had to leave because the air was too smokey. She asked what kind of smoke
extractors would be used at this location. Canada said he doesn't know why there was a
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 22, 2004
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problem at that restaurant because all of their restaurants have a separate smoke
extraction system designed to pull out the smoke located above the smoking section.
Pentel asked where the customer "pick-up" area would be located on the site. Canada
referred to the site plan and said the "to-go" spaces would be on the east side of the
Rasmussen asked what percentage of the restaurant allows for smoking. Canada said
smoking is only permitted in the bar area which is 38 seats and that the whole system is
designed to pull the smoke out of the restaurant.
Pentel opened the public hearing.
Marilyn Clayten, 5725 Westbrook Road, said she uses this shopping center every day of
the week and has used the park and ride program for 10 years and that there are more
than 40 spaces designated for the park and ride. She said that a couple of years ago she
tried negotiating with MnDOT to have the park and ride in their parking lot but they didn't
do it. She said she believes in public transportation and she thinks the City should be
looking very hard at getting cars off Highway 55 and Highway 100. She referred to the
parking spaces on the east side and said that she knows Byerly's employees park there
and walk to the store and that she sees this parking lot plan as a nightmare. She stated
that she would not eat at Applebee's and that she would like to see something more
creative or independent at this location. She added that she is not in favor of the proposal
and that she doesn't see it as a real plus for that corner.
Pentel said she also knows that Byerly's employees are asked to park on the east side of
the parking lot. Grimes said he also knew that and in terms of the park and ride he is sure
there are more like 50 people who use it. He added that he has been there a number of
times lately and there are very few cars parked on the east side.
Canada stated that the lease with the landlord is for 25 park and ride spaces. He added
that Applebee's was going to let the park and ride area stay where it is, but when parking
on the site became an issue it was decided that the spaces being used for the park and
ride were needed.
Pentel said she thinks the park and ride is critical and that it is unfortunate that the
existing park and ride situation is located on a private commercial lot. Grimes said that he
has talked to Golden Valley's Metro Transit representative and that they are willing to
relocate the park and ride location but that MnDOT hasn't been willing to have it at their
location. Rasmussen said she thinks it is critical to move the park and ride out of this
parking lot before Applebee's goes in because there will be no time when someone can
draw the line and say now it is time to move it. Grimes agreed and said obviously Spring
Gate has been a good citizen by allowing it and providing for it up until this time. Groger
asked if there is a sidewalk going to the MnDOT parking lot. Grimes said that one would
have to be built and the City would have to be sure there is a crosswalk, or the bus could
make a detour to go into the MnDOT parking lot.
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March 22, 2004
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Tony Rosell, Property Manager at United Properties, representing Spring Gate Partners,
clarified that changing the number of exits on the site was proposed by the City as a
safety issue and not to add more parking.
Groger asked Rosell if he sees any problems with the property regarding the traffic flow
and having just the two proposed exits. Rosell said he is not an expert on traffic issues,
that Glen Van Wormer is an expert and has put this plan together. He said they trust Mr.
Van Wormer and Mark Grimes in what they are propsing.
Pentel asked Rosell if he followed Grimes approach when he was discussing the
installation of a continuous, contiguous sidewalk. Rosell said the landlord agrees in
concept and is willing to look in to it.
e Adam Brookins, 4725 Marie Lane East, said he likes the idea of Applebee's going in at
this location and thinks the whole shopping center would be utilized more if Applebee's is
there but he is concerned about driver's visibility with the fences that are at the Sinclair
station. He said it seems like it would make more sense to have the new entrance in the
corner at the top of the curve in the frontage road even it means losing parking spaces.
Pentel asked Grimes to see if Jeff Oliver would be available to come in and talk to the
Planning Commission about the proposed changes to the site.
City Engineer, Jeff Oliver came in to the Council Chambers to answer questions from the
Planning Commission about the proposed parking lot recommendations.
Pentel asked what could be done with the triangular piece of property being created by
moving the existing entrance at the top of the curve down. Oliver said it hasn't been
determined yet but that it could be an opportunity for some landscaping. Grimes asked
Oliver if the City owns that triangular property. Oliver said the highway department owns it
so the City would need their permission to do landscaping in that location.
Pen tel explained that the Commission is concerned about the adequate width of the
entrances, the ability for adequate stacking room and the fact that there are only going to
be two entrances in and out and that both of them are uncontrolled. She said there is
also concern about there being adequate site lines from the new entrance being
proposed across from the gas station.
Oliver explained that one of the first things staff looks at when reviewing a development
proposal is if there is a less than desirable situation that needs to be fixed. He said there
is a great number of turning movement conflicts regarding traffic in this area. He
explained that staff also looked at the sidewalks and that there is a wholly developed
sidewalk system on both sides of Duluth Street but there is a hole in the City's pedestrian
system in a high pedestrian use area. He stated that people from the Courage Center to
east use this shopping center frequently and that there are no amenities to make it safe
and no accommodations for wheelchairs.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
March 22, 2004
Page 8
Oliver explained that an entrance at the top of the curve on the frontage road was not put
in the plan because it resulted in a loss of parking and there are visibility concerns and
continuing concern for operations and conflicts in this location. Also, for people who don't
know the area, they think they are in the parking lot when they're on the frontage road.
He said that by placing the driveway where it is proposed, adequate site lines are
maintained through the curve and it lines up straight into the parking lot. He said there is
still access off Duluth Street with a left turn lane for west bound traffic and a right turn
lane in, so there is immediate access to the Byerly's site, a gain of parking spaces, and a
dramatic decrease in the potential conflict points particularly for pedestrians and hopefully
a great reduction in the number of accidents.
Pentel asked how the proposed sidewalk addition would improve safety for people who
are in wheelchairs in regard to getting into the parking lot, moving within the site and
getting up to the buildings. Oliver explained that they can cross the street on the west
side, go up a parking aisle and be able to use the sidewalk system and be able get out of
the roadway on north part of the frontage road. Oliver said pedestrians should always
cross the street at an intersection. He added that developing additional pedestrian
connections inside the parking lot is something the City can look at with the developers
but that the City will be able to put in sidewalk with handicap ramps that will connect to
the new driveway entrance.
Pentel said she wants to have a continuous, contiguous sidewalk in front of all the stores
and asked how that would be done. Oliver said that hasn't been determined yet.
Keysser referred to the entrance coming in off of Duluth Street in front of Byerly's and
said that a lot of pressure will be put on the traffic at that entrance because of the closing
of the other exits. Oliver said he thinks people who use that access to the site now will
continue to use. He said that entrance was looked at as part of the overall site study and
there was not a significant increase in the use of that entrance, there will be some
increase but not a dramatic increase. Groger said he would doubt that. Oliver said he
thinks most people, particularly people going westbound, are more comfortable making a
left turn at a signal and that the vast majority of people will continue to access the site at
the signalized intersection.
Groger referred to the same entrance and said that it is a really bad traffic spot and that
the traffic really stacks up. He said he as seen a lot of accidents on Duluth and none yet
on the frontage road. He added that he thinks there is too much emphasis on safety on
the frontage road and not enough on Duluth Street and that this plan adds to the
problems on Duluth Street.
Oliver explained that this project is dealing with two distinct properties with two separate
parking lots and that the shopping center that houses Byerly's is a different property than
the one Applebee's is proposing to go into. He said this plan is a solution to a problem
that is immediately associated with the Applebee's proposal and when the opportunity
arises the City will fully evaluate the access at Duluth Street. Groger said because there
is a shared parking arrangement, and because the ingress and egress to Byerly's is
changing they have to look at it as one proposal and not separate them.
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March 22, 2004
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Oliver said that Byerly's is working with the City to better the overall safety for the entire
shopping center. He said the City has concerns about that intersection and when the time
comes with Byerly's the City will take to opportunity to make improvements to the parking
lot and the intersection on the west side.
Clayten asked if the drive aisles are going to be one-way or two-way. Oliver said the
current situation will be maintained and all of the aisles will have adequate width for
backing out and for two-way traffic.
Pentel asked if the Fire Department is ok with access on the site. Oliver said that they
have reviewed the proposal.
Hearing and seeing no one, Pentel closed the public hearing.
Groger said that he has no problem with Applebee's being located at the shopping center
or with the number of parking spaces being proposed and that he thinks there is ample
parking on the east end and that Applebee's will probably energize the shopping center.
He said his biggest concern is the access in and out of the site. He said he has seen so
many problems at the front of Byerly's and that it really needs to be looked at as one
large parcel and not separately.
Grimes asked Groger if he would recommend leaving the parking lot the way it is. Groger
said something needs to be done to improve the driveway situation in and out of Byerly's.
He said his preference would be to still have another exit, perhaps in the second parking
aisle even though it's close to the intersection. He said it seems to work and gives people
a much better exit point coming out of Byerly's and encourages them to use the
signalized intersection. He said he doesn't think this plan is going to help and he thinks it
e is going to make it worse.
Pentel said she agrees that this proposed parking plan does not have enough entrances
and exits out of the parking lot. She said she would like to add two conditions of approval,
one is that no storage of snow can occur on the site and the other is that there will be a
continuous, contiguous sidewalk of at least five feet in depth constructed along the entire
front of the entire building owned by Spring Gate Partners.
Grimes said he would talk to Glen Van Wormer and let him know that several of the
Planning Commissioners go to this site a lot and are concerned about the proposed
parking lot changes and that they feel one additional exit would be desirable and that the
driveway on Duluth Street should be looked at with the County.
Pentel said she wasn't sure how they will convey to the Council what issues the Planning
Commission sees as important.
Keysser suggested having the traffic consultant look at this proposal again. Grimes said
the Planning Commission could ask that Glen Van Wormer look at the site one more time
before it goes to the City Council.
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March 22, 2004
Page 10
Pentel suggested some sort of entrance feature, or landscaping at the curve in the
frontage road so that people know when they've entered the parking lot off of the
frontage road. This would be built on City property.
Keysser asked if having Glen Van Wormer re-Iook at study should also be made a
condition of approval. Pentel said that condition number 15 could be that the parking will
be re-evaluated taking into account the Planning Commission's concerns. She added that
maybe some field study needs to be done.
Rasmussen said she thinks Golden Valley really needs another restaurant and that it is a
great addition. She said that after Jeff Oliver explained Glen Van Wormers plan that she
thinks this parking lot proposal is the best that the City can do with a bad situation.
e MOVED by Rasmussen to approve Applebee's request for a Conditional Use Permit, the
motion was seconded by Keysser.
Groger asked where this approval would leave the park and riders. Grimes said the City
doesn't have an obligation to the park and ride users, other than a moral one and that he
will work with Metro Transit to help get it relocated.
Groger suggested that maybe at peak periods Byerly's could work out an agreement with
the office building behind them for their employee parking. Grimes agreed.
Rasmussen suggested having a sign in the parking lot telling people where the proposed
entrances and exits will be so they don't have to do it by self discovery. Grimes said he
could maybe work with Cheryl Weiler, the Communications Director for the City to put
somesignage up or to do a brochure to help make people aware of the changes coming.
McAleese said he is concerned about a slightly broader issue which is the intersection of
Duluth Street and the frontage road. He said for people who live north of Byerly's it is very
difficult to make left hand turns as they are coming southbound on the frontage wanting
to turn left to go on Highway 100. Grimes asked if McAleese thinks there's just not
enough green time at the signal light. McAleese said yes, he doesn't think there is
enough green time at the light and that it is unusual to be able to get one or two cars
through the light. He added that this Applebee's proposal has to be sensitive to that
intersection. Grimes said he thinks the County hasn't got all the bugs worked out with the
signal lights at that intersection.
Pentel said she wanted to reiterate that there be some landscaping put in this project.
Pentel stated that a motion had been made and seconded and asked the Commissioners
to vote. The vote was unanimous to approve Applebee's request for a Conditional Use
Permit to operate a grill and bar restaurant at 5621 Duluth Street located in the
Commercial zoning district, subject to the following conditions:
1. The site plans prepared by Landform and dated December 12, 2004 shall become a
part of this approval. However, the design of the parking lot and access points from the
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March 22, 2004
Page 11
frontage road is to be changed as indicated in one of the conditions below. The
preliminary building elevations and floor plan submitted by Applebee's and dated
11/19/03 shall also become a part of this approval.
2. The recommendations of City Engineer Jeff Oliver, PE, in his memo to Mark Grimes,
Director of Planning and Development and dated February 27, 2004 shall become a
part of this approval.
3. The Traffic and Parking Study prepared by SEH and dated January 28, 2004 shall
become a part of this approval. Two letters prepared by Glen Van Wormer of SEH
dated February 19, 2004 and March 16, 2004 shall also become a part of this
approval. The revised parking lot layout attached to the March 16, 2004 letter shall be
considered the recommended layout for the Spring Gate Shopping Center by the City.
Prior to approval of the CUP by the City Council, an agreement between Spring Gate
Partners, Byerly's and the City of Golden Valley must be signed that stipulates the
necessary improvements and who is responsible for their construction and its cost. If
possible, all improvements shall be completed prior to the opening of Applebee's. In no
case, shall the improvements be made later than August 1, 2004.
4. The recommendations of Ed Anderson, Deputy Fire Marshal, in his memo to Mark
Grimes, Director of Planning and Development, dated January 22, 2004 shall become
a part of this approval.
5. Any signage for the building and site shall meet the requirements of the current City
sign code.
6. Any additional outdoor lighting shall be designed and used in such a manner as to
minimize unnecessary light spillover from the site. All lighting plans shall be approved
by the Building Official.
7. The variances requested by Applebee's must be acted on by the Board of Zoning
Appeals before this recommendation is sent to the City Council for action.
8. The park and ride lot be relocated prior to the opening of Applebee's.
9. No additional restaurant space can be added to the Spring Gate Shopping Center
without a variance or amended CUP.
10. Trash removal shall not occur at Spring Gate Shopping Center until after 7 AM.
11. All other state, local and federal requirements shall be met.
12. Failure to comply with one or more of the above conditions shall be grounds for
revocation of the CUP.
13. The storage of snow will not be allowed on this property.
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March 22, 2004
Page 12
14. There will be a continuous, contiguous sidewalk of not less than five feet in width
constructed along the front of all of the stores in the Spring Gate Shopping Center.
15. Traffic Engineer, Glen Van Wormer will review the proposed parking lot plan one more
time before it goes to the City Council for approval.
-- Short Recess --
III. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City
Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings
There were not other meeting discussed.
Other Business
Grimes stated that new Planning Commission members are going to be appointed soon.
Pentel said she wants to be sure that the new members get some planning commission
training materials.
McAleese referred to the election of officers, usually done in March, and suggested the
Planning Commission table the election of officers until the new commission members
MOVED by Les, seconded by Keysser and motion carried unanimously to table the
election of officers until after the new commission members are appointed.
Grimes informed the Commission that the revisions they made to the PUD Ordinance are
still being reviewed by Planning Consultant, Bill Thibault.
V. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.